G4QHadron Class Reference

#include <G4QHadron.hh>

Inheritance diagram for G4QHadron:

G4QCandidate G4QNucleus

Public Member Functions

 G4QHadron ()
 G4QHadron (G4LorentzVector p)
 G4QHadron (G4int PDGcode, G4LorentzVector p=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.))
 G4QHadron (G4QPDGCode QPDG, G4LorentzVector p=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.))
 G4QHadron (G4QContent QC, G4LorentzVector p=G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.))
 G4QHadron (G4int PDG, G4double m, G4QContent QC)
 G4QHadron (G4QPDGCode QPDG, G4double m, G4QContent QC)
 G4QHadron (G4int PDG, G4LorentzVector p, G4QContent QC)
 G4QHadron (G4QPDGCode QPDG, G4LorentzVector p, G4QContent QC)
 G4QHadron (G4QParticle *pPart, G4double maxM)
 G4QHadron (const G4QHadron &right)
 G4QHadron (const G4QHadron *right)
 G4QHadron (const G4QHadron *right, G4int ColC, G4ThreeVector Pos, G4LorentzVector Mom)
virtual ~G4QHadron ()
const G4QHadronoperator= (const G4QHadron &right)
G4bool operator== (const G4QHadron &right) const
G4bool operator!= (const G4QHadron &right) const
G4int GetPDGCode () const
G4int GetQCode () const
G4QPDGCode GetQPDG () const
G4double GetSpin () const
G4LorentzVector Get4Momentum () const
G4ThreeVector Get3Momentum () const
G4double GetEnergy () const
G4QContent GetQC () const
G4double GetMass () const
G4double GetMass2 () const
G4double GetWidth () const
G4int GetNFragments () const
G4int GetCharge () const
G4int GetStrangeness () const
G4int GetBaryonNumber () const
const G4ThreeVectorGetPosition () const
G4double GetBindingEnergy ()
G4double GetFormationTime ()
std::list< G4QParton * > GetColor ()
std::list< G4QParton * > GetAntiColor ()
void SetQPDG (const G4QPDGCode &QPDG)
void SetPDGCode (const G4QPDGCode &PDG)
void Set4Momentum (const G4LorentzVector &aMom)
void SetQC (const G4QContent &newQC)
void SetNFragments (const G4int &nf)
void NegPDGCode ()
void MakeAntiHadron ()
void SetPosition (const G4ThreeVector &aPosition)
void IncrementCollisionCount (G4int aCount)
void SplitUp ()
G4QPartonPairSplitInTwoPartons ()
G4QPartonGetNextParton ()
G4QPartonGetNextAntiParton ()
void SetBindingEnergy (G4double aBindE)
void Boost (const G4LorentzVector &theBoost)
void Boost (const G4ThreeVector &B)
void LorentzRotate (const G4LorentzRotation &rotation)
void SetFormationTime (G4double fT)
G4double RandomizeMass (G4QParticle *pPart, G4double maxM)
G4bool TestRealNeutral ()
G4bool DecayIn2 (G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom)
G4bool CorMDecayIn2 (G4double corM, G4LorentzVector &fr4Mom)
G4bool CorEDecayIn2 (G4double corE, G4LorentzVector &fr4Mom)
G4bool RelDecayIn2 (G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double maxCost=1., G4double minCost=-1.)
G4bool CopDecayIn2 (G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double cop)
G4bool DecayIn3 (G4LorentzVector &f4Mom, G4LorentzVector &s4Mom, G4LorentzVector &t4Mom)
G4bool RelDecayIn3 (G4LorentzVector &fh4M, G4LorentzVector &sh4M, G4LorentzVector &th4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double maxCost=1., G4double minCost=-1.)
G4bool CopDecayIn3 (G4LorentzVector &fh4M, G4LorentzVector &sh4M, G4LorentzVector &th4Mom, G4LorentzVector &dir, G4double cosp)
void Init3D ()

Protected Attributes

G4LorentzVector theMomentum

Detailed Description

Definition at line 52 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G4QHadron::G4QHadron (  ) 

Definition at line 57 of file G4QHadron.cc.

Referenced by G4QNucleus::ChooseNucleons(), CopDecayIn3(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaDiN(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange(), G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayIsonucleus(), G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBaryon(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(), G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus(), G4QNucleus::operator=(), and RelDecayIn3().

00057                     : theMomentum(0.,0.,0.,0.), theQPDG(0), valQ(0,0,0,0,0,0), nFragm(0),
00058   thePosition(0.,0.,0.), theCollisionCount(0), isSplit(false), Direction(true),
00059   Color(), AntiColor(), bindE(0.), formTime(0.) {}

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( G4LorentzVector  p  ) 

Definition at line 61 of file G4QHadron.cc.

00061                                      : theMomentum(p), theQPDG(0), valQ(0,0,0,0,0,0),
00062   nFragm(0), thePosition(0.,0.,0.), theCollisionCount(0), isSplit(false), Direction(true),
00063   Color(), AntiColor(), bindE(0.), formTime(0.) {}

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( G4int  PDGcode,
G4LorentzVector  p = G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.) 

Definition at line 66 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, G4QPDGCode::GetMass(), GetQCode(), G4QPDGCode::GetQuarkContent(), and theMomentum.

00066                                                     : theMomentum(p), theQPDG(PDGCode),
00067   nFragm(0),thePosition(0.,0.,0.),theCollisionCount(0),isSplit(false),Direction(true),
00068   Color(), AntiColor(), bindE(0.), formTime(0.)
00069 {
00070 #ifdef debug
00071   G4cout<<"G4QHadron must be created with PDG="<<PDGCode<<", 4M="<<p<<G4endl;
00072 #endif
00073   if(GetQCode()>-1)
00074   {
00075     if(theMomentum.e()==0.) theMomentum.setE(theQPDG.GetMass());
00076     valQ=theQPDG.GetQuarkContent();
00077   }
00078   else if(PDGCode>80000000) DefineQC(PDGCode);
00079   else G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron:(P) PDG="<<PDGCode<<", use other constructor"<<G4endl;
00080 #ifdef debug
00081   G4cout<<"G4QHadron is created with QCode="<<GetQCode()<<", QC="<<valQ<<G4endl;
00082 #endif
00083 }

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( G4QPDGCode  QPDG,
G4LorentzVector  p = G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.) 

Definition at line 86 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References G4cerr, G4endl, G4QPDGCode::GetMass(), G4QPDGCode::GetPDGCode(), G4QPDGCode::GetQCode(), G4QPDGCode::GetQuarkContent(), and theMomentum.

00086                                                       : theMomentum(p), theQPDG(QPDG),
00087   nFragm(0), thePosition(0.,0.,0.), theCollisionCount(0), isSplit(false), Direction(true),
00088   Color(), AntiColor(), bindE(0.), formTime(0.)
00089 {
00090   if(theQPDG.GetQCode()>-1)
00091   {
00092     if(theMomentum.e()==0.) theMomentum.setE(theQPDG.GetMass());
00093     valQ=theQPDG.GetQuarkContent();
00094   }
00095   else
00096   {
00097     G4int cPDG=theQPDG.GetPDGCode();
00098     if(cPDG>80000000) DefineQC(cPDG);
00099     else G4cerr<<"***G4QHadr:(QP) PDG="<<cPDG<<" use other constructor"<<G4endl;
00100   }
00101 }

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( G4QContent  QC,
G4LorentzVector  p = G4LorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.) 

Definition at line 104 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References G4QContent::GetBaryonNumber(), G4QContent::GetSPDGCode(), G4QContent::GetZNSPDGCode(), G4QPDGCode::InitByQCont(), and G4QPDGCode::SetPDGCode().

00104                                                     : theMomentum(p),theQPDG(0),valQ(QC),
00105   nFragm(0), thePosition(0.,0.,0.), theCollisionCount(0), isSplit(false), Direction(true),
00106   Color(), AntiColor(), bindE(0.), formTime(0.)
00107 {
00108   G4int curPDG=valQ.GetSPDGCode();
00109   if(curPDG==10&&valQ.GetBaryonNumber()>0) curPDG=valQ.GetZNSPDGCode();
00110   if(curPDG&&curPDG!=10) theQPDG.SetPDGCode(curPDG);
00111   else theQPDG.InitByQCont(QC);
00112 }

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( G4int  PDG,
G4double  m,
G4QContent  QC 

Definition at line 114 of file G4QHadron.cc.

00114                                                                  :
00115   theMomentum(0.,0.,0.,aMass), theQPDG(PDGCode), valQ(QC), nFragm(0),thePosition(0.,0.,0.),
00116   theCollisionCount(0), isSplit(false), Direction(true), Color(), AntiColor(), bindE(0.),
00117   formTime(0.)
00118 {}

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( G4QPDGCode  QPDG,
G4double  m,
G4QContent  QC 

Definition at line 120 of file G4QHadron.cc.

00120                                                                    :
00121   theMomentum(0.,0.,0.,aMass), theQPDG(QPDG), valQ(QC), nFragm(0), thePosition(0.,0.,0.),
00122   theCollisionCount(0), isSplit(false), Direction(true), Color(), AntiColor(), bindE(0.),
00123   formTime(0.)
00124 {}

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( G4int  PDG,
G4LorentzVector  p,
G4QContent  QC 

Definition at line 126 of file G4QHadron.cc.

00126                                                                     : theMomentum(p),
00127   theQPDG(PDGCode), valQ(QC), nFragm(0), thePosition(0.,0.,0.), theCollisionCount(0),
00128   isSplit(false), Direction(true), Color(), AntiColor(), bindE(0.), formTime(0.)
00129 {}

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( G4QPDGCode  QPDG,
G4LorentzVector  p,
G4QContent  QC 

Definition at line 131 of file G4QHadron.cc.

00131                                                                       : theMomentum(p),
00132   theQPDG(QPDG), valQ(QC), nFragm(0), thePosition(0.,0.,0.), theCollisionCount(0),
00133   isSplit(false), Direction(true), Color(), AntiColor(), bindE(0.), formTime(0.)
00134 {}

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( G4QParticle pPart,
G4double  maxM 

Definition at line 136 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, G4QPDGCode::GetPDGCode(), G4QPDGCode::GetQuarkContent(), RandomizeMass(), and theMomentum.

00136                                                       : theMomentum(0.,0.,0.,0.),
00137   theQPDG(pPart->GetQPDG()), nFragm(0), thePosition(0.,0.,0.), theCollisionCount(0),
00138   isSplit(false), Direction(true), Color(), AntiColor(), bindE(0.), formTime(0.)
00139 {
00140 #ifdef debug
00141   G4cout<<"G4QHadron is created & randomized with maxM="<<maxM<<G4endl;
00142 #endif
00143   G4int PDGCode = theQPDG.GetPDGCode();
00144   if(PDGCode<2)G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron:(M) PDGC="<<PDGCode<<" use other constructor"<<G4endl;
00145   valQ=theQPDG.GetQuarkContent();
00146   theMomentum.setE(RandomizeMass(pPart, maxM));
00147 }

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( const G4QHadron right  ) 

Definition at line 149 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References bindE, Direction, formTime, nFragm, theMomentum, thePosition, theQPDG, and valQ.

