00060 #include <cmath>
00061 #include <cstdlib>
00063 #include "G4QEnvironment.hh"
00064 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00065 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00067 using namespace std;
00069 G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(const G4QNucleus& theEnv)
00070 : theEnvironment(theEnv)
00071 {
00072 theQFScat = G4QFreeScattering::GetPointer();
00073 G4int envPDG = theEnv.GetPDG();
00074 G4QPDGCode envQPDG(envPDG);
00075 G4int envA = envQPDG.GetBaryNum();
00076 G4double envM = envQPDG.GetMass();
00077 theWorld = 0;
00078 nBarClust = 0;
00079 f2all = 0;
00080 totCharge = envQPDG.GetCharge();
00081 totBaryoN = envA;
00082 tot4Mom = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,envM);
00083 theTargetPDG = 0;
00084 #ifdef debug
00085 G4cout << "G4QEnviron::Const: t4M=" << tot4Mom << ",tC=" << totCharge
00086 << ",tB=" << totBaryoN << G4endl;
00087 #endif
00088 }
00091 G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(const G4QHadronVector& projHadrons,
00092 const G4int targPDG)
00093 : theEnvironment(90000000)
00094 {
00097 static const G4QPDGCode pimQPDG(-211);
00098 theQFScat = G4QFreeScattering::GetPointer();
00099 theWorld = G4QCHIPSWorld::Get();
00100 nBarClust = 0;
00101 totCharge = 0;
00102 totBaryoN = 0;
00103 f2all = 0;
00104 G4bool fake=false;
00105 theTargetPDG=targPDG;
00106 G4int nHadrons=projHadrons.size();
00108 #ifdef debug
00109 G4cout<<"--->>G4QE::Const: Called targPDG="<<targPDG<<", nInpHadr="<<nHadrons<<G4endl;
00110 #endif
00111 if(nHadrons<1 || targPDG==90000000)
00112 {
00113 G4cout << "---Warning---G4QEnv::Const:a#ofINPHadr=" << nHadrons
00114 << ",tPDG=" << targPDG << G4endl;
00116 if(nHadrons)
00117 {
00118 for (G4int ih=0; ih<nHadrons; ih++)
00119 {
00120 G4QHadron* curQH = new G4QHadron(projHadrons[ih]);
00121 #ifdef debug
00122 G4cout << "*G4QE::Const:iH#" << ih << "," << curQH->GetQC()
00123 << curQH->Get4Momentum() << G4endl;
00124 #endif
00126 if (curQH->GetPDGCode() == 10) {
00129 G4QContent chQC=curQH->GetQC();
00131 G4QChipolino QCh(chQC);
00134 G4LorentzVector ch4M=curQH->Get4Momentum();
00135 G4QPDGCode h1QPDG=QCh.GetQPDG1();
00136 G4double h1M =h1QPDG.GetMass();
00137 G4QPDGCode h2QPDG=QCh.GetQPDG2();
00138 G4double h2M =h2QPDG.GetMass();
00139 G4double chM2 =ch4M.m2();
00140 if( sqr(h1M+h2M) < chM2 )
00141 {
00142 G4LorentzVector h14M(0.,0.,0.,h1M);
00143 G4LorentzVector h24M(0.,0.,0.,h2M);
00144 if(!G4QHadron(ch4M).DecayIn2(h14M,h24M))
00145 {
00146 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
00147 ed << "QChip DecIn2 error: CM=" << std::sqrt(chM2) << " -> h1="
00148 << h1QPDG << "(" << h1M << ") + h2=" << h1QPDG << "(" << h2M
00149 << ") = " << h1M+h2M << " **Failed**" << G4endl;
00150 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
00151 FatalException, ed);
00152 }
00153 delete curQH;
00154 G4QHadron* h1H = new G4QHadron(h1QPDG.GetPDGCode(),h14M);
00155 theQHadrons.push_back(h1H);
00156 curQH = new G4QHadron(h1H);
00157 theProjectiles.push_back(curQH);
00159 #ifdef debug
00160 G4cout<<"G4QE::Constr: QChipolino -> H1="<<h1QPDG<<h14M<<G4endl;
00161 #endif
00162 curQH = new G4QHadron(h2QPDG.GetPDGCode(),h24M);
00163 theQHadrons.push_back(curQH);
00164 #ifdef debug
00165 G4cout<<"G4QE::Constr: QChipolino -> H2="<<h2QPDG<<h24M<<G4endl;
00166 #endif
00167 }
00168 else
00169 {
00170 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
00171 ed << "LowMassChipolino in Input: " << ih << "," << curQH->GetQC()
00172 << curQH->Get4Momentum() << ", chipoM=" << std::sqrt(chM2) << " < m1="
00173 << h1M << "(" << h1QPDG << ") + m2=" << h2M << "(" << h2QPDG << ") = "
00174 << h1M+h2M << G4endl;
00175 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment()", "HAD_CHPS_0001",
00176 FatalException, ed);
00177 }
00178 }
00179 theQHadrons.push_back(curQH);
00180 curQH = new G4QHadron(curQH);
00181 theProjectiles.push_back(curQH);
00182 }
00183 }
00184 else if(targPDG!=90000000)
00185 {
00186 G4QHadron* curQH = new G4QHadron(targPDG);
00187 #ifdef debug
00188 G4cout<<"**G4QE::Const:No iHad,eH="<<curQH->GetQC()<<curQH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
00189 #endif
00190 theQHadrons.push_back(curQH);
00191 }
00192 if (nHadrons<0) G4cout<<"***Warning****G4QE::Const:NH="<<nHadrons<<" < 0 !"<<G4endl;
00193 return;
00194 }
00195 G4QPDGCode targQPDG(targPDG);
00196 #ifdef debug
00197 G4cout<<"G4QE::C:targQPDG="<<targQPDG<<G4endl;
00198 #endif
00199 G4int targA=targQPDG.GetBaryNum();
00200 G4double targM=targQPDG.GetMass();
00201 totCharge=targQPDG.GetCharge();
00202 totBaryoN=targA;
00203 tot4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,targM);
00205 #ifdef debug
00206 G4cout<<"G4QE::C:PDG="<<targPDG<<",C="<<totCharge<<",M="<<targM<<",n="<<nHadrons<<G4endl;
00207 #endif
00208 for(G4int ipr=0; ipr<nHadrons; ipr++)
00209 {
00210 G4QHadron* prHadr = projHadrons[ipr];
00211 G4QHadron* curQH = new G4QHadron(prHadr);
00212 theProjectiles.push_back(curQH);
00213 G4LorentzVector h4Mom = prHadr->Get4Momentum();
00214 tot4Mom += h4Mom;
00215 totCharge += prHadr->GetCharge();
00216 totBaryoN += prHadr->GetBaryonNumber();
00217 #ifdef debug
00218 G4int hPDG = prHadr->GetPDGCode();
00219 G4int hNFrag= prHadr->GetNFragments();
00220 G4QContent hQC = prHadr->GetQC();
00221 G4cout<<"G4QE::C:#"<<ipr<<",PDG="<<hPDG<<hQC<<",4M="<<h4Mom<<",hNFr="<<hNFrag<<G4endl;
00222 #endif
00223 }
00224 #ifdef debug
00225 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:tC="<<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<",tot4M="<<tot4Mom<<G4endl;
00226 #endif
00227 #ifdef debug
00228 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const: --> tC="<<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
00229 #endif
00230 G4int nP=theWorld->GetQPEntries();
00232 G4int nCl=nP-53;
00233 #ifdef debug
00234 G4cout<<"G4QEnv:Const:Before NCI:n="<<nP<<",F="<<projHadrons[0]->GetNFragments()<<",tC="
00235 <<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<", nCl="<<nCl<<G4endl;
00236 #endif
00237 InitClustersVector(nCl,targA);
00238 #ifdef debug
00239 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:NucClust,n="<<nCl<<",F="<<projHadrons[0]->GetNFragments()<<",tC="
00240 <<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
00241 #endif
00242 if(targPDG>80000000)
00243 {
00244 theEnvironment.InitByPDG(targPDG);
00245 #ifdef debug
00246 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:nH="<<nHadrons<<",PDG="<<projHadrons[0]->GetPDGCode()<<",tC="
00247 <<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
00248 #endif
00249 if(nHadrons==1)
00250 {
00251 G4QHadron* opHad=projHadrons[0];
00252 G4int opPDG=opHad->GetPDGCode();
00253 #ifdef debug
00254 G4cout<<"G4QEnviron::Constructor: *** Only one input hadron*** PDG="<<opPDG<<G4endl;
00255 #endif
00256 if(opPDG==22)
00257 {
00258 G4double exMass=tot4Mom.m();
00259 #ifdef debug
00260 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::Const: exM="<<exMass-targM<<" > mPi0 ?"<<G4endl;
00261 #endif
00262 if(exMass<targM+135.977)
00263 {
00264 G4QNucleus exEnviron(tot4Mom,targPDG);
00266 if(targM>999.&&!exEnviron.SplitBaryon())
00267 {
00268 #ifdef debug
00269 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:Photon's added to Output, Env="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
00270 #endif
00271 G4QHadron* photon = new G4QHadron(opHad);
00272 #ifdef debug
00273 G4cout<<"**G4QE::Const:Phot="<<photon->GetQC()<<photon->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
00274 #endif
00275 theQHadrons.push_back(photon);
00276 return;
00277 }
00278 else if(targM<=999.)
00279 {
00280 G4LorentzVector prot4m(0.,0.,0.,targM);
00281 G4LorentzVector gam4m(0.,0.,0.,0.);
00282 if(!G4QHadron(tot4Mom).DecayIn2(prot4m,gam4m))
00283 {
00284 #ifdef debug
00285 G4cout<<"*War*G4QEnv::Const:(P)Photon->Output, Env="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
00286 #endif
00287 G4QHadron* photon = new G4QHadron(opHad);
00288 #ifdef debug
00289 G4cout<<"**G4QE::Const:Ph="<<photon->GetQC()<<photon->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
00290 #endif
00291 theQHadrons.push_back(photon);
00292 return;
00293 }
00294 G4QHadron* proton = new G4QHadron(targPDG,prot4m);
00295 theQHadrons.push_back(proton);
00296 G4QHadron* photon = new G4QHadron(22,gam4m);
00297 theQHadrons.push_back(photon);
00298 theEnvironment.InitByPDG(90000000);
00299 #ifdef debug
00300 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:Fill gamma and N from gam+N"<<targPDG<<prot4m<<G4endl;
00301 #endif
00302 return;
00303 }
00304 }
00305 }
00306 else if(opPDG==13 || opPDG==15)
00307 {
00308 G4int nuPDG=14;
00309 if(opPDG==15) nuPDG=16;
00310 G4LorentzVector mu4m=opHad->Get4Momentum();
00312 G4double qpen=465.*sqrt(sqrt(G4UniformRand()));
00313 G4double qpct=2*G4UniformRand()-1.;
00314 G4double qpst=sqrt(1.-qpct*qpct);
00315 G4double qppt=qpen*qpst;
00316 G4double qphi=twopi*G4UniformRand();
00317 G4LorentzVector qi4m(qppt*sin(qphi),qppt*cos(qphi),qpen*qpct,qpen);
00318 G4LorentzVector qt4m=mu4m+qi4m;
00319 G4LorentzVector nu4m(0.,0.,0.,0.);
00320 G4LorentzVector qf4m(0.,0.,0.,0.);
00321 G4QContent targQC=targQPDG.GetQuarkContent();
00322 targQC+=G4QContent(1,0,0,0,1,0);
00323 G4LorentzVector fn4m=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
00324 G4QNucleus fnN(targQC,fn4m);
00325 G4double fnm=fnN.GetMZNS();
00329 G4double tm=0.;
00330 G4LorentzVector tg4m=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,targM);
00331 G4LorentzVector fd4m=tg4m-qi4m;
00332 #ifdef debug
00334 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::Const:mu4M="<<mu4m<<",t4M="<<qt4m<<",tgQP="<<qi4m<<G4endl;
00335 #endif
00336 while (tm<=fnm)
00337 {
00338 if(!G4QHadron(qt4m).DecayIn2(nu4m,qf4m))
00339 {
00340 G4cout<<"***G4QE::Constr:Muon error (1) 4M="<<mu4m<<". Fill as it is."<<G4endl;
00341 G4QHadron* lepton = new G4QHadron(opHad);
00342 theQHadrons.push_back(lepton);
00343 return;
00344 }
00345 #ifdef mudebug
00346 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:i="<<qi4m<<",t="<<qt4m<<"->n="<<nu4m<<"+q="<<qf4m<<G4endl;
00347 #endif
00348 fn4m=fd4m+qf4m;
00349 tm=fn4m.m();
00350 #ifdef mudebug
00351 G4cout<<"--G4QEnv::Const:M="<<tm<<",GSM=="<<fnm<<G4endl;
00352 #endif
00353 }
00354 fnN.Set4Momentum(fn4m);
00356 G4QHadron* neutrino = 0;
00357 #ifdef mudebug
00358 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:fM="<<tm<<fn4m<<",GSM="<<fnm<<G4endl;
00359 #endif
00360 if(tm<fnm)
00361 {
00362 qf4m=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,fnm);
00363 qt4m=tg4m+mu4m;
00364 if(!G4QHadron(qt4m).DecayIn2(nu4m,qf4m))
00365 {
00366 G4cout<<"***G4QE::Constr:Muon error (2) 4M="<<mu4m<<". Fill as it is."<<G4endl;
00367 G4QHadron* muon = new G4QHadron(opHad);
00368 theQHadrons.push_back(muon);
00369 return;
00370 }
00371 G4QHadron* fnuc = new G4QHadron(targQC,qf4m);
00373 EvaporateResidual(fnuc);
00374 neutrino = new G4QHadron(nuPDG,nu4m);
00375 theEnvironment.InitByPDG(90000000);
00376 #ifdef debug
00377 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:Fill neutrino (1) "<<nuPDG<<nu4m<<G4endl;
00378 #endif
00379 theQHadrons.push_back(neutrino);
00380 return;
00381 }
00382 neutrino = new G4QHadron(nuPDG,nu4m);
00383 #ifdef debug
00384 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:Fill neutrino (2) "<<nuPDG<<nu4m<<G4endl;
00385 #endif
00386 theQHadrons.push_back(neutrino);
00387 if(tm<fnm+135.98)
00388 {
00389 if(!fnN.SplitBaryon())
00390 {
00391 #ifdef mudebug
00392 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const: impossible to split nucleon after mu->nu"<<G4endl;
00393 #endif
00394 G4LorentzVector ga4m(0.,0.,0.,0.);
00395 qf4m=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,fnm);
00396 if(!G4QHadron(fn4m).DecayIn2(ga4m,qf4m))
00397 {
00398 G4cout<<"***G4QE::Constr:LepCapError(3),M="<<fn4m.m()<<"<"<<fnm<<G4endl;
00399 G4QHadron* resid = new G4QHadron(targQC,qt4m);
00400 theQHadrons.push_back(resid);
00401 theEnvironment.InitByPDG(90000000);
00402 return;
00403 }
00404 G4QHadron* photon = new G4QHadron(22,ga4m);
00405 #ifdef debug
00406 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:Fill photon "<<ga4m<<G4endl;
00407 #endif
00408 theQHadrons.push_back(photon);
00409 G4QHadron* fnuc = new G4QHadron(targQC,qf4m);
00410 #ifdef debug
00411 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:Fill target "<<targQC<<qf4m<<" in any form"<<G4endl;
00412 #endif
00413 EvaporateResidual(fnuc);
00414 theEnvironment.InitByPDG(90000000);
00415 return;
00416 }
00417 }
00419 fn4m=qf4m-qi4m;
00420 opHad->SetQPDG(pimQPDG);
00421 fake=false;
00424 opHad->Set4Momentum(fn4m);
00425 }
00426 }
00427 for(G4int ih=0; ih<nHadrons; ih++)
00428 {
00429 G4QHadron* curHadr=projHadrons[ih];
00430 G4int hNFrag = curHadr->GetNFragments();
00431 G4LorentzVector ch4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
00432 #ifdef debug
00433 G4cout<<"G4QE:C:"<<ih<<",F="<<hNFrag<<",0="<<projHadrons[0]->GetNFragments()<<G4endl;
00434 #endif
00435 if(!hNFrag&&ch4M.e()>0.)
00436 {
00437 G4int envPDG=theEnvironment.GetPDG();
00438 if(envPDG==90000000||(theEnvironment.Get4Momentum().m2())<1.)
00439 {
00440 G4int hPDG = curHadr->GetPDGCode();
00442 if(!hPDG)
00443 {
00447 }
00448 else
00449 {
00450 G4int hQ = curHadr->GetQCode();
00451 if(hQ<0)
00452 {
00455 }
00456 else
00457 {
00458 G4QHadron* newHadr = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
00459 #ifdef debug
00460 G4cout<<"*G4QE::Const:H="<<newHadr->GetQC()<<newHadr->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
00461 #endif
00462 theQHadrons.push_back(newHadr);
00463 #ifdef debug
00464 G4cout<<"G4QEnviron::Constructor: Fill h="<<hPDG<<ch4M<<G4endl;
00465 for(unsigned ipo=0; ipo<theQHadrons.size(); ipo++)
00466 {
00467 G4int hPDG = theQHadrons[ipo]->GetPDGCode();
00468 G4LorentzVector h4Mom = theQHadrons[ipo]->Get4Momentum();
00469 G4int hNFrag= theQHadrons[ipo]->GetNFragments();
00470 G4QContent hQC = theQHadrons[ipo]->GetQC();
00471 G4cout<<"h#"<<ipo<<": "<<hPDG<<hQC<<",4M="<<h4Mom<<",nFr="<<hNFrag<<G4endl;
00472 }
00473 #endif
00474 }
00475 }
00476 }
00477 else
00478 {
00479 G4QContent hQC = curHadr->GetQC();
00480 #ifdef debug
00481 G4cout<<"G4QE::Const:CreateQuasm, 4M="<<ch4M<<",QC="<<hQC<<",E="<<envPDG<<",tC="
00482 <<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
00483 #endif
00484 CreateQuasmon(hQC, ch4M, fake);
00485 }
00486 }
00487 }
00488 }
00489 else
00490 {
00492 G4QHadron* curHadr=projHadrons[0];
00493 G4int hPDG = curHadr->GetPDGCode();
00494 if(!hPDG||hPDG==10)
00495 {
00496 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnvironment::Constructor:Vacuum,1st Hadron wrong PDG="<<hPDG
00497 <<", HQC="<<curHadr->GetQC()<<", HM="<<curHadr->GetMass()<<G4endl;
00499 }
00500 else
00501 {
00502 G4int hQ = curHadr->GetQCode();
00503 if(hQ<0)
00504 {
00505 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnviron::Constructor:Vacuum,Q<0, 1st HPDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
00507 }
00508 else
00509 {
00510 G4LorentzVector h4Mom = curHadr->Get4Momentum();
00511 G4QContent hQC = curHadr->GetQC();
00512 if(!targPDG||targPDG==10) G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreateQ; (1) PDG="<<targPDG<<G4endl;
00513 G4QPDGCode tQPDG(targPDG);
00514 G4int tQ = tQPDG.GetQCode();
00515 if(tQ<0||targPDG==10)
00516 {
00517 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::Constructor:TrgQC<0, Chipo?,PDG="<<targPDG<<G4endl;
00519 }
00520 else
00521 {
00522 h4Mom+=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tQPDG.GetMass());
00523 hQC+=tQPDG.GetQuarkContent();
00524 #ifdef debug
00525 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Const:VacHadrTarg="<<h4Mom<<hQC<<",E="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
00526 #endif
00527 G4Quasmon* curQuasmon = new G4Quasmon(hQC, h4Mom);
00528 theQuasmons.push_back(curQuasmon);
00529 }
00530 }
00531 }
00532 if(nHadrons>1) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nHadrons; ih++)
00533 {
00534 G4QHadron* newHadr = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
00535 #ifdef debug
00536 G4cout<<"*G4QE::Const:#"<<ih<<","<<curHadr->GetQC()<<curHadr->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
00537 #endif
00538 theQHadrons.push_back(newHadr);
00539 }
00540 }
00541 #ifdef chdebug
00542 G4int finCharge=theEnvironment.GetCharge();
00543 G4int finBaryoN=theEnvironment.GetA();
00544 G4int nHad=theQHadrons.size();
00545 if(nHad) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nHad; ih++)
00546 {
00547 finCharge+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetCharge();
00548 finBaryoN+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetBaryonNumber();
00549 }
00550 G4int nQuas=theQuasmons.size();
00551 if(nQuas) for(G4int iq=0; iq<nQuas; iq++)
00552 {
00553 finCharge+=theQuasmons[iq]->GetCharge();
00554 finBaryoN+=theQuasmons[iq]->GetBaryonNumber();
00555 }
00556 if(finCharge!=totCharge || finBaryoN!=totBaryoN)
00557 {
00558 G4cout<<"*::*G4QEnv::C:(0) tC="<<totCharge<<",C="<<finCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN
00559 <<",B="<<finBaryoN<<",E="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
00560 if(nHad) for(G4int h=0; h<nHad; h++)
00561 {
00562 G4QHadron* cH = theQHadrons[h];
00563 G4cout<<"*:*G4QE::C:h#"<<h<<",QC="<<cH->GetQC()<<",PDG="<<cH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
00564 }
00565 if(nQuas) for(G4int q=0; q<nQuas; q++)
00566 {
00567 G4Quasmon* cQ = theQuasmons[q];
00568 G4cout<<"::G4QE::C:q#"<<q<<",C="<<cQ->GetCharge()<<",QuarkCon="<<cQ->GetQC()<<G4endl;
00569 }
00570 }
00571 #endif
00572 }
00575 G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(const G4QEnvironment &right)
00576 {
00578 theQFScat = G4QFreeScattering::GetPointer();
00579 G4int nQH = right.theQHadrons.size();
00580 if(nQH) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nQH; ih++)
00581 {
00582 G4QHadron* curQH = new G4QHadron(right.theQHadrons[ih]);
00583 #ifdef debug
00584 G4cout<<"G4QE::CopyByVal:cH#"<<ih<<","<<curQH->GetQC()<<curQH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
00585 #endif
00586 theQHadrons.push_back(curQH);
00587 }
00589 G4int nP = right.theProjectiles.size();
00590 if(nP) for(G4int ip=0; ip<nP; ip++)
00591 {
00592 G4QHadron* curP = new G4QHadron(right.theProjectiles[ip]);
00593 theProjectiles.push_back(curP);
00594 }
00595 theTargetPDG = right.theTargetPDG;
00596 theWorld = right.theWorld;
00597 nBarClust = right.nBarClust;
00598 f2all = right.f2all;
00599 tot4Mom = right.tot4Mom;
00600 totCharge = right.totCharge;
00601 totBaryoN = right.totBaryoN;
00604 G4int nQ = right.theQuasmons.size();
00605 if(nQ) for(G4int iq=0; iq<nQ; iq++)
00606 {
00607 G4Quasmon* curQ = new G4Quasmon(right.theQuasmons[iq]);
00608 theQuasmons.push_back(curQ);
00609 }
00612 G4int nQC = right.theQCandidates.size();
00613 if(nQC) for(G4int ic=0; ic<nQC; ic++)
00614 {
00615 G4QCandidate* curQC = new G4QCandidate(right.theQCandidates[ic]);
00616 theQCandidates.push_back(curQC);
00617 }
00619 theEnvironment = right.theEnvironment;
00620 }
00622 G4QEnvironment::G4QEnvironment(G4QEnvironment* right)
00623 {
00625 theQFScat = G4QFreeScattering::GetPointer();
00626 G4int nQH = right->theQHadrons.size();
00627 if(nQH) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nQH; ih++)
00628 {
00629 G4QHadron* curQH = new G4QHadron(right->theQHadrons[ih]);
00630 #ifdef debug
00631 G4cout<<"G4QE::CopyByPtr:cH#"<<ih<<","<<curQH->GetQC()<<curQH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
00632 #endif
00633 theQHadrons.push_back(curQH);
00634 }
00637 G4int nP = right->theProjectiles.size();
00638 if(nP) for(G4int ip=0; ip<nP; ip++)
00639 {
00640 G4QHadron* curP = new G4QHadron(right->theProjectiles[ip]);
00641 theProjectiles.push_back(curP);
00642 }
00643 theTargetPDG = right->theTargetPDG;
00644 theWorld = right->theWorld;
00645 nBarClust = right->nBarClust;
00646 f2all = right->f2all;
00647 tot4Mom = right->tot4Mom;
00648 totCharge = right->totCharge;
00649 totBaryoN = right->totBaryoN;
00652 G4int nQ = right->theQuasmons.size();
00653 if(nQ) for(G4int iq=0; iq<nQ; iq++)
00654 {
00655 G4Quasmon* curQ = new G4Quasmon(right->theQuasmons[iq]);
00656 theQuasmons.push_back(curQ);
00657 }
00660 G4int nQC = right->theQCandidates.size();
00661 if(nQC) for(G4int ic=0; ic<nQC; ic++)
00662 {
00663 G4QCandidate* curQC = new G4QCandidate(right->theQCandidates[ic]);
00664 theQCandidates.push_back(curQC);
00665 }
00667 theEnvironment = right->theEnvironment;
00668 }
00670 G4QEnvironment::~G4QEnvironment()
00671 {
00672 #ifdef debug
00673 G4cout<<"~G4QEnvironment: before theQCandidates nC="<<theQCandidates.size()<<G4endl;
00674 #endif
00675 for_each(theQCandidates.begin(), theQCandidates.end(), DeleteQCandidate());
00676 #ifdef debug
00677 G4cout<<"~G4QEnvironment: before theQuasmons nQ="<<theQuasmons.size()<<G4endl;
00678 #endif
00679 for_each(theQuasmons.begin(), theQuasmons.end(), DeleteQuasmon());
00680 #ifdef debug
00681 G4cout<<"~G4QEnvironment: before theQHadrons nH="<<theQHadrons.size()<<G4endl;
00682 #endif
00683 for_each(theQHadrons.begin(), theQHadrons.end(), DeleteQHadron());
00684 #ifdef debug
00685 G4cout<<"~G4QEnvironment: before theProjectiles nP="<<theProjectiles.size()<<G4endl;
00686 #endif
00687 for_each(theProjectiles.begin(), theProjectiles.end(), DeleteQHadron());
00688 #ifdef debug
00689 G4cout<<"~G4QEnvironment: === DONE ==="<<G4endl;
00690 #endif
00691 }
00693 G4double G4QEnvironment::SolidAngle=0.8;
00694 G4bool G4QEnvironment::EnergyFlux=false;
00695 G4bool G4QEnvironment::WeakDecays=false;
00696 G4bool G4QEnvironment::ElMaDecays=true;
00697 G4double G4QEnvironment::PiPrThresh=141.4;
00698 G4double G4QEnvironment::M2ShiftVir=20000.;
00699 G4double G4QEnvironment::DiNuclMass=1880.;
00702 void G4QEnvironment::OpenElectromagneticDecays(){ElMaDecays=true;}
00705 void G4QEnvironment::CloseElectromagneticDecays(){ElMaDecays=false;}
00708 void G4QEnvironment::SetParameters(G4double solAn, G4bool efFlag, G4double piThresh,
00709 G4double mpisq, G4double dinum)
00710 {
00711 EnergyFlux=efFlag;
00712 SolidAngle=solAn;
00713 PiPrThresh=piThresh;
00714 M2ShiftVir=mpisq;
00715 DiNuclMass=dinum;
00716 }
00718 const G4QEnvironment& G4QEnvironment::operator=(const G4QEnvironment &right)
00719 {
00720 if(this != &right)
00721 {
00723 theQFScat = G4QFreeScattering::GetPointer();
00724 G4int iQH = theQHadrons.size();
00725 if(iQH) for(G4int ii=0; ii<iQH; ii++) delete theQHadrons[ii];
00726 theQHadrons.clear();
00727 G4int nQH = right.theQHadrons.size();
00728 if(nQH) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nQH; ih++)
00729 {
00730 G4QHadron* curQH = new G4QHadron(right.theQHadrons[ih]);
00731 #ifdef debug
00732 G4cout<<"G4QE::Operator=:c#"<<ih<<","<<curQH->GetQC()<<curQH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
00733 #endif
00734 theQHadrons.push_back(curQH);
00735 }
00737 theWorld = right.theWorld;
00738 nBarClust = right.nBarClust;
00739 f2all = right.f2all;
00742 G4int iQ = theQuasmons.size();
00743 if(iQ) for(G4int jq=0; jq<iQ; jq++) delete theQuasmons[jq];
00744 theQuasmons.clear();
00745 G4int nQ = right.theQuasmons.size();
00746 if(nQ) for(G4int iq=0; iq<nQ; iq++)
00747 {
00748 G4Quasmon* curQ = new G4Quasmon(right.theQuasmons[iq]);
00749 theQuasmons.push_back(curQ);
00750 }
00753 G4int iQC = theQCandidates.size();
00754 if(iQC) for(G4int jc=0; jc<iQC; jc++) delete theQCandidates[jc];
00755 theQCandidates.clear();
00756 G4int nQC = right.theQCandidates.size();
00757 if(nQC) for(G4int ic=0; ic<nQC; ic++)
00758 {
00759 G4QCandidate* curQC = new G4QCandidate(right.theQCandidates[ic]);
00760 theQCandidates.push_back(curQC);
00761 }
00763 theEnvironment = right.theEnvironment;
00764 }
00765 return *this;
00766 }
00769 void G4QEnvironment::CreateQuasmon(const G4QContent& projQC, const G4LorentzVector& pro4M,
00770 G4bool fake)
00771 {
00773 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
00774 static const G4double mNeu2 = mNeut*mNeut;
00775 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
00776 static const G4double mPro2 = mProt*mProt;
00778 static const G4double mPi = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass();
00779 static const G4double mPi2 = mPi*mPi;
00785 static const G4QContent neutQC(2,1,0,0,0,0);
00786 static const G4QContent protQC(1,2,0,0,0,0);
00787 static const G4QContent deutQC(3,3,0,0,0,0);
00788 static const G4QContent lambQC(1,1,1,0,0,0);
00789 static const G4QNucleus vacuum(90000000);
00790 G4QContent valQ(0,0,0,0,0,0);
00791 G4LorentzVector q4Mom(0.,0.,0.,0.);
00792 nBarClust = 1;
00793 G4LorentzVector proj4M=pro4M;
00794 G4double projE=proj4M.e();
00795 G4int projPDG=projQC.GetSPDGCode();
00796 if(projE<0.)
