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25 //
26 // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
27 // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA and Helsinki Institute of Physics
28 // Davide Mancusi, CEA
29 // Alain Boudard, CEA
30 // Sylvie Leray, CEA
31 // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege
32 //
33 #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1
35 #include "globals.hh"
37 /** \file G4INCLCascadeAction.hh
38  * \brief Class containing default actions to be performed at intermediate cascade steps
39  *
40  * \date 22nd October 2013
41  * \author Davide Mancusi
42  */
47 #include "G4INCLIAvatar.hh"
48 #include "G4INCLNucleus.hh"
49 #include "G4INCLFinalState.hh"
51 #include "G4INCLIAvatar.hh"
52 #include "G4INCLConfig.hh"
54 namespace G4INCL {
56  class CascadeAction {
57  // class INCL must be a friend because it needs to call private methods
58  friend class INCL;
60  public:
61  CascadeAction();
62  virtual ~CascadeAction();
64  virtual void beforeRunUserAction(Config const *) {}
67  virtual void beforeAvatarUserAction(IAvatar *, Nucleus *) {}
70  virtual void afterCascadeUserAction(Nucleus *) {}
71  virtual void afterRunUserAction() {}
73  private:
74  // These four methods should be private because the user must not be
75  // allowed to override them
76  void beforeRunAction(Config const *config);
77  void beforeCascadeAction(IPropagationModel *);
78  void beforePropagationAction(IPropagationModel *pm);
79  void beforeAvatarAction(IAvatar *a, Nucleus *n);
80  void afterAvatarAction(IAvatar *a, Nucleus *n, FinalState *fs);
81  void afterPropagationAction(IPropagationModel *pm, IAvatar *avatar);
82  void afterCascadeAction(Nucleus *);
83  void afterRunAction();
85  void beforeRunDefaultAction(Config const *config);
86  void beforeCascadeDefaultAction(IPropagationModel *pm);
87  void beforePropagationDefaultAction(IPropagationModel *pm);
88  void beforeAvatarDefaultAction(IAvatar *a, Nucleus *n);
89  void afterAvatarDefaultAction(IAvatar *a, Nucleus *n, FinalState *fs);
90  void afterPropagationDefaultAction(IPropagationModel *pm, IAvatar *avatar);
91  void afterCascadeDefaultAction(Nucleus *);
92  void afterRunDefaultAction();
94  private: // data members
95  long stepCounter;
96  };
98 }
virtual void beforeAvatarUserAction(IAvatar *, Nucleus *)
virtual void beforeCascadeUserAction(IPropagationModel *)
virtual void afterRunUserAction()
const G4int n
virtual void afterPropagationUserAction(IPropagationModel *, IAvatar *)
virtual void afterAvatarUserAction(IAvatar *, Nucleus *, FinalState *)
virtual void beforePropagationUserAction(IPropagationModel *)
virtual void beforeRunUserAction(Config const *)
virtual void afterCascadeUserAction(Nucleus *)