00150 {
00151   theMomentum         = right.theMomentum;
00152   theQPDG             = right.theQPDG;
00153   valQ                = right.valQ;
00154   nFragm              = right.nFragm;
00155   thePosition         = right.thePosition;      
00156   theCollisionCount   = 0;
00157   isSplit             = false;
00158   Direction           = right.Direction;
00159   bindE               = right.bindE;
00160   formTime            = right.formTime;
00161 }

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( const G4QHadron right  ) 

Definition at line 163 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References bindE, Direction, formTime, nFragm, theMomentum, thePosition, theQPDG, and valQ.

00164 {
00165   theMomentum         = right->theMomentum;
00166   theQPDG             = right->theQPDG;
00167   valQ                = right->valQ;
00168   nFragm              = right->nFragm;
00169   thePosition         = right->thePosition;      
00170   theCollisionCount   = 0;
00171   isSplit             = false;
00172   Direction           = right->Direction;
00173   bindE               = right->bindE;
00174   formTime            = right->formTime;
00175 }

G4QHadron::G4QHadron ( const G4QHadron right,
G4int  ColC,
G4ThreeVector  Pos,
G4LorentzVector  Mom 

Definition at line 177 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References bindE, Direction, formTime, nFragm, theMomentum, theQPDG, and valQ.

00178 {
00179   theMomentum         = M;
00180   theQPDG             = right->theQPDG;
00181   valQ                = right->valQ;
00182   nFragm              = right->nFragm;
00183   thePosition         = P;      
00184   theCollisionCount   = C;
00185   isSplit             = false;
00186   Direction           = right->Direction;
00187   bindE               = right->bindE;
00188   formTime            = right->formTime;
00189 }

G4QHadron::~G4QHadron (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 208 of file G4QHadron.cc.

00209 {
00210   std::list<G4QParton*>::iterator ipos = Color.begin();
00211   std::list<G4QParton*>::iterator epos = Color.end();
00212   for( ; ipos != epos; ipos++) {delete [] *ipos;}
00213   Color.clear();
00215   ipos = AntiColor.begin();
00216   epos = AntiColor.end();
00217   for( ; ipos != epos; ipos++) {delete [] *ipos;}
00218   AntiColor.clear();
00219 }

Member Function Documentation

void G4QHadron::Boost ( const G4ThreeVector B  )  [inline]

Definition at line 111 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References theMomentum.

00111 {theMomentum.boost(B);} // Boosts 4-Momentum using v/c

void G4QHadron::Boost ( const G4LorentzVector theBoost  ) 

Definition at line 1293 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References theMomentum.

Referenced by G4QNucleus::DoLorentzBoost().

01294 {  
01295   // see CERNLIB short writeup U101 for the algorithm
01296   G4double bm=boost4M.mag();
01297   G4double factor=(theMomentum.vect()*boost4M.vect()/(boost4M.e()+bm)-theMomentum.e())/bm;
01298   theMomentum.setE(theMomentum.dot(boost4M)/bm);
01299   theMomentum.setVect(factor*boost4M.vect() + theMomentum.vect());
01300 } // End of Boost

G4bool G4QHadron::CopDecayIn2 ( G4LorentzVector f4Mom,
G4LorentzVector s4Mom,
G4LorentzVector dir,
G4double  cop 

Definition at line 420 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, G4UniformRand, and theMomentum.

Referenced by CopDecayIn3().

00422 {
00423   G4double fM2 = f4Mom.m2();
00424   G4double fM  = sqrt(fM2);              // Mass of the 1st Hadron
00425   G4double sM2 = s4Mom.m2();
00426   G4double sM  = sqrt(sM2);              // Mass of the 2nd Hadron
00427   G4double iM2 = theMomentum.m2();
00428   G4double iM  = sqrt(iM2);              // Mass of the decaying hadron
00429   G4double vP  = theMomentum.rho();      // Momentum of the decaying hadron
00430   G4double dE  = theMomentum.e();        // Energy of the decaying hadron
00431   G4bool neg=false;                // Negative (backward) distribution of t
00432   if(cosp<0)
00433   {
00434     cosp=-cosp;
00435     neg=true;
00436   }
00437   if(dE<vP)
00438   {
00439     G4cerr<<"***G4QHad::CopDecIn2: Tachionic 4-mom="<<theMomentum<<", E-p="<<dE-vP<<G4endl;
00440     G4double accuracy=.000001*vP;
00441     G4double emodif=std::fabs(dE-vP);
00442     //if(emodif<accuracy)
00443     //{
00444       G4cerr<<"G4QHadron::CopDecIn2: *Boost* E-p shift is corrected to "<<emodif<<G4endl;
00445       theMomentum.setE(vP+emodif+.01*accuracy);
00446     //}
00447   }
00448   G4ThreeVector ltb = theMomentum.boostVector();// Boost vector for backward Lorentz Trans.
00449   G4ThreeVector ltf = -ltb;              // Boost vector for forward Lorentz Trans.
00450   G4LorentzVector cdir = dir;            // A copy to make a transformation to CMS
00451 #ifdef ppdebug
00452   if(cdir.e()+.001<cdir.rho()) G4cerr<<"*G4QH::RDIn2:*Boost* cd4M="<<cdir<<",e-p="
00453                                      <<cdir.e()-cdir.rho()<<G4endl;
00454 #endif
00455   cdir.boost(ltf);                       // Direction transpormed to CMS of the Momentum
00456   G4ThreeVector vdir = cdir.vect();      // 3-Vector of the direction-particle
00457 #ifdef ppdebug
00458   G4cout<<"G4QHad::CopDI2:dir="<<dir<<",ltf="<<ltf<<",cdir="<<cdir<<",vdir="<<vdir<<G4endl;
00459 #endif
00460   G4ThreeVector vx(0.,0.,1.);            // Ort in the direction of the reference particle
00461   G4ThreeVector vy(0.,1.,0.);            // First ort orthogonal to the direction
00462   G4ThreeVector vz(1.,0.,0.);            // Second ort orthoganal to the direction
00463   if(vdir.mag2() > 0.)                   // the refference particle isn't at rest in CMS
00464   {
00465     vx = vdir.unit();                    // Ort in the direction of the reference particle
00466 #ifdef ppdebug
00467     G4cout<<"G4QH::CopDecIn2:Vx="<<vx<<",M="<<theMomentum<<",d="<<dir<<",c="<<cdir<<G4endl;
00468 #endif
00469     G4ThreeVector vv= vx.orthogonal();   // Not normed orthogonal vector (!)
00470     vy = vv.unit();                      // First ort orthogonal to the direction
00471     vz = vx.cross(vy);                   // Second ort orthoganal to the direction
00472   }
00473 #ifdef ppdebug
00474   G4cout<<"G4QHad::CopDecIn2:iM="<<iM<<"=>fM="<<fM<<"+sM="<<sM<<",ob="<<vx<<vy<<vz<<G4endl;
00475 #endif
00476   if(fabs(iM-fM-sM)<.00000001)
00477   {
00478     G4double fR=fM/iM;
00479     G4double sR=sM/iM;
00480     f4Mom=fR*theMomentum;
00481     s4Mom=sR*theMomentum;
00482     return true;
00483   }
00484   else if (iM+.001<fM+sM || iM==0.)
00485   {//@@ Later on make a quark content check for the decay
00486     G4cerr<<"***G4QH::CopDecIn2: fM="<<fM<<"+sM="<<sM<<">iM="<<iM<<",d="<<iM-fM-sM<<G4endl;
00487     return false;
00488   }
00489   G4double d2 = iM2-fM2-sM2;
00490   G4double p2 = (d2*d2/4.-fM2*sM2)/iM2;    // Decay momentum(^2) in CMS of Quasmon
00491   if(p2<0.)
00492   {
00493 #ifdef ppdebug
00494     G4cout<<"*G4QH:CopDI2:p2="<<p2<<"<0,d4/4="<<d2*d2/4.<<"<4*fM2*sM2="<<4*fM2*sM2<<G4endl;
00495 #endif
00496     p2=0.;
00497   }
00498   G4double p  = sqrt(p2);
00499   G4double ct = 0;
00500   G4double rn = pow(G4UniformRand(),cosp+1.);
00501   if(neg)  ct = rn+rn-1.;                  // More backward than forward
00502   else     ct = 1.-rn-rn;                  // More forward than backward
00503   //
00504   G4double phi= twopi*G4UniformRand();  // @@ Change 360.*deg to M_TWOPI (?)
00505   G4double ps=0.;
00506   if(fabs(ct)<1.) ps = p * sqrt(1.-ct*ct);
00507   else
00508   {
00509 #ifdef ppdebug
00510     G4cout<<"**G4QH::CopDecayIn2:ct="<<ct<<",mac="<<maxCost<<",mic="<<minCost<<G4endl;
00511     //throw G4QException("***G4QHadron::RDIn2: bad cos(theta)");
00512 #endif
00513     if(ct>1.) ct=1.;
00514     if(ct<-1.) ct=-1.;
00515   }
00516   G4ThreeVector pVect=(ps*sin(phi))*vz+(ps*cos(phi))*vy+p*ct*vx;
00517 #ifdef ppdebug
00518   G4cout<<"G4QH::CopDIn2:ct="<<ct<<",p="<<p<<",ps="<<ps<<",ph="<<phi<<",v="<<pVect<<G4endl;
00519 #endif
00521   f4Mom.setVect(pVect);
00522   f4Mom.setE(sqrt(fM2+p2));
00523   s4Mom.setVect((-1)*pVect);
00524   s4Mom.setE(sqrt(sM2+p2));
00526 #ifdef ppdebug
00527   G4cout<<"G4QHadr::CopDecIn2:p2="<<p2<<",v="<<ltb<<",f4M="<<f4Mom<<" + s4M="<<s4Mom<<" = "
00528         <<f4Mom+s4Mom<<", M="<<iM<<G4endl;
00529 #endif
00530   if(f4Mom.e()+.001<f4Mom.rho())G4cerr<<"*G4QH::RDIn2:*Boost* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",e-p="
00531                                       <<f4Mom.e()-f4Mom.rho()<<G4endl;
00532   f4Mom.boost(ltb);                        // Lor.Trans. of 1st hadron back to LS
00533   if(s4Mom.e()+.001<s4Mom.rho())G4cerr<<"*G4QH::RDIn2:*Boost* s4M="<<s4Mom<<",e-p="
00534                                       <<s4Mom.e()-s4Mom.rho()<<G4endl;
00535   s4Mom.boost(ltb);                        // Lor.Trans. of 2nd hadron back to LS
00536 #ifdef ppdebug
00537   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::CopDecayIn2:Output, f4Mom="<<f4Mom<<" + s4Mom="<<s4Mom<<" = "
00538         <<f4Mom+s4Mom<<", d4M="<<theMomentum-f4Mom-s4Mom<<G4endl;
00539 #endif
00540   return true;
00541 } // End of "CopDecayIn2"

G4bool G4QHadron::CopDecayIn3 ( G4LorentzVector fh4M,
G4LorentzVector sh4M,
G4LorentzVector th4Mom,
G4LorentzVector dir,
G4double  cosp 

Definition at line 951 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References CopDecayIn2(), DecayIn2(), G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, G4QHadron(), G4UniformRand, and theMomentum.