00797 {
00798 G4cout<<"*Warning*G4QEnvironment::CreateQuasmon:Epr="<<projE<<"<0,QC="<<projQC<<G4endl;
00799 projE=0.;
00800 proj4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
00801 }
00802 G4double projM2=proj4M.m2();
00803 G4bool Pr1 = theProjectiles.size() == 1;
00804 if(Pr1 && std::fabs(G4QPDGCode(projPDG).GetMass2()-projM2) > .1 ) Pr1=false;
00805 G4int targPDG=theEnvironment.GetPDG();
00806 if(targPDG>80000000&&targPDG!=90000000&&(theEnvironment.Get4Momentum().m2())>1000.)
00807 {
00808 G4double tgMass=theEnvironment.GetMass();
00809 #ifdef debug
00810 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::CreateQ:Interact "<<projQC<<proj4M<<"(m2="<<projM2<<") + A="
00811 <<targPDG<<",M="<<tgMass<<",tC="<<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
00812 #endif
00813 G4int envZ=theEnvironment.GetZ();
00814 G4int envN=theEnvironment.GetN();
00815 G4int envS=theEnvironment.GetS();
00816 G4int envBN=envZ+envN+envS;
00817 G4int nP =theWorld->GetQPEntries();
00819 G4int nCl =nP-53;
00820 if(nCl<0) G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::CreaQ:nP="<<nP<<" for Targ="<<targPDG<<G4endl;
00821 if (nCl<3) nBarClust=1;
00822 else if(nCl<9) nBarClust=2;
00823 else
00824 {
00825 G4int v=nCl-9;
00826 G4int d=v/15;
00827 G4int r=v%15;
00828 if(r<7) nBarClust=3+d+d;
00829 else nBarClust=4+d+d;
00830 }
00831 #ifdef debug
00832 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:TNuc:Z="<<envZ<<",N="<<envN<<",nC="<<nBarClust<<",tC="
00833 <<totCharge<<", tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
00834 #endif
00835 G4bool pbpt=projE<PiPrThresh+(M2ShiftVir+projM2)/DiNuclMass;
00836 G4bool din=false;
00837 G4bool piF=false;
00838 G4bool gaF=false;
00839 if((projM2-mPi2<.00001||projE-mPi<2.7)&&projPDG==-211&&!fake) piF=true;
00841 if(pbpt&&projPDG==22) gaF=true;
00842 theEnvironment.SetMaxClust(nBarClust);
00843 nBarClust=theEnvironment.UpdateClusters(din);
00844 #ifdef debug
00845 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreateQ: Nucleus("<<targPDG<<") is created ("<<nBarClust<<" clast's)";
00846 for(G4int ic=0;ic<nBarClust;ic++)
00847 G4cout<<" #"<<ic<<"("<<theEnvironment.GetProbability(ic)<<")";
00848 G4cout<<G4endl;
00849 #endif
00850 theEnvironment.PrepareCandidates(theQCandidates,piF,gaF,proj4M);
00851 G4QNucleus memEnviron=theEnvironment;
00852 #ifdef debug
00853 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:ClusterProbabCalculation tC="<<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
00854 #endif
00856 G4bool efFlag = false;
00859 G4int efCounter=0;
00860 G4QContent EnFlQC(0,0,0,0,0,0);
00861 G4LorentzVector ef4Mom(0.,0.,0.,0.);
00862 G4double proj3M=proj4M.rho();
00864 if((projPDG==-2212||projPDG==-2112||projPDG==-3122||projPDG==-3112||projPDG==-3212||
00865 projPDG==-3222) && envBN>1 && proj3M<10.)
00867 {
00869 #ifdef debug
00870 G4cout<<"G4QE::CreQ:Annihilation on a perif. nucleon, Z="<<envZ<<",N="<<envN<<G4endl;
00871 #endif
00872 G4double zpn=envZ+envN;
00873 G4double rnd=zpn*G4UniformRand();
00877 G4int targNPDG = 90000000;
00878 G4QContent targQC(0,0,0,0,0,0);
00879 if (rnd<envN)
00880 {
00881 targNPDG = 90000001;
00882 targQC = neutQC;
00883 }
00884 else
00886 {
00887 targNPDG = 90001000;
00888 targQC = protQC;
00889 }
00900 theEnvironment.Reduce(targNPDG);
00901 G4double resMass=theEnvironment.GetGSMass();
00902 G4double barMass=tgMass-resMass;
00903 tgMass=resMass;
00904 q4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0,0,0,barMass)+proj4M;
00905 valQ=targQC+projQC;
00906 #ifdef debug
00907 G4cout<<"G4QEnviron::CQ:"<<targNPDG<<" + Env="<<theEnvironment<<",QC="<<valQ<<G4endl;
00908 #endif
00910 G4Quasmon fakeQ;
00911 G4double QTemper=fakeQ.GetTemper();
00912 G4double QSOverU=fakeQ.GetSOverU();
00913 G4double QEtaSup=fakeQ.GetEtaSup();
00914 G4Quasmon::SetParameters(180.,QSOverU,.3);
00915 G4Quasmon::CloseElectromagneticDecays();
00916 G4Quasmon* pan = new G4Quasmon(valQ,q4Mom);
00917 G4QNucleus vE(90000000);
00918 #ifdef debug
00919 G4cout<<"G4QE::CreQ: before Fragment, vE="<<vE<<",vP="<<vE.GetProbability()<<",QQC="
00920 <<valQ<<",Q4M="<<q4Mom<<G4endl;
00921 #endif
00922 G4QHadronVector* output=pan->Fragment(vE,1);
00923 #ifdef debug
00924 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:NucleonAntinucleonAnnihilation's done,N="<<output->size()<<G4endl;
00925 #endif
00926 G4Quasmon::OpenElectromagneticDecays();
00927 #ifdef debug
00928 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:>>AnnihilationIsDone,C="<<totCharge<<",B="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
00929 #endif
00930 delete pan;
00931 G4QHadronVector input;
00933 G4LorentzVector trg4M(0.,0.,0.,resMass);
00934 G4int tNH = output->size();
00935 G4ThreeVector dir = G4RandomDirection();
00937 G4double ra=G4QThd(totBaryoN);
00938 #ifdef debug
00939 G4cout<<"G4QE::CQ:N="<<tNH<<",T="<<totCharge<<","<<totBaryoN<<",A="<<ra<<G4endl;
00940 #endif
00941 for (G4int ind=0; ind<tNH; ind++)
00942 {
00944 G4QHadron* curHadr = (*output)[ind];
00945 G4int shDFL= curHadr->GetNFragments();
00946 G4LorentzVector sh4m = curHadr->Get4Momentum();
00947 G4ThreeVector shDIR= sh4m.vect().unit();
00948 G4int shPDG= curHadr->GetPDGCode();
00949 G4int shCHG= curHadr->GetCharge();
00950 G4double shMOM= sh4m.rho();
00951 #ifdef debug
00952 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:"<<ind<<","<<shDFL<<",PDG="<<shPDG<<",4M="<<sh4m<<G4endl;
00953 #endif
00954 G4double solAnCut=SolidAngle;
00955 if(fabs(ra)<.1) solAnCut=3.;
00956 else if(shMOM<.1)
00957 {
00958 if(shCHG<=0.) solAnCut=-3.;
00959 else solAnCut= 3.;
00960 }
00961 else solAnCut+=1000*shCHG/shMOM/ra;
00963 #ifdef debug
00964 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ: PDG="<<shPDG<<", p="<<shMOM<<", r="<<ra<<G4endl;
00965 #endif
00966 if(!shDFL)
00967 {
00968 #ifdef debug
00969 G4cout<<"G4QE::CQ:>H="<<shPDG<<":"<<dir.dot(shDIR)<<">"<<solAnCut<<G4endl;
00970 #endif
00972 if(dir.dot(shDIR)>solAnCut && abs(shPDG)>99)
00973 {
00974 #ifdef debug
00975 G4cout<<"G4QE::CQ:>H="<<shPDG<<":"<<dir.dot(shDIR)<<">"<<solAnCut<<", P="
00976 << shMOM <<" < 120" << G4endl;
00977 #endif
00985 #ifdef debug
00989 #endif
00992 {
00993 G4QHadron* mqHadron = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
00994 input.push_back(mqHadron);
00995 #ifdef debug
00996 G4int hPDG=curHadr->GetPDGCode();
00997 G4LorentzVector h4M = curHadr->Get4Momentum();
00998 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:Absorb#"<<ind<<", PDG="<<hPDG<<", h4M="<<h4M<<G4endl;
00999 #endif
01000 }
01001 }
01002 else
01003 {
01004 #ifdef debug
01005 G4int hPDG=curHadr->GetPDGCode();
01006 G4LorentzVector h4M = curHadr->Get4Momentum();
01007 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ: Fill OUT #"<<ind<<",PDG="<<hPDG<<",h4M="<<h4M<<G4endl;
01008 #endif
01010 G4QHadron* curHadron = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
01011 theQHadrons.push_back(curHadron);
01012 }
01013 }
01014 }
01015 for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
01016 output->clear();
01017 delete output;
01018 if(!efFlag)
01019 {
01020 G4int noh = theQHadrons.size();
01021 if(noh) for(G4int kh=0; kh<noh; kh++)
01022 {
01023 #ifdef debug
01024 G4cout<<"G4QE::CreateQ:H#"<<kh<<", QC="<<theQHadrons[kh]->GetQC()
01025 <<", 4M="<<theQHadrons[kh]->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
01026 #endif
01027 G4QHadronVector* tmpQHadVec=G4Quasmon().DecayQHadron(theQHadrons[kh]);
01028 G4int tmpS=tmpQHadVec->size();
01029 intQHadrons.resize(tmpS+intQHadrons.size());
01030 copy(tmpQHadVec->begin(), tmpQHadVec->end(), intQHadrons.end()-tmpS);
01031 tmpQHadVec->clear();
01032 delete tmpQHadVec;
01033 }
01034 theQHadrons.clear();
01035 #ifdef debug
01036 G4int nInH=intQHadrons.size();
01037 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:nH="<<nInH<<",C="<<totCharge<<",B="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
01038 #endif
01039 if(!(input.size()))
01040 {
01041 #ifdef debug
01042 G4cout<<"*G4QEnv::CrQ:AnnihStack tC="<<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
01043 #endif
01044 return;
01045 }
01046 #ifdef debug
01047 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:fakeQ, restPars tC="<<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
01048 #endif
01049 G4Quasmon::SetParameters(QTemper,QSOverU,QEtaSup);
01050 G4Quasmon::OpenElectromagneticDecays();
01052 G4QEnvironment* muq = new G4QEnvironment(input,theEnvironment.GetPDG());
01053 #ifdef debug
01054 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:befCl&Dest tC="<<totCharge<<", tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
01055 #endif
01056 for_each(input.begin(), input.end(), DeleteQHadron());
01057 input.clear();
01058 theEnvironment = muq->GetEnvironment();
01059 G4QHadronVector* outH = muq->GetQHadrons();
01060 G4QuasmonVector* outQ = muq->GetQuasmons();
01061 delete muq;
01062 noh = outH->size();
01063 #ifdef debug
01064 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreateQ:*** #ofNotInterQH="<<noh<<" is found ***"<<G4endl;
01065 #endif
01066 if(noh) for(G4int nh=0; nh<noh; nh++)
01067 {
01068 #ifdef debug
01069 G4cout<<"G4QE::CreateQ: NotIntQH#"<<nh<<", QC="<<(*outH)[nh]->GetQC()
01070 <<", 4M="<<(*outH)[nh]->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
01071 #endif
01072 G4QHadronVector* tmpQHadVec=G4Quasmon().DecayQHadron((*outH)[nh]);
01073 G4int tmpS=tmpQHadVec->size();
01074 intQHadrons.resize(tmpS+intQHadrons.size());
01075 copy(tmpQHadVec->begin(), tmpQHadVec->end(), intQHadrons.end()-tmpS);
01076 tmpQHadVec->clear();
01077 delete tmpQHadVec;
01078 }
01079 outH->clear();
01080 delete outH;
01081 G4int nMQ = outQ->size();
01082 #ifdef debug
01083 G4LorentzVector eLorV=theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
01084 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:nMQ="<<nMQ<<",tC="<<totCharge<<", tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
01085 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:Env4M="<<eLorV<<G4endl;
01086 G4LorentzVector contr4M=eLorV;
01087 #endif
01088 if(nMQ) for(G4int mh=0; mh<nMQ; mh++)
01089 {
01090 G4Quasmon* curQ = new G4Quasmon((*outQ)[mh]);
01091 #ifdef debug
01092 G4LorentzVector qLorV=curQ->Get4Momentum();
01093 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:Q#"<<mh<<",4M="<<qLorV<<curQ->GetQC()<<G4endl;
01094 contr4M+=qLorV;
01095 #endif
01096 theQuasmons.push_back(curQ);
01097 }
01098 for_each(outQ->begin(), outQ->end(), DeleteQuasmon());
01099 outQ->clear();
01100 delete outQ;
01101 #ifdef debug
01102 G4int nsHadr = theQHadrons.size();
01103 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::CreateQ: before return nH="<<nsHadr<<G4endl;
01104 if(nsHadr) for(G4int jso=0; jso<nsHadr; jso++)
01105 {
01106 G4int hsNF = theQHadrons[jso]->GetNFragments();
01107 if(!hsNF)
01108 {
01109 G4LorentzVector hLorV=theQHadrons[jso]->Get4Momentum();
01110 G4int hPDGC=theQHadrons[jso]->GetPDGCode();
01111 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ: H#"<<jso<<",4M="<<hLorV<<hPDGC<<G4endl;
01112 contr4M+=hLorV;
01113 }
01114 else
01115 G4cout<<"G4Q::CrQ:"<<jso<<"NF=0,4M="<<theQHadrons[jso]->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
01116 }
01117 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::CreateQ: before return tot4M="<<contr4M<<G4endl;
01118 #endif
01119 return;
01120 }
01121 else
01122 {
01123 if (!efCounter) return;
01124 }
01125 }
01126 else EnFlQC=projQC;
01127 G4double EnFlP=ef4Mom.rho();
01128 PrepareInteractionProbabilities(EnFlQC,EnFlP);
01129 G4int nCandid = theQCandidates.size();
01130 #ifdef debug
01131 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::CrQ: InteractionProbabilities are done, nC="<<nCandid<<G4endl;
01132 #endif
01133 if(nCandid<=0)
01134 {
01137 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
01138 ed << "Cannot select a cluster: nC=" << nCandid << ",E="
01139 << theEnvironment << G4endl;
01140 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::CreateQuasmon()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
01141 FatalException, ed);
01142 }
01143 G4double maxP = theQCandidates[nCandid-1]->GetIntegProbability();
01144 G4int i=0;
01145 G4QContent curQC;
01146 if(nCandid==1||maxP==0.)
01147 {
01148 #ifdef debug
01149 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::CrQ:MaxP=0||nCand=1: Use all Env., Env="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
01150 #endif
01151 curQC=theEnvironment.GetQCZNS();
01152 theEnvironment=vacuum;
01153 }
01154 else
01155 {
01156 G4double totP = maxP * G4UniformRand();
01157 #ifdef debug
01158 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::CrQ:nC="<<nCandid<<", maxP="<<maxP<<", totP="<<totP<<G4endl;
01159 #endif
01160 while(theQCandidates[i]->GetIntegProbability()<totP) i++;
01161 G4QCandidate* curCand = theQCandidates[i];
01162 curQC = curCand->GetQC();
01163 G4QNucleus targClust(curQC.GetP(),curQC.GetN(),curQC.GetL());
01164 G4double clMass=targClust.GetGSMass();
01165 #ifdef cldebug
01166 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CrQ:Cl#"<<i<<"(of "<<nCandid<<"),QC="<<curQC<<",M="<<clMass<<G4endl;
01167 #endif
01168 G4LorentzVector pq4M=proj4M+G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,clMass);
01169 if(pq4M.m()>=clMass)
01170 {
01171 #ifdef debug
01172 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CQ:#"<<i<<"("<<targClust<<curQC<<") Env="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
01173 #endif
01174 theEnvironment.Reduce(targClust.GetPDG());
01175 }
01176 else
01177 {
01178 G4double teMass=theEnvironment.GetGSMass();
01179 G4LorentzVector te4M=proj4M+G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,teMass);
01180 if(te4M.m()>=teMass)
01181 {
01182 #ifdef debug
01183 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::CrQ: Deep virtual, use all Env,Env="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
01184 #endif
01185 curQC=theEnvironment.GetQCZNS();
01186 theEnvironment=vacuum;
01187 }
01188 else
01189 {
01190 G4QHadron* projH = new G4QHadron(projQC,proj4M);
01191 theQHadrons.push_back(projH);
01192 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::CrQ:Fill Proj asItIs QC/4m="<<projQC<<proj4M<<G4endl;
01193 return;
01194 }
01195 }
01196 }
01197 G4double envMass=theEnvironment.GetGSMass();
01199 if(Pr1&&projPDG==22&&projE<PiPrThresh+(M2ShiftVir+projM2)/DiNuclMass)
01201 {
01202 q4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tgMass-envMass);
01203 valQ=curQC;
01204 #ifdef debug
01205 G4cout<<"G4QE::CrQ:Q="<<q4Mom<<valQ<<"+vg="<<proj4M<<",Env="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
01206 #endif
01207 G4Quasmon* curQuasmon = new G4Quasmon(valQ, q4Mom, proj4M);
01208 theQuasmons.push_back(curQuasmon);
01209 }
01210 else if(Pr1&&(std::fabs(projM2-mPi2)<.00001 && projE-mPi<0.1) && projPDG==-211 &&!fake)
01212 {
01213 q4Mom=proj4M+G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tgMass-envMass);
01214 valQ=EnFlQC+curQC;
01215 #ifdef debug
01216 if(projE<mPi)G4cout<<"*VirtualPiM*G4QE::CrQ:Ener(pi-)="<<projE<<"<mPi="<<mPi<<G4endl;
01217 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CrQ:Q="<<q4Mom<<valQ<<"+pi="<<proj4M<<",E="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
01218 #endif
01219 G4Quasmon* curQuasmon = new G4Quasmon(valQ, q4Mom, -proj4M);
01220 theQuasmons.push_back(curQuasmon);
01221 }
01223 else if(2>3)
01224 {
01225 q4Mom=proj4M;
01226 valQ=EnFlQC;
01227 theEnvironment=memEnviron;
01228 #ifdef debug
01229 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreQAll: Q="<<q4Mom<<valQ<<", QEnv="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
01230 #endif
01231 G4Quasmon* curQuasmon = new G4Quasmon(valQ, q4Mom);
01232 theQuasmons.push_back(curQuasmon);
01233 }
01234 else if(Pr1&&projPDG==2212&&G4UniformRand()>15./(proj4M.e()-mProt))
01236 {
01237 G4double prM=mProt;
01238 G4double prM2=mPro2;
01239 G4double scM=mProt;
01240 G4double scM2=mPro2;
01241 G4QContent scQC=projQC;
01242 G4QContent chQC(0,0,0,0,0,0);
01243 if(G4UniformRand()<.5*envN/envBN)
01244 {
01245 scM=mNeut;
01246 scM2=mNeu2;
01247 scQC=neutQC;
01248 chQC=projQC-scQC;
01249 }
01250 G4double tnM=tgMass-envMass;
01251 G4double tnM2=tnM*tnM;
01252 G4double dtnM=tnM+tnM;
01253 G4double prE=proj4M.e();
01254 G4double mu2=tnM2+dtnM*(prE-scM);
01256 G4double B=.00001;
01257 G4double rmu2=0.;
01258 G4double tmax=0.;
01259 G4double rt=0.;
01260 G4double om=0.;
01261 G4double ep=0.;
01262 if (prE<prM)G4cout<<"-Warn-G4QEnv::CreQAll:(scat w ex)E="<<prE<<" < M="<<prM<<G4endl;
01263 G4double Pi=std::sqrt(prE*prE-prM2);
01264 G4double po=0.;
01265 G4double cost=2.;
01266 G4int cct=0;
01267 while ( std::fabs(cost) > 1. )
01268 {
01269 cct++;
01270 #ifdef debug
01271 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::CreQAll: c="<<cct<<" (scat w ex) cost="<<cost<<G4endl;
01272 #endif
01273 rmu2=tnM2*pow(mu2/tnM2,G4UniformRand());
01274 tmax=mu2-rmu2;
01275 rt=-std::log(1.-G4UniformRand()*(1.-std::exp(-B*tmax)))/B;
01276 om=(tnM2+rmu2+rt)/dtnM;
01277 ep=prE+tnM-om;
01278 #ifdef debug
01279 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreQAll: m2="<<tnM2<<" < mu2="<<rmu2<<" < "<<mu2<<"=Max2"<<G4endl;
01280 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreQAll: -t="<<rt<<" < "<<tmax<<"=tmax"<<G4endl;
01281 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreQAl: om="<<om<<" > m="<<tnM<<", ep="<<ep<<" > M="<<prM<<G4endl;
01282 #endif
01283 if(ep<scM)G4cout<<"+Warn-G4QEnv::CreQAl:(scat w ex)Eo="<<prE<<" < M="<<prM<<G4endl;
01284 po=std::sqrt(ep*ep-scM2);
01285 cost=(prE*ep-0.5*(rt+prM2+scM2))/Pi/po;
01286 }
01287 G4double om2=om*om;
01288 if(om2<rmu2)G4cout<<"-Warn-G4QEnv::CreQA:(scat w ex)e2="<<om<<" < mu2="<<tnM<<G4endl;
01289 #ifdef debug
01290 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreQAll: ct="<<cost<<",pio="<<Pi*po<<",()="<<cost*Pi*po<<G4endl;
01291 G4double ps=std::sqrt(om2-rmu2);
01292 #endif
01293 G4double pfc=po*cost;
01294 G4double pfs=po*std::sqrt(1.-cost*cost);
01296 G4ThreeVector vdir = proj4M.vect();
01297 G4ThreeVector vx(0.,0.,1.);
01298 G4ThreeVector vy(0.,1.,0.);
01299 G4ThreeVector vz(1.,0.,0.);
01300 if(vdir.mag2() > 0.)