00953 {
00954 #ifdef debug
00955   G4cout<<"G4QH::CopDIn3:"<<theMomentum<<"=>f="<<f4Mom<<"+s="<<s4Mom<<"+t="<<t4Mom<<G4endl;
00956 #endif
00957   G4double iM  = theMomentum.m();  // Mass of the decaying hadron
00958   G4double fM  = f4Mom.m();        // Mass of the 1st hadron
00959   G4double sM  = s4Mom.m();        // Mass of the 2nd hadron
00960   G4double tM  = t4Mom.m();        // Mass of the 3rd hadron
00961   G4double eps = 0.001;            // Accuracy of the split condition
00962   if (fabs(iM-fM-sM-tM)<=eps)
00963   {
00964     G4double fR=fM/iM;
00965     G4double sR=sM/iM;
00966     G4double tR=tM/iM;
00967     f4Mom=fR*theMomentum;
00968     s4Mom=sR*theMomentum;
00969     t4Mom=tR*theMomentum;
00970     return true;
00971   }
00972   if (iM+eps<fM+sM+tM)
00973   {
00974     G4cout<<"***G4QHadron::CopDecayIn3:fM="<<fM<<" + sM="<<sM<<" + tM="<<tM<<" > iM="<<iM
00975           <<",d="<<iM-fM-sM-tM<<G4endl;
00976     return false;
00977   }
00978   G4double fM2 = fM*fM;
00979   G4double sM2 = sM*sM;
00980   G4double tM2 = tM*tM;
00981   G4double iM2 = iM*iM;
00982   G4double m13sBase=(iM-sM)*(iM-sM)-(fM+tM)*(fM+tM);
00983   G4double m12sMin =(fM+sM)*(fM+sM);
00984   G4double m12sBase=(iM-tM)*(iM-tM)-m12sMin;
00985   G4double rR = 0.;
00986   G4double rnd= 1.;
00987 #ifdef debug
00988   G4int    tr = 0;                 //@@ Comment if "cout" below is skiped @@
00989 #endif
00990   G4double m12s = 0.;              // Fake definition before the Loop
00991   while (rnd > rR)
00992   {
00993     m12s = m12sMin + m12sBase*G4UniformRand();
00994     G4double e1=m12s+fM2-sM2;
00995     G4double e2=iM2-m12s-tM2;
00996     G4double four12=4*m12s;
00997     G4double m13sRange=0.;
00998     G4double dif=(e1*e1-four12*fM2)*(e2*e2-four12*tM2);
00999     if(dif<0.)
01000     {
01001 #ifdef debug
01002       if(dif<-.01) G4cerr<<"G4QHadron::CopDecayIn3:iM="<<iM<<",tM="<<tM<<",sM="<<sM<<",fM="
01003                          <<fM<<",m12(s+f)="<<sqrt(m12s)<<", d="<<iM-fM-sM-tM<<G4endl;
01004 #endif
01005     }
01006     else m13sRange=sqrt(dif)/m12s;
01007     rR = m13sRange/m13sBase;
01008     rnd= G4UniformRand();
01009 #ifdef debug
01010     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::CopDecayIn3: try decay #"<<++tr<<", rR="<<rR<<",rnd="<<rnd<<G4endl;
01011 #endif
01012   }
01013   G4double m12 = sqrt(m12s);       // Mass of the H1+H2 system
01014   G4LorentzVector dh4Mom(0.,0.,0.,m12);
01016   if(!CopDecayIn2(t4Mom,dh4Mom,dir,cosp))
01017   {
01018     G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::CopDecayIn3: Exception1"<<G4endl;
01019     //throw G4QException("G4QHadron::DecayIn3(): DecayIn2 did not succeed");
01020     return false;
01021   }
01022 #ifdef debug
01023   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::DecayIn3: Now the last decay of m12="<<dh4Mom.m()<<G4endl;
01024 #endif
01025   if(!G4QHadron(dh4Mom).DecayIn2(f4Mom,s4Mom))
01026   {
01027     G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::CopDecayIn3: Error in DecayIn2 -> Exception2"<<G4endl;
01028     //throw G4QException("G4QHadron::DecayIn3(): DecayIn2 did not succeed");
01029     return false;
01030   }
01031   return true;
01032 } // End of CopDecayIn3

G4bool G4QHadron::CorEDecayIn2 ( G4double  corE,
G4LorentzVector fr4Mom 

Definition at line 743 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, and theMomentum.

00744 {
00745   G4double fE  = fr4Mom.m();                // Energy of the Fragment
00746 #ifdef debug
00747   G4cout<<"G4QH::CorEDecIn2:fE="<<fE<<fr4Mom<<">corE="<<corE<<",h4M="<<theMomentum<<G4endl;
00748 #endif
00749   if (fE+.001<=corE)
00750   {
00751 #ifdef debug
00752     G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::CorEDecIn2*** fE="<<fE<<"<corE="<<corE<<", d="<<corE-fE<<G4endl;
00753 #endif
00754     return false;
00755   }
00756   G4double fM2=fr4Mom.m2();                 // Squared Mass of the Fragment
00757   if(fM2<0.) fM2=0.;
00758   G4double iPx=fr4Mom.px();                 // Initial Px of the Fragment
00759   G4double iPy=fr4Mom.py();                 // Initial Py of the Fragment
00760   G4double iPz=fr4Mom.pz();                 // Initial Pz of the Fragment
00761   G4double fP2=iPx*iPx+iPy*iPy+iPz*iPz;     // Initial Squared 3-momentum of the Fragment
00762   G4double finE = fE - corE;                // Final energy of the fragment
00763   G4double rP = sqrt((finE*finE-fM2)/fP2);  // Reduction factor for the momentum
00764   G4double fPx=iPx*rP;
00765   G4double fPy=iPy*rP;
00766   G4double fPz=iPz*rP;
00767   fr4Mom= G4LorentzVector(fPx,fPy,fPz,finE);
00768   G4double Px=theMomentum.px()+iPx-fPx;
00769   G4double Py=theMomentum.py()+iPy-fPy;
00770   G4double Pz=theMomentum.pz()+iPz-fPz;
00771   G4double mE=theMomentum.e();
00773   theMomentum= G4LorentzVector(Px,Py,Pz,mE+corE);
00774 #ifdef debug
00775   G4double difF=fr4Mom.m2()-fM2;
00776   G4cout<<"G4QH::CorEDecIn2: dF="<<difF<<",out:"<<theMomentum<<fr4Mom<<G4endl;
00777 #endif
00778   return true;
00779 } // End of "CorEDecayIn2"

G4bool G4QHadron::CorMDecayIn2 ( G4double  corM,
G4LorentzVector fr4Mom 

Definition at line 635 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, G4UniformRand, and theMomentum.

00636 {
00637   G4double fM  = fr4Mom.m();                // Mass of the Fragment
00638   G4LorentzVector comp=theMomentum+fr4Mom;  // 4Mom of the decaying compound system
00639   G4double iM  = comp.m();                  // mass of the decaying compound system
00640 #ifdef debug
00641   G4cout<<"G4QH::CMDIn2: iM="<<iM<<comp<<"=>fM="<<fM<<"+corM="<<corM<<"="<<fM+corM<<G4endl;
00642 #endif
00643   G4double dE=iM-fM-corM;
00644   //@@ Later on make a quark content check for the decay
00645   if (fabs(dE)<.001)
00646   {
00647     G4double fR=fM/iM;
00648     G4double cR=corM/iM;
00649     fr4Mom=fR*comp;
00650     theMomentum=cR*comp;
00651     return true;
00652   }
00653   else if (dE<-.001 || iM==0.)
00654   {
00655     G4cerr<<"***G4QH::CorMDIn2***fM="<<fM<<" + cM="<<corM<<" > iM="<<iM<<",d="<<dE<<G4endl;
00656     return false;
00657   }
00658   G4double corM2= corM*corM;
00659   G4double fM2 = fM*fM;
00660   G4double iM2 = iM*iM;
00661   G4double d2 = iM2-fM2-corM2;
00662   G4double p2 = (d2*d2/4.-fM2*corM2)/iM2;    // Decay momentum(^2) in CMS of Quasmon
00663   if (p2<0.)
00664   {
00665 #ifdef debug
00666     G4cerr<<"**G4QH::CMDI2:p2="<<p2<<"<0,d="<<d2*d2/4.<<"<4*fM2*hM2="<<4*fM2*corM2<<G4endl;
00667 #endif
00668     p2=0.;
00669   }
00670   G4double p  = sqrt(p2);
00671   if(comp.e()<comp.rho())G4cerr<<"*G4QH::CorMDecayIn2:*Boost* comp4M="<<comp<<",e-p="
00672                                <<comp.e()-comp.rho()<<G4endl;
00673   G4ThreeVector ltb = comp.boostVector();      // Boost vector for backward Lor.Trans.
00674   G4ThreeVector ltf = -ltb;                    // Boost vector for forward Lorentz Trans.
00675   G4LorentzVector cm4Mom=fr4Mom;               // Copy of fragment 4Mom to transform to CMS
00676   if(cm4Mom.e()<cm4Mom.rho())
00677   {
00678     G4cerr<<"*G4QH::CorMDecIn2:*Boost* c4M="<<cm4Mom<<G4endl;
00679     //cm4Mom.setE(1.0000001*cm4Mom.rho());
00680     return false;
00681   }
00682   cm4Mom.boost(ltf);                           // Now it is in CMS (Forward Lor.Trans.)
00683   G4double pfx= cm4Mom.px();
00684   G4double pfy= cm4Mom.py();
00685   G4double pfz= cm4Mom.pz();
00686   G4double pt2= pfx*pfx+pfy*pfy;
00687   G4double tx=0.;
00688   G4double ty=0.;
00689   if(pt2<=0.)
00690   {
00691     G4double phi= 360.*deg*G4UniformRand();  // @@ Change 360.*deg to M_TWOPI (?)
00692     tx=sin(phi);
00693     ty=cos(phi);
00694   }
00695   else
00696   {
00697     G4double pt=sqrt(pt2);
00698     tx=pfx/pt;
00699     ty=pfy/pt;
00700   }
00701   G4double pc2=pt2+pfz*pfz;
00702   G4double ct=0.;
00703   if(pc2<=0.)
00704   {
00705     G4double rnd= G4UniformRand();
00706     ct=1.-rnd-rnd;
00707   }
00708   else
00709   {
00710     G4double pc_value=sqrt(pc2);
00711     ct=pfz/pc_value;
00712   }
00713 #ifdef debug
00714   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::CorMDecayIn2: ct="<<ct<<", p="<<p<<G4endl;
00715 #endif
00716   G4double ps = p * sqrt(1.-ct*ct);
00717   G4ThreeVector pVect(ps*tx,ps*ty,p*ct);
00718   fr4Mom.setVect(pVect);
00719   fr4Mom.setE(sqrt(fM2+p2));
00720   theMomentum.setVect((-1)*pVect);
00721   theMomentum.setE(sqrt(corM2+p2));
00722 #ifdef debug
00723   G4LorentzVector dif2=comp-fr4Mom-theMomentum;
00724   G4cout<<"G4QH::CorMDIn2:c="<<comp<<"-f="<<fr4Mom<<"-4M="<<theMomentum<<"="<<dif2<<G4endl;
00725 #endif
00726   if(fr4Mom.e()+.001<fr4Mom.rho())G4cerr<<"*G4QH::CorMDecIn2:*Boost*fr4M="<<fr4Mom<<G4endl;
00727   fr4Mom.boost(ltb);                        // Lor.Trans. of the Fragment back to LS
00728   if(theMomentum.e()<theMomentum.rho())
00729   {
00730     G4cerr<<"*G4QH::CMDI2:4="<<theMomentum<<G4endl;
00731     theMomentum.setE(1.0000001*theMomentum.rho());
00732   }
00733   theMomentum.boost(ltb);                  // Lor.Trans. of the Hadron back to LS
00734 #ifdef debug
00735   G4LorentzVector dif3=comp-fr4Mom-theMomentum;
00736   G4cout<<"G4QH::CorMDecIn2:OUTPUT:f4M="<<fr4Mom<<",h4M="<<theMomentum<<"d="<<dif3<<G4endl;
00737 #endif
00738   return true;
00739 } // End of "CorMDecayIn2"

G4bool G4QHadron::DecayIn2 ( G4LorentzVector f4Mom,
G4LorentzVector s4Mom 

Definition at line 544 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, G4UniformRand, and theMomentum.

Referenced by CopDecayIn3(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange(), G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayIsonucleus(), G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBaryon(), G4Quasmon::DecayQHadron(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(), and RelDecayIn3().

00545 {
00546   G4double fM2 = f4Mom.m2();
00547   if(fM2<0.) fM2=0.;
00548   G4double fM  = sqrt(fM2);              // Mass of the 1st Hadron
00549   G4double sM2 = s4Mom.m2();
00550   if(sM2<0.) sM2=0.;
00551   G4double sM  = sqrt(sM2);              // Mass of the 2nd Hadron
00552   G4double iM2 = theMomentum.m2();
00553   if(iM2<0.) iM2=0.;
00554   G4double iM  = sqrt(iM2);              // Mass of the decaying hadron
00555 #ifdef debug
00556   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::DecIn2: iM="<<iM<<" => fM="<<fM<<" + sM="<<sM<<" = "<<fM+sM<<G4endl;
00557 #endif
00558   //@@ Later on make a quark content check for the decay
00559   if (fabs(iM-fM-sM)<.0000001)
00560   {
00561     G4double fR=fM/iM;
00562     G4double sR=sM/iM;
00563     f4Mom=fR*theMomentum;
00564     s4Mom=sR*theMomentum;
00565     return true;
00566   }
00567   else if (iM+.001<fM+sM || iM==0.)
00568   {
00569 #ifdef debug
00570     G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::DecayIn2*** fM="<<fM<<" + sM="<<sM<<"="<<fM+sM<<" > iM="<<iM
00571           <<", d="<<iM-fM-sM<<G4endl;
00572 #endif
00573     return false;
00574   }
00576   G4double d2 = iM2-fM2-sM2;
00577   G4double p2 = (d2*d2/4.-fM2*sM2)/iM2;    // Decay momentum(^2) in CMS of Quasmon
00578   if (p2<0.)
00579   {
00580 #ifdef debug
00581     G4cerr<<"***G4QH::DI2:p2="<<p2<<"<0,d2^2="<<d2*d2/4.<<"<4*fM2*sM2="<<4*fM2*sM2<<G4endl;
00582 #endif
00583     p2=0.;
00584   }
00585   G4double p  = sqrt(p2);
00586   G4double ct = 1.-2*G4UniformRand();
00587 #ifdef debug
00588   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::DecayIn2: ct="<<ct<<", p="<<p<<G4endl;
00589 #endif
00590   G4double phi= twopi*G4UniformRand();  // @@ Change 360.*deg to M_TWOPI (?)
00591   G4double ps = p * sqrt(1.-ct*ct);
00592   G4ThreeVector pVect(ps*sin(phi),ps*cos(phi),p*ct);
00594   f4Mom.setVect(pVect);
00595   f4Mom.setE(sqrt(fM2+p2));
00596   s4Mom.setVect((-1)*pVect);
00597   s4Mom.setE(sqrt(sM2+p2));
00599   if(theMomentum.e()<theMomentum.rho())
00600   {
00601     G4cerr<<"*G4QH::DecIn2:*Boost* 4M="<<theMomentum<<",e-p="
00602           <<theMomentum.e()-theMomentum.rho()<<G4endl;
00603     //throw G4QException("G4QHadron::DecayIn2: Decay of particle with zero mass")
00604     //theMomentum.setE(1.0000001*theMomentum.rho()); // Lead to TeV error !
00605     return false;
00606   }
00607   G4double vP  = theMomentum.rho();      // Momentum of the decaying hadron
00608   G4double dE  = theMomentum.e();        // Energy of the decaying hadron
00609   if(dE<vP)
00610   {
00611     G4cerr<<"***G4QHad::RelDecIn2: Tachionic 4-mom="<<theMomentum<<", E-p="<<dE-vP<<G4endl;
00612     G4double accuracy=.000001*vP;
00613     G4double emodif=std::fabs(dE-vP);
00614     if(emodif<accuracy)
00615     {
00616       G4cerr<<"G4QHadron::DecayIn2: *Boost* E-p shift is corrected to "<<emodif<<G4endl;
00617       theMomentum.setE(vP+emodif+.01*accuracy);
00618     }
00619   }
00620   G4ThreeVector ltb = theMomentum.boostVector(); // Boost vector for backward Lor.Trans.
00621 #ifdef debug
00622   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::DecIn2:LorTrans v="<<ltb<<",f4Mom="<<f4Mom<<",s4Mom="<<s4Mom<<G4endl;
00623 #endif
00624   if(f4Mom.e()+.001<f4Mom.rho())G4cerr<<"*G4QH::DecIn2:*Boost* f4M="<<f4Mom<<G4endl;
00625   f4Mom.boost(ltb);                        // Lor.Trans. of 1st hadron back to LS
00626   if(s4Mom.e()+.001<s4Mom.rho())G4cerr<<"*G4QH::DecIn2:*Boost* s4M="<<s4Mom<<G4endl; 
00627   s4Mom.boost(ltb);                        // Lor.Trans. of 2nd hadron back to LS
00628 #ifdef debug
00629   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::DecayIn2: ROOT OUTPUT f4Mom="<<f4Mom<<", s4Mom="<<s4Mom<<G4endl;
00630 #endif
00631   return true;
00632 } // End of "DecayIn2"

G4bool G4QHadron::DecayIn3 ( G4LorentzVector f4Mom,
G4LorentzVector s4Mom,
G4LorentzVector t4Mom 

Definition at line 783 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, and G4UniformRand.

Referenced by G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaDiN(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange(), G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayIsonucleus(), G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBaryon(), G4Quasmon::DecayQHadron(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon(), and G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus().

00784 {
00785 #ifdef debug
00786   G4cout<<"G4QH::DIn3:"<<theMomentum<<"=>pf="<<f4Mom<<"+ps="<<s4Mom<<"+pt="<<t4Mom<<G4endl;
00787 #endif
00788   G4double iM  = theMomentum.m();  // Mass of the decaying hadron
00789   G4double fM  = f4Mom.m();        // Mass of the 1st hadron
00790   G4double sM  = s4Mom.m();        // Mass of the 2nd hadron
00791   G4double tM  = t4Mom.m();        // Mass of the 3rd hadron
00792   G4double eps = 0.001;            // Accuracy of the split condition
00793   if (fabs(iM-fM-sM-tM)<=eps)
00794   {
00795     G4double fR=fM/iM;
00796     G4double sR=sM/iM;
00797     G4double tR=tM/iM;
00798     f4Mom=fR*theMomentum;
00799     s4Mom=sR*theMomentum;
00800     t4Mom=tR*theMomentum;
00801     return true;
00802   }
00803   if (iM+eps<fM+sM+tM)
00804   {
00805     G4cout<<"***G4QHadron::DecayIn3:fM="<<fM<<" + sM="<<sM<<" + tM="<<tM<<" > iM="<<iM
00806           <<",d="<<iM-fM-sM-tM<<G4endl;
00807     return false;
00808   }
00809   G4double fM2 = fM*fM;
00810   G4double sM2 = sM*sM;
00811   G4double tM2 = tM*tM;
00812   G4double iM2 = iM*iM;
00813   G4double m13sBase=(iM-sM)*(iM-sM)-(fM+tM)*(fM+tM);
00814   G4double m12sMin =(fM+sM)*(fM+sM);
00815   G4double m12sBase=(iM-tM)*(iM-tM)-m12sMin;
00816   G4double rR = 0.;
00817   G4double rnd= 1.;
00818 #ifdef debug
00819   G4int    tr = 0;                 //@@ Comment if "cout" below is skiped @@
00820 #endif
00821   G4double m12s = 0.;              // Fake definition before the Loop
00822   while (rnd > rR)
00823   {
00824     m12s = m12sMin + m12sBase*G4UniformRand();
00825     G4double e1=m12s+fM2-sM2;
00826     G4double e2=iM2-m12s-tM2;
00827     G4double four12=4*m12s;
00828     G4double m13sRange=0.;
00829     G4double dif=(e1*e1-four12*fM2)*(e2*e2-four12*tM2);
00830     if(dif<0.)
00831     {
00832 #ifdef debug
00833       if(dif<-.01) G4cerr<<"*G4QHadron::DecayIn3:iM="<<iM<<",tM="<<tM<<",sM="<<sM<<",fM="
00834                          <<fM<<",m12(s+f)="<<sqrt(m12s)<<", d="<<iM-fM-sM-tM<<G4endl;
00835 #endif
00836     }
00837     else m13sRange=sqrt(dif)/m12s;
00838     rR = m13sRange/m13sBase;
00839     rnd= G4UniformRand();
00840 #ifdef debug
00841     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::DecayIn3: try to decay #"<<++tr<<", rR="<<rR<<",rnd="<<rnd<<G4endl;
00842 #endif
00843   }
00844   G4double m12 = sqrt(m12s);       // Mass of the H1+H2 system
00845   G4LorentzVector dh4Mom(0.,0.,0.,m12);
00847   if(!DecayIn2(t4Mom,dh4Mom))
00848   {
00849     G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::DecayIn3: Exception1"<<G4endl;
00850     //throw G4QException("G4QHadron::DecayIn3(): DecayIn2 did not succeed");
00851     return false;
00852   }
00853 #ifdef debug
00854   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::DecayIn3: Now the last decay of m12="<<dh4Mom.m()<<G4endl;
00855 #endif
00856   if(!G4QHadron(dh4Mom).DecayIn2(f4Mom,s4Mom))
00857   {
00858     G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::DecayIn3: Error in DecayIn2 -> Exception2"<<G4endl;
00859     //throw G4QException("G4QHadron::DecayIn3(): DecayIn2 did not succeed");
00860     return false;
00861   }
00862   return true;
00863 } // End of DecayIn3

G4ThreeVector G4QHadron::Get3Momentum (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References theMomentum.