01301 {
01302 vx = vdir.unit();
01303 G4ThreeVector vv= vx.orthogonal();
01304 vy = vv.unit();
01305 vz = vx.cross(vy);
01306 }
01308 G4double phi=twopi*G4UniformRand();
01309 G4ThreeVector fp=pfc*vx+pfs*(std::sin(phi)*vy+std::cos(phi)*vz);
01310 G4LorentzVector s4M(fp,ep);
01311 #ifdef debug
01312 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreQA:ps="<<po<<"="<<fp.mag()<<",sM="<<prM<<"="<<s4M.m()<<G4endl;
01313 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreQA:Ee="<<prE*ep<<" =? "<<(prM2+rt/2-Pi*po*cost)<<G4endl;
01314 #endif
01315 if(std::fabs(s4M.m()-scM)>.001)G4cout<<"-W-G4QE::CQA:M="<<prM<<"#"<<s4M.m()<<G4endl;
01316 G4LorentzVector c4M=proj4M+G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tnM)-s4M;
01317 #ifdef debug
01318 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreQA: ec="<<om<<" = "<<c4M.e()<<", pc="<<ps<<" = "
01319 <<c4M.rho()<<", mc2="<<rmu2<<" = "<<c4M.m2()<<G4endl;
01320 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CQA:ht="<<(tnM2+rmu2)/2-tnM*om<<"="<<prM2-prE*ep+Pi*po*cost<<G4endl;
01321 #endif
01322 if(std::fabs(c4M.m2()-rmu2)>.1)
01323 G4cout<<"-W-G4QE::CrQ:m2="<<rmu2<<"#"<<c4M.m2()<<",P="<<proj4M<<",M="<<tnM<<G4endl;
01324 G4QHadron* projH = new G4QHadron(scQC,s4M);
01325 theQHadrons.push_back(projH);
01326 G4Quasmon* curQuasmon = new G4Quasmon(curQC+chQC, c4M);
01327 theQuasmons.push_back(curQuasmon);
01328 }
01329 else
01330 {
01331 q4Mom=proj4M+G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tgMass-envMass);
01332 valQ=EnFlQC+curQC;
01333 #ifdef debug
01334 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CreQAll: Q="<<q4Mom<<valQ<<", QEnv="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
01335 #endif
01336 G4Quasmon* curQuasmon = new G4Quasmon(valQ, q4Mom);
01337 theQuasmons.push_back(curQuasmon);
01338 }
01339 }
01340 else
01341 {
01342 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnvironment::CreateQuasmon:Strange targPDG="<<targPDG<<G4endl;
01344 }
01345 }
01348 void G4QEnvironment::PrepareInteractionProbabilities(const G4QContent& projQC, G4double AP)
01349 {
01350 G4double sum = 0.;
01351 G4double probab = 0.;
01352 G4double denseB = 0.;
01353 G4double allB = 0.;
01354 G4int pPDG = projQC.GetSPDGCode();
01355 if(2>3) {allB=AP; allB=pPDG;}
01356 for (unsigned index=0; index<theQCandidates.size(); index++)
01357 {
01358 G4QCandidate* curCand=theQCandidates[index];
01359 G4int cPDG = curCand->GetPDGCode();
01360 G4int cST = curCand->GetStrangeness();
01361 G4int cBN = curCand->GetBaryonNumber();
01362 G4int cCH = curCand->GetCharge();
01363 #ifdef sdebug
01364 G4cout<<"G4QE::PIP:=---=> #"<<index<<", cPDG="<<cPDG<<",S="<<cST<<G4endl;
01365 #endif
01366 if(cPDG>80000000&&cPDG!=90000000&&!cST&&cCH>0&&cBN>0&&cCH<=cBN)
01367 {
01368 G4int zc = cCH;
01369 G4int nc = cBN-cCH;
01370 G4double nOfCl=curCand->GetPreProbability();
01371 G4double dOfCl=curCand->GetDenseProbability();
01372 #ifdef sdebug
01373 G4cout<<"G4QE::PIP:Z="<<zc<<",N="<<nc<<",nC="<<nOfCl<<",dC="<<dOfCl<<G4endl;
01374 #endif
01375 if(cPDG==91000000||cPDG==90001000||cPDG==90000001)
01376 {
01377 allB+=nOfCl;
01378 denseB+=dOfCl;
01379 }
01380 G4QContent pQC=curCand->GetQC();
01382 G4QContent qQC=pQC+projQC;
01383 G4QPDGCode qQPDG(qQC);
01384 G4int qC = qQPDG.GetQCode();
01385 G4double d = abs(zc-nc);
01386 G4double fact=1./pow(2.,d);
01387 if (qC<-1) probab=0.;
01390 else if(pPDG==22 && AP<152.)
01391 {
01392 if(cBN<2) probab=nOfCl*cBN*fact;
01393 else probab=0.;
01394 }
01395 else if(pPDG==2212)
01396 {
01399 probab=nOfCl*cBN*fact;
01401 }
01407 else probab=nOfCl*cBN*fact;
01411 #ifdef sdebug
01412 G4int pPDG = projQC.GetSPDGCode();
01413 G4int rPDG = qQC.GetSPDGCode();
01414 G4double baryn = qQC.GetBaryonNumber();
01415 G4double charge= qQC.GetCharge();
01416 G4double dq= abs(baryn-charge-charge);
01417 G4cout<<"G4QE::PIP:P="<<probab<<",ac="<<cBN<<",dq="<<dq<<",f="<<fact<<",qC="
01418 <<qC<<",rPDG="<<rPDG<<",pPDG="<<pPDG<<",nCP="<<nOfCl<<",dCP="<<dOfCl<<G4endl;
01419 #endif
01420 }
01421 else probab=0.;
01422 sum+=probab;
01423 curCand->SetIntegProbability(sum);
01424 }
01425 if(allB>0.)f2all=(allB-denseB)/allB;
01426 else f2all=0.;
01427 }
01430 void G4QEnvironment::InitClustersVector(G4int maxClust, G4int maxA)
01431 {
01432 #ifdef debug
01433 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::InitClustersVector called with nC="<<maxClust<<G4endl;
01434 #endif
01435 if(maxClust>=0) for (G4int i=0; i<maxClust; i++)
01436 {
01438 G4int clustQCode = i+53;
01439 #ifdef sdebug
01440 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::InitClustersVector: Before Init Q ="<<clustQCode<<G4endl;
01441 #endif
01442 G4QPDGCode clustQPDG(true,clustQCode);
01444 G4int clusterPDG=clustQPDG.GetPDGCode();
01445 G4int clustB=clustQPDG.GetBaryNum();
01446 #ifdef sdebug
01447 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::InitClustersVector: Before insert ="<<clusterPDG<<G4endl;
01448 #endif
01450 if(clustB<=maxA) theQCandidates.push_back(new G4QCandidate(clusterPDG));
01451 #ifdef sdebug
01452 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::InitClustersVector: Cluster # "<<i<<" with code = "
01453 <<clusterPDG<<", QC="<<clustQPDG.GetQuarkContent()<<G4endl;
01454 #endif
01455 }
01456 }
01459 G4QHadronVector G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()
01460 {
01461 static const G4int NUCPDG = 90000000;
01462 static const G4QNucleus vacuum(NUCPDG);
01463 static const G4LorentzVector zeroLV(0.,0.,0.,0.);
01465 static const G4QContent PiQC(0,1,0,1,0,0);
01466 static const G4QContent K0QC(1,0,0,0,0,1);
01467 static const G4QContent KpQC(0,1,0,0,0,1);
01468 static const G4QContent SiPQC(0,2,1,0,0,0);
01469 static const G4QContent SiMQC(2,0,1,0,0,0);
01470 static const G4QContent protQC(1,2,0,0,0,0);
01471 static const G4QContent neutQC(2,1,0,0,0,0);
01473 static const G4QPDGCode nQPDG(2112);
01474 static const G4QPDGCode pQPDG(2212);
01475 static const G4QPDGCode lQPDG(3122);
01476 static const G4QPDGCode s0QPDG(3122);
01477 static const G4double mPi0 = G4QPDGCode(111).GetMass();
01479 static const G4double fPi0 = 4*mPi0;
01480 static const G4double mPi = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass();
01481 static const G4double mK = G4QPDGCode(321).GetMass();
01482 static const G4double mK0 = G4QPDGCode(311).GetMass();
01483 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
01484 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
01485 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
01486 static const G4double mSigZ= G4QPDGCode(3212).GetMass();
01487 static const G4double mSigM= G4QPDGCode(3112).GetMass();
01488 static const G4double mSigP= G4QPDGCode(3222).GetMass();
01490 static const G4double eps=.003;
01491 G4int nQuasmons = theQuasmons.size();
01492 #ifdef chdebug
01493 G4int finCharge=theEnvironment.GetCharge();
01494 G4int finBaryoN=theEnvironment.GetA();
01495 G4int nHad=theQHadrons.size();
01496 if(nHad) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nHad; ih++)
01497 {
01498 finCharge+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetCharge();
01499 finBaryoN+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetBaryonNumber();
01500 }
01502 if(nQuasmons)for(G4int iq=0; iq<nQuasmons; iq++)
01503 {
01504 finCharge+=theQuasmons[iq]->GetCharge();
01505 finBaryoN+=theQuasmons[iq]->GetBaryonNumber();
01506 }
01507 if(finCharge!=totCharge || finBaryoN!=totBaryoN)
01508 {
01509 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::HQ:T(1) tC="<<totCharge<<",C="<<finCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN
01510 <<",B="<<finBaryoN<<",E="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
01511 if(nHad) for(G4int h=0; h<nHad; h++)
01512 {
01513 G4QHadron* cH = theQHadrons[h];
01514 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::HQ:h#"<<h<<",QC="<<cH->GetQC()<<",PDG="<<cH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
01515 }
01516 if(nQuasmons) for(G4int q=0; q<nQuasmons; q++)
01517 {
01518 G4Quasmon* cQ = theQuasmons[q];
01519 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::HQ:q#"<<q<<",C="<<cQ->GetCharge()<<",QCont="<<cQ->GetQC()<<G4endl;
01520 }
01521 }
01522 #endif
01523 #ifdef debug
01524 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:*HADRONIZE Q-ENVIRONMENT="<<theEnvironment<<",nQ="<<nQuasmons<<G4endl;
01525 #endif
01526 if(nQuasmons<1)
01527 {
01528 G4int nPDG = theEnvironment.GetPDG();
01529 #ifdef debug
01530 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:***NO QUASMONS***Env="<<nPDG<<theEnvironment.Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
01531 #endif
01532 if(nPDG==90000000) return theQHadrons;
01533 if(nPDG>80000000)
01534 {
01535 G4QHadron* rNucleus = new G4QHadron(theEnvironment);
01536 theQHadrons.push_back(rNucleus);
01537 #ifdef fdebug
01538 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE: ---->> Fill Environment="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
01539 #endif
01540 }
01541 return theQHadrons;
01542 }
01543 if(theEnvironment.GetPDG()==NUCPDG)
01544 {
01545 #ifdef rdebug
01546 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE: ***Vacuum*** #ofQ="<<nQuasmons<<G4endl;
01547 G4int totInC=0;
01548 G4LorentzVector totIn4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
01549 for (G4int is=0; is<nQuasmons; is++)
01550 {
01551 G4Quasmon* pQ = theQuasmons[is];
01552 G4LorentzVector Q4M= pQ->Get4Momentum();
01553 totIn4M += Q4M;
01554 totInC += pQ->GetQC().GetCharge();
01555 }
01556 G4int nsHadr = theQHadrons.size();
01557 if(nsHadr) for(G4int jso=0; jso<nsHadr; jso++)
01558 {
01559 G4int hsNF = theQHadrons[jso]->GetNFragments();
01560 if(!hsNF)
01561 {
01562 G4LorentzVector hs4Mom = theQHadrons[jso]->Get4Momentum();
01563 totIn4M += hs4Mom;
01564 totInC += theQHadrons[jso]->GetCharge();
01565 }
01566 }
01567 #endif
01568 G4QNucleus vE(90000000);
01569 G4int nlq = 0;
01570 if(nQuasmons) for(G4int lq=0; lq<nQuasmons; lq++)if(theQuasmons[lq]->GetStatus())nlq++;
01571 if(nQuasmons) for(G4int iq=0; iq<nQuasmons; iq++)
01572 {
01573 #ifdef chdebug
01574 G4int f1Charge=theEnvironment.GetCharge();
01575 G4int f1BaryoN=theEnvironment.GetA();
01576 G4int nHad=theQHadrons.size();
01577 if(nHad) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nHad; ih++)
01578 {
01579 f1Charge+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetCharge();
01580 f1BaryoN+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetBaryonNumber();
01581 }
01582 G4int nQuas=theQuasmons.size();
01583 if(nQuas)for(G4int iqs=0; iqs<nQuas; iqs++)
01584 {
01585 f1Charge+=theQuasmons[iqs]->GetCharge();
01586 f1BaryoN+=theQuasmons[iqs]->GetBaryonNumber();
01587 }
01588 if(f1Charge!=totCharge || f1BaryoN!=totBaryoN)
01589 {
01590 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::HQ:(2)q#"<<iq<<",tC="<<totCharge<<",C="<<f1Charge<<",tB="
01591 <<totBaryoN<<",B="<<f1BaryoN<<",E="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
01592 if(nHad) for(G4int h=0; h<nHad; h++)
01593 {
01594 G4QHadron* cH = theQHadrons[h];
01595 G4cout<<"*:*G4QE::HQ:#"<<h<<",QC="<<cH->GetQC()<<",P="<<cH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
01596 }
01597 if(nQuas) for(G4int q=0; q<nQuas; q++)
01598 {
01599 G4Quasmon* cQ = theQuasmons[q];
01600 G4cout<<"*:*G4QE::HQ:q#"<<q<<",C="<<cQ->GetCharge()<<",QC="<<cQ->GetQC()<<G4endl;
01601 }
01602 }
01603 #endif
01604 G4int ist=theQuasmons[iq]->GetStatus();
01605 if(ist)
01606 {
01607 G4QHadronVector* output=theQuasmons[iq]->Fragment(vE,1);
01608 G4int ast=theQuasmons[iq]->GetStatus();
01609 if(!ast) nlq--;
01610 G4int nHadrons = output->size();
01611 #ifdef debug
01612 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE: ***Vacuum*** Q#"<<iq<<", nHadr="<<nHadrons<<G4endl;
01613 #endif
01614 if(nHadrons>0)
01615 {
01616 for (G4int ih=0; ih<nHadrons; ih++)
01617 {
01619 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron((*output)[ih]);
01620 #ifdef debug
01621 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:Vacuum, H#"<<ih<<", QPDG="<<curH->GetQPDG()
01622 <<",4M="<<curH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
01623 #endif
01624 theQHadrons.push_back(curH);
01625 }
01626 }
01627 else
01628 {
01629 G4QContent totQC=theQuasmons[iq]->GetQC();
01630 G4int tQBN=totQC.GetBaryonNumber();
01631 G4QNucleus tqN(totQC);
01632 G4double gsM=tqN.GetMZNS();
01633 G4LorentzVector tot4M=theQuasmons[iq]->Get4Momentum();
01634 G4double totQM=tot4M.m();
01635 if(tQBN>0&&totQM>gsM)
01636 {
01637 G4QHadron* nuclQ = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
01638 #ifdef fdebug
01639 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:Vac,tQC"<<totQC<<",t4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
01640 #endif
01641 EvaporateResidual(nuclQ);
01642 theQuasmons[iq]->KillQuasmon();
01643 nlq--;
01644 }
01645 else if(iq+1<nQuasmons&&nlq>1)
01646 {
01647 G4int s_value=theQuasmons[iq+1]->GetStatus();
01648 theQuasmons[iq+1]->IncreaseBy(theQuasmons[iq]);
01649 theQuasmons[iq]->KillQuasmon();
01650 if(s_value) nlq--;
01651 }
01652 else if(iq+1==nQuasmons&&iq&&nlq>1)
01653 {
01654 G4int s_value=theQuasmons[0]->GetStatus();
01655 theQuasmons[0]->IncreaseBy(theQuasmons[iq]);
01656 theQuasmons[iq]->KillQuasmon();
01657 if(s_value) nlq--;
01658 }
01659 else
01660 {
01661 #ifdef debug
01662 G4cout<<"***G4QE::HQE:"<<iq<<",n="<<nHadrons<<",Tot="<<totQC<<totQM<<G4endl;
01663 for (G4int kq=0; kq<nQuasmons; kq++)
01664 G4cout<<kq<<",St/QC="<<theQuasmons[kq]->GetStatus()<<theQuasmons[kq]
01665 ->GetQC()<<",M="<<theQuasmons[kq]->Get4Momentum().m()<<G4endl;
01666 #endif
01667 G4int nOfOUT = theQHadrons.size();
01668 G4double dM = totQM-gsM;
01669 G4bool corrf = true;
01670 while(nOfOUT && corrf)
01671 {
01672 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[nOfOUT-1];
01673 G4LorentzVector last4M = theLast->Get4Momentum();
01674 G4QContent lastQC = theLast->GetQC();
01675 G4int lastS = lastQC.GetStrangeness();
01676 G4int totS = totQC.GetStrangeness();
01677 G4int nFr = theLast->GetNFragments();
01678 G4int gam = theLast->GetPDGCode();
01679 if(gam!=22&&!nFr&&lastS<0&&lastS+totS<0&&nOfOUT>1)
01680 {
01681 G4QHadron* thePrev = theQHadrons[nOfOUT-2];
01682 theQHadrons.pop_back();
01683 theQHadrons.pop_back();
01684 theQHadrons.push_back(thePrev);
01685 delete theLast;
01686 theLast = thePrev;
01687 last4M = theLast->Get4Momentum();
01688 lastQC = theLast->GetQC();
01689 }
01690 else
01691 {
01692 theQHadrons.pop_back();
01693 delete theLast;
01694 }
01695 totQC+=lastQC;
01696 tot4M+=last4M;
01697 totQM=tot4M.m();
01698 G4QNucleus nN(totQC);
01699 gsM=nN.GetMZNS();
01700 dM = totQM-gsM;
01701 if(dM>0)
01702 {
01703 theQuasmons[iq]->InitQuasmon(totQC,tot4M);
01704 G4QHadronVector* curout=theQuasmons[iq]->Fragment(vE,1);
01705 ast=theQuasmons[iq]->GetStatus();
01706 if(!ast) nlq--;
01707 nHadrons=curout->size();
01708 #ifdef debug
01709 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:VacuumRecoverQ#"<<iq<<",n="<<nHadrons<<G4endl;
01710 #endif
01711 if(nHadrons>0)
01712 {
01713 for (G4int ih=0; ih<nHadrons; ih++)
01714 {
01716 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron((*curout)[ih]);
01717 #ifdef debug
01718 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:Recovered, H#"<<ih<<", QPDG="
01719 <<curH->GetQPDG()<<",4M="<<curH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
01720 #endif
01721 totQC-=curH->GetQC();
01722 tot4M-=curH->Get4Momentum();
01723 theQHadrons.push_back(curH);
01725 delete (*curout)[ih];
01726 }
01727 curout->clear();
01728 delete curout;
01729 corrf = false;
01731 }
01732 else
01733 {
01734 for_each(curout->begin(), curout->end(), DeleteQHadron());
01735 curout->clear();
01736 delete curout;
01737 }
01738 }
01739 nOfOUT = theQHadrons.size();
01740 #ifdef rdebug
01741 G4int tC=totInC;
01742 G4LorentzVector t4M=totIn4M;
01743 for (G4int js=0; js<nQuasmons; js++)
01744 {
01745 G4Quasmon* pQ = theQuasmons[js];
01746 if(pQ->GetStatus())
01747 {
01748 G4LorentzVector Q4M= pQ->Get4Momentum();
01749 t4M -= Q4M;
01750 tC -= pQ->GetQC().GetCharge();
01751 }
01752 else G4cout<<"G4QE::HQ:SUM-4-Mom s("<<js<<")="<<pQ->GetStatus()<<G4endl;
01753 }
01754 if(nOfOUT) for(G4int jpo=0; jpo<nOfOUT; jpo++)
01755 {
01756 G4int hsNF = theQHadrons[jpo]->GetNFragments();
01757 if(!hsNF)
01758 {
01759 G4LorentzVector hs4Mom = theQHadrons[jpo]->Get4Momentum();
01760 t4M -= hs4Mom;
01761 tC -= theQHadrons[jpo]->GetCharge();
01762 }
01763 }
01764 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQ:|||Vacuum|||4-MomCHECK|||d4M="<<t4M<<",dC="<<tC<<G4endl;
01765 #endif
01766 }
01768 if((!nOfOUT&&nQuasmons==1)||theEnvironment.GetPDGCode()==NUCPDG)
01769 {
01770 G4int totS=totQC.GetStrangeness();
01772 G4int totPDG=totQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
01773 if(totS) totPDG-=totS*999999;
01774 #ifdef fdebug
01775 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE: totPDG="<<totPDG<<",totM="<<totQM<<G4endl;
01776 #endif
01777 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
01778 CleanUp();
01779 EvaporateResidual(evH);
01780 for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
01781 output->clear();
01782 delete output;
01783 return theQHadrons;
01784 }
01785 else if(!nOfOUT)
01786 {
01787 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
01788 ed <<"Can't decay Quasmon: T="<< tot4M << totQC << ",M=" << totQM
01789 <<" < gsM="<< gsM <<", d="<< dM <<",Env="<< theEnvironment << G4endl;
01790 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
01791 FatalException, ed);
01792 }
01793 }
01794 }
01795 for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
01796 output->clear();
01797 delete output;
01798 }
01799 }
01800 }
01801 else
01802 {
01803 #ifdef rdebug
01804 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:FRAGMENTATION IN NUCLEAR ENVIRONMENT nQ="<<nQuasmons<<G4endl;
01805 G4int totInC=theEnvironment.GetZ();
01806 G4LorentzVector totIn4M=theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
01807 for (G4int is=0; is<nQuasmons; is++)
01808 {
01809 G4Quasmon* pQ = theQuasmons[is];
01810 G4LorentzVector Q4M= pQ->Get4Momentum();
01811 totIn4M += Q4M;
01812 totInC += pQ->GetQC().GetCharge();
01813 }
01814 G4int nsHadr = theQHadrons.size();
01815 if(nsHadr) for(G4int jso=0; jso<nsHadr; jso++)
01816 {
01817 G4int hsNF = theQHadrons[jso]->GetNFragments();
01818 if(!hsNF)
01819 {
01820 G4LorentzVector hs4Mom = theQHadrons[jso]->Get4Momentum();
01821 totIn4M += hs4Mom;
01822 totInC += theQHadrons[jso]->GetCharge();
01823 }
01824 }
01825 #endif
01827 G4QContent totInQC=theEnvironment.GetQCZNS();
01828 G4LorentzVector totIn4M=theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
01829 for (G4int is=0; is<nQuasmons; is++)
01830 {
01831 G4Quasmon* pQ = theQuasmons[is];
01832 totIn4M += pQ->Get4Momentum();
01833 totInQC += pQ->GetQC();
01834 }
01835 G4double totMass=totIn4M.m();
01836 G4QNucleus totN(totInQC);
01837 G4double totM=totN.GetMZNS();
01838 G4double excE = totMass-totM;
01840 G4int envA=theEnvironment.GetA();
01844 G4int c3Max = 1;
01845 if(excE > fPi0) c3Max=(G4int)(excE/mPi0);
01854 G4int premC = 1;
01856 if(envA>1&&envA<19) premC = 36/envA;
01859 G4int sumstat= 2;
01860 G4bool force = false;
01861 G4int cbR =0;
01867 G4int cbRM = c3Max;
01868 G4int totC = 0;
01870 G4int totCM = envA;
01875 G4int nCnMax = c3Max;
01876 G4bool first=true;
01877 G4int cAN=0;
01881 G4int mcAN=1;
01882 G4double proNorm=.001;
01884 while (sumstat||totC<totCM)
01885 {
01886 #ifdef chdebug
01887 G4int f2Charge=0;
01888 G4int f2BaryoN=0;
01889 if(theEnvironment.GetMass()>0.)
01890 {
01891 f2Charge=theEnvironment.GetCharge();
01892 f2BaryoN=theEnvironment.GetA();
01893 }
01894 G4int nHad=theQHadrons.size();
01895 if(nHad) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nHad; ih++)
01896 {
01897 f2Charge+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetCharge();
01898 f2BaryoN+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetBaryonNumber();
01899 }
01900 G4int nQuas=theQuasmons.size();
01901 if(nQuas)for(G4int iqs=0; iqs<nQuas; iqs++)
01902 {
01903 f2Charge+=theQuasmons[iqs]->GetCharge();
01904 f2BaryoN+=theQuasmons[iqs]->GetBaryonNumber();
01905 }
01906 if(f2Charge!=totCharge || f2BaryoN!=totBaryoN)
01907 {
01908 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::HQ:(3)(NucEnv)i#"<<totC<<",tC="<<totCharge<<",C="<<f2Charge
01909 <<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<",B="<<f2BaryoN<<",E="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
01910 if(nHad) for(G4int h=0; h<nHad; h++)
01911 {
01912 G4QHadron* cH = theQHadrons[h];
01913 G4cout<<"*:*G4QE::HQ:#"<<h<<",QC="<<cH->GetQC()<<",P="<<cH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
01914 }
01915 if(nQuas) for(G4int q=0; q<nQuas; q++)
01916 {
01917 G4Quasmon* cQ = theQuasmons[q];
01918 G4cout<<"*:*G4QE::HQ:q#"<<q<<",C="<<cQ->GetCharge()<<",QC="<<cQ->GetQC()<<G4endl;
01919 }
01920 }
01921 #endif
01922 totC++;
01923 if( nQuasmons==1 && sumstat==3 ) cbR++;
01924 else cbR=0;
01925 G4QContent envQC=theEnvironment.GetQCZNS();
01926 G4QContent totQC=envQC;
01927 G4double envM =theEnvironment.GetMass();
01928 G4double sumM =envM;
01929 G4LorentzVector env4M=theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
01930 G4LorentzVector tot4M=env4M;
01931 sumstat =0;
01932 G4int nCount=0;
01933 G4int fCount=0;
01934 G4int eCount=0;
01935 for (G4int iq=0; iq<nQuasmons; iq++)
01936 {
01937 G4Quasmon* pQ = theQuasmons[iq];
01938 G4QContent QQC= pQ->GetQC();
01939 totQC += QQC;
01940 G4LorentzVector Q4M= pQ->Get4Momentum();
01941 tot4M += Q4M;
01942 G4double QM = Q4M.m();
01943 sumM += QM;
01944 G4int Qst= pQ->GetStatus();
01945 sumstat += Qst;
01946 #ifdef debug
01947 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:#"<<iq<<", Qst="<<Qst<<", Q="<<Q4M<<Q4M.m()<<QQC<<", Env="
01948 <<theEnvironment<<",nQ="<<nQuasmons<<G4endl;
01949 #endif
01950 if(nQuasmons>1 && iq+1==nQuasmons && !Qst && Q4M==zeroLV)
01951 {
01952 theQuasmons.pop_back();
01953 delete pQ;
01954 nQuasmons--;
01955 }
01956 if(Qst==1||Qst==3||Qst==4)
01957 {
01958 fCount++;
01959 nCount=0;
01960 }
01961 if(Qst>0) eCount++;
01962 }
01963 G4int totS =totQC.GetStrangeness();
01964 G4int totBN =totQC.GetBaryonNumber();
01965 G4int totPDG=0;
01966 totM =0.;
01967 if(totBN < 2)
01968 {
01969 totPDG=totQC.GetSPDGCode();
01970 if(totPDG) totM=G4QPDGCode(totPDG).GetMass();
01971 else
01972 {
01974 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()", "HAD_CHPS_0001",
01975 FatalException, "Impossible PDG for B=1");
01976 }
01977 }
01978 else
01979 {
01980 G4QNucleus totN_temporary(totQC,tot4M);
01981 totN=totN_temporary;
01982 totM=totN.GetMZNS();
01983 totPDG=totN.GetPDG();
01984 }
01985 #ifdef fdebug
01986 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:totC="<<totC<<"<totCM="<<totCM<<",ss="<<sumstat<<G4endl;
01987 #endif
01988 if ( totC >= totCM || cbR > cbRM)
01989 {
01990 CleanUp();
01991 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
01992 EvaporateResidual(evH);
01993 return theQHadrons;
01994 }
01996 G4int totChg=totQC.GetCharge();
01997 #ifdef debug
01998 if(totPDG==90999999||totPDG==90999000||totPDG==90000999||totPDG==89999001)
01999 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HadrQEnv: Meson (1) PDG="<<totPDG<<", M="<<tot4M.m()<<G4endl;
02000 G4int nOH=theQHadrons.size();
02001 G4LorentzVector s4M=tot4M;
02002 if(nOH) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nOH; ih++) s4M+=theQHadrons[ih]->Get4Momentum();
02003 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:tBN="<<totBN<<",s="<<sumstat<<",fC="<<fCount<<",eC="<<eCount
02004 <<",En="<<theEnvironment<<",nH="<<nOH<<",tLV="<<s4M<<totQC<<nCount<<G4endl;
02005 #endif
02006 if(totBN<2)
02007 {
02008 totPDG =totQC.GetSPDGCode();
02009 if(totPDG && totPDG!=10 && totPDG!=1114 && totPDG!=2224)
02010 totM=G4QPDGCode(totPDG).GetMass();
02011 else if(totPDG==1114) totM=mNeut+mPi;
02012 else if(totPDG==2224) totM=mProt+mPi;
02013 else if(totPDG==10)
02014 {
02015 G4QChipolino totChip(totQC);
02016 totM =totChip.GetQPDG1().GetMass()+totChip.GetQPDG2().GetMass();
02017 }
02018 else
02019 {
02020 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
02021 ed << "Impossible Hadron in CHIPS: totPDG=" << totPDG << ", totQC="
02022 << totQC << G4endl;
02023 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()", "HAD_CHPS_0002",
02024 FatalException, ed);
02025 }
02026 }
02027 totMass = tot4M.m();
02028 G4bool Premium = eCount && premC && envM;
02029 G4int count3 = 0;
02030 if(sumstat && (fCount||Premium) && !force && count3<c3Max)
02031 {
02032 if(!fCount) premC--;
02033 if(nQuasmons) for (G4int jq=0; jq<nQuasmons; jq++)
02034 {
02035 G4Quasmon* pQ = theQuasmons[jq];
02036 G4int status = pQ->GetStatus();
02037 #ifdef debug
02038 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:Status of Q#"<<jq<<" (before Fragment)="<<status<<G4endl;
02039 #endif
02040 if(status)
02041 {
02042 G4int nQuas=eCount;
02043 if(nQuas==1&&first) nQuas=-nQuas;
02044 G4QHadronVector* output=pQ->Fragment(theEnvironment,nQuas);
02045 #ifdef debug
02046 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:Q#"<<jq<<",*afterFragm* Env="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
02047 #endif
02048 envM =theEnvironment.GetMass();
02049 status = pQ->GetStatus();
02050 if(!status) eCount--;
02051 G4int nHadrons = output->size();
02052 #ifdef rdebug
02053 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:**AfterFragmAttempt**#"<<jq<<",stat="<<status<<", Q4M="
02054 <<pQ->Get4Momentum()<<", Env="<<theEnvironment<<",nH="<<nHadrons
02055 <<",c3="<<count3<<" < "<<c3Max<<",eC="<<eCount<<G4endl;
02056 G4int tC=totInC-theEnvironment.GetZ();
02057 G4LorentzVector t4M=totIn4M;
02058 G4LorentzVector theEnv4m=theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
02059 t4M-=theEnv4m;
02060 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:SUM-4Mom e4M="<<theEnv4m<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
02061 for (G4int js=0; js<nQuasmons; ++js)
02062 {
02063 G4Quasmon* prQ = theQuasmons[js];
02064 if(prQ->GetStatus())
02065 {
02066 G4LorentzVector Q4M= prQ->Get4Momentum();
02067 G4QContent qQC= prQ->GetQC();
02068 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:SUM-4Mom q("<<js<<")4M="<<Q4M<<",QC="<<qQC<<G4endl;
02069 t4M -= Q4M;
02070 tC -= prQ->GetQC().GetCharge();
02071 }
02072 else G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:SUM-4M,st("<<js<<")="<<prQ->GetStatus()<<G4endl;
02073 }
02074 G4int nsbHadr=theQHadrons.size();
02075 if(nsbHadr) for(G4int jpo=0; jpo<nsbHadr; jpo++)
02076 {
02077 G4int hsNF = theQHadrons[jpo]->GetNFragments();
02078 if(!hsNF)
02079 {
02080 G4LorentzVector hs4Mom = theQHadrons[jpo]->Get4Momentum();
02081 G4int hPDG = theQHadrons[jpo]->GetPDGCode();
02082 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:SUM-4-Mom eh("<<jpo<<")4M="<<hs4Mom<<hPDG<<G4endl;
02083 t4M -= hs4Mom;
02084 tC -= theQHadrons[jpo]->GetCharge();
02085 }
02086 }
02087 if(nHadrons) for(G4int kpo=0; kpo<nHadrons; ++kpo)
02088 {
02090 G4QHadron* insH = (*output)[kpo];
02091 G4int qhsNF = insH->GetNFragments();
02092 if(!qhsNF)
02093 {
02094 G4LorentzVector qhs4Mom = insH->Get4Momentum();
02095 G4int hPDG = insH->GetPDGCode();
02096 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:SUM-4-Mom qh("<<kpo<<")4M="<<qhs4Mom<<hPDG<<G4endl;
02097 t4M -= qhs4Mom;
02098 tC -= insH->GetCharge();
02099 }
02100 }
02101 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:|||||4-MomCHECK||||d4M="<<t4M<<",dC="<<tC<<G4endl;
02102 #endif
02103 if(!status||status==1||nHadrons)
02104 {
02105 nCount=0;
02106 if(nHadrons>0)
02107 {
02108 for (G4int ih=0; ih<nHadrons; ++ih)
02109 {
02110 G4QHadron* inpH = (*output)[ih];
02111 G4int hC=inpH->GetCharge();
02112 G4int hF=inpH->GetNFragments();
02113 G4double hCB=0.;
02114 G4double hKE=0.;
02115 G4LorentzVector hLV=inpH->Get4Momentum();
02116 #ifdef debug
02117 G4cout<<"->G4QEnv::HadrQE:H#"<<ih<<", hC="<<hC<<",hF="<<hF<<",4M="
02118 <<hLV<<inpH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
02119 #endif
02120 G4bool can = hC && !hF;
02121 if(can)
02122 {
02123 G4int hB=inpH->GetBaryonNumber();
02124 hCB=theEnvironment.CoulombBarrier(hC,hB);
02125 hKE=hLV.e()-hLV.m();
02126 }
02127 if(can && hKE < hCB)
02128 {
02129 if(status)
02130 {
02131 G4QContent tQC=inpH->GetQC()+pQ->GetQC();
02132 G4LorentzVector tLV=hLV+pQ->Get4Momentum();
02133 pQ->InitQuasmon(tQC,tLV);
02134 #ifdef debug
02135 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:Medium, H#"<<ih<<", QPDG="<<inpH->GetQPDG()
02136 <<",4M="<<inpH->Get4Momentum()<<" is suckedInQ"<<G4endl;
02137 #endif
02138 }
02139 else
02140 {
02141 G4QContent tQC=inpH->GetQC()+theEnvironment.GetQCZNS();
02142 G4LorentzVector tLV=hLV+theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
02143 theEnvironment=G4QNucleus(tQC,tLV);
02144 #ifdef debug
02145 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:Med,H#"<<ih<<",PDG="<<inpH->GetQPDG()<<",4M="
02146 <<inpH->Get4Momentum()<<" is suckedInEnvironment"<<G4endl;
02147 #endif
02148 }
02149 }
02150 else if(!hF)
02151 {
02152 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron(inpH);
02153 #ifdef debug
02154 G4LorentzVector ph4M=curH->Get4Momentum();
02155 G4double phX=ph4M.x();
02156 G4double phY=ph4M.y();
02157 G4double phZ=ph4M.z();
02158 G4double phCost=phZ/sqrt(phX*phX+phY*phY+phZ*phZ);
02159 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:Medium, H#"<<ih<<",QPDG="<<curH->GetQPDG()
02160 <<", 4M="<<ph4M<<", ct="<<phCost<<G4endl;
02161 #endif
02162 G4QContent qhdQC=curH->GetQC();
02163 G4LorentzVector qhd4M=curH->Get4Momentum();
02165 G4int qhdBN=curH->GetBaryonNumber();
02166 G4bool scat= false;
02167 G4int EnvZ = theEnvironment.GetZ();
02168 G4int EnvN = theEnvironment.GetN();
02169 G4int EnvS = theEnvironment.GetS();
02170 G4int EnvA = EnvZ + EnvN + EnvS;
02171 G4double EnvM = theEnvironment.GetMZNS();
02172 G4LorentzVector Env4M= theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
02173 #ifdef debug
02174 G4cout<<"=*=>G4QE::HQEnv: Env4M="<<Env4M<<",Z="<<EnvZ<<",N="<<EnvN
02175 <<",S="<<EnvS<<G4endl;
02176 #endif
02177 G4int hPDG = curH->GetPDGCode();
02178 G4LorentzVector h4M = curH->Get4Momentum();
02179 if(EnvA>1 && qhdBN>-1 && qhdBN<2 && h4M.vect().mag() > 0.000001 && hPDG>111 &&
02180 hPDG!=222 && hPDG!=333)
02181 {
02182 --EnvA;
02183 G4double hM2 = h4M.m2();
02184 G4double hP = h4M.rho();
02185 G4int pi0F=0;
02186 if(hPDG==111 || hPDG==222 || hPDG==333) pi0F=hPDG;
02187 if(pi0F) hPDG=211;
02188 pair<G4double,G4double> Xp=theQFScat->FetchElTot(hP,hPDG,false);
02189 if(pi0F)
02190 {
02191 hPDG=-211;
02192 pair<G4double,G4double>Y=theQFScat->FetchElTot(hP,hPDG,false);
02193 G4double fst=(Xp.first+Y.first)/2;
02194 G4double snd=(Xp.second+Y.second)/2;
02195 Xp.first = fst;
02196 Xp.second = snd;
02197 hPDG=211;
02198 }
02199 G4double XSp = Xp.second;
02200 pair<G4double,G4double> Xn=theQFScat->FetchElTot(hP,hPDG,true);
02201 if(pi0F)
02202 {
02203 hPDG=-211;
02204 pair<G4double,G4double> Y=theQFScat->FetchElTot(hP,hPDG,true);
02205 G4double fst=(Xn.first+Y.first)/2;
02206 G4double snd=(Xn.second+Y.second)/2;
02207 Xn.first = fst;
02208 Xn.second = snd;
02209 hPDG=pi0F;
02210 pi0F=0;
02211 }
02212 G4double XSn = Xn.second;
02213 G4double XSZ = XSp * EnvZ;
02214 G4double XSN = XSn * EnvN;
02215 G4double XSA = XSZ + XSN;
02216 if(hM2 > 10000. && XSA > 0.)
02217 {
02218 G4double Prob=XSA*sqrt(hM2)*G4QThd(EnvA)*proNorm/h4M.e()/EnvA;
02219 if(G4UniformRand() < Prob)
02220 {
02221 G4double XEp = Xp.first;
02222 G4double XEn = Xn.first;
02223 G4double XEZ = XEp * EnvZ;
02224 G4double XEN = XEn * EnvN;
02225 G4double XEA = XEZ + XEN;
02226 G4int NPDG=2112;
02227 G4bool flN=true;
02228 G4QNucleus newE(1,0);
02229 G4LorentzVector N4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
02230 if(G4UniformRand() < XEA/XSA)
02231 {
02232 if(G4UniformRand() < XEZ/XEA)
02233 {
02234 NPDG= 2212;
02235 flN = false;
02236 }
02237 if(flN) newE=G4QNucleus(EnvZ, EnvN-1, EnvS);
02238 else newE=G4QNucleus(EnvZ-1, EnvN, EnvS);
02239 G4double mT=EnvM - newE.GetMZNS();
02240 N4M = (mT/EnvM)*Env4M;
02241 newE.Set4Momentum(Env4M-N4M);
02242 #ifdef debug
02243 G4cout<<"==>G4QE::HQE:QEl,NPDG=="<<NPDG<<",N4M="<<N4M
02244 <<",hPDG="<<hPDG<<",h4M="<<h4M<<G4endl;
02245 #endif
02246 pair<G4LorentzVector,G4LorentzVector> RS =
02247 theQFScat->Scatter(NPDG, N4M, hPDG, h4M);
02248 #ifdef debug
02249 G4cout<<"**>G4QE::HQE:QEl,N4M="<<RS.first<<",h4M="
02250 <<RS.second<<",d="<<N4M+h4M-RS.first-RS.second<<G4endl;
02251 #endif
02252 if((RS.first).e() > 0.)
02253 {
02254 curH->Set4Momentum(RS.second);
02255 G4QHadron* qfN = new G4QHadron(NPDG, RS.first);
02256 theQHadrons.push_back(qfN);
02257 theEnvironment=newE;
02258 #ifdef debug
02259 G4cout<<"*>G4QE::HQE:QE,PDG="<<NPDG<<",4M="
02260 <<RS.first<<",***newEnv***: "<<newE<<G4endl;
02261 #endif
02263 tot4M-=RS.first;
02264 if (NPDG==2212) totQC-=protQC;
02265 else if(NPDG==2112) totQC-=neutQC;
02266 else G4cout<<"*W*>G4QE::HQE:QE,Bad PDG="<<NPDG<<G4endl;
02267 }
02268 }
02269 else
02270 {
02271 if(G4UniformRand() < (XSZ-XEZ)/(XSA-XEA))
02272 {
02273 NPDG= 2212;
02274 flN = false;
02275 }
02276 if(flN) newE=G4QNucleus(EnvZ, EnvN-1, EnvS);
02277 else newE=G4QNucleus(EnvZ-1, EnvN, EnvS);
02278 G4double mT=EnvM - newE.GetMZNS();
02279 N4M = (mT/EnvM)*Env4M;
02280 newE.Set4Momentum(Env4M-N4M);
02281 #ifdef debug
02282 G4cout<<"==>G4QE::HQE:QInEl,NPDG=="<<NPDG<<",N4M="<<N4M
02283 <<",hPDG="<<hPDG<<",h4M="<<h4M<<G4endl;
02284 #endif
02285 G4QHadronVector* Q=theQFScat->InElF(NPDG, N4M, hPDG, h4M);
02286 if(Q)
02287 {
02288 theQHadrons.push_back((*Q)[0]);
02289 theQHadrons.push_back((*Q)[1]);
02290 theQHadrons.push_back((*Q)[2]);
02291 theEnvironment=newE;
02292 #ifdef debug
02293 G4cout<<"*>G4QE::HQE:QIE,PDG1="<<(*Q)[0]->GetPDGCode()
02294 <<",4M1="<<(*Q)[0]->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
02295 G4cout<<"*>G4QE::HQE:QIE,PDG2="<<(*Q)[1]->GetPDGCode()
02296 <<",4M1="<<(*Q)[1]->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
02297 G4cout<<"*>G4QE::HQE:QIE,PDG3="<<(*Q)[2]->GetPDGCode()
02298 <<",4M1="<<(*Q)[2]->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
02299 G4cout<<"*>G4QE::HQE:QIE,***NewEnv***: "<<newE<<G4endl;
02300 #endif
02301 scat=true;
02302 delete Q;
02303 }
02304 }
02305 }
02306 }
02307 }
02308 if(!scat)
02310 theQHadrons.push_back(curH);
02311 totQC-=qhdQC;
02312 tot4M-=qhd4M;
02313 }
02314 }
02315 pQ->ClearOutput();
02316 count3=0;
02318 first=false;
02319 }
02320 else count3++;
02321 }
02322 else if(status<0||status==2)
02323 {
02324 #ifdef debug
02325 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:***PANIC***,status="<<status<<",nC="<<nCount<<G4endl;
02326 #endif
02327 ++nCount;
02328 if(eCount==1 && status<0 && CheckGroundState(pQ,true))
02329 {
02330 for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
02331 output->clear();
02332 delete output;
02333 pQ->KillQuasmon();
02334 delete pQ;
02335 eCount--;
02336 return theQHadrons;
02337 }
02338 else if(status<0&&nHadrons)
02339 {
02340 G4cerr<<"***G4QEnv::HadrQE: nH="<<nHadrons<<"< status="<<status<<G4endl;
02341 for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
02342 output->clear();
02343 delete output;
02344 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()",
02345 "HAD_CHPS_0003", JustWarning, "Do Nothing Er");
02346 }
02347 else if(status==2 && eCount==1 && cAN<mcAN && envM>500.)
02348 {
02349 #ifdef debug
02350 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:E="<<theEnvironment<<",M="<<envM<<",c="<<cAN<<G4endl;
02351 #endif
02352 cAN++;
02353 G4int envPDG = theEnvironment.GetPDG();
02354 env4M=theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
02355 G4int envN=theEnvironment.GetN();
02356 G4int envZ=theEnvironment.GetZ();
02357 G4int resPDG=envPDG-1;
02358 G4QContent nucQC=neutQC;
02359 if ( envN && (envN+envZ)*G4UniformRand() > envZ )
02360 {
02361 resPDG=envPDG-1000;
02362 nucQC=protQC;
02363 }
02364 #ifdef debug
02365 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:P,eZ="<<envZ<<",eN="<<envN<<",rPDG="<<resPDG<<G4endl;
02366 #endif
02367 G4QNucleus resNuc(resPDG);
02368 G4double resM=resNuc.GetGSMass();
02369 G4double eM=theEnvironment.GetGSMass();
02370 G4double nucM=eM-resM;
02371 G4LorentzVector res4M(0.,0.,0.,resM);
02372 G4LorentzVector nuc4M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
02373 if(std::fabs(env4M.e()-eM) > 0.001)
02374 {
02375 res4M=(resM/eM)*env4M;
02376 nuc4M=(nucM/eM)*env4M;
02377 }
02378 theEnvironment=G4QNucleus(res4M,resPDG);
02379 theQuasmons[0]->IncreaseBy(nucQC,nuc4M);
02380 #ifdef debug
02381 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:P,Q="<<nucQC<<nuc4M<<",env="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
02382 #endif
02383 }
02384 else if(status==2&&nCount>nCnMax)
02385 {
02386 #ifdef debug
02387 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:PANIC,nC="<<nCount<<">"<<nCnMax<<G4endl;
02388 #endif
02389 G4QContent qQC=pQ->GetQC();
02390 G4int pqC=qQC.GetCharge();
02391 G4int pqS=qQC.GetStrangeness();
02392 G4int pqB=qQC.GetBaryonNumber();
02393 G4LorentzVector cq4M=pQ->Get4Momentum();
02394 G4double cqMass=cq4M.m();
02395 G4double fqMass=G4QPDGCode(22).GetNuclMass(pqC,pqB-pqC-pqS,pqS);
02396 #ifdef edebug
02397 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HQE:M="<<cqMass<<">fM="<<fqMass<<",S="<<pqS<<",C="<<pqC
02398 <<",ePDG="<<theEnvironment.GetPDG()<<",qQC="<<qQC<<",eC="<<eCount
02399 <<G4endl;
02400 #endif
02401 if(pqB>0&&pqS<0&&cqMass>fqMass)
02402 {
02403 G4QHadron* nuclQ = new G4QHadron(qQC,cq4M);
02404 theEnvironment.DecayAntiStrange(nuclQ,&theQHadrons);
02405 pQ->KillQuasmon();
02406 #ifdef edebug
02407 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HQE:Status after kill (#"<<jq<<")="<<pQ->GetStatus()
02408 <<", nH="<<theQHadrons.size()<<G4endl;
02409 #endif
02410 tot4M-=cq4M;
02411 totQC-=qQC;
02412 eCount--;
02413 }
02414 else if(theEnvironment.GetPDG()!=NUCPDG)
02415 {
02416 if(eCount>1)
02417 {
02418 #ifdef fdebug
02419 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:TOTEVAP tPDG="<<totPDG<<",t4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
02420 #endif
02421 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
02422 CleanUp();
02423 EvaporateResidual(evH);
02424 for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
02425 output->clear();
02426 delete output;
02427 return theQHadrons;
02428 }
02429 G4LorentzVector t4M=cq4M+theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
02430 G4double tM=t4M.m();
02431 envQC=theEnvironment.GetQCZNS();
02432 G4QContent curQC=envQC+qQC;
02433 G4QNucleus curE(curQC);
02434 G4double curM=curE.GetGSMass();
02435 #ifdef edebug
02436 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HQE:Q#"<<jq<<",tM="<<tM<<">gsM="<<curM<<curE<<G4endl;
02437 #endif
02438 if(tM<curM)
02439 {
02440 G4int qPDG=qQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
02441 G4double qMass=G4QPDGCode(qPDG).GetMass();
02442 #ifdef edebug
02443 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:nQ="<<nQuasmons<<",eC="<<eCount<<",qPDG="<<qPDG
02444 <<",qM="<<qMass<<",eM="<<envM<<",tM="<<tM<<",Q+E="<<qMass+envM
02445 <<G4endl;
02446 #endif
02447 if(eCount==1&&qPDG&&qMass&&tM>qMass+envM)
02449 {
02450 G4int envPDG = theEnvironment.GetPDG();
02451 #ifdef edebug
02452 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv: Q+E decay, nQ=1, qPDG=="<<qPDG<<G4endl;
02453 #endif
02455 if(qPDG==10 || qPDG==92000000 || qPDG==90002000 || qPDG==90000002)
02456 {
02457 G4QPDGCode h1QPDG=nQPDG;
02458 G4double h1M =mNeut;
02459 G4QPDGCode h2QPDG=h1QPDG;
02460 G4double h2M =mNeut;
02461 if(qPDG==10)
02462 {
02463 G4QChipolino QChip(qQC);
02464 h1QPDG=QChip.GetQPDG1();
02465 h1M =h1QPDG.GetMass();
02466 h2QPDG=QChip.GetQPDG2();
02467 h2M =h2QPDG.GetMass();
02468 }
02469 else if(qPDG==90002000)
02470 {
02471 h1QPDG=pQPDG;
02472 h1M =mProt;
02473 h2QPDG=h1QPDG;
02474 h2M =mProt;
02475 }
02476 else if(qPDG==92000000)
02477 {
02478 h1QPDG=lQPDG;
02479 h1M =mLamb;
02480 h2QPDG=h1QPDG;
02481 h2M =mLamb;
02482 G4double ddMass=totMass-envM;
02483 if(ddMass>mSigZ+mSigZ)
02484 {
02485 G4double dd2=ddMass*ddMass;
02486 G4double sma=mLamb+mLamb;
02487 G4double pr1=0.;
02488 if(ddMass>sma) pr1=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*dd2);
02489 sma=mLamb+mSigZ;
02490 G4double smi=mSigZ-mLamb;
02491 G4double pr2=pr1;
02492 if(ddMass>sma&&ddMass>smi)
02493 pr2+=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*(dd2-smi*smi));
02494 sma=mSigZ+mSigZ;
02495 G4double pr3=pr2;
02496 if(ddMass>sma) pr3+=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*dd2);
02497 G4double hhRND=pr3*G4UniformRand();
02498 if(hhRND>pr2)
02499 {
02500 h1QPDG=s0QPDG;
02501 h1M =mSigZ;
02502 h2QPDG=h1QPDG;
02503 h2M =mSigZ;
02504 }
02505 else if(hhRND>pr1)
02506 {
02507 h1QPDG=s0QPDG;
02508 h1M =mSigZ;
02509 }
02510 }
02511 else if(ddMass>mSigZ+mLamb)
02512 {
02513 G4double dd2=ddMass*ddMass;
02514 G4double sma=mLamb+mLamb;
02515 G4double pr1=0.;
02516 if(ddMass>sma) pr1=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*dd2);
02517 sma=mLamb+mSigZ;
02518 G4double smi=mSigZ-mLamb;
02519 G4double pr2=pr1;
02520 if(ddMass>sma && ddMass>smi)
02521 pr2+=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*(dd2-smi*smi));
02522 if(pr2*G4UniformRand()>pr1)
02523 {
02524 h1QPDG=s0QPDG;
02525 h1M =mSigZ;
02526 }
02527 }
02528 }
02529 if(h1M+h2M+envM<totMass)
02530 {
02531 G4LorentzVector h14M(0.,0.,0.,h1M);
02532 G4LorentzVector h24M(0.,0.,0.,h2M);
02533 G4LorentzVector e4M(0.,0.,0.,envM);
02534 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn3(h14M,h24M,e4M))
02535 {
02536 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
02537 ed << "QChip+E DecIn3 error: (0)tM=" << tot4M.m()
02538 << "->h1=" << h1QPDG << "(" << h1M << ")+h2="
02539 << h1QPDG << "(" << h2M << ")+envM=" << envM
02540 << "==" << h1M+h2M+envM << G4endl;
02541 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()",
02542 "HAD_CHPS_0004", FatalException, ed);
02543 }
02544 G4QHadron* h1H = new G4QHadron(h1QPDG.GetPDGCode(),h14M);
02545 theQHadrons.push_back(h1H);
02546 #ifdef debug
02547 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:(1) H1="<<h1QPDG<<h14M<<G4endl;
02548 #endif
02549 G4QHadron* h2H = new G4QHadron(h2QPDG.GetPDGCode(),h24M);
02550 theQHadrons.push_back(h2H);
02551 #ifdef debug
02552 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:(1) H2="<<h2QPDG<<h24M<<G4endl;
02553 #endif
02554 G4QHadron* qeH = new G4QHadron(envPDG,e4M);
02555 theQHadrons.push_back(qeH);
02556 #ifdef debug
02557 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:(1) QEnv="<<envPDG<<e4M<<G4endl;
02558 #endif
02559 }
02560 else
02561 {
02563 if(eCount==1&&CheckGroundState(pQ))
02564 {
02565 pQ->KillQuasmon();
02566 eCount--;
02567 for_each(output->begin(),output->end(),DeleteQHadron());
02568 output->clear();
02569 delete output;
02570 return theQHadrons;
02571 }
02572 for_each(output->begin(),output->end(),DeleteQHadron());
02573 output->clear();
02574 delete output;
02575 #ifdef fdebug
02576 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QE::HQE:tM="<<tot4M.m()<<"< h1="<<h1QPDG
02577 <<"(M="<<h1M<<")+h2="<<h1QPDG<<"(M="<<h2M<<")+EM="<<envM
02578 <<"="<<h1M+h2M+envM<<G4endl;
02580 #endif
02581 CleanUp();
02582 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
02583 EvaporateResidual(evH);
02584 return theQHadrons;
02585 }
02586 }
02587 else
02588 {
02589 G4LorentzVector fq4M(0.,0.,0.,qMass);
02590 G4LorentzVector qe4M(0.,0.,0.,envM);
02591 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).RelDecayIn2(fq4M,qe4M,cq4M,1.,1.))