Referenced by G4QNucleus::Init3D().

00080 {return theMomentum.vect();}// Get 3-mom ofH

G4LorentzVector G4QHadron::Get4Momentum (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 79 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References theMomentum.

Referenced by G4QIonIonCollision::Breeder(), G4QFragmentation::Breeder(), G4QEnvironment::CheckMassShell(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaDiN(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange(), G4QEnvironment::DecayAntistrange(), G4QEnvironment::DecayBaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayIsonucleus(), G4QEnvironment::DecayMeson(), G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBaryon(), G4Quasmon::DecayQHadron(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(), G4QFragmentation::EvaporateResidual(), G4QIonIonCollision::ExciteDiffParticipants(), G4QFragmentation::ExciteDiffParticipants(), G4QIonIonCollision::ExciteSingDiffParticipants(), G4QFragmentation::ExciteSingDiffParticipants(), G4QIonIonCollision::Fragment(), G4QFragmentation::Fragment(), G4QEnvironment::Fragment(), G4QString::FragmentString(), G4QCandidate::G4QCandidate(), G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision(), G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus(), G4QNucleus::GetNucleons4Momentum(), G4QNucleus::Increase(), G4QNucleus::operator+=(), G4QNucleus::operator-=(), G4QNucleus::operator=(), G4QCandidate::operator=(), G4QDiffraction::PostStepDoIt(), G4QNucleus::SplitBaryon(), G4QString::Splitup(), and G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon().

00079 {return theMomentum;} // Get 4-mom of Hadron

std::list<G4QParton*> G4QHadron::GetAntiColor (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 94 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

00094 {return AntiColor;}//pointer to anti-quarks/diquarks

G4int G4QHadron::GetBaryonNumber (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 181 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References G4QContent::GetBaryonNumber().

Referenced by G4QIonIonCollision::Breeder(), G4QFragmentation::Breeder(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange(), G4QEnvironment::DecayAntistrange(), G4QEnvironment::DecayBaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon(), G4QEnvironment::DecayMeson(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(), G4QFragmentation::EvaporateResidual(), G4QFragmentation::Fragment(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision(), G4QDiffraction::PostStepDoIt(), and SplitInTwoPartons().

00181 {return valQ.GetBaryonNumber();}

G4double G4QHadron::GetBindingEnergy (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 91 of file G4QHadron.hh.

00091 {return bindE;}// Returns binding E in NucMatter

G4int G4QHadron::GetCharge (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 179 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References G4QContent::GetCharge().

Referenced by G4QIonIonCollision::Breeder(), G4QFragmentation::Breeder(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange(), G4QEnvironment::DecayAntistrange(), G4QEnvironment::DecayBaryon(), G4QEnvironment::DecayMeson(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(), G4QFragmentation::Fragment(), G4QEnvironment::Fragment(), G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QDiffraction::PostStepDoIt().

00179 {return valQ.GetCharge();}

std::list<G4QParton*> G4QHadron::GetColor (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 93 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

00093 {return Color;}  // pointer to quarks/anti-diquarks

G4double G4QHadron::GetEnergy (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 81 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References theMomentum.

Referenced by G4QNucleus::Init3D().

00081 {return theMomentum.e();} // Get E of Hadron

G4double G4QHadron::GetFormationTime (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 92 of file G4QHadron.hh.

00092 {return formTime;} // Returns formation time

G4double G4QHadron::GetMass (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 176 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References theMomentum.

Referenced by G4Quasmon::DecayQHadron(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon(), G4QIonIonCollision::ExciteDiffParticipants(), G4QFragmentation::ExciteDiffParticipants(), G4QIonIonCollision::ExciteSingDiffParticipants(), G4QFragmentation::ExciteSingDiffParticipants(), G4QString::FragmentationMass(), G4QString::FragmentString(), G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision(), G4QString::LightFragmentationTest(), and G4QString::SplitEandP().

00176 {return theMomentum.m();}

G4double G4QHadron::GetMass2 (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 177 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References theMomentum.

Referenced by G4QIonIonCollision::ExciteSingDiffParticipants(), and G4QFragmentation::ExciteSingDiffParticipants().

00177 {return theMomentum.m2();}

G4QParton * G4QHadron::GetNextAntiParton (  ) 

Definition at line 1622 of file G4QHadron.cc.

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

01623 {
01624   if(AntiColor.size() == 0) return 0;
01625   G4QParton* result = AntiColor.front();
01626   AntiColor.pop_front();
01627   return result;
01628 }

G4QParton * G4QHadron::GetNextParton (  ) 

Definition at line 1614 of file G4QHadron.cc.

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

01615 {
01616   if(Color.size()==0) return 0;
01617   G4QParton* result = Color.back();
01618   Color.pop_back();
01619   return result;
01620 }

G4int G4QHadron::GetNFragments (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 174 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(), G4QCandidate::G4QCandidate(), G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus(), G4QNucleus::operator=(), and G4QCandidate::operator=().

00174 {return nFragm;}

G4int G4QHadron::GetPDGCode (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 170 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References G4QPDGCode::GetPDGCode().

Referenced by G4QIonIonCollision::Breeder(), G4QFragmentation::Breeder(), G4QNucleus::ChooseFermiMomenta(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaDiN(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange(), G4QEnvironment::DecayAntistrange(), G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayIsonucleus(), G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBaryon(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(), G4QFragmentation::EvaporateResidual(), G4QIonIonCollision::Fragment(), G4QFragmentation::Fragment(), G4QString::FragmentationMass(), G4QString::FragmentString(), G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision(), GetSpin(), G4QNucleus::operator *=(), G4QNucleus::operator+=(), G4QNucleus::operator-=(), G4QDiffraction::PostStepDoIt(), G4QString::Splitup(), SplitUp(), and G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon().

00170 {return theQPDG.GetPDGCode();}

const G4ThreeVector & G4QHadron::GetPosition (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 182 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QNucleus::ChooseFermiMomenta(), G4QNucleus::DoLorentzContraction(), G4QNucleus::DoTranslation(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision(), G4QNucleus::GetOuterRadius(), and SplitUp().

00182 {return thePosition;}

G4QContent G4QHadron::GetQC (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 173 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::Breeder(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaBar(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange(), G4QEnvironment::DecayBaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayIsonucleus(), G4QEnvironment::DecayMeson(), G4QNucleus::DecayMultyBaryon(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(), G4QFragmentation::EvaporateResidual(), G4QIonIonCollision::Fragment(), G4QFragmentation::Fragment(), G4QEnvironment::Fragment(), G4QCandidate::G4QCandidate(), G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision(), G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus(), G4QNucleus::Increase(), G4QNucleus::operator *=(), G4QNucleus::operator+=(), G4QNucleus::operator-=(), G4QNucleus::operator=(), and G4QCandidate::operator=().

00173 {return valQ;}

G4int G4QHadron::GetQCode (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 171 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References G4QPDGCode::GetQCode().

Referenced by G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(), and G4QHadron().

00171 {return theQPDG.GetQCode();}

G4QPDGCode G4QHadron::GetQPDG (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 172 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::Breeder(), G4QEnvironment::CheckMassShell(), G4Quasmon::DecayQHadron(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(), G4QFragmentation::Fragment(), G4QCandidate::G4QCandidate(), G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus(), G4QNucleus::GetGSMass(), G4QNucleus::GetMZNS(), G4QNucleus::operator=(), G4QCandidate::operator=(), G4QInelastic::PostStepDoIt(), and G4QNucleus::PrepareCandidates().

00172 {return theQPDG;}

G4double G4QHadron::GetSpin (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 78 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References GetPDGCode().

00078 {return .5*(GetPDGCode()%10-1);}

G4int G4QHadron::GetStrangeness (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 180 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References G4QContent::GetStrangeness().

Referenced by G4QNucleus::DecayAntiDibaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayAntiStrange(), G4QEnvironment::DecayAntistrange(), G4QEnvironment::DecayBaryon(), G4QNucleus::DecayDibaryon(), G4QEnvironment::DecayMeson(), and G4QDiffraction::PostStepDoIt().

00180 {return valQ.GetStrangeness();}

G4double G4QHadron::GetWidth (  )  const

void G4QHadron::IncrementCollisionCount ( G4int  aCount  )  [inline]

Definition at line 104 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), and G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision().

00104 {theCollisionCount+=aCount;}// IncrTheCCounter

void G4QHadron::Init3D (  ) 

Reimplemented in G4QNucleus.

void G4QHadron::LorentzRotate ( const G4LorentzRotation rotation  )  [inline]

Definition at line 112 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References theMomentum.

Referenced by G4QNucleus::DoLorentzRotation().

00112 {theMomentum=rotation*theMomentum;}

void G4QHadron::MakeAntiHadron (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References NegPDGCode(), and TestRealNeutral().

Referenced by G4Quasmon::DecayQHadron().

00185 {if(TestRealNeutral()) NegPDGCode();}

void G4QHadron::NegPDGCode (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 191 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References G4QContent::Anti(), and G4QPDGCode::NegPDGCode().

Referenced by MakeAntiHadron().

00191 {theQPDG.NegPDGCode(); valQ.Anti();}

G4bool G4QHadron::operator!= ( const G4QHadron right  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 168 of file G4QHadron.hh.

00168 {return this!=&rhs;}

const G4QHadron & G4QHadron::operator= ( const G4QHadron right  ) 

Definition at line 191 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References bindE, Direction, nFragm, theMomentum, thePosition, theQPDG, and valQ.

00192 {
00193   if(this != &right)                          // Beware of self assignment
00194   {
00195     theMomentum         = right.theMomentum;
00196     theQPDG             = right.theQPDG;
00197     valQ                = right.valQ;
00198     nFragm              = right.nFragm;
00199     thePosition         = right.thePosition;      
00200     theCollisionCount   = 0;
00201     isSplit             = false;
00202     Direction           = right.Direction;
00203     bindE               = right.bindE;
00204   }
00205   return *this;
00206 }

G4bool G4QHadron::operator== ( const G4QHadron right  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 167 of file G4QHadron.hh.

00167 {return this==&rhs;}

G4double G4QHadron::RandomizeMass ( G4QParticle pPart,
G4double  maxM 

Definition at line 1035 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References FatalException, G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, G4Exception(), G4UniformRand, G4QPDGCode::GetMass(), G4QPDGCode::GetPDGCode(), G4QPDGCode::GetWidth(), and G4QParticle::MinMassOfFragm().

Referenced by G4QHadron().