02592 {
02593 G4cerr<<"***G4QEnv::HadQE:(0)tM="<<tot4M.m()<<"-> qPDG="<<qPDG
02594 <<"(M="<<qMass<<") + envM="<<envM<<")"<<G4endl;
02595 for_each(output->begin(),output->end(),DeleteQHadron());
02596 output->clear();
02597 delete output;
02599 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()",
02600 "HAD_CHPS_0005", FatalException,
02601 "Q+Env DecIn2 error");
02602 }
02603 G4QHadron* qH = new G4QHadron(qPDG,fq4M);
02604 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
02605 #ifdef debug
02606 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:QuasmH="<<qPDG<<fq4M<<G4endl;
02607 #endif
02608 G4QHadron* qeH = new G4QHadron(envPDG,qe4M);
02609 #ifdef debug
02610 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:EnvironH="<<envPDG<<qe4M<<G4endl;
02611 #endif
02612 if(envPDG==92000000||envPDG==90002000||envPDG==90000002)
02613 theEnvironment.DecayDibaryon(qeH,&theQHadrons);
02614 else theQHadrons.push_back(qeH);
02615 }
02616 for_each(output->begin(),output->end(),DeleteQHadron());
02617 output->clear();
02618 delete output;
02619 CleanUp();
02620 return theQHadrons;
02621 }
02622 else status=-1;
02623 }
02624 else if(eCount>1&&(nCount>nCnMax||theEnvironment.GetA()<2))
02625 {
02626 theEnvironment.InitByPDG(NUCPDG);
02627 #ifdef fdebug
02628 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HQE:Evaporate Env+Quasm Env="<<curE<<G4endl;
02629 #endif
02630 G4QHadron* nucQE = new G4QHadron(curQC,t4M);
02631 EvaporateResidual(nucQE);
02632 pQ->KillQuasmon();
02633 #ifdef edebug
02634 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HQE:StatusAfterKill (#"<<jq<<")="<<pQ->GetStatus()
02635 <<", nH="<<theQHadrons.size()<<G4endl;
02636 #endif
02637 tot4M-=t4M;
02638 totQC-=curQC;
02639 eCount--;
02640 }
02641 if(eCount==1 && tM>=curM)
02642 {
02643 theEnvironment.InitByPDG(NUCPDG);
02644 G4int ttPDG=totQC.GetSPDGCode();
02645 #ifdef pcdebug
02646 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:BefEv 4M="<<tot4M<<",QC="<<totQC<<ttPDG<<G4endl;
02647 #endif
02648 for_each(output->begin(),output->end(),DeleteQHadron());
02649 output->clear();
02650 delete output;
02651 CleanUp();
02652 G4int ttBN=totQC.GetBaryonNumber();
02653 if(ttPDG==10&&ttBN<2)
02654 {
02655 G4QChipolino QCh(totQC);
02656 G4QPDGCode h1QPDG=QCh.GetQPDG1();
02657 G4double h1M =h1QPDG.GetMass();
02658 G4QPDGCode h2QPDG=QCh.GetQPDG2();
02659 G4double h2M =h2QPDG.GetMass();
02660 G4double ttM=tot4M.m();
02661 if(h1M+h2M<ttM)
02662 {
02663 G4LorentzVector h14M(0.,0.,0.,h1M);
02664 G4LorentzVector h24M(0.,0.,0.,h2M);
02665 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn2(h14M,h24M))
02666 {
02667 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
02668 ed << "QChip (1) DecIn2 error: tM=" << ttM << "->h1="
02669 << h1QPDG << "(" << h1M << ")+h2=" << h1QPDG
02670 << "(" << h2M << ")=" << h1M+h2M << G4endl;
02671 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()",
02672 "HAD_CHPS_0006", FatalException, ed);
02673 }
02674 G4QHadron* h1H = new G4QHadron(h1QPDG.GetPDGCode(),h14M);
02675 theQHadrons.push_back(h1H);
02676 #ifdef debug
02677 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE: QCip-> H1="<<h1QPDG<<h14M<<G4endl;
02678 #endif
02679 G4QHadron* h2H = new G4QHadron(h2QPDG.GetPDGCode(),h24M);
02680 theQHadrons.push_back(h2H);
02681 #ifdef debug
02682 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE: QChip->H2="<<h2QPDG<<h24M<<G4endl;
02683 #endif
02684 }
02685 else
02686 {
02687 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
02688 ed << " QChip (2) DecIn2 error: tM=" << ttM << totQC << "->h1="
02689 << h1QPDG << "(" << h2M << "=" << h1M+h2M << G4endl;
02690 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()",
02691 "HAD_CHPS_0007", FatalException, ed);
02692 }
02693 }
02694 else
02695 {
02696 #ifdef edebug
02697 if(ttPDG<80000000&&ttBN<1)
02698 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::HQE: NotNuc, tPDG="<<ttPDG<<G4endl;
02699 #endif
02700 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
02701 EvaporateResidual(evH);
02702 }
02703 return theQHadrons;
02704 }
02705 else if(eCount==1 && CheckGroundState(pQ,true))
02706 {
02707 for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
02708 output->clear();
02709 delete output;
02710 pQ->KillQuasmon();
02711 delete pQ;
02712 eCount--;
02713 return theQHadrons;
02714 }
02715 }
02716 else
02717 {
02718 G4QPDGCode QPDGQ=pQ->GetQPDG();
02719 G4int PDGQ=QPDGQ.GetPDGCode();
02720 #ifdef edebug
02721 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv: vacuum PDGQ="<<PDGQ<<G4endl;
02722 #endif
02723 if(!PDGQ) status=-1;
02725 else if(PDGQ==3112||PDGQ==3222||PDGQ==90999001||PDGQ==91000999)
02726 {
02727 #ifdef edebug
02728 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:Sigma Mass="<<cqMass<<G4endl;
02729 #endif
02730 G4double hyM=mNeut;
02731 G4int hyPDG=2112;
02732 G4double pigM=mPi;
02733 G4int pigPDG=-211;
02734 if(PDGQ==3112||PDGQ==90999001)
02735 {
02736 if(cqMass>mPi+mLamb)
02737 {
02738 hyM = mLamb;
02739 hyPDG = 3122;
02740 }
02741 else if(cqMass>mSigM)
02742 {
02743 hyM=mSigM;
02744 hyPDG=3112;
02745 pigM=0.;
02746 pigPDG=22;
02747 }
02748 }
02749 else if(PDGQ==3222||PDGQ==91000999)
02750 {
02751 pigPDG= 211;
02752 if(cqMass>mPi+mLamb)
02753 {
02754 hyM = mLamb;
02755 hyPDG = 3122;
02756 pigM = mPi;
02757 pigPDG= 211;
02758 }
02759 else if(cqMass>mSigP)
02760 {
02761 hyM=mSigP;
02762 hyPDG=3222;
02763 pigM=0.;
02764 pigPDG=22;
02765 }
02766 else if(cqMass>mPi0+mProt&&G4UniformRand()>.5)
02767 {
02768 hyM = mProt;
02769 hyPDG = 2212;
02770 pigM = mPi0;
02771 pigPDG= 111;
02772 }
02773 else if(cqMass<mPi+mNeut)
02774 {
02775 hyM = mProt;
02776 hyPDG = 2212;
02777 pigM=0.;
02778 pigPDG=22;
02779 }
02781 }
02782 G4LorentzVector b4Mom(0.,0.,0.,hyM);
02783 G4LorentzVector m4Mom(0.,0.,0.,pigM);
02784 if(!G4QHadron(cq4M).DecayIn2(b4Mom, m4Mom))
02785 {
02786 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::HQE:H="<<hyPDG<<"(m="<<hyM<<")+G/Pi="
02787 <<pigPDG<<"(m="<<pigM<<")="<<hyM+pigM<<">"<<cqMass<<G4endl;
02788 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
02789 CleanUp();
02790 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
02791 {
02792 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
02793 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
02794 #ifdef debug
02795 G4cout<<"-Warn-G4QE::HQE:Sig,QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
02796 #endif
02798 }
02799 delete quasH;
02800 return theQHadrons;
02801 }
02802 #ifdef debug
02803 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: Sigma="<<PDGQ<<cq4M<<" -> Hyperon="
02804 <<hyPDG<<b4Mom<<" + Gamma/Pi="<<pigPDG<<m4Mom<<G4endl;
02805 #endif
02806 G4QHadron* curBar = new G4QHadron(hyPDG,b4Mom);
02807 theQHadrons.push_back(curBar);
02808 G4QHadron* curMes = new G4QHadron(pigPDG,m4Mom);
02809 theQHadrons.push_back(curMes);
02810 pQ->KillQuasmon();
02811 tot4M-=cq4M;
02812 totQC-=qQC;
02813 eCount--;
02814 }
02815 else if(PDGQ==90999002||PDGQ==91001999)
02816 {
02817 #ifdef edebug
02818 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv: Nucleon+Sigma Mass="<<cqMass<<G4endl;
02819 #endif
02820 G4bool dinFlag = false;
02821 G4double hyM=mSigM;
02822 G4int hyPDG=3112;
02823 G4double pigM=mNeut;
02824 G4int pigPDG=2112;
02825 if (PDGQ==90999002)
02826 {
02827 if(cqMass<mNeut+mSigM)
02828 {
02829 dinFlag = true;
02830 hyM=mNeut+mNeut;
02831 hyPDG=2112;
02832 pigM=mPi;
02833 pigPDG=-211;
02834 }
02835 }
02836 else if(PDGQ==91001999)
02837 {
02838 hyM=mSigP;
02839 hyPDG=3222;
02840 pigM=mProt;
02841 pigPDG=2212;
02842 if(cqMass<mProt+mSigP)
02843 {
02844 hyM=mProt;
02845 hyPDG=2212;
02846 pigM=mProt;
02847 pigPDG=2212;
02848 }
02849 }
02850 G4LorentzVector b4Mom(0.,0.,0.,hyM);
02851 G4LorentzVector m4Mom(0.,0.,0.,pigM);
02852 if(!G4QHadron(cq4M).DecayIn2(b4Mom, m4Mom))
02853 {
02854 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QE::HQE:S/D="<<hyPDG<<"(m="<<hyM<<")+N/Pi="
02855 <<pigPDG<<"(m="<<pigM<<")="<<hyM+pigM<<">"<<cqMass<<G4endl;
02856 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
02857 CleanUp();
02858 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
02859 {
02860 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
02861 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
02862 #ifdef debug
02863 G4cout<<"-Warn-G4QE::HQE:Sig,QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
02864 #endif
02866 }
02867 delete quasH;
02868 return theQHadrons;
02869 }
02870 #ifdef debug
02871 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: NSigma="<<PDGQ<<cq4M<<"-> Sigma/dN="
02872 <<hyPDG<<b4Mom<<" + N/Pi="<<pigPDG<<m4Mom<<G4endl;
02873 #endif
02874 if(dinFlag) b4Mom/=2.;
02875 G4QHadron* curBar = new G4QHadron(hyPDG,b4Mom);
02876 theQHadrons.push_back(curBar);
02877 if(dinFlag)
02878 {
02879 G4QHadron* secBar = new G4QHadron(hyPDG,b4Mom);
02880 theQHadrons.push_back(secBar);
02881 }
02882 G4QHadron* curMes = new G4QHadron(pigPDG,m4Mom);
02883 theQHadrons.push_back(curMes);
02884 pQ->KillQuasmon();
02885 tot4M-=cq4M;
02886 totQC-=qQC;
02887 eCount--;
02888 }
02889 else if(PDGQ==90999003||PDGQ==91002999)
02890 {
02891 #ifdef edebug
02892 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv: DiNucleon+Sigma Mass="<<cqMass<<G4endl;
02893 #endif
02894 G4bool dinFlag = false;
02895 G4double hyM=mSigM;
02896 G4int hyPDG=3112;
02897 G4double pigM=mNeut+mNeut;
02898 G4int pigPDG=2112;
02899 if (PDGQ==90999003)
02900 {
02901 if(cqMass<pigM+mSigM)
02902 {
02903 dinFlag = true;
02904 pigM=mNeut+mNeut+mNeut;
02905 pigPDG=2112;
02906 hyM=mPi;
02907 hyPDG=-211;
02908 }
02909 }
02910 else if(PDGQ==91002999)
02911 {
02912 hyM=mSigP;
02913 hyPDG=3222;
02914 pigM=mProt+mProt;
02915 pigPDG=2212;
02916 if(cqMass<pigM+mSigP)
02917 {
02918 dinFlag = true;
02919 pigM=mProt+mProt+mProt;
02920 pigPDG=2212;
02921 hyM=mPi;
02922 hyPDG=211;
02923 }
02924 }
02925 G4LorentzVector b4Mom(0.,0.,0.,hyM);
02926 G4LorentzVector m4Mom(0.,0.,0.,pigM);
02927 if(!G4QHadron(cq4M).DecayIn2(b4Mom, m4Mom))
02928 {
02929 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QE::HQE:S/Pi="<<hyPDG<<"(m="<<hyM<<")+D/T="
02930 <<pigPDG<<"(m="<<pigM<<")="<<hyM+pigM<<">"<<cqMass<<G4endl;
02931 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
02932 CleanUp();
02933 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
02934 {
02935 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
02936 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
02937 #ifdef debug
02938 G4cout<<"-Warn-G4QE::HQE:Sig,QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
02939 #endif
02941 }
02942 delete quasH;
02943 return theQHadrons;
02944 }
02945 #ifdef debug
02946 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv:2NSigma="<<PDGQ<<cq4M<<"-> Sigma/Pi="
02947 <<hyPDG<<b4Mom<<" + 2N/3N="<<pigPDG<<m4Mom<<dinFlag<<G4endl;
02948 #endif
02949 G4QHadron* curBar = new G4QHadron(hyPDG,b4Mom);
02950 theQHadrons.push_back(curBar);
02951 if(dinFlag) m4Mom/=3.;
02952 else m4Mom/=2.;
02953 G4QHadron* curMes = new G4QHadron(pigPDG,m4Mom);
02954 theQHadrons.push_back(curMes);
02955 G4QHadron* secBar = new G4QHadron(pigPDG,m4Mom);
02956 theQHadrons.push_back(secBar);
02957 if(dinFlag)
02958 {
02959 G4QHadron* triBar = new G4QHadron(pigPDG,m4Mom);
02960 theQHadrons.push_back(triBar);
02961 }
02962 pQ->KillQuasmon();
02963 tot4M-=cq4M;
02964 totQC-=qQC;
02965 eCount--;
02966 }
02967 else if (PDGQ!=10)
02968 {
02969 G4double qM =cq4M.m();
02970 G4double gsM=QPDGQ.GetMass();
02971 #ifdef edebug
02972 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:#"<<jq<<",qM="<<qM<<">gsM="<<gsM<<G4endl;
02973 #endif
02974 if(fabs(qM-gsM)<0.0001)
02975 {
02976 G4QHadron* resQ = new G4QHadron(PDGQ,cq4M);
02977 #ifdef debug
02978 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:ResQ="<<PDGQ<<cq4M<<G4endl;
02979 #endif
02980 theQHadrons.push_back(resQ);
02981 pQ->KillQuasmon();
02982 tot4M-=cq4M;
02983 totQC-=qQC;
02984 eCount--;
02985 }
02986 else if(eCount==1 && qM<gsM && CheckGroundState(pQ,true))
02987 {
02988 #ifdef edebug
02989 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:**>>** CGS Correction **>>**"<<G4endl;
02990 #endif
02991 for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
02992 output->clear();
02993 delete output;
02994 pQ->KillQuasmon();
02995 eCount--;
02996 return theQHadrons;
02997 }
02998 else if(qM<gsM&&(pQ->GetQC().GetSPDGCode()==1114
02999 || pQ->GetQC().GetSPDGCode()==2224)
03000 &&qM>theWorld->GetQParticle(QPDGQ)->MinMassOfFragm())
03001 {
03002 #ifdef edebug
03003 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:**||** Copy&Decay **||**"<<G4endl;
03004 #endif
03005 G4QHadronVector* decHV=pQ->DecayQuasmon();
03006 CopyAndDeleteHadronVector(decHV);
03007 tot4M-=pQ->Get4Momentum();
03008 totQC-=pQ->GetQC();
03009 pQ->KillQuasmon();
03010 eCount--;
03011 }
03012 }
03013 }
03014 }
03015 else if(status==3) count3++;
03016 if(status<0)
03017 {
03027 G4int ppm=jq;
03028 G4int nRQ=0;
03029 #ifdef edebug
03030 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv: ***PANIC*** for jq="<<jq<<G4endl;
03031 #endif
03032 G4ThreeVector vp= pQ->Get4Momentum().vect();
03033 G4double dpm=1.e+30;
03034 if(nQuasmons>1) for(G4int ir=0; ir<nQuasmons; ir++)
03035 {
03036 if(ir!=jq)
03037 {
03038 G4Quasmon* rQ = theQuasmons[ir];
03039 G4int Qst = rQ->GetStatus();
03040 #ifdef edebug
03041 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv: ir="<<ir<<",Qstatus="<<Qst<<G4endl;
03042 #endif
03043 if(Qst>0)
03044 {
03045 nRQ++;
03046 G4double dp=vp.dot(rQ->Get4Momentum().vect());
03047 if(dp<dpm)
03048 {
03049 ppm=ir;
03050 dpm=dp;
03051 }
03052 }
03053 }
03054 }
03055 if(nRQ)
03056 {
03057 G4Quasmon* rQ = theQuasmons[ppm];
03058 G4QContent rQC= rQ->GetQC();
03059 G4LorentzVector r4M= rQ->Get4Momentum();
03060 rQC += pQ->GetQC();
03061 r4M += pQ->Get4Momentum();
03062 rQ->InitQuasmon(rQC, r4M);
03063 #ifdef edebug
03064 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:"<<pQ->GetQC()<<"+"<<rQ->GetQC()<<"="<<rQC<<G4endl;
03065 #endif
03066 pQ->KillQuasmon();
03067 eCount--;
03068 }
03069 else
03070 {
03071 #ifdef edebug
03072 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HQE: No Q-cand. nRQ="<<nRQ<<",eC="<<eCount<<G4endl;
03073 #endif
03075 if(CheckGroundState(pQ,true))
03076 {
03077 for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
03078 output->clear();
03079 delete output;
03080 pQ->KillQuasmon();
03081 eCount--;
03082 return theQHadrons;
03083 }
03084 #ifdef fdebug
03085 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:NO PANICsolution,t="<<tot4M<<totQC<<G4endl;
03086 #endif
03087 totQC=theEnvironment.GetQC();
03088 tot4M=theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
03089 if(nQuasmons) for(G4int jr=0; jr<nQuasmons; jr++)
03090 {
03091 G4Quasmon* rQ = theQuasmons[jr];
03092 G4int Qst = rQ->GetStatus();
03093 if(jr==jq)
03094 {
03095 totQC+=rQ->GetQC();
03096 tot4M+=rQ->Get4Momentum();
03097 }
03098 else if(Qst)
03099 {
03100 totQC+=rQ->GetQC();
03101 tot4M+=rQ->Get4Momentum();
03102 }
03103 }
03104 pQ->KillQuasmon();
03105 eCount--;
03106 CleanUp();
03107 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03108 EvaporateResidual(evH);
03109 for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
03110 output->clear();
03111 delete output;
03112 force=true;
03113 break;
03114 }
03115 }
03116 }
03117 for_each(output->begin(), output->end(), DeleteQHadron());
03118 output->clear();
03119 delete output;
03120 }
03121 #ifdef debug
03122 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:QStat("<<jq<<"="<<status<<pQ->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
03123 #endif
03124 }
03125 cAN=0;
03126 }
03127 else if(totMass>totM+.001)
03128 {
03129 #ifdef edebug
03130 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE: NQ="<<nQuasmons<<",tM="<<totMass<<",tPDG="<<totPDG<<",tB="
03131 <<totBN<<",GSM="<<totM<<",dM="<<totMass-totM<<",totQC="<<totQC<<G4endl;
03132 #endif
03134 if(2>3)
03135 {
03136 G4QContent quasQC=totQC-envQC;
03137 G4int resQPDG=quasQC.GetSPDGCode();
03138 G4int resQB=quasQC.GetBaryonNumber();
03139 G4int resQCh=quasQC.GetCharge();
03141 if((resQPDG==0 || resQPDG==10) && resQB>0) resQPDG=quasQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
03142 G4double resQM=G4QPDGCode(resQPDG).GetMass();
03143 G4double qCB=theEnvironment.CoulombBarrier(resQCh,resQB);
03144 G4double de=totMass-envM-resQM-qCB;
03145 #ifdef debug
03146 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:NQ==1,tM="<<totMass<<",qM="<<resQM<<",eM="<<envM<<",CB="
03147 <<qCB<<",dE="<<totMass-envM-resQM-qCB<<G4endl;
03148 #endif
03149 if(de>0.)
03150 {
03151 G4LorentzVector fq4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,resQM);
03152 G4LorentzVector fe4M=env4M;
03153 G4LorentzVector dir4M=tot4M-env4M;
03154 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).RelDecayIn2(fe4M,fq4M,dir4M,1.,1.))
03155 {
03156 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
03157 ed << "Can't decay Q+E: t4M=" << tot4M << ",d=" << de << G4endl;
03158 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()", "HAD_CHPS_0008",
03159 FatalException, ed);
03160 }
03161 G4QHadron* hQua = new G4QHadron(resQPDG,fq4M);
03162 theQHadrons.push_back(hQua);
03163 G4int envPDG=theEnvironment.GetPDGCode();
03164 G4QHadron* hEnv = new G4QHadron(envPDG,fe4M);
03165 theQHadrons.push_back(hEnv);
03166 #ifdef debug
03167 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:fQ="<<resQPDG<<fq4M<<", fE="<<envPDG<<fe4M<<G4endl;
03168 #endif
03169 return theQHadrons;
03170 }
03171 }
03172 #ifdef debug
03173 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE: M="<<totMass<<",PDG="<<totPDG<<",B="<<totBN<<",GSM="<<totM
03174 <<",dM="<<totMass-totM<<",totQC="<<totQC<<G4endl;
03175 #endif
03176 if(totBN<2)
03177 {
03178 if(totPDG==90999999||totPDG==90999000||totPDG==90000999||totPDG==89999001)
03179 {
03180 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::HQE:Meson(2) PDG="<<totPDG<<",M="<<totMass<<G4endl;
03181 }
03182 else if(totPDG==1114||totPDG==2224)
03183 {
03184 G4double mBar=mProt;
03185 G4int bPDG=2212;
03186 G4double mMes=mPi;
03187 G4int mPDG=211;
03188 if(totPDG==1114)
03189 {
03190 mBar=mNeut;
03191 bPDG=2112;
03192 mPDG=-211;
03193 }
03194 if(totMass<mBar+mMes)
03195 {
03196 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QE::HQE:tM="<<totMass<<"<GSM+mPi0="<<totM+mPi0<<G4endl;
03197 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03198 CleanUp();
03199 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03200 {
03201 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03202 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03203 #ifdef debug
03204 G4cout<<"***G4QE::HQE:FillAsIs(-4),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03205 #endif
03207 }
03208 delete quasH;
03209 return theQHadrons;
03210 }
03211 else
03212 {
03219 G4LorentzVector b4Mom(0.,0.,0.,mBar);
03220 G4LorentzVector m4Mom(0.,0.,0.,mMes);
03221 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn2(b4Mom, m4Mom))
03222 {
03223 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::HadronizeQE:B="<<bPDG<<"(m="<<mBar<<") + M="
03224 <<mPDG<<"(m="<<mMes<<")="<<mBar+mMes<<" > mDel="<<totMass<<G4endl;
03225 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03226 CleanUp();
03227 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03228 {
03229 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03230 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03231 #ifdef debug
03232 G4cout<<"***G4QE::HQE:FillAsIs(-3),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03233 #endif
03235 }
03236 delete quasH;
03237 return theQHadrons;
03238 }
03239 #ifdef debug
03240 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: DELTA="<<totPDG<<tot4M<<" -> Bar="
03241 <<bPDG<<b4Mom<<" + Mes="<<mPDG<<m4Mom<<G4endl;
03242 #endif
03243 G4QHadron* curBar = new G4QHadron(bPDG,b4Mom);
03244 theQHadrons.push_back(curBar);
03245 #ifdef edebug
03246 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:BaryonH="<<bPDG<<b4Mom<<G4endl;
03247 #endif
03248 G4QHadron* curMes = new G4QHadron(mPDG,m4Mom);
03249 theQHadrons.push_back(curMes);
03250 #ifdef edebug
03251 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:MesonH="<<mPDG<<m4Mom<<G4endl;
03252 #endif
03253 return theQHadrons;
03254 }
03255 }
03256 else if(totPDG==10)
03257 {
03258 G4QChipolino resChip(totQC);
03259 G4QPDGCode h1QPDG=resChip.GetQPDG1();
03260 G4int h1PDG=h1QPDG.GetPDGCode();
03261 G4double h1M =h1QPDG.GetMass();
03262 G4QPDGCode h2QPDG=resChip.GetQPDG2();
03263 G4int h2PDG=h2QPDG.GetPDGCode();
03264 G4double h2M =h2QPDG.GetMass();
03265 G4LorentzVector h14Mom(0.,0.,0.,h1M);
03266 G4LorentzVector h24Mom(0.,0.,0.,h2M);
03267 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn2(h14Mom, h24Mom))
03268 {
03269 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::HadronizeQE:h1="<<h1PDG<<"(m="<<h1M<<") + h2="
03270 <<h2PDG<<"(m="<<h2M<<")="<<h1M+h2M<<" > mChipo="<<totMass<<G4endl;
03271 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03272 CleanUp();
03273 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03274 {
03275 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03276 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03277 #ifdef debug
03278 G4cout<<"***G4QE::HQE:FillAsIs(-2),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03279 #endif
03281 }
03282 delete quasH;
03283 return theQHadrons;
03284 }
03285 #ifdef debug
03286 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: Chipo="<<tot4M<<" -> h1="
03287 <<h1PDG<<h14Mom<<" + Mes="<<h2PDG<<h24Mom<<G4endl;
03288 #endif
03289 G4QHadron* curH1 = new G4QHadron(h1PDG,h14Mom);
03290 theQHadrons.push_back(curH1);
03291 #ifdef edebug
03292 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:HadronH="<<h1PDG<<h14Mom<<G4endl;
03293 #endif
03294 G4QHadron* curH2 = new G4QHadron(h2PDG,h24Mom);
03295 theQHadrons.push_back(curH2);
03296 #ifdef edebug
03297 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:MesAsHadrPartnerH="<<h2PDG<<h24Mom<<G4endl;
03298 #endif
03299 return theQHadrons;
03300 }
03301 else if(totBN<2&&totPDG&&totMass<totM+mPi0+.001)
03302 {
03303 G4LorentzVector h4Mom(0.,0.,0.,totM);
03304 G4LorentzVector g4Mom(0.,0.,0.,0.);
03305 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn2(h4Mom, g4Mom))
03306 {
03307 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: h="<<totPDG<<"(m="<<totM
03308 <<") + gamma > mTot="<<totMass<<G4endl;
03309 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03310 CleanUp();
03311 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03312 {
03313 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03314 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03315 #ifdef debug
03316 G4cout<<"***G4QE::HQE:FillAsIs(-1),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03317 #endif
03319 }
03320 delete quasH;
03321 return theQHadrons;
03322 }
03323 #ifdef debug
03324 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:"<<tot4M<<"->h="<<totPDG<<h4Mom<<" + gamma="<<g4Mom<<G4endl;
03325 #endif
03326 G4QHadron* curG = new G4QHadron(22,g4Mom);
03327 theQHadrons.push_back(curG);
03328 #ifdef edebug
03329 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:PhotonH="<<g4Mom<<G4endl;
03330 #endif
03331 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron(totPDG,h4Mom);
03332 #ifdef edebug
03333 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:GamPartnerH="<<totPDG<<h4Mom<<G4endl;
03334 #endif
03335 if(totPDG==92000000||totPDG==90002000||totPDG==90000002)
03336 theEnvironment.DecayDibaryon(curH,&theQHadrons);
03337 else theQHadrons.push_back(curH);
03338 return theQHadrons;
03339 }
03340 else if(totBN<2&&totPDG)
03341 {
03342 G4int piPDG=111;
03343 G4double mpi=mPi0;
03344 G4int mbPDG=totPDG;
03345 G4double mbm=totM;
03346 if(totPDG==1114)
03347 {
03348 piPDG=-211;
03349 mpi=mPi;
03350 mbPDG=2112;
03351 mbm=mNeut;
03352 }
03353 else if(totPDG==2224)
03354 {
03355 piPDG=211;
03356 mpi=mPi;
03357 mbPDG=2212;
03358 mbm=mProt;
03359 }
03360 else if(totPDG==113)
03361 {
03362 piPDG=-211;
03363 mpi=mPi;
03364 mbPDG=211;
03365 mbm=mPi;
03366 }
03367 G4LorentzVector h4Mom(0.,0.,0.,mbm);
03368 G4LorentzVector g4Mom(0.,0.,0.,mpi);
03369 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn2(h4Mom, g4Mom))
03370 {
03371 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: h="<<mbPDG<<"(m="<<mbm
03372 <<") + pi(m="<<mpi<<")="<<mbm+mpi<<" > mTot="<<totMass<<G4endl;
03373 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03374 CleanUp();
03375 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03376 {
03377 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03378 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03379 #ifdef debug
03380 G4cout<<"***G4QE::HQE:FillAsIs(0),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03381 #endif
03383 }
03384 delete quasH;
03385 return theQHadrons;
03386 }
03387 #ifdef debug
03388 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:"<<tot4M<<"->h="<<mbPDG<<h4Mom<<"+p="<<piPDG<<g4Mom<<G4endl;
03389 #endif
03390 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron(mbPDG,h4Mom);
03391 if(totPDG==92000000||totPDG==90002000||totPDG==90000002)
03392 theEnvironment.DecayDibaryon(curH,&theQHadrons);
03393 else theQHadrons.push_back(curH);
03394 G4QHadron* curG = new G4QHadron(piPDG,g4Mom);
03395 #ifdef edebug
03396 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:Gamma/Pi0H="<<piPDG<<g4Mom<<G4endl;
03397 #endif
03398 theQHadrons.push_back(curG);
03399 return theQHadrons;
03400 }
03401 else
03402 {
03403 G4Quasmon* resid = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03404 G4QNucleus vacuum_value(90000000);
03405 G4QHadronVector* curout=resid->Fragment(vacuum_value,1);
03406 G4int rest = resid->GetStatus();
03407 if(!rest) eCount--;
03408 delete resid;
03409 G4int nHadrons = curout->size();
03410 if(nHadrons>0)
03411 {
03412 for (G4int ih=0; ih<nHadrons; ih++)
03413 {
03414 #ifdef debug
03415 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE:NewB<2, H#"<<ih
03416 <<", QPDG="<<(*curout)[ih]->GetQPDG()
03417 <<", 4M="<<(*curout)[ih]->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
03418 #endif
03420 theQHadrons.push_back((*curout)[ih]);
03421 }
03422 }
03423 else
03424 {
03425 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
03426 ed << " Quasmon decay? : MQ=" << tot4M.m() << ",QC=" << totQC
03427 << G4endl;
03428 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()", "HAD_CHPS_0009",
03429 FatalException, ed);
03430 }
03431 curout->clear();
03432 delete curout;
03433 return theQHadrons;
03434 }
03435 }
03436 else
03437 {
03438 G4QContent tQC =totQC;
03439 G4int NSi =0;
03440 G4int SiPDG =0;
03441 G4double MSi =0.;
03442 G4int NaK =0;
03443 G4int aKPDG =0;
03444 G4double MaK =0.;
03445 G4int NPi =0;
03446 G4int PiPDG =0;
03447 G4double MPi =0.;
03448 if (totBN>0&&totS<0&&totChg+totChg>=totBN)
03449 {
03450 aKPDG=321;
03451 NaK=-totS;
03452 MaK=mK*NaK;
03453 tQC+=totS*KpQC;
03454 totChg+=totS;
03455 totS=0;
03456 }
03457 else if (totBN>0&&totS<0)
03458 {
03459 aKPDG=311;
03460 NaK=-totS;
03461 MaK=mK0*NaK;
03462 tQC+=totS*K0QC;
03463 totS=0;
03464 }
03465 else if (totBN>1&&totS>0&&(totChg<0||totChg>totBN-totS))
03466 {
03467 NSi=totS;
03468 if(totChg<0)
03469 {
03470 SiPDG=3112;
03471 if(-totChg<NSi) NSi=-totChg;
03472 MSi=mSigM*NSi;
03473 tQC-=NSi*SiMQC;
03474 totChg+=NSi;
03475 }
03476 else
03477 {
03478 SiPDG=3222;
03479 G4int exChg=totChg-totBN+totS;
03480 if(exChg<NSi) NSi=exChg;
03481 MSi=mSigP*NSi;
03482 tQC-=NSi*SiPQC;
03483 totChg-=NSi;
03484 }
03485 totS-=NSi;
03486 totBN-=NSi;
03487 }
03488 else if (totBN>0&&totS>totBN&&totBN<totS+totChg)
03489 {
03490 aKPDG=-311;
03491 NaK=totS-totBN;
03492 MaK=mK0*NaK;
03493 tQC+=NaK*K0QC;
03494 totS-=NaK;
03495 }
03496 else if (totBN>0&&totS>totBN&&totChg<0)
03497 {
03498 aKPDG=-321;
03499 NaK=totS-totBN;
03500 MaK=mK0*NaK;
03501 tQC+=NaK*KpQC;
03502 totChg+=NaK;
03503 totS-=NaK;
03504 }
03506 if (totBN>0&&totChg>totBN-totS)
03507 {
03508 PiPDG=211;
03509 NPi=totChg-totBN+totS;
03510 MPi=mPi*NPi;
03511 tQC-=NPi*PiQC;
03512 totChg-=NPi;
03513 }
03514 else if (totBN>0&&totChg<0)
03515 {
03516 PiPDG=-211;
03517 NPi=-totChg;
03518 MPi=mPi*NPi;
03519 tQC+=NPi*PiQC;
03520 totChg+=NPi;
03521 }
03522 else if (!totBN&&totChg>1-totS)
03523 {
03524 PiPDG=211;
03525 NPi=totChg+totS-1;
03526 MPi=mPi*NPi;
03527 tQC-=NPi*PiQC;
03528 totChg-=NPi;
03529 }
03530 else if (!totBN&&totChg<-1-totS)
03531 {
03532 PiPDG=-211;
03533 NPi-=totChg+totS+1;
03534 MPi=mPi*NPi;
03535 tQC+=NPi*PiQC;
03536 totChg+=NPi;
03537 }
03538 G4double totRM=0.;
03539 if(totBN<2)
03540 {
03541 totPDG=tQC.GetSPDGCode();
03542 if(totPDG==10&&tQC.GetBaryonNumber()>0) totPDG=tQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
03543 if(totPDG) totRM=G4QPDGCode(totPDG).GetMass();
03544 else
03545 {
03548 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
03549 ed << "Impossible PDG for B=1: totPDG=0" << G4endl;
03550 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironment()",
03551 "HAD_CHPS_0010", FatalException, ed);
03552 }
03553 }
03554 else
03555 {
03556 G4QNucleus totN_temporary(tQC,tot4M);
03557 totN=totN_temporary;
03558 totRM=totN.GetMZNS();
03559 totPDG=totN.GetPDG();
03560 }
03561 if(NaK)
03562 {
03563 if(!NPi)
03564 {
03565 G4LorentzVector m4Mom(0.,0.,0.,MaK);
03566 G4LorentzVector n4Mom(0.,0.,0.,totRM);
03567 G4double sum=MaK+totRM;
03568 if(fabs(totMass-sum)<eps)
03569 {
03570 m4Mom=tot4M*(MaK/sum);
03571 n4Mom=tot4M*(totRM/sum);
03572 }
03573 else if(totMass<sum || !G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn2(m4Mom, n4Mom))
03574 {
03575 #ifdef edebug
03576 G4cout<<"***G4QE::HadronizeQE:M="<<aKPDG<<"(m="<<MaK<<")+N="<<totPDG<<"(m="
03577 <<totRM<<")="<<sum<<" > mSN="<<totMass<<",d="<<sum-totMass<<G4endl;
03578 #endif
03579 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03580 CleanUp();
03581 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03582 {
03583 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03584 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03585 #ifdef debug
03586 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HQE:FillAsItIs(1),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03587 #endif
03589 }
03590 delete quasH;
03591 return theQHadrons;
03592 }
03593 #ifdef debug
03594 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: SN="<<tot4M<<" -> M="
03595 <<aKPDG<<m4Mom<<" + N="<<totPDG<<n4Mom<<totQC<<G4endl;
03596 #endif
03597 G4LorentzVector oneK=m4Mom;
03598 if(NaK>1) oneK = m4Mom/NaK;
03599 for (G4int jp=0; jp<NaK; jp++)
03600 {
03601 G4QHadron* curK = new G4QHadron(aKPDG,oneK);
03602 theQHadrons.push_back(curK);
03603 }
03604 G4QHadron* curN = new G4QHadron(totPDG,n4Mom);
03605 EvaporateResidual(curN);
03606 }
03607 else
03608 {
03609 G4LorentzVector m4Mom(0.,0.,0.,MPi);
03610 G4LorentzVector k4Mom(0.,0.,0.,MaK);
03611 G4LorentzVector n4Mom(0.,0.,0.,totRM);
03612 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn3(m4Mom, k4Mom, n4Mom))
03613 {
03614 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::HadronQE:K="<<aKPDG<<"(m="<<MaK<<")+PI="<<PiPDG
03615 <<"(m="<<MPi<<")+N="<<totPDG<<"(m="<<totRM<<")>tM="<<totMass<<G4endl;
03616 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03617 CleanUp();
03618 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03619 {
03620 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03621 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03622 #ifdef debug
03623 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HQE:FillAsItIs(2),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03624 #endif
03626 }
03627 delete quasH;
03628 return theQHadrons;
03629 }
03630 #ifdef fdebug
03631 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: SN="<<tot4M<<" -> nK="<<aKPDG<<k4Mom
03632 <<" + nPi="<<PiPDG<<m4Mom<<" + N="<<totPDG<<n4Mom<<G4endl;
03633 #endif
03634 G4LorentzVector onePi=m4Mom;
03635 if(NPi>1) onePi = m4Mom/NPi;
03636 for (G4int ip=0; ip<NPi; ip++)
03637 {
03638 G4QHadron* curP = new G4QHadron(PiPDG,onePi);
03639 #ifdef debug
03640 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:SPion#"<<ip<<",H="<<PiPDG<<onePi<<G4endl;
03641 #endif
03642 theQHadrons.push_back(curP);
03643 }
03644 G4LorentzVector oneK=k4Mom;
03645 if(NaK>1) oneK = k4Mom/NaK;
03646 for (G4int jp=0; jp<NaK; jp++)
03647 {
03648 G4QHadron* curP = new G4QHadron(aKPDG,oneK);
03649 #ifdef debug
03650 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:Kaon#"<<jp<<",H="<<aKPDG<<oneK<<G4endl;
03651 #endif
03652 theQHadrons.push_back(curP);
03653 }
03654 G4QHadron* curN = new G4QHadron(totPDG,n4Mom);
03655 EvaporateResidual(curN);
03656 }
03657 return theQHadrons;
03658 }
03659 else if(NSi)
03660 {
03661 if(!NPi)
03662 {
03663 G4LorentzVector m4Mom(0.,0.,0.,MSi);
03664 G4LorentzVector n4Mom(0.,0.,0.,totRM);
03665 G4double sum=MSi+totRM;
03666 if(fabs(totMass-sum)<eps)
03667 {
03668 m4Mom=tot4M*(MSi/sum);
03669 n4Mom=tot4M*(totRM/sum);
03670 }
03671 else if(totMass<sum || !G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn2(m4Mom, n4Mom))
03672 {
03673 #ifdef edebug
03674 G4cout<<"***G4QE::HadronizeQE:M="<<aKPDG<<"(s="<<MSi<<")+N="<<totPDG<<"(m="
03675 <<totRM<<")="<<sum<<" > mSN="<<totMass<<",d="<<sum-totMass<<G4endl;
03676 #endif
03677 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03678 CleanUp();
03679 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03680 {
03681 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03682 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03683 #ifdef debug
03684 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HQE:FillAsItIs(2),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03685 #endif
03687 }
03688 delete quasH;
03689 return theQHadrons;
03690 }
03691 #ifdef debug
03692 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: SN="<<tot4M<<" -> Sig="
03693 <<SiPDG<<m4Mom<<" + N="<<totPDG<<n4Mom<<totQC<<G4endl;
03694 #endif
03695 G4LorentzVector oneS=m4Mom;
03696 if(NSi>1) oneS = m4Mom/NSi;
03697 for (G4int jp=0; jp<NSi; jp++)
03698 {
03699 G4QHadron* curS = new G4QHadron(SiPDG,oneS);
03700 theQHadrons.push_back(curS);
03701 }
03702 G4QHadron* curN = new G4QHadron(totPDG,n4Mom);
03703 EvaporateResidual(curN);
03704 }
03705 else
03706 {
03707 G4LorentzVector m4Mom(0.,0.,0.,MPi);
03708 G4LorentzVector k4Mom(0.,0.,0.,MSi);
03709 G4LorentzVector n4Mom(0.,0.,0.,totRM);
03710 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn3(m4Mom, k4Mom, n4Mom))
03711 {
03712 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::HadronQE:S="<<SiPDG<<"(m="<<MSi<<")+PI="<<PiPDG
03713 <<"(m="<<MPi<<")+N="<<totPDG<<"(m="<<totRM<<")>tM="<<totMass<<G4endl;
03714 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03715 CleanUp();
03716 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03717 {
03718 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03719 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03720 #ifdef debug
03721 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HQE:FillAsItIs(3),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03722 #endif
03724 }
03725 delete quasH;
03726 return theQHadrons;
03727 }
03728 #ifdef fdebug
03729 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: SN="<<tot4M<<" -> nS="<<SiPDG<<k4Mom
03730 <<" + nPi="<<PiPDG<<m4Mom<<" + N="<<totPDG<<n4Mom<<G4endl;
03731 #endif
03732 G4LorentzVector onePi=m4Mom;
03733 if(NPi>1) onePi = m4Mom/NPi;
03734 for (G4int ip=0; ip<NPi; ip++)
03735 {
03736 G4QHadron* curP = new G4QHadron(PiPDG,onePi);
03737 #ifdef debug
03738 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:SPion#"<<ip<<",H="<<PiPDG<<onePi<<G4endl;
03739 #endif
03740 theQHadrons.push_back(curP);
03741 }
03742 G4LorentzVector oneS=k4Mom;
03743 if(NSi>1) oneS = k4Mom/NSi;
03744 for (G4int jp=0; jp<NSi; jp++)
03745 {
03746 G4QHadron* curP = new G4QHadron(SiPDG,oneS);
03747 #ifdef debug
03748 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:Sigma#"<<jp<<",H="<<SiPDG<<oneS<<G4endl;
03749 #endif
03750 theQHadrons.push_back(curP);
03751 }
03752 G4QHadron* curN = new G4QHadron(totPDG,n4Mom);
03753 EvaporateResidual(curN);
03754 }
03755 return theQHadrons;
03756 }
03757 else if(NPi)
03758 {
03759 if(NPi==1)
03760 {
03761 G4LorentzVector m4Mom(0.,0.,0.,MPi);
03762 G4LorentzVector n4Mom(0.,0.,0.,totRM);
03763 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn2(m4Mom, n4Mom))
03764 {
03765 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv:M="<<PiPDG<<"(m="<<MPi<<")+N="
03766 <<totPDG<<"(m="<<totRM<<")="<<MPi+totRM<<" > mSN="<<totMass<<G4endl;
03767 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03768 CleanUp();
03769 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03770 {
03771 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03772 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03773 #ifdef debug
03774 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HQE:FillAsItIs(5),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03775 #endif
03777 }
03778 delete quasH;
03779 return theQHadrons;
03780 }
03781 #ifdef debug
03782 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: SN="<<tot4M<<" -> M="<<PiPDG<<m4Mom<<" + N="
03783 <<totPDG<<n4Mom<<totQC<<G4endl;
03784 #endif
03785 G4QHadron* curK = new G4QHadron(PiPDG,m4Mom);
03786 theQHadrons.push_back(curK);
03787 G4QHadron* curN = new G4QHadron(totPDG,n4Mom);
03788 EvaporateResidual(curN);
03789 }
03790 else
03791 {
03792 G4int N1Pi = NPi/2;
03793 G4int N2Pi = NPi-N1Pi;
03794 G4double mM = MPi/NPi;
03795 G4double m1M = mM*N1Pi;
03796 G4double m2M = mM*N2Pi;
03797 G4LorentzVector m4Mom(0.,0.,0.,m1M);
03798 G4LorentzVector k4Mom(0.,0.,0.,m2M);
03799 G4LorentzVector n4Mom(0.,0.,0.,totRM);
03800 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn3(m4Mom, k4Mom, n4Mom))
03801 {
03802 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::HadronizeQE:N*Pi="<<PiPDG<<"(m="<<mM<<")+N="
03803 <<totPDG<<"(m="<<totRM<<") >(?)SN="<<totMass<<G4endl;
03804 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03805 CleanUp();
03806 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03807 {
03808 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03809 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03810 #ifdef debug
03811 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HQE:FillAsItIs(5),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03812 #endif
03814 }
03815 delete quasH;
03816 return theQHadrons;
03817 }
03818 #ifdef debug
03819 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadronizeQEnv: SN="<<tot4M<<" -> N*PI="<<PiPDG
03820 <<" (4M1="<<m4Mom<<" + 4M2="<<k4Mom<<") + N="<<totPDG<<n4Mom<<G4endl;
03821 #endif
03822 G4LorentzVector one1=m4Mom;
03823 if(N1Pi>1) one1=m4Mom/N1Pi;
03824 for (G4int ip=0; ip<N1Pi; ip++)
03825 {
03826 G4QHadron* curP = new G4QHadron(PiPDG,one1);
03827 theQHadrons.push_back(curP);
03828 }
03829 G4LorentzVector one2=k4Mom;
03830 if(N2Pi>1) one2=k4Mom/N2Pi;
03831 for (G4int jp=0; jp<N2Pi; jp++)
03832 {
03833 G4QHadron* curP = new G4QHadron(PiPDG,one2);
03834 theQHadrons.push_back(curP);
03835 }
03836 G4QHadron* curN = new G4QHadron(totPDG,n4Mom);
03837 EvaporateResidual(curN);
03838 }
03839 return theQHadrons;
03840 }
03841 }
03842 #ifdef fdebug
03843 G4cout<<"G4QE::HadrQEnv: Try FinalEvaporation t4M="<<tot4M<<",tQC="<<totQC<<G4endl;
03844 #endif
03845 CleanUp();
03846 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03847 EvaporateResidual(evH);
03848 return theQHadrons;
03849 }
03850 else
03851 {
03852 if(totPDG==90000000 || fabs(totMass)<0.000001)
03853 {
03854 CleanUp();
03855 return theQHadrons;
03856 }
03857 G4double dM=totMass-totM;
03858 #ifdef debug
03859 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv:GroundState tM-GSM="<<dM<<",GSM="<<totM<<",tPDG="<<totPDG
03860 <<",nQ="<<nQuasmons<<G4endl;
03861 #endif
03862 G4Quasmon* pQ = theQuasmons[0];
03863 G4QPDGCode QQPDG = pQ->GetQPDG();
03864 G4int QPDG = QQPDG.GetPDGCode();
03865 G4QNucleus totRN(totQC,tot4M);
03866 G4int spbRN=totRN.SplitBaryon();
03867 if(dM>-0.001)
03868 {
03869 #ifdef fdebug
03870 G4cout<<"G4QE::HadrQE:ExcitedNucleus, dM="<<dM<<">0,tBN="<<totBN<<",nQ="<<G4endl;
03871 #endif
03872 CleanUp();
03873 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03874 EvaporateResidual(evH);
03875 }
03876 else if(nQuasmons==1&&QPDG!=22&&QPDG!=111)
03877 {
03878 G4int envPDG = theEnvironment.GetPDG();
03879 #ifdef debug
03880 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQEnv: nQ=1, QPDG=="<<QPDG<<G4endl;
03881 #endif
03882 if(!QPDG)
03883 {
03884 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
03885 ed <<"(2)Can't Decay QEnv: Quasmon is an unknown QHadron: PDG="<< QPDG<<G4endl;
03886 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::HadronizeQEnvironmen()", "HAD_CHPS_0011",
03887 FatalException, ed);
03888 }
03890 else if(QPDG==10||QPDG==92000000||QPDG==90002000||QPDG==90000002)
03891 {
03892 G4QContent QQC = pQ->GetQC();