01036 {
01037   G4double meanM = theQPDG.GetMass();
01038   G4double width = theQPDG.GetWidth()/2.;
01039 #ifdef debug
01040   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::RandomizeMass: meanM="<<meanM<<", halfWidth="<<width<<G4endl;
01041 #endif
01042   if(maxM<meanM-3*width) 
01043   {
01044 #ifdef debug
01045     G4cout<<"***G4QH::RandM:m=0 maxM="<<maxM<<"<meanM="<<meanM<<"-3*halfW="<<width<<G4endl;
01046 #endif
01047     return 0.;
01048   }
01050   if(width==0.)
01051   {
01052 #ifdef debug
01053     if(meanM>maxM) G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::RandM:Stable m="<<meanM<<">maxM="<<maxM<<G4endl;
01054 #endif
01055     return meanM;
01056     //return 0.;
01057   }
01058   else if(width<0.)
01059   {
01060     // G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::RandM: width="<<width<<"<0,PDGC="<<theQPDG.GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
01061     // throw G4QException("G4QHadron::RandomizeMass: with the width of the Hadron < 0.");
01062     G4ExceptionDescription ed;
01063     ed << "width of the Hadron < 0. : width=" << width << "<0,PDGC="
01064        << theQPDG.GetPDGCode() << G4endl;
01065     G4Exception("G4QHadron::RandomizeMass()", "HAD_CHPS_0000", FatalException, ed);
01066   }
01067   G4double minM = pPart->MinMassOfFragm();
01068   if(minM>maxM)
01069   {
01070 #ifdef debug
01071     G4cout<<"***G4QHadron::RandomizeMass:for PDG="<<theQPDG.GetPDGCode()<<" minM="<<minM
01072           <<" > maxM="<<maxM<<G4endl;
01073 #endif
01074     return 0.;
01075   }
01076   //Now calculate the Breit-Wigner distribution with two cuts
01077   G4double v1=atan((minM-meanM)/width);
01078   G4double v2=atan((maxM-meanM)/width);
01079   G4double dv=v2-v1;
01080 #ifdef debug
01081   G4cout<<"G4QHadr::RandM:Mi="<<minM<<",i="<<v1<<",Ma="<<maxM<<",a="<<v2<<","<<dv<<G4endl;
01082 #endif
01083   return meanM+width*tan(v1+dv*G4UniformRand());
01084 }

G4bool G4QHadron::RelDecayIn2 ( G4LorentzVector f4Mom,
G4LorentzVector s4Mom,
G4LorentzVector dir,
G4double  maxCost = 1.,
G4double  minCost = -1. 

Definition at line 296 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, G4UniformRand, and theMomentum.

Referenced by RelDecayIn3().

00298 {
00299   G4double fM2 = f4Mom.m2();
00300   G4double fM  = sqrt(fM2);              // Mass of the 1st Hadron
00301   G4double sM2 = s4Mom.m2();
00302   G4double sM  = sqrt(sM2);              // Mass of the 2nd Hadron
00303   G4double iM2 = theMomentum.m2();
00304   G4double iM  = sqrt(iM2);              // Mass of the decaying hadron
00305   G4double vP  = theMomentum.rho();      // Momentum of the decaying hadron
00306   G4double dE  = theMomentum.e();        // Energy of the decaying hadron
00307   if(dE<vP)
00308   {
00309     G4cerr<<"***G4QHad::RelDecIn2: Tachionic 4-mom="<<theMomentum<<", E-p="<<dE-vP<<G4endl;
00310     G4double accuracy=.000001*vP;
00311     G4double emodif=std::fabs(dE-vP);
00312     //if(emodif<accuracy)
00313     //{
00314       G4cerr<<"G4QHadron::RelDecIn2: *Boost* E-p shift is corrected to "<<emodif<<G4endl;
00315       theMomentum.setE(vP+emodif+.01*accuracy);
00316     //}
00317   }
00318   G4ThreeVector ltb = theMomentum.boostVector();// Boost vector for backward Lorentz Trans.
00319   G4ThreeVector ltf = -ltb;              // Boost vector for forward Lorentz Trans.
00320   G4LorentzVector cdir = dir;            // A copy to make a transformation to CMS
00321 #ifdef ppdebug
00322   if(cdir.e()+.001<cdir.rho()) G4cerr<<"*G4QH::RDIn2:*Boost* cd4M="<<cdir<<",e-p="
00323                                      <<cdir.e()-cdir.rho()<<G4endl;
00324 #endif
00325   cdir.boost(ltf);                       // Direction transpormed to CMS of the Momentum
00326   G4ThreeVector vdir = cdir.vect();      // 3-Vector of the direction-particle
00327 #ifdef ppdebug
00328   G4cout<<"G4QHad::RelDI2:dir="<<dir<<",ltf="<<ltf<<",cdir="<<cdir<<",vdir="<<vdir<<G4endl;
00329 #endif
00330   G4ThreeVector vx(0.,0.,1.);            // Ort in the direction of the reference particle
00331   G4ThreeVector vy(0.,1.,0.);            // First ort orthogonal to the direction
00332   G4ThreeVector vz(1.,0.,0.);            // Second ort orthoganal to the direction
00333   if(vdir.mag2() > 0.)                   // the refference particle isn't at rest in CMS
00334   {
00335     vx = vdir.unit();                    // Ort in the direction of the reference particle
00336 #ifdef ppdebug
00337     G4cout<<"G4QH::RelDecIn2:Vx="<<vx<<",M="<<theMomentum<<",d="<<dir<<",c="<<cdir<<G4endl;
00338 #endif
00339     G4ThreeVector vv= vx.orthogonal();   // Not normed orthogonal vector (!)
00340     vy = vv.unit();                      // First ort orthogonal to the direction
00341     vz = vx.cross(vy);                   // Second ort orthoganal to the direction
00342   }
00343 #ifdef ppdebug
00344   G4cout<<"G4QHad::RelDecIn2:iM="<<iM<<"=>fM="<<fM<<"+sM="<<sM<<",ob="<<vx<<vy<<vz<<G4endl;
00345 #endif
00346   if(maxCost> 1.) maxCost= 1.;
00347   if(minCost<-1.) minCost=-1.;
00348   if(maxCost<-1.) maxCost=-1.;
00349   if(minCost> 1.) minCost= 1.;
00350   if(minCost> maxCost) minCost=maxCost;
00351   if(fabs(iM-fM-sM)<.00000001)
00352   {
00353     G4double fR=fM/iM;
00354     G4double sR=sM/iM;
00355     f4Mom=fR*theMomentum;
00356     s4Mom=sR*theMomentum;
00357     return true;
00358   }
00359   else if (iM+.001<fM+sM || iM==0.)
00360   {//@@ Later on make a quark content check for the decay
00361     G4cerr<<"***G4QH::RelDecIn2: fM="<<fM<<"+sM="<<sM<<">iM="<<iM<<",d="<<iM-fM-sM<<G4endl;
00362     return false;
00363   }
00364   G4double d2 = iM2-fM2-sM2;
00365   G4double p2 = (d2*d2/4.-fM2*sM2)/iM2;    // Decay momentum(^2) in CMS of Quasmon
00366   if(p2<0.)
00367   {
00368 #ifdef ppdebug
00369     G4cout<<"**G4QH:RDIn2:p2="<<p2<<"<0,d2^2="<<d2*d2/4.<<"<4*fM2*sM2="<<4*fM2*sM2<<G4endl;
00370 #endif
00371     p2=0.;
00372   }
00373   G4double p  = sqrt(p2);
00374   G4double ct = maxCost;
00375   if(maxCost>minCost)
00376   {
00377     G4double dcost=maxCost-minCost;
00378     ct = minCost+dcost*G4UniformRand();
00379   }
00380   G4double phi= twopi*G4UniformRand();  // @@ Change 360.*deg to M_TWOPI (?)
00381   G4double ps=0.;
00382   if(fabs(ct)<1.) ps = p * sqrt(1.-ct*ct);
00383   else
00384   {
00385 #ifdef ppdebug
00386     G4cout<<"**G4QH::RDIn2:ct="<<ct<<",mac="<<maxCost<<",mic="<<minCost<<G4endl;
00387     //throw G4QException("***G4QHadron::RDIn2: bad cos(theta)");
00388 #endif
00389     if(ct>1.) ct=1.;
00390     if(ct<-1.) ct=-1.;
00391   }
00392   G4ThreeVector pVect=(ps*sin(phi))*vz+(ps*cos(phi))*vy+p*ct*vx;
00393 #ifdef ppdebug
00394   G4cout<<"G4QH::RelDIn2:ct="<<ct<<",p="<<p<<",ps="<<ps<<",ph="<<phi<<",v="<<pVect<<G4endl;
00395 #endif
00397   f4Mom.setVect(pVect);
00398   f4Mom.setE(sqrt(fM2+p2));
00399   s4Mom.setVect((-1)*pVect);
00400   s4Mom.setE(sqrt(sM2+p2));
00402 #ifdef ppdebug
00403   G4cout<<"G4QHadr::RelDecIn2:p2="<<p2<<",v="<<ltb<<",f4M="<<f4Mom<<" + s4M="<<s4Mom<<" = "
00404         <<f4Mom+s4Mom<<", M="<<iM<<G4endl;
00405 #endif
00406   if(f4Mom.e()+.001<f4Mom.rho())G4cerr<<"*G4QH::RDIn2:*Boost* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",e-p="
00407                                       <<f4Mom.e()-f4Mom.rho()<<G4endl;
00408   f4Mom.boost(ltb);                        // Lor.Trans. of 1st hadron back to LS
00409   if(s4Mom.e()+.001<s4Mom.rho())G4cerr<<"*G4QH::RDIn2:*Boost* s4M="<<s4Mom<<",e-p="
00410                                       <<s4Mom.e()-s4Mom.rho()<<G4endl;
00411   s4Mom.boost(ltb);                        // Lor.Trans. of 2nd hadron back to LS
00412 #ifdef ppdebug
00413   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::RelDecayIn2:Output, f4Mom="<<f4Mom<<" + s4Mom="<<s4Mom<<" = "
00414         <<f4Mom+s4Mom<<", d4M="<<theMomentum-f4Mom-s4Mom<<G4endl;
00415 #endif
00416   return true;
00417 } // End of "RelDecayIn2"

G4bool G4QHadron::RelDecayIn3 ( G4LorentzVector fh4M,
G4LorentzVector sh4M,
G4LorentzVector th4Mom,
G4LorentzVector dir,
G4double  maxCost = 1.,
G4double  minCost = -1. 

Definition at line 866 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References DecayIn2(), G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, G4QHadron(), G4UniformRand, RelDecayIn2(), and theMomentum.