03893 G4QPDGCode h1QPDG=nQPDG;
03894 G4double h1M =mNeut;
03895 G4QPDGCode h2QPDG=h1QPDG;
03896 G4double h2M =mNeut;
03897 if(QPDG==10)
03898 {
03899 G4QChipolino QChip(QQC);
03900 h1QPDG=QChip.GetQPDG1();
03901 h1M =h1QPDG.GetMass();
03902 h2QPDG=QChip.GetQPDG2();
03903 h2M =h2QPDG.GetMass();
03904 }
03905 else if(QPDG==90002000)
03906 {
03907 h1QPDG=pQPDG;
03908 h1M =mProt;
03909 h2QPDG=h1QPDG;
03910 h2M =mProt;
03911 }
03912 else if(QPDG==92000000)
03913 {
03914 h1QPDG=lQPDG;
03915 h1M =mLamb;
03916 h2QPDG=h1QPDG;
03917 h2M =mLamb;
03918 G4double ddMass=totMass-envM;
03919 if(ddMass>mSigZ+mSigZ)
03920 {
03921 G4double dd2=ddMass*ddMass;
03922 G4double sma=mLamb+mLamb;
03923 G4double pr1=0.;
03924 if(ddMass>sma) pr1=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*dd2);
03925 sma=mLamb+mSigZ;
03926 G4double smi=mSigZ-mLamb;
03927 G4double pr2=pr1;
03928 if(ddMass>sma && ddMass>smi) pr2+=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*(dd2-smi*smi));
03929 sma=mSigZ+mSigZ;
03930 G4double pr3=pr2;
03931 if(ddMass>sma) pr3+=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*dd2);
03932 G4double hhRND=pr3*G4UniformRand();
03933 if(hhRND>pr2)
03934 {
03935 h1QPDG=s0QPDG;
03936 h1M =mSigZ;
03937 h2QPDG=h1QPDG;
03938 h2M =mSigZ;
03939 }
03940 else if(hhRND>pr1)
03941 {
03942 h1QPDG=s0QPDG;
03943 h1M =mSigZ;
03944 }
03945 }
03946 else if(ddMass>mSigZ+mLamb)
03947 {
03948 G4double dd2=ddMass*ddMass;
03949 G4double sma=mLamb+mLamb;
03950 G4double pr1=0.;
03951 if(ddMass>sma) pr1=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*dd2);
03952 sma=mLamb+mSigZ;
03953 G4double smi=mSigZ-mLamb;
03954 G4double pr2=pr1;
03955 if(ddMass>sma && ddMass>smi) pr2+=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*(dd2-smi*smi));
03956 if(pr2*G4UniformRand()>pr1)
03957 {
03958 h1QPDG=s0QPDG;
03959 h1M =mSigZ;
03960 }
03961 }
03962 }
03963 if(h1M+h2M+envM<totMass)
03964 {
03965 G4LorentzVector h14M(0.,0.,0.,h1M);
03966 G4LorentzVector h24M(0.,0.,0.,h2M);
03967 G4LorentzVector e4M(0.,0.,0.,envM);
03968 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn3(h14M,h24M,e4M))
03969 {
03970 G4cout<<"Warning->G4QE::HQE:M="<<tot4M.m()<<","<<totMass<<"->"<<h1QPDG<<"("
03971 <<h1M<<")+"<<h1QPDG<<"("<<h2M<<")+"<<envM<<"="<<h1M+h2M+envM<<G4endl;
03972 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
03973 CleanUp();
03974 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
03975 {
03976 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
03977 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
03978 #ifdef debug
03979 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HQE:FillAsItIs(6),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
03980 #endif
03982 }
03983 delete quasH;
03984 return theQHadrons;
03986 }
03987 G4QHadron* h1H = new G4QHadron(h1QPDG.GetPDGCode(),h14M);
03988 theQHadrons.push_back(h1H);
03989 #ifdef debug
03990 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:(2) H1="<<h1QPDG<<h14M<<G4endl;
03991 #endif
03992 G4QHadron* h2H = new G4QHadron(h2QPDG.GetPDGCode(),h24M);
03993 theQHadrons.push_back(h2H);
03994 #ifdef debug
03995 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:(2) H2-"<<h2QPDG<<h24M<<G4endl;
03996 #endif
03997 G4QHadron* qeH = new G4QHadron(envPDG,e4M);
03998 theQHadrons.push_back(qeH);
03999 #ifdef debug
04000 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:(2) QEenv="<<envPDG<<e4M<<G4endl;
04001 #endif
04002 }
04003 #ifdef fdebug
04004 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HadQEnv:tM="<<tot4M.m()<<totQC<<"< h1="<<h1QPDG<<"(M="<<h1M
04005 <<")+h2="<<h1QPDG<<"(M="<<h2M<<")+eM="<<envM<<"="<<h1M+h2M+envM<<G4endl;
04007 #endif
04008 CleanUp();
04009 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
04010 EvaporateResidual(evH);
04011 return theQHadrons;
04012 }
04013 else
04014 {
04015 G4int nHadrs=theQHadrons.size();
04016 for(G4int ih=0; ih<nHadrs; ++ih)
04017 {
04018 G4QHadron* ch=theQHadrons[ih];
04019 G4LorentzVector ch4M=ch->Get4Momentum();
04020 G4double chM=ch4M.m();
04021 G4LorentzVector tch4M=ch4M+tot4M;
04022 if(tch4M.m() > chM + totM)
04023 {
04024 G4LorentzVector h14M(0.,0.,0.,chM);
04025 G4LorentzVector h24M(0.,0.,0.,totM);
04026 if(!G4QHadron(tch4M).DecayIn2(h14M,h24M))
04027 {
04028 G4cout<<"-Warning->G4QE::HQE:M="<<tch4M.m()<<"->"<<chM<<"+"<<totM<<"="
04029 <<chM+totM<<G4endl;
04030 }
04031 else
04032 {
04033 tot4M=h24M;
04034 ch->Set4Momentum(h14M);
04035 break;
04036 }
04037 }
04038 }
04039 G4QHadron* rH = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
04040 theQHadrons.push_back(rH);
04041 }
04042 }
04043 else if(spbRN)
04044 {
04045 #ifdef fdebug
04046 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HadQEnv: Evaporate the total residual tRN="<<totRN<<G4endl;
04047 #endif
04048 CleanUp();
04049 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
04050 EvaporateResidual(evH);
04051 return theQHadrons;
04052 }
04054 else if(2>3)
04055 {
04056 #ifdef debug
04057 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HadrQE: M="<<totMass<<",dM="<<dM<<",nQ="<<nQuasmons<<G4endl;
04058 #endif
04059 G4int nOfOUT = theQHadrons.size();
04060 while(nOfOUT)
04061 {
04062 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[nOfOUT-1];
04063 G4LorentzVector last4M = theLast->Get4Momentum();
04064 G4QContent lastQC = theLast->GetQC();
04065 G4int lastS = lastQC.GetStrangeness();
04066 totS = totQC.GetStrangeness();
04067 G4int nFr = theLast->GetNFragments();
04068 G4int gam = theLast->GetPDGCode();
04069 if(gam!=22&&!nFr&&lastS<0&&lastS+totS<0&&nOfOUT>1)
04070 {
04071 G4QHadron* thePrev = theQHadrons[nOfOUT-2];
04072 theQHadrons.pop_back();
04073 theQHadrons.pop_back();
04074 theQHadrons.push_back(thePrev);
04075 delete theLast;
04076 theLast = thePrev;
04077 last4M = theLast->Get4Momentum();
04078 lastQC = theLast->GetQC();
04079 }
04080 else
04081 {
04082 theQHadrons.pop_back();
04083 delete theLast;
04084 }
04085 totQC+=lastQC;
04086 tot4M+=last4M;
04087 totMass=tot4M.m();
04088 G4int bn=totQC.GetBaryonNumber();
04089 totPDG=totQC.GetSPDGCode();
04090 if(totPDG==10&&totQC.GetBaryonNumber()>0) totPDG=totQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
04091 if(bn>1)
04092 {
04093 totS =totQC.GetStrangeness();
04094 if(totS>=0)
04095 {
04096 G4QNucleus newN(totQC,tot4M);
04097 totPDG=newN.GetPDG();
04098 totM =newN.GetMZNS();
04099 }
04100 else if(totS==-1)
04101 {
04102 G4double m1=mK;
04103 G4int PDG1=321;
04104 G4QNucleus newNp(totQC-KpQC);
04105 G4int PDG2=newNp.GetPDG();
04106 G4double m2_value=newNp.GetMZNS();
04107 G4QNucleus newN0(totQC-K0QC);
04108 G4double m3_value=newN0.GetMZNS();
04109 if (m3_value+mK0<m2_value+mK)
04110 {
04111 m1 =mK0;
04112 PDG1=311;
04113 m2_value =m3_value;
04114 PDG2=newN0.GetPDG();
04115 }
04116 if(totMass>m1+m2_value)
04117 {
04118 G4LorentzVector fq4M(0.,0.,0.,m1);
04119 G4LorentzVector qe4M(0.,0.,0.,m2_value);
04120 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn2(fq4M,qe4M))
04121 {
04122 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::HadQE:tM="<<tot4M.m()<<"->aK="<<PDG1<<"(M="
04123 <<m1<<")+ResA="<<PDG2<<"(M="<<m2_value<<")="<<m1+m2_value<<G4endl;
04124 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
04125 CleanUp();
04126 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
04127 {
04128 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
04129 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
04130 #ifdef debug
04131 G4cout<<"***G4QE::HQE:FillAsIs(7),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
04132 #endif
04134 }
04135 delete quasH;
04136 return theQHadrons;
04137 }
04138 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(PDG1,fq4M);
04139 #ifdef debug
04140 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:Kaon(Env)="<<PDG1<<fq4M<<G4endl;
04141 #endif
04142 theQHadrons.push_back(H1);
04143 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(PDG2,qe4M);
04144 #ifdef debug
04145 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:ResidEnv="<<PDG2<<qe4M<<G4endl;
04146 #endif
04147 theQHadrons.push_back(H2);
04148 break;
04149 }
04150 else totM=250000.;
04151 }
04152 else if(totS==-2)
04153 {
04154 G4double m1=mK;
04155 G4int PDG1=321;
04156 G4double m2_value=mK0;
04157 G4int PDG2=311;
04158 G4QNucleus newNp0(totQC-KpQC-K0QC);
04159 G4int PDG3=newNp0.GetPDG();
04160 G4double m3_value=newNp0.GetMZNS();
04161 G4QNucleus newN00(totQC-K0QC-K0QC);
04162 G4double m4=newN00.GetMZNS();
04163 G4QNucleus newNpp(totQC-KpQC-KpQC);
04164 G4double m5=newNpp.GetMZNS();
04165 if (m4+mK0+mK0<m3_value+mK+mK0 && m4+mK0+mK0<=m5+mK+mK)
04166 {
04167 m1 =mK0;
04168 PDG1=311;
04169 m3_value =m4;
04170 PDG3=newN00.GetPDG();
04171 }
04172 else if(m5+mK+mK<m3_value+mK+mK0 && m5+mK+mK<=m4+mK0+mK0)
04173 {
04174 m2_value =mK;
04175 PDG1=321;
04176 m3_value =m5;
04177 PDG3=newNpp.GetPDG();
04178 }
04179 if(totMass>m1+m2_value+m3_value)
04180 {
04181 G4LorentzVector k14M(0.,0.,0.,m1);
04182 G4LorentzVector k24M(0.,0.,0.,m2_value);
04183 G4LorentzVector ra4M(0.,0.,0.,m3_value);
04184 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn3(k14M,k24M,ra4M))
04185 {
04186 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QE::HQE:tM="<<tot4M.m()<<"->aK="<<PDG1<<"(M="<<m1
04187 <<")+K2="<<PDG2<<"(M="<<m2_value<<")+A="<<PDG3<<"(M="<<m3_value<<")"<<G4endl;
04188 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
04189 CleanUp();
04190 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
04191 {
04192 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
04193 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
04194 #ifdef debug
04195 G4cout<<"***G4QE::HQE:FillAsIs(8),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
04196 #endif
04198 }
04199 delete quasH;
04200 return theQHadrons;
04201 }
04202 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(PDG1,k14M);
04203 theQHadrons.push_back(H1);
04204 #ifdef debug
04205 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:K1(Env)="<<PDG1<<k14M<<G4endl;
04206 #endif
04207 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(PDG2,k24M);
04208 theQHadrons.push_back(H2);
04209 #ifdef debug
04210 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:K2(Env)="<<PDG2<<k24M<<G4endl;
04211 #endif
04212 G4QHadron* H3 = new G4QHadron(PDG3,ra4M);
04213 theQHadrons.push_back(H3);
04214 #ifdef debug
04215 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:ResKKEnv="<<PDG3<<ra4M<<G4endl;
04216 #endif
04217 break;
04218 }
04219 else totM=270000.;
04220 }
04221 else totM=300000.;
04222 }
04223 else
04224 {
04225 if (totPDG==1114||totPDG==2224||totPDG==10)
04226 {
04227 G4double m1=mNeut;
04228 G4int PDG1=2112;
04229 G4double m2_value=mPi;
04230 G4int PDG2=-211;
04231 if(totPDG==2224)
04232 {
04233 m1=mProt;
04234 PDG1=2212;
04235 m2_value=mPi;
04236 PDG2=211;
04237 }
04238 else if(totPDG==10)
04239 {
04240 G4QChipolino resChip(totQC);
04241 G4QPDGCode h1=resChip.GetQPDG1();
04242 PDG1=h1.GetPDGCode();
04243 m1 =h1.GetMass();
04244 G4QPDGCode h2=resChip.GetQPDG2();
04245 PDG2=h2.GetPDGCode();
04246 m2_value =h2.GetMass();
04247 }
04248 if(totMass>m1+m2)
04249 {
04250 G4LorentzVector fq4M(0.,0.,0.,m1);
04251 G4LorentzVector qe4M(0.,0.,0.,m2_value);
04252 if(!G4QHadron(tot4M).DecayIn2(fq4M,qe4M))
04253 {
04254 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::HaQE:tM="<<tot4M.m()<<"-> h1="<<PDG1<<"(M="
04255 <<m1<<") + h2="<<PDG2<<"(M="<<m2_value<<")="<<m1+m2_value<<G4endl;
04256 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
04257 CleanUp();
04258 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
04259 {
04260 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
04261 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
04262 #ifdef debug
04263 G4cout<<"***G4QE::HQE:FillAsIs(9),QC="<<totQC<<",4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
04264 #endif
04266 }
04267 delete quasH;
04268 return theQHadrons;
04269 }
04270 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(PDG1,fq4M);
04271 theQHadrons.push_back(H1);
04272 #ifdef debug
04273 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:h1="<<PDG1<<fq4M<<G4endl;
04274 #endif
04275 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(PDG2,qe4M);
04276 #ifdef debug
04277 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:h2="<<PDG2<<qe4M<<G4endl;
04278 #endif
04279 theQHadrons.push_back(H2);
04280 break;
04281 }
04282 else totM=350000.;
04283 }
04284 else if(totPDG) totM=G4QPDGCode(totPDG).GetMass();
04285 else totM=400000.;
04286 }
04287 totBN=totQC.GetBaryonNumber();
04288 totS=totQC.GetStrangeness();
04289 dM=totMass-totM;
04290 #ifdef fdebug
04291 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::HadrQE: Add H="<<last4M<<lastQC<<",tM="<<tot4M<<totM<<totQC
04292 <<",dM="<<dM<<", tB="<<totBN<<", tS="<<totS<<G4endl;
04293 #endif
04294 if(dM>-0.001&&totPDG)
04295 {
04296 CleanUp();
04297 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totPDG,tot4M);
04298 EvaporateResidual(evH);
04299 break;
04300 }
04301 nOfOUT = theQHadrons.size();
04302 }
04303 nOfOUT = theQHadrons.size();
04304 if(!nOfOUT)
04305 {
04306 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::HadrQE:M="<<totMass<<"<gsM="<<totM<<",dM="<<dM
04307 <<", tPDG="<<totPDG<<", t4M="<<tot4M<<G4endl;
04309 CleanUp();
04310 G4QHadron* evH = new G4QHadron(totPDG,tot4M);
04311 EvaporateResidual(evH);
04312 }
04313 }
04314 else
04315 {
04316 #ifdef debug
04317 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::HadrQE: M="<<totMass<<",dM="<<dM<<",nQ="<<nQuasmons<<G4endl;
04318 #endif
04319 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(totQC,tot4M);
04320 CleanUp();
04321 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
04322 {
04323 G4QHadron* hadr = new G4QHadron(totQC,tot4M);
04324 #ifdef debug
04325 G4cout<<"G4QE::HQE:CheckGS failed H="<<totQC<<tot4M<<G4endl;
04326 #endif
04327 theQHadrons.push_back(hadr);
04328 }
04329 delete quasH;
04330 }
04331 CleanUp();
04332 }
04333 }
04334 }
04335 return theQHadrons;
04336 }
04339 void G4QEnvironment::CleanUp()
04340 {
04341 static const G4QNucleus vacuum(90000000);
04342 theEnvironment=vacuum;
04343 G4int nQuasmons = theQuasmons.size();
04344 if (nQuasmons) for (G4int iq=0; iq<nQuasmons; iq++)theQuasmons[iq]->KillQuasmon();
04345 }
04348 void G4QEnvironment::EvaporateResidual(G4QHadron* qH, G4bool fCGS)
04349 {
04350 static const G4double mAlph = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,2,0);
04351 static const G4double mDeut = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,1,0);
04352 static const G4double mNeut = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
04353 static const G4double mProt = G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
04354 static const G4double mAlPr = mAlph+mProt;
04355 static const G4double mAlNt = mAlph+mNeut;
04356 static const G4double dProt = mProt+mProt;
04357 static const G4double dNeut = mNeut+mNeut;
04358 static const G4double dAlph = mAlph+mAlph;
04359 static const G4double eps=.003;
04360 G4int thePDG = qH->GetPDGCode();
04361 G4int theBN = qH->GetBaryonNumber();
04362 G4QContent theQC = qH->GetQC();
04363 G4int theS=theQC.GetStrangeness();
04364 #ifdef debug
04365 G4cout<<"G4QE::EvaporateRes:Called for PDG="<<thePDG<<",4M="<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
04366 #endif
04367 if(thePDG==10)
04368 {
04369 G4QContent chQC=qH->GetQC();
04370 G4QChipolino QCh(chQC);
04371 G4LorentzVector ch4M=qH->Get4Momentum();
04372 G4QPDGCode h1QPDG=QCh.GetQPDG1();
04373 G4double h1M =h1QPDG.GetMass();
04374 G4QPDGCode h2QPDG=QCh.GetQPDG2();
04375 G4double h2M =h2QPDG.GetMass();
04376 G4double chM2 =ch4M.m2();
04377 if( sqr(h1M+h2M) < chM2 )
04378 {
04379 G4LorentzVector h14M(0.,0.,0.,h1M);
04380 G4LorentzVector h24M(0.,0.,0.,h2M);
04381 if(!G4QHadron(ch4M).DecayIn2(h14M,h24M))
04382 {
04383 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
04384 ed << "QChipolino DecIn2 error: CM=" << std::sqrt(chM2) << " -> h1="
04385 << h1QPDG << "(" << h1M << ") + h2=" << h1QPDG << "(" << h2M
04386 << ") = " << h1M+h2M << " **Failed**" << G4endl;
04387 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::EvaporateResidual()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
04388 FatalException, ed);
04389 }
04390 delete qH;
04391 G4QHadron* h1H = new G4QHadron(h1QPDG.GetPDGCode(),h14M);
04392 theQHadrons.push_back(h1H);
04393 #ifdef debug
04394 G4cout<<"G4QE::EvaporateResidual: Chipolino -> H1="<<h1QPDG<<h14M<<G4endl;
04395 #endif
04396 qH = new G4QHadron(h2QPDG.GetPDGCode(),h24M);
04397 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
04398 #ifdef debug
04399 G4cout<<"G4QE::EvaporateResidual: Chipolino -> H2="<<h2QPDG<<h24M<<G4endl;
04400 #endif
04401 }
04402 else
04403 {
04408 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
04409 ed << "LowMassChipolino in Input: ChipoMeson=" << qH->GetQC()
04410 << qH->Get4Momentum() << ", chipoM=" << std::sqrt(chM2) << " < m1="
04411 << h1M << "(" << h1QPDG << ") + m2=" << h2M << "(" << h2QPDG << ") = "
04412 << h1M+h2M << G4endl;
04413 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::EvaporateResidual()", "HAD_CHPS_0001",
04414 FatalException, ed);
04415 }
04416 return;
04417 }
04418 else if(theS<0)
04419 {
04420 #ifdef debug
04421 G4cout<<"G4QE::EvaporateRes: AntistrangeNucleus="<<thePDG<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
04422 #endif
04423 DecayAntistrange(qH, &theQHadrons);
04424 return;
04425 }
04426 else if(theBN==1)
04427 {
04428 #ifdef debug
04429 G4cout<<"G4QE::EvaporateRes: Baryon="<<thePDG<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
04430 #endif
04431 DecayBaryon(qH, &theQHadrons);
04432 return;
04433 }
04434 else if(!theBN)
04435 {
04436 #ifdef debug
04437 G4LorentzVector mesLV=qH->Get4Momentum();
04438 G4cout<<"G4QE::EvaporateRes:(!)Meson(!) PDG="<<thePDG<<",4M="<<mesLV<<mesLV.m()
04439 <<",QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<",MPDG="<<G4QPDGCode(thePDG).GetMass()<<G4endl;
04440 #endif
04441 DecayMeson(qH, &theQHadrons);
04443 return;
04444 }
04445 G4int theC=theQC.GetCharge();
04446 if(!thePDG) thePDG = theQC.GetSPDGCode();
04447 if(thePDG==10 && theBN>0) thePDG=theQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
04448 if(theS>0) thePDG-=theS*999999;
04449 G4double totGSM = G4QNucleus(thePDG).GetGSMass();
04450 if(theBN==2)
04451 {
04452 if(!theC) totGSM=dNeut;
04453 else if(theC==2) totGSM=dProt;
04454 else totGSM=mDeut;
04455 }
04456 else if(theBN==5)
04457 {
04458 if (theC==3) totGSM=mAlPr;
04459 else if(theC==2) totGSM=mAlNt;
04460 }
04461 else if(theBN==8) totGSM=dAlph;
04463 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum();
04464 G4double totMass = q4M.m();
04465 if(fabs(totMass-totGSM)<eps)
04466 {
04467 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
04468 }
04469 else if(totMass>totGSM)
04470 {
04471 theEnvironment.EvaporateNucleus(qH,&theQHadrons);
04472 #ifdef qdebug
04473 qH=0;
04474 #endif
04475 }
04476 else
04477 {
04478 #ifdef debug
04479 G4cout<<"G4QE::EvaRes: *Correct* "<<theQC<<q4M<<totMass<<"<"<<totGSM<<G4endl;
04480 #endif
04481 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(theQC,q4M);
04482 if(fCGS && !CheckGroundState(quasH, true) )
04483 {
04484 #ifdef debug
04485 G4cout<<"***G4QE::EvaporResid:GSCorFailed.FillAsItIs,n="<<theQHadrons.size()<<G4endl;
04486 #endif
04487 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
04488 #ifdef qdebug
04489 qH=0;
04490 #endif
04491 }
04492 else
04493 {
04494 delete qH;
04495 #ifdef qdebug
04496 qH=0;
04497 #endif
04498 }
04499 delete quasH;
04500 }
04501 #ifdef qdebug
04502 if (qH)
04503 {
04504 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::EvaporateResidual:EndDeleted, PDG="<<qH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
04505 delete qH;
04506 }
04507 #endif
04508 return;
04509 }
04512 G4QHadronVector* G4QEnvironment::Fragment()
04513 {
04514 #ifdef chdebug
04515 G4int fCharge=theEnvironment.GetCharge();
04516 G4int fBaryoN=theEnvironment.GetA();
04517 G4int nHad=theQHadrons.size();
04518 if(nHad) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nHad; ih++)
04519 {
04520 fCharge+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetCharge();
04521 fBaryoN+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetBaryonNumber();
04522 }
04523 G4int nQuas=theQuasmons.size();
04524 if(nQuas)for(G4int iqs=0; iqs<nQuas; iqs++)
04525 {
04526 fCharge+=theQuasmons[iqs]->GetCharge();
04527 fBaryoN+=theQuasmons[iqs]->GetBaryonNumber();
04528 }
04529 if(fCharge!=totCharge || fBaryoN!=totBaryoN)
04530 {
04531 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::Frag:(4) tC="<<totCharge<<",C="<<fCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN
04532 <<",B="<<fBaryoN<<",E="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
04533 if(nHad) for(G4int h=0; h<nHad; h++)
04534 {
04535 G4QHadron* cH = theQHadrons[h];
04536 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::HQ:h#"<<h<<",QC="<<cH->GetQC()<<",PDG="<<cH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
04537 }
04538 if(nQuas) for(G4int q=0; q<nQuas; q++)
04539 {
04540 G4Quasmon* cQ = theQuasmons[q];
04541 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::HQ:q#"<<q<<",C="<<cQ->GetCharge()<<",QCont="<<cQ->GetQC()<<G4endl;
04542 }
04543 }
04544 #endif
04545 G4QHadronVector dummy;
04546 G4QHadronVector* theFragments = &dummy;
04547 G4int ExCount =0;
04548 G4int MaxExCnt=1;
04549 G4bool RepFlag=true;
04551 G4QuasmonVector* reQuasmons = new G4QuasmonVector;
04552 G4int nQ = theQuasmons.size();
04553 if(nQ)
04554 {
04555 for(G4int iq=0; iq<nQ; iq++)
04556 {
04557 G4Quasmon* curQ = new G4Quasmon(theQuasmons[iq]);
04558 reQuasmons->push_back(curQ);
04559 }
04560 }
04561 G4QHadronVector* reQHadrons = new G4QHadronVector;
04562 G4int nH = theQHadrons.size();
04563 if(nH)
04564 {
04565 for(G4int ih=0; ih<nH; ih++)
04566 {
04567 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron(theQHadrons[ih]);
04568 reQHadrons->push_back(curH);
04569 }
04570 }
04571 G4QNucleus reEnvironment=theEnvironment;
04572 G4LorentzVector rem4M=tot4Mom;
04573 while (RepFlag && ExCount<MaxExCnt)
04574 {
04575 try
04576 {
04577 RepFlag=false;
04578 theFragments = FSInteraction();
04579 }
04580 catch (G4QException& error)
04581 {
04582 G4cout<<"***G4QEnvironment::Fragment: Exception is catched"<<G4endl;
04583 RepFlag=true;
04584 ExCount++;
04585 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::Fragment:Exception #"<<ExCount<<": "<<error.GetMessage()<<G4endl;
04586 G4LorentzVector dif=rem4M-theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
04587 G4int nHp=theQHadrons.size();
04588 G4int nQp = theQuasmons.size();
04589 G4cout<<"***G4QEnvir::Fragment:nH="<<nHp<<",nQ="<<nQp<<",E="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
04590 for(G4int ph=0; ph<nHp; ph++)
04591 {
04592 G4QHadron* cH = theQHadrons[ph];
04593 dif-=cH->Get4Momentum();
04594 G4cout<<"***G4QEnvir::Fr:H"<<ph<<"="<<cH->Get4Momentum()<<cH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
04595 }
04596 for(G4int pq=0; pq<nQp; pq++)
04597 {
04598 G4Quasmon* cQ = theQuasmons[pq];
04599 dif-=cQ->Get4Momentum();
04600 G4cout<<"***G4QEnvir::Fr:Quasm#"<<pq<<"="<<cQ->Get4Momentum()<<cQ->GetQC()<<G4endl;
04601 }
04603 for_each(theFragments->begin(), theFragments->end(), DeleteQHadron());
04604 theFragments->clear();
04605 for_each(theQHadrons.begin(), theQHadrons.end(), DeleteQHadron());
04606 theQHadrons.clear();
04607 for_each(theQuasmons.begin(), theQuasmons.end(), DeleteQuasmon());
04608 theQuasmons.clear();
04609 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::Fragment: ----------- End of CleaningUp: 4Mdif="<<dif<<G4endl;
04611 theEnvironment=reEnvironment;
04612 tot4Mom=rem4M;
04613 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::Fragment:*Recover*Env="<<theEnvironment<<",4M="<<tot4Mom<<G4endl;
04614 G4int mQ = reQuasmons->size();
04615 for(G4int jq=0; jq<mQ; jq++)
04616 {
04618 G4Quasmon* curQ = new G4Quasmon((*reQuasmons)[jq]);
04619 G4cout<<"***G4QE::Fragm:Q("<<jq<<")="<<curQ->Get4Momentum()<<curQ->GetQC()<<G4endl;