00869 {
00870 #ifdef debug
00871   G4cout<<"G4QH::RelDIn3:"<<theMomentum<<"=>f="<<f4Mom<<"+s="<<s4Mom<<"+t="<<t4Mom<<G4endl;
00872 #endif
00873   G4double iM  = theMomentum.m();  // Mass of the decaying hadron
00874   G4double fM  = f4Mom.m();        // Mass of the 1st hadron
00875   G4double sM  = s4Mom.m();        // Mass of the 2nd hadron
00876   G4double tM  = t4Mom.m();        // Mass of the 3rd hadron
00877   G4double eps = 0.001;            // Accuracy of the split condition
00878   if (fabs(iM-fM-sM-tM)<=eps)
00879   {
00880     G4double fR=fM/iM;
00881     G4double sR=sM/iM;
00882     G4double tR=tM/iM;
00883     f4Mom=fR*theMomentum;
00884     s4Mom=sR*theMomentum;
00885     t4Mom=tR*theMomentum;
00886     return true;
00887   }
00888   if (iM+eps<fM+sM+tM)
00889   {
00890     G4cout<<"***G4QHadron::RelDecayIn3:fM="<<fM<<" + sM="<<sM<<" + tM="<<tM<<" > iM="<<iM
00891           <<",d="<<iM-fM-sM-tM<<G4endl;
00892     return false;
00893   }
00894   G4double fM2 = fM*fM;
00895   G4double sM2 = sM*sM;
00896   G4double tM2 = tM*tM;
00897   G4double iM2 = iM*iM;
00898   G4double m13sBase=(iM-sM)*(iM-sM)-(fM+tM)*(fM+tM);
00899   G4double m12sMin =(fM+sM)*(fM+sM);
00900   G4double m12sBase=(iM-tM)*(iM-tM)-m12sMin;
00901   G4double rR = 0.;
00902   G4double rnd= 1.;
00903 #ifdef debug
00904   G4int    tr = 0;                 //@@ Comment if "cout" below is skiped @@
00905 #endif
00906   G4double m12s = 0.;              // Fake definition before the Loop
00907   while (rnd > rR)
00908   {
00909     m12s = m12sMin + m12sBase*G4UniformRand();
00910     G4double e1=m12s+fM2-sM2;
00911     G4double e2=iM2-m12s-tM2;
00912     G4double four12=4*m12s;
00913     G4double m13sRange=0.;
00914     G4double dif=(e1*e1-four12*fM2)*(e2*e2-four12*tM2);
00915     if(dif<0.)
00916     {
00917 #ifdef debug
00918       if(dif<-.01) G4cerr<<"G4QHadron::RelDecayIn3:iM="<<iM<<",tM="<<tM<<",sM="<<sM<<",fM="
00919                          <<fM<<",m12(s+f)="<<sqrt(m12s)<<", d="<<iM-fM-sM-tM<<G4endl;
00920 #endif
00921     }
00922     else m13sRange=sqrt(dif)/m12s;
00923     rR = m13sRange/m13sBase;
00924     rnd= G4UniformRand();
00925 #ifdef debug
00926     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::RelDecayIn3: try decay #"<<++tr<<", rR="<<rR<<",rnd="<<rnd<<G4endl;
00927 #endif
00928   }
00929   G4double m12 = sqrt(m12s);       // Mass of the H1+H2 system
00930   G4LorentzVector dh4Mom(0.,0.,0.,m12);
00932   if(!RelDecayIn2(t4Mom,dh4Mom,dir,maxCost,minCost))
00933   {
00934     G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::RelDecayIn3: Exception1"<<G4endl;
00935     //throw G4QException("G4QHadron::DecayIn3(): DecayIn2 did not succeed");
00936     return false;
00937   }
00938 #ifdef debug
00939   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::RelDecayIn3: Now the last decay of m12="<<dh4Mom.m()<<G4endl;
00940 #endif
00941   if(!G4QHadron(dh4Mom).DecayIn2(f4Mom,s4Mom))
00942   {
00943     G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::RelDecayIn3: Error in DecayIn2 -> Exception2"<<G4endl;
00944     //throw G4QException("G4QHadron::DecayIn3(): DecayIn2 did not succeed");
00945     return false;
00946   }
00947   return true;
00948 } // End of RelDecayIn3

void G4QHadron::Set4Momentum ( const G4LorentzVector aMom  )  [inline]

Definition at line 187 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References theMomentum.

Referenced by G4QIonIonCollision::Breeder(), G4QFragmentation::Breeder(), G4QNucleus::CalculateMass(), G4QEnvironment::CheckMassShell(), G4QNucleus::DecayAlphaAlpha(), G4Quasmon::DecayQHadron(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(), G4QIonIonCollision::ExciteDiffParticipants(), G4QFragmentation::ExciteDiffParticipants(), G4QIonIonCollision::ExciteSingDiffParticipants(), G4QFragmentation::ExciteSingDiffParticipants(), G4QFragmentation::Fragment(), G4QCandidate::G4QCandidate(), G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(), G4QFragmentation::G4QFragmentation(), G4QIonIonCollision::G4QIonIonCollision(), G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus(), G4QNucleus::Increase(), G4QNucleus::InitByPDG(), G4QNucleus::operator=(), G4QCandidate::operator=(), and G4QString::Splitup().

00187 {theMomentum=aMom;}

void G4QHadron::SetBindingEnergy ( G4double  aBindE  )  [inline]

Definition at line 109 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QNucleus::Init3D().

00109 {bindE=aBindE;}// Set Binding E in Nuclear Matter

void G4QHadron::SetFormationTime ( G4double  fT  )  [inline]

Definition at line 113 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QString::FragmentString().

00113 {formTime=fT;}  // Defines formationTime for the Hadron

void G4QHadron::SetNFragments ( const G4int nf  )  [inline]

Definition at line 188 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QCandidate::G4QCandidate(), G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus(), G4QNucleus::InitByPDG(), G4QNucleus::operator=(), and G4QCandidate::operator=().

00188 {nFragm=nf;}

void G4QHadron::SetPDGCode ( const G4QPDGCode PDG  )  [inline]

Definition at line 97 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References SetQPDG().

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::Fragment().

00097 {SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(PDG));}// Set PDGCode of Hadron

void G4QHadron::SetPosition ( const G4ThreeVector aPosition  )  [inline]

Definition at line 189 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QNucleus::ChoosePositions(), G4QNucleus::DoTranslation(), G4QString::FragmentString(), and G4QString::Splitup().

00189 {thePosition=position;}

void G4QHadron::SetQC ( const G4QContent newQC  )  [inline]

Definition at line 186 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::Breeder(), G4QFragmentation::Fragment(), G4QCandidate::G4QCandidate(), G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus(), G4QNucleus::operator *=(), G4QNucleus::operator+=(), G4QNucleus::operator-=(), G4QNucleus::operator=(), and G4QCandidate::operator=().

00186 {valQ=newQC;}

void G4QHadron::SetQPDG ( const G4QPDGCode QPDG  ) 

Definition at line 275 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References FatalException, G4cout, G4endl, G4Exception(), G4QPDGCode::GetPDGCode(), G4QPDGCode::GetQCode(), and G4QPDGCode::GetQuarkContent().

Referenced by G4QFragmentation::Breeder(), G4QEnvironment::DecayBaryon(), G4QEnvironment::DecayMeson(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateBaryon(), G4QNucleus::EvaporateNucleus(), G4QFragmentation::Fragment(), G4QCandidate::G4QCandidate(), G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(), G4QNucleus::G4QNucleus(), G4QNucleus::InitByPDG(), G4QNucleus::operator *=(), G4QNucleus::operator+=(), G4QNucleus::operator-=(), G4QNucleus::operator=(), G4QCandidate::operator=(), and SetPDGCode().

00276 {
00277   theQPDG  = newQPDG;
00278   G4int PDG= newQPDG.GetPDGCode();
00279   G4int Q  = newQPDG.GetQCode();
00280 #ifdef debug
00281   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SetQPDG is called with PDGCode="<<PDG<<", QCode="<<Q<<G4endl;
00282 #endif
00283   if     (Q>-1) valQ=theQPDG.GetQuarkContent();
00284   else if(PDG>80000000) DefineQC(PDG);
00285   else
00286   {
00287     // G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::SetQPDG: QPDG="<<newQPDG<<G4endl;
00288     // throw G4QException("***G4QHadron::SetQPDG: Impossible QPDG Probably a Chipolino");
00289     G4ExceptionDescription ed;
00290     ed << "Impossible QPDG Probably a Chipolino:  QPDG=" << newQPDG << G4endl;
00291     G4Exception("G4QHadron::SetQPDG()", "HAD_CHPS_0000", FatalException, ed);
00292   }
00293 }

G4QPartonPair * G4QHadron::SplitInTwoPartons (  ) 

Definition at line 1631 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References FatalException, G4cerr, G4Exception(), GetBaryonNumber(), and G4QContent::MakePartonPair().

01631                                                           : impossible to split (?)
01632 {
01633   if(std::abs(GetBaryonNumber())>1) // Not Baryons or Mesons or Anti-Baryons
01634   {
01635     G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::SplitInTwoPartons: Can not split QC="<<valQ<< G4endl;
01636     G4Exception("G4QFragmentation::ChooseX:","72",FatalException,"NeitherMesonNorBaryon");
01637   }
01638   std::pair<G4int,G4int> PP = valQ.MakePartonPair();
01639   return new G4QPartonPair(new G4QParton(PP.first), new G4QParton(PP.second));
01640 }

void G4QHadron::SplitUp (  ) 

Definition at line 1087 of file G4QHadron.cc.

References DBL_MAX, FatalException, G4cerr, G4cout, G4endl, G4Exception(), G4UniformRand, G4QParton::Get4Momentum(), G4QParton::GetColour(), GetPDGCode(), G4QParton::GetPDGCode(), GetPosition(), G4QParton::GetSpinZ(), G4QParton::Set4Momentum(), G4QParton::SetColour(), G4QParton::SetPosition(), G4QParton::SetSpinZ(), sqr(), and theMomentum.

Referenced by G4QInteraction::SplitHadrons().

01088 {  
01089   if (isSplit) return;
01090 #ifdef pdebug
01091   G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp ***IsCalled***, before Splitting nC="<<Color.size()
01092         <<", SoftColCount="<<theCollisionCount<<G4endl;
01093 #endif
01094   isSplit=true;                                     // PutUp isSplit flag to avoid remake
01095   if (!Color.empty()) return;                       // Do not split if it is already split
01096   if (!theCollisionCount)                           // Diffractive splitting from particDef
01097   {
01098     G4QParton* Left = 0;
01099     G4QParton* Right = 0;
01100     GetValenceQuarkFlavors(Left, Right);
01101     G4ThreeVector Pos=GetPosition();
01102     Left->SetPosition(Pos);
01103     Right->SetPosition(Pos);
01105     G4double theMomPlus  = theMomentum.plus();      // E+pz
01106     G4double theMomMinus = theMomentum.minus();     // E-pz
01107 #ifdef pdebug
01108     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp: *Dif* possition="<<Pos<<", 4M="<<theMomentum<<G4endl;
01109 #endif
01111     // momenta of string ends 
01112     G4double pt2 = theMomentum.perp2();
01113     G4double transverseMass2 = theMomPlus*theMomMinus;
01114     if(transverseMass2<0.) transverseMass2=0.;
01115     G4double maxAvailMomentum2 = sqr(std::sqrt(transverseMass2) - std::sqrt(pt2));
01116     G4ThreeVector pt(0., 0., 0.); // Prototype
01117     if(maxAvailMomentum2/widthOfPtSquare > 0.01)
01118                                          pt=GaussianPt(widthOfPtSquare, maxAvailMomentum2);
01119 #ifdef pdebug
01120     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp: *Dif* maxMom2="<<maxAvailMomentum2<<", pt="<<pt<<G4endl;
01121 #endif
01122     G4LorentzVector LeftMom(pt, 0.);
01123     G4LorentzVector RightMom;
01124     RightMom.setPx(theMomentum.px() - pt.x());
01125     RightMom.setPy(theMomentum.py() - pt.y());
01126 #ifdef pdebug
01127     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp: *Dif* right4m="<<RightMom<<", left4M="<<LeftMom<<G4endl;
01128 #endif
01129     G4double Local1 = theMomMinus + (RightMom.perp2() - LeftMom.perp2()) / theMomPlus;
01130     G4double Local2 = std::sqrt(std::max(0., Local1*Local1 -
01131                                              4*RightMom.perp2()*theMomMinus / theMomPlus));
01132 #ifdef pdebug
01133     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp:Dif,L1="<<Local1<<",L2="<<Local2<<",D="<<Direction<<G4endl;
01134 #endif
01135     if (Direction) Local2 = -Local2;
01136     G4double RightMinus   = 0.5*(Local1 + Local2);
01137     G4double LeftMinus = theMomentum.minus() - RightMinus;
01138 #ifdef pdebug
01139     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp: *Dif* Rminus="<<RightMinus<<",Lminus="<<LeftMinus<<",hmm="
01140           <<theMomentum.minus()<<G4endl;
01141 #endif
01142     G4double LeftPlus  = 0.;
01143     if(LeftMinus) LeftPlus  = LeftMom.perp2()/LeftMinus;
01144     G4double RightPlus = theMomentum.plus() - LeftPlus;
01145 #ifdef pdebug
01146     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp: *Dif* Rplus="<<RightPlus<<", Lplus="<<LeftPlus<<G4endl;
01147 #endif
01148     LeftMom.setPz(0.5*(LeftPlus - LeftMinus));
01149     LeftMom.setE (0.5*(LeftPlus + LeftMinus));
01150     RightMom.setPz(0.5*(RightPlus - RightMinus));
01151     RightMom.setE (0.5*(RightPlus + RightMinus));
01152     //G4cout<<"DSU 6: Left4M="<<LeftMom<<", Right4M="<<RightMom<<G4endl;
01153 #ifdef pdebug
01154     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp: *Dif* -final- R4m="<<RightMom<<", L4M="<<LeftMom<<", L+R="
01155           <<RightMom+LeftMom<<", D4M="<<theMomentum-RightMom+LeftMom<<G4endl;
01156 #endif
01157     Left->Set4Momentum(LeftMom);
01158     Right->Set4Momentum(RightMom);
01159     Color.push_back(Left);
01160     AntiColor.push_back(Right);
01161   }
01162   else
01163   {
01164     // Soft hadronization splitting: sample transversal momenta for sea and valence quarks
01165     //G4double phi, pts;
01166     G4ThreeVector SumP(0.,0.,0.);                         // Remember the hadron position
01167     G4ThreeVector Pos = GetPosition();                    // Remember the hadron position
01168     G4int nSeaPair = theCollisionCount-1;                 // a#of sea-pairs
01169 #ifdef pdebug
01170     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp:*Soft* Pos="<<Pos<<", nSeaPair="<<nSeaPair<<G4endl;
01171 #endif   
01172     // here the condition,to ensure viability of splitting, also in cases
01173     // where difractive excitation occured together with soft scattering.
01174     for (G4int aSeaPair = 0; aSeaPair < nSeaPair; aSeaPair++) // If the sea pairs exist!
01175     {
01176       //  choose quark flavour, d:u:s = 1:1:(1/StrangeSuppress-2)
01177       G4int aPDGCode = 1 + (G4int)(G4UniformRand()/StrangeSuppress); 
01179       //  BuildSeaQuark() determines quark spin, isospin and colour 
01180       //  via parton-constructor G4QParton(aPDGCode) 
01181       G4QParton* aParton = BuildSeaQuark(false, aPDGCode); // quark/anti-diquark creation
01183       // save colour a spin-3 for anti-quark
01184       G4int firstPartonColour = aParton->GetColour();
01185       G4double firstPartonSpinZ = aParton->GetSpinZ();
01186 #ifdef pdebug
01187       G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp:*Soft* Part1 PDG="<<aPDGCode<<", Col="<<firstPartonColour
01188             <<", SpinZ="<<firstPartonSpinZ<<", 4M="<<aParton->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
01189 #endif
01190       SumP+=aParton->Get4Momentum();
01191       Color.push_back(aParton);                           // Quark/anti-diquark is filled
01193       // create anti-quark
01194       aParton = BuildSeaQuark(true, aPDGCode); // Redefine "aParton" (working pointer)
01195       aParton->SetSpinZ(-firstPartonSpinZ);
01196       aParton->SetColour(-firstPartonColour);
01197 #ifdef pdebug
01198       G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplUp:Sft,P2="<<aParton->Get4Momentum()<<",i="<<aSeaPair<<G4endl;
01199 #endif
01201       SumP+=aParton->Get4Momentum();
01202       AntiColor.push_back(aParton);                       // Anti-quark/diquark is filled
01203 #ifdef pdebug
01204       G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplUp:*Sft* Antiquark is filled, i="<<aSeaPair<<G4endl;
01205 #endif
01206     }
01207     // ---- Create valence quarks/diquarks
01208     G4QParton* pColorParton = 0;
01209     G4QParton* pAntiColorParton = 0;
01210     GetValenceQuarkFlavors(pColorParton, pAntiColorParton);
01211     G4int ColorEncoding = pColorParton->GetPDGCode();
01212 #ifdef pdebug
01213     G4int AntiColorEncoding = pAntiColorParton->GetPDGCode();
01214     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplUp:*Sft*,C="<<ColorEncoding<<", AC="<<AntiColorEncoding<<G4endl;
01215 #endif
01216     G4ThreeVector ptr = GaussianPt(sigmaPt, DBL_MAX);
01217     SumP += ptr;
01218 #ifdef pdebug
01219     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp: *Sft*, ptr="<<ptr<<G4endl;
01220 #endif
01222     if (ColorEncoding < 0) // use particle definition
01223     {
01224       G4LorentzVector ColorMom(-SumP, 0);
01225       pColorParton->Set4Momentum(ColorMom);
01226       G4LorentzVector AntiColorMom(ptr, 0.);
01227       pAntiColorParton->Set4Momentum(AntiColorMom);
01228     }
01229     else
01230     {
01231       G4LorentzVector ColorMom(ptr, 0);
01232       pColorParton->Set4Momentum(ColorMom);
01233       G4LorentzVector AntiColorMom(-SumP, 0);
01234       pAntiColorParton->Set4Momentum(AntiColorMom);
01235     }
01236     Color.push_back(pColorParton);
01237     AntiColor.push_back(pAntiColorParton);
01238 #ifdef pdebug
01239     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp: *Soft* Col&Anticol are filled PDG="<<GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
01240 #endif
01241     // Sample X
01242     G4int nColor=Color.size();
01243     G4int nAntiColor=AntiColor.size();
01244     if(nColor!=nAntiColor || nColor != nSeaPair+1)
01245     {
01246       G4cerr<<"***G4QHadron::SplitUp: nA="<<nAntiColor<<",nAC="<<nColor<<",nSea="<<nSeaPair
01247              <<G4endl;
01248       G4Exception("G4QHadron::SplitUp:","72",FatalException,"Colours&AntiColours notSinc");
01249     }
01250 #ifdef pdebug
01251     G4cout<<"G4QHad::SpUp:,nPartons="<<nColor+nColor<<G4endl;
01252 #endif
01253     G4int dnCol=nColor+nColor;
01254     // From here two algorithm of splitting can be used (All(default): New, OBO: Olg, Bad)
01255     G4double* xs=RandomX(dnCol);        // All-Non-iterative CHIPS algorithm of splitting
01256     // Instead one can try one-by-one CHIPS algorithm (faster? but not exact). OBO comment.
01257     //G4double Xmax=1.;                   // OBO
01258 #ifdef pdebug
01259     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp:*Sft* Loop ColorX="<<ColorX<<G4endl;
01260 #endif
01261     std::list<G4QParton*>::iterator icolor = Color.begin();
01262     std::list<G4QParton*>::iterator ecolor = Color.end();
01263     std::list<G4QParton*>::iterator ianticolor = AntiColor.begin();
01264     std::list<G4QParton*>::iterator eanticolor = AntiColor.end();
01265     G4int xi=-1;                        // XIndex for All-Non-interactive CHIPS algorithm
01266     //G4double X=0.;                      // OBO
01267     for ( ; icolor != ecolor && ianticolor != eanticolor; ++icolor, ++ianticolor)
01268     {
01269       (*icolor)->SetX(xs[++xi]);        // All-Non-iterative CHIPS algorithm of splitting
01270       //X=SampleCHIPSX(Xmax, dnCol);      // OBO
01271       //Xmax-=X;                          // OBO
01272       //--dnCol;                          // OBO
01273       //(*icolor)->SetX(X);               // OBO
01274       // ----
01275       (*icolor)->DefineEPz(theMomentum);
01276       (*ianticolor)->SetX(xs[++xi]);    // All-Non-iterative CHIPS algorithm of splitting
01277       //X=SampleCHIPSX(Xmax, dnCol);      // OBO
01278       //Xmax-=X;                          // OBO
01279       //--dnCol;                          // OBO
01280       //(*ianticolor)->SetX(X);           // OBO 
01281       // ----
01282       (*ianticolor)->DefineEPz(theMomentum);
01283     }
01284     delete[] xs;                           // The calculated array must be deleted (All)
01285 #ifdef pdebug
01286     G4cout<<"G4QHadron::SplitUp: *Soft* ===> End, ColSize="<<Color.size()<<G4endl;
01287 #endif
01288     return;
01289   }
01290 } // End of SplitUp

G4bool G4QHadron::TestRealNeutral (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 192 of file G4QHadron.hh.

References G4QPDGCode::TestRealNeutral().

Referenced by MakeAntiHadron().

00192 { return theQPDG.TestRealNeutral();}

Field Documentation

G4LorentzVector G4QHadron::theMomentum [protected]

Definition at line 143 of file G4QHadron.hh.

Referenced by Boost(), CopDecayIn2(), CopDecayIn3(), CorEDecayIn2(), CorMDecayIn2(), DecayIn2(), G4QNucleus::DeleteNucleons(), G4QNucleus::DoLorentzBoost(), G4QNucleus::DoLorentzRotation(), G4QHadron(), Get3Momentum(), Get4Momentum(), GetEnergy(), GetMass(), GetMass2(), LorentzRotate(), G4QNucleus::operator *=(), G4QNucleus::operator+=(), G4QNucleus::operator-=(), operator=(), RelDecayIn2(), RelDecayIn3(), Set4Momentum(), G4QNucleus::Split2Baryons(), SplitUp(), and G4QNucleus::SubtractNucleon().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Mon May 27 17:53:08 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7