04620 theQuasmons.push_back(curQ);
04621 }
04622 G4int mH = reQHadrons->size();
04623 for(G4int jh=0; jh<mH; jh++)
04624 {
04626 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron((*reQHadrons)[jh]);
04627 G4cout<<"***G4QE::Fragm:H("<<jh<<")="<<curH->Get4Momentum()<<curH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
04628 theQHadrons.push_back(curH);
04629 }
04630 }
04631 }
04632 if(reQuasmons->size())
04633 {
04634 for_each(reQuasmons->begin(),reQuasmons->end(),DeleteQuasmon());
04635 reQuasmons->clear();
04636 }
04637 delete reQuasmons;
04638 if(reQHadrons->size())
04639 {
04640 for_each(reQHadrons->begin(),reQHadrons->end(),DeleteQHadron());
04641 reQHadrons->clear();
04642 }
04643 delete reQHadrons;
04644 if(ExCount>=MaxExCnt)
04645 {
04646 G4int nProj=theProjectiles.size();
04647 G4cerr<<"*G4QEnv::Fragment:Exception.Target="<<theTargetPDG<<". #Proj="<<nProj<<G4endl;
04648 if(nProj) for(G4int ipr=0; ipr<nProj; ipr++)
04649 {
04650 G4QHadron* prH = theProjectiles[ipr];
04651 G4cerr<<"G4QE::F:#"<<ipr<<",PDG/4M="<<prH->GetPDGCode()<<prH->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
04652 }
04653 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::Fragment()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
04654 FatalException, "This reaction caused the CHIPSException");
04655 }
04657 G4int tmpS=intQHadrons.size();
04658 if(tmpS)
04659 {
04671 theFragments->insert(theFragments->begin(), intQHadrons.begin(), intQHadrons.end() );
04672 intQHadrons.clear();
04673 }
04675 CheckMassShell(theFragments);
04676 return theFragments;
04677 }
04680 G4QHadronVector* G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()
04681 {
04682 static const G4QPDGCode gQPDG(22);
04683 static const G4QPDGCode pizQPDG(111);
04684 static const G4QPDGCode pipQPDG(211);
04685 static const G4QPDGCode pimQPDG(-211);
04686 static const G4QPDGCode nQPDG(2112);
04687 static const G4QPDGCode pQPDG(2212);
04688 static const G4QPDGCode lQPDG(3122);
04689 static const G4QPDGCode s0QPDG(3212);
04691 static const G4QPDGCode tQPDG(90001002);
04692 static const G4QPDGCode he3QPDG(90002001);
04693 static const G4QPDGCode aQPDG(90002002);
04694 static const G4QPDGCode a6QPDG(90002004);
04695 static const G4QPDGCode be6QPDG(90004002);
04698 static const G4QPDGCode c8QPDG(90006002);
04699 static const G4QPDGCode a8QPDG(90002006);
04700 static const G4QPDGCode c10QPDG(90006004);
04701 static const G4QPDGCode o14QPDG(90008006);
04702 static const G4QPDGCode o15QPDG(90008007);
04703 static const G4QContent K0QC(1,0,0,0,0,1);
04704 static const G4QContent KpQC(0,1,0,0,0,1);
04705 static const G4double mPi = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass();
04706 static const G4double mPi0 = G4QPDGCode(111).GetMass();
04707 static const G4double mK = G4QPDGCode(321).GetMass();
04708 static const G4double mK0 = G4QPDGCode(311).GetMass();
04709 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
04710 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
04711 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
04712 static const G4double mSigZ= G4QPDGCode(3212).GetMass();
04713 static const G4double mSigM= G4QPDGCode(3112).GetMass();
04714 static const G4double mSigP= G4QPDGCode(3222).GetMass();
04715 static const G4double mXiZ = G4QPDGCode(3322).GetMass();
04716 static const G4double mXiM = G4QPDGCode(3312).GetMass();
04717 static const G4double mOmM = G4QPDGCode(3334).GetMass();
04718 static const G4double mDeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,1,0);
04719 static const G4double mTrit= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(1,2,0);
04720 static const G4double mHe3 = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,1,0);
04721 static const G4double mAlph= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,2,0);
04722 static const G4double mHe6 = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,4,0);
04723 static const G4double mBe6 = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(4,2,0);
04726 static const G4double mHe8 = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(2,6,0);
04727 static const G4double mC8 = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(6,2,0);
04728 static const G4double mC10 = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(6,4,0);
04729 static const G4double mO14 = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(8,6,0);
04730 static const G4double mO15 = G4QPDGCode(2112).GetNuclMass(8,7,0);
04731 static const G4double mKmP = mK+mProt;
04732 static const G4double mKmN = mK+mNeut;
04733 static const G4double mK0mP = mK0+mProt;
04734 static const G4double mK0mN = mK0+mNeut;
04735 static const G4QNucleus vacuum(90000000);
04736 static const G4double eps=0.003;
04739 G4int envA=theEnvironment.GetBaryonNumber();
04741 #ifdef rdebug
04742 G4int totInC=theEnvironment.GetZ();
04743 G4LorentzVector totIn4M=theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
04744 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment(G4QE)::FSInter(FSI): ***called*** envA="<<envA<<totIn4M<<G4endl;
04745 G4int nQuasmons=theQuasmons.size();
04746 for (G4int is=0; is<nQuasmons; is++)
04747 {
04748 G4Quasmon* pQ = theQuasmons[is];
04749 G4LorentzVector Q4M= pQ->Get4Momentum();
04750 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: Quasmon ("<<is<<") is added, 4M="<<Q4M<<G4endl;
04751 totIn4M += Q4M;
04752 totInC += pQ->GetQC().GetCharge();
04753 }
04754 G4int nsHadr = theQHadrons.size();
04755 if(nsHadr) for(G4int jso=0; jso<nsHadr; jso++)
04756 {
04757 G4int hsNF = theQHadrons[jso]->GetNFragments();
04758 if(!hsNF)
04759 {
04760 G4LorentzVector hs4Mom = theQHadrons[jso]->Get4Momentum();
04761 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: Hadron ("<<jso<<") is added, 4M="<<hs4Mom<<G4endl;
04762 totIn4M += hs4Mom;
04763 totInC += theQHadrons[jso]->GetCharge();
04764 }
04765 }
04766 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: The resulting 4Momentum="<<totIn4M<<G4endl;
04767 #endif
04768 #ifdef chdebug
04769 G4int fCharge=theEnvironment.GetCharge();
04770 G4int fBaryoN=theEnvironment.GetA();
04771 G4int nHad=theQHadrons.size();
04772 if(nHad) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nHad; ih++)
04773 {
04774 fCharge+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetCharge();
04775 fBaryoN+=theQHadrons[ih]->GetBaryonNumber();
04776 }
04777 G4int nQuas=theQuasmons.size();
04778 if(nQuas)for(G4int iqs=0; iqs<nQuas; iqs++)
04779 {
04780 fCharge+=theQuasmons[iqs]->GetCharge();
04781 fBaryoN+=theQuasmons[iqs]->GetBaryonNumber();
04782 }
04783 if(fCharge!=totCharge || fBaryoN!=totBaryoN)
04784 {
04785 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::FSI:(5) tC="<<totCharge<<",C="<<fCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN
04786 <<",B="<<fBaryoN<<",E="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
04787 if(nHad) for(G4int h=0; h<nHad; h++)
04788 {
04789 G4QHadron* cH = theQHadrons[h];
04790 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::HQ:h#"<<h<<",QC="<<cH->GetQC()<<",PDG="<<cH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
04791 }
04792 if(nQuas) for(G4int q=0; q<nQuas; q++)
04793 {
04794 G4Quasmon* cQ = theQuasmons[q];
04795 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::HQ:q#"<<q<<",C="<<cQ->GetCharge()<<",QCont="<<cQ->GetQC()<<G4endl;
04796 }
04797 }
04798 #endif
04799 G4QHadronVector* theFragments = new G4QHadronVector;
04800 HadronizeQEnvironment();
04801 #ifdef rdebug
04802 G4int tC=totInC-theEnvironment.GetZ();
04803 G4LorentzVector t4M=totIn4M;
04804 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI: Initial tot4M="<<t4M<<" to be subtracted"<<G4endl;
04805 G4LorentzVector theEnv4m=theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
04806 t4M-=theEnv4m;
04807 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI: Subtract Environ="<<theEnv4m<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
04808 for (G4int js=0; js<nQuasmons; js++)
04809 {
04810 G4Quasmon* prQ = theQuasmons[js];
04811 if(prQ->GetStatus())
04812 {
04813 G4LorentzVector Q4M= prQ->Get4Momentum();
04814 G4QContent qQC= prQ->GetQC();
04815 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: Subtract Quasmon("<<js<<"),4M="<<Q4M<<",QC="<<qQC<<G4endl;
04816 t4M -= Q4M;
04817 tC -= prQ->GetQC().GetCharge();
04818 }
04819 else G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:Dead Quasmon("<<js<<")="<<prQ->GetStatus()<<G4endl;
04820 }
04821 G4int nsbHadr=theQHadrons.size();
04822 if(nsbHadr) for(G4int jpo=0; jpo<nsbHadr; jpo++)
04823 {
04824 G4int hsNF = theQHadrons[jpo]->GetNFragments();
04825 if(!hsNF)
04826 {
04827 G4LorentzVector hs4Mom = theQHadrons[jpo]->Get4Momentum();
04828 G4int hPDG = theQHadrons[jpo]->GetPDGCode();
04829 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: Subtract Hadron("<<jpo<<"), 4M="<<hs4Mom<<hPDG<<G4endl;
04830 t4M -= hs4Mom;
04831 tC -= theQHadrons[jpo]->GetCharge();
04832 }
04833 }
04834 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI:|||||4-MomCHECK||||d4M="<<t4M<<",dCharge="<<tC<<G4endl;
04835 #endif
04836 unsigned nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
04837 if(nHadr<=0)
04838 {
04839 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction: nHadrons="<<nHadr<<G4endl;
04841 return theFragments;
04842 }
04843 G4int lHadr=theQHadrons[nHadr-1]->GetBaryonNumber();
04844 #ifdef debug
04845 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:after HQE,nH="<<nHadr<<",lHBN="<<lHadr<<",E="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
04846 #endif
04847 if(lHadr>1)
04848 {
04849 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[nHadr-1];
04850 G4QHadron* curHadr = new G4QHadron(theLast);
04851 G4LorentzVector lh4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
04852 G4double lhM=lh4M.m();
04853 G4int lhPDG=curHadr->GetPDGCode();
04854 G4double lhGSM=G4QPDGCode(lhPDG).GetMass();
04855 #ifdef debug
04856 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:lastHadr 4M/M="<<lh4M<<lhM<<",GSM="<<lhGSM<<",PDG="<<lhPDG<<G4endl;
04857 #endif
04858 if(lhM>lhGSM+eps)
04859 {
04860 theQHadrons.pop_back();
04861 delete theLast;
04862 EvaporateResidual(curHadr);
04863 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
04864 #ifdef debug
04865 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:After nH="<<nHadr<<",PDG="<<curHadr->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
04866 #endif
04867 }
04868 else if(lhM<lhGSM-eps)
04869 {
04870 theQHadrons.pop_back();
04871 delete theLast;
04872 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(curHadr->GetQC(),lh4M);
04873 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
04874 {
04875 #ifdef debug
04877 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::FSI:Correction error LeaveAsItIs h4m="<<lh4M<<G4endl;
04878 #endif
04879 theQHadrons.push_back(curHadr);
04881 }
04882 else
04883 {
04884 delete curHadr;
04885 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
04886 }
04887 delete quasH;
04888 }
04889 else delete curHadr;
04890 }
04891 #ifdef debug
04892 G4LorentzVector ccs4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
04893 #endif
04895 G4int chContSum=0;
04896 G4int bnContSum=0;
04897 if(nHadr)for(unsigned ich=0; ich<nHadr; ich++) if(!(theQHadrons[ich]->GetNFragments()))
04898 {
04899 chContSum+=theQHadrons[ich]->GetCharge();
04900 bnContSum+=theQHadrons[ich]->GetBaryonNumber();
04901 }
04902 #ifdef chdebug
04903 if(chContSum!=totCharge || bnContSum!=totBaryoN)
04904 {
04905 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::Fr:(6)tC="<<totCharge<<",C="<<chContSum<<",tB="<<totBaryoN
04906 <<",B="<<bnContSum<<",E="<<theEnvironment<<G4endl;
04907 if(nHadr) for(unsigned h=0; h<nHadr; h++)
04908 {
04909 G4QHadron* cH = theQHadrons[h];
04910 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::HQ:h#"<<h<<",QC="<<cH->GetQC()<<",PDG="<<cH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
04911 }
04912 if(nQuas) for(G4int q=0; q<nQuas; q++)
04913 {
04914 G4Quasmon* cQ = theQuasmons[q];
04915 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::HQ:q#"<<q<<",C="<<cQ->GetCharge()<<",QCont="<<cQ->GetQC()<<G4endl;
04916 }
04917 }
04918 #endif
04920 if(nHadr)for(unsigned ipo=0; ipo<theQHadrons.size(); ipo++)
04921 {
04922 unsigned jpo=ipo;
04923 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
04924 lHadr=theQHadrons[nHadr-1]->GetBaryonNumber();
04925 G4QHadron* theCurr = theQHadrons[ipo];
04926 G4int hBN = theCurr->GetBaryonNumber();
04927 G4int sBN = theCurr->GetStrangeness();
04928 G4int cBN = theCurr->GetCharge();
04929 G4int hPDG = theCurr->GetPDGCode();
04930 G4LorentzVector h4Mom = theCurr->Get4Momentum();
04931 #ifdef debug
04932 G4int hNF = theCurr->GetNFragments();
04933 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:h#"<<ipo<<",PDG="<<hPDG<<h4Mom<<",mGS="<<G4QPDGCode(hPDG).GetMass()
04934 <<",F="<<hNF<<",nH="<<theQHadrons.size()<<G4endl;
04935 #endif
04936 if(hBN>lHadr && ipo+1<theQHadrons.size())
04937 {
04938 G4QHadron* curHadr = new G4QHadron(theCurr);
04939 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
04940 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
04941 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) theCurr->SetQPDG(lQP);
04942 else theCurr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
04943 theCurr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
04944 h4Mom = theCurr->Get4Momentum();
04945 hBN = theCurr->GetBaryonNumber();
04946 cBN = theCurr->GetCharge();
04947 sBN = theCurr->GetStrangeness();
04948 hPDG = theCurr->GetPDGCode();
04949 theQHadrons.pop_back();
04950 delete theLast;
04951 theQHadrons.push_back(curHadr);
04952 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
04953 }
04954 if(hPDG==89002000||hPDG==89001001||hPDG==89000002)
04955 {
04956 #ifdef debug
04957 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:***ANTISTRANGE*** i="<<ipo<<",PDG="<<hPDG<<",BaryN="<<hBN<<G4endl;
04958 #endif
04959 G4double hM=h4Mom.m();
04960 G4double hMi=hM+eps;
04961 G4QPDGCode fQPDG = pQPDG;
04962 G4double fM = mProt;
04963 G4int sPDG = 321;
04964 G4double sM = mK;
04965 G4int tPDG = 0;
04966 G4double tM = 0.;
04967 if(hPDG==89002000)
04968 {
04969 if(hMi<mKmP)
04970 {
04971 if(hMi>mProt+mPi+mPi0)
04972 {
04973 sPDG=211;
04974 sM =mPi;
04975 tPDG=111;
04976 tM =mPi0;
04977 }
04978 else if(hMi>mProt+mPi)
04979 {
04980 #ifdef debug
04981 G4cout<<"**G4QE::FSI:ANTISTRANGE*++*STRANGENESS,PDG="<<hPDG<<",M="<<hM<<G4endl;
04982 #endif
04983 sPDG=211;
04984 sM =mPi;
04985 }
04986 else sPDG=0;
04987 }
04988 }
04989 else if(hPDG==89001001)
04990 {
04991 fQPDG= nQPDG;
04992 fM = mNeut;
04993 sPDG = 321;
04994 sM = mK;
04995 if(hMi>mK0mP&&G4UniformRand()>.5)
04996 {
04997 fQPDG= pQPDG;
04998 fM = mProt;
04999 sPDG = 311;
05000 sM = mK0;
05001 }
05002 else if(hMi<mKmN)
05003 {
05004 if(hMi>mProt+mPi0+mPi0)
05005 {
05006 fQPDG= pQPDG;
05007 fM = mProt;
05008 sPDG = 111;
05009 sM = mPi0;
05010 tPDG = 111;
05011 tM = mPi0;
05012 if(hMi>mNeut+mPi+mPi0&&G4UniformRand()>.67)
05013 {
05014 fQPDG= nQPDG;
05015 fM = mNeut;
05016 tPDG = 211;
05017 tM = mPi;
05018 }
05019 if(hMi>mProt+mPi+mPi&&G4UniformRand()>.5)
05020 {
05021 sPDG = 211;
05022 sM = mPi;
05023 tPDG =-211;
05024 tM = mPi;
05025 }
05026 }
05027 else if(hMi>mProt+mPi0)
05028 {
05029 #ifdef debug
05030 G4cout<<"**G4QE::FSI:*ANTISTRANGE*+*STRANGENESS*PDG="<<hPDG<<",M="<<hM<<G4endl;
05031 #endif
05032 fQPDG= pQPDG;
05033 fM = mProt;
05034 sPDG = 111;
05035 sM = mPi0;
05036 }
05037 else sPDG=0;
05038 }
05039 }
05040 else if(hPDG==89000002)
05041 {
05042 fQPDG= nQPDG;
05043 fM = mNeut;
05044 sPDG = 311;
05045 sM = mK0;
05046 if(hMi<mK0mN)
05047 {
05048 if(hMi>mNeut+mPi+mPi)
05049 {
05050 sPDG = 211;
05051 sM = mPi;
05052 tPDG =-211;
05053 tM = mPi;
05054 }
05055 if(hMi>mProt+mPi+mPi0)
05056 {
05057 fQPDG= pQPDG;
05058 fM = mProt;
05059 sPDG = 111;
05060 sM = mPi0;
05061 tPDG =-211;
05062 tM = mPi;
05063 }
05064 else if(hMi>mProt+mPi)
05065 {
05066 #ifdef debug
05067 G4cout<<"**G4QE::FSI:**ANTISTRANGE*0*STRANGENE**PDG="<<hPDG<<",M="<<hM<<G4endl;
05068 #endif
05069 fQPDG= pQPDG;
05070 fM = mProt;
05071 sPDG =-211;
05072 sM = mPi;
05073 }
05074 else sPDG=0;
05075 }
05076 }
05077 if(!sPDG)
05078 {
05079 #ifdef debug
05080 G4cout<<"***G4QE::FSI:***ANTISTRANGE***CANN'T DECAY,PDG="<<hPDG<<",M="<<hM<<G4endl;
05081 #endif
05082 }
05083 else if(!tPDG)
05084 {
05085 G4bool fOK=true;
05086 G4LorentzVector f4M(0.,0.,0.,fM);
05087 G4LorentzVector s4M(0.,0.,0.,sM);
05088 G4double sum=fM+sM;
05089 if(fabs(hM-sum)<=eps)
05090 {
05091 f4M=h4Mom*(fM/sum);
05092 s4M=h4Mom*(sM/sum);
05093 }
05094 else if(hM<sum || !G4QHadron(h4Mom).DecayIn2(f4M,s4M))
05095 {
05096 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI: Still try(2),M="<<hM<<"->"<<fM<<"("<<fQPDG<<")+"
05097 <<sM<<"("<<sPDG<<")="<<sum<<G4endl;
05101 if(!theEnvironment.GetA())
05102 {
05104 G4QHadron* theLast = theCurr;
05105 G4QHadron* qH = new G4QHadron(theCurr);
05106 if(ipo+1<theQHadrons.size())
05107 {
05108 theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
05109 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
05110 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) theCurr->SetQPDG(lQP);
05111 else theCurr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
05112 theCurr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
05113 }
05114 theQHadrons.pop_back();
05115 delete theLast;
05116 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(qH->GetQC(),qH->Get4Momentum());
05118 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
05119 {
05120 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::FSI:Failed (2) LeaveAsItIs 4m="<<h4Mom<<G4endl;
05121 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
05122 }
05123 else
05124 {
05125 delete qH;
05127 jpo--;
05129 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05130 }
05132 delete quasH;
05134 fOK=false;
05135 }
05136 else
05137 {
05140 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
05141 ed << "FSI:ANTISTRANGE DecayIn2 did not succeed: FSI: No recovery (1) Env="
05142 << theEnvironment << G4endl;
05143 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
05144 FatalException, ed);
05145 }
05146 }
05147 if(fOK)
05148 {
05149 theQHadrons[ipo]->SetQPDG(fQPDG);
05150 theQHadrons[ipo]->Set4Momentum(f4M);
05151 G4QHadron* sH = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4M);
05152 theQHadrons.push_back(sH);
05153 }
05154 }
05155 else
05156 {
05157 G4bool fOK=true;
05158 G4LorentzVector f4M(0.,0.,0.,fM);
05159 G4LorentzVector s4M(0.,0.,0.,sM);
05160 G4LorentzVector t4M(0.,0.,0.,tM);
05161 G4double sum=fM+sM+tM;
05162 if(fabs(hM-sum)<=eps)
05163 {
05164 f4M=h4Mom*(fM/sum);
05165 s4M=h4Mom*(sM/sum);
05166 t4M=h4Mom*(tM/sum);
05167 }
05168 else if(hM<sum || !G4QHadron(h4Mom).DecayIn3(f4M,s4M,t4M))
05169 {
05170 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI: Still try(3), M"<<hM<<"->"<<fM<<"("<<fQPDG<<")+"
05171 <<sM<<"("<<sPDG<<")+"<<tM<<"("<<tPDG<<")="<<sum<<G4endl;
05173 if(!theEnvironment.GetA())
05174 {
05175 G4QHadron* theLast = theCurr;
05176 G4QHadron* qH = new G4QHadron(theCurr);
05177 if(ipo+1<theQHadrons.size())
05178 {
05179 theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
05180 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
05181 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) theCurr->SetQPDG(lQP);
05182 else theCurr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
05183 theCurr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
05184 }
05185 theQHadrons.pop_back();
05186 delete theLast;
05187 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(qH->GetQC(),qH->Get4Momentum());
05188 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
05189 {
05190 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::FSI:Failed (3) LeaveAsItIs,4M="<<h4Mom<<G4endl;
05191 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
05192 }
05193 else
05194 {
05195 delete qH;
05196 jpo--;
05197 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05198 }
05199 delete quasH;
05200 fOK=false;
05201 }
05202 else
05203 {
05206 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
05207 ed << "ANTISTRANGE DecayIn3 did not succeed: No recovery (2) Env="
05208 << theEnvironment << G4endl;
05209 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0001",
05210 FatalException, ed);
05211 }
05212 }
05213 if(fOK)
05214 {
05215 theQHadrons[ipo]->SetQPDG(fQPDG);
05216 theQHadrons[ipo]->Set4Momentum(f4M);
05217 G4QHadron* sH = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4M);
05218 theQHadrons.push_back(sH);
05219 G4QHadron* tH = new G4QHadron(tPDG,t4M);
05220 theQHadrons.push_back(tH);
05221 }
05222 }
05223 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05224 }
05225 else if(hPDG==89999003||hPDG==90002999||hPDG==90000003||hPDG==90003000||
05226 hPDG==90999002||hPDG==91001999)
05227 {
05228 #ifdef debug
05229 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:***nD-/pD++/nnn/ppp***i="<<ipo<<",PDG="<<hPDG<<",A="<<hBN<<G4endl;
05230 #endif
05231 G4double hM=h4Mom.m();
05232 G4QPDGCode nuQPDG=nQPDG;
05233 G4double nucM = mNeut;
05234 G4int barPDG = 2112;
05235 G4double barM = mNeut;
05236 G4int tPDG = -211;
05237 G4double tM = mPi;
05238 if(hPDG==90002999)
05239 {
05240 nuQPDG = pQPDG;
05241 nucM = mProt;
05242 barPDG = 2212;
05243 barM = mProt;
05244 tPDG = 211;
05245 }
05246 else if(hPDG==90003000)
05247 {
05248 nuQPDG = pQPDG;
05249 nucM = mProt;
05250 barPDG = 2212;
05251 barM = mProt;
05252 tPDG = 2212;
05253 tM = mProt;
05254 }
05255 else if(hPDG==90999002)
05256 {
05257 if(hM>mSigZ+mNeut+mPi)
05258 {
05259 G4double ddMass=hM-mPi;
05260 G4double dd2=ddMass*ddMass;
05261 G4double sma=mLamb+mNeut;
05262 G4double pr1=0.;
05263 if(ddMass>sma) pr1=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*dd2);
05264 sma=mNeut+mSigZ;
05265 G4double smi=mSigZ-mNeut;
05266 G4double pr2=pr1;
05267 if(ddMass>sma && ddMass>smi) pr2+=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*(dd2-smi*smi));
05268 if(pr2*G4UniformRand()>pr1)
05269 {
05270 barPDG = 3212;
05271 barM = mSigZ;
05272 }
05273 else
05274 {
05275 barPDG = 3122;
05276 barM = mLamb;
05277 }
05278 }
05279 else if(hM>mLamb+mNeut+mPi)
05280 {
05281 barPDG = 3122;
05282 barM = mLamb;
05283 }
05284 else if(hM>mSigM+mNeut)
05285 {
05286 barPDG = 3112;
05287 barM = mSigM;
05288 tPDG = 22;
05289 tM = 0;
05290 }
05291 }
05292 else if(hPDG==91001999)
05293 {
05294 nuQPDG = pQPDG;
05295 nucM = mProt;
05296 tPDG = 211;
05297 if(hM>mSigZ+mProt+mPi)
05298 {
05299 G4double ddMass=hM-mPi;
05300 G4double dd2=ddMass*ddMass;
05301 G4double sma=mLamb+mProt;
05302 G4double pr1=0.;
05303 if(ddMass>sma) pr1=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*dd2);
05304 sma=mProt+mSigZ;
05305 G4double smi=mSigZ-mProt;
05306 G4double pr2=pr1;
05307 if(ddMass>sma && ddMass>smi) pr2+=sqrt((dd2-sma*sma)*(dd2-smi*smi));
05308 if(pr2*G4UniformRand()>pr1)
05309 {
05310 barPDG = 3212;
05311 barM = mSigZ;
05312 }
05313 else
05314 {
05315 barPDG = 3122;
05316 barM = mLamb;
05317 }
05318 }
05319 if(hM>mLamb+mProt+mPi)
05320 {
05321 barPDG = 3122;
05322 barM = mLamb;
05323 }
05324 else if(hM>mSigP+mProt)
05325 {
05326 barPDG = 3222;
05327 barM = mSigP;
05328 tPDG = 22;
05329 tM = 0;
05330 }
05331 }
05332 else if(hPDG==90000003)
05333 {
05334 tPDG = 2112;
05335 tM = mNeut;
05336 }
05337 G4bool fOK=true;
05338 G4LorentzVector nu4M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
05339 G4LorentzVector ba4M(0.,0.,0.,barM);
05340 G4LorentzVector pi4M(0.,0.,0.,tM);
05341 G4double sum=nucM+barM+tM;
05342 if(fabs(hM-sum)<=eps)
05343 {
05344 nu4M=h4Mom*(nucM/sum);
05345 ba4M=h4Mom*(barM/sum);
05346 pi4M=h4Mom*(tM/sum);
05347 }
05348 if(hM<sum || !G4QHadron(h4Mom).DecayIn3(nu4M,ba4M,pi4M))
05349 {
05350 #ifdef debug
05351 G4int eA=theEnvironment.GetA();
05352 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::FSI:T="<<hPDG<<"("<<hM<<")-> N="<<nuQPDG<<"(M="<<nucM<<") + B="
05353 <<barPDG<<"("<<barM<<")+N/pi="<<tPDG<<"("<<tM<<")="<<sum<<", A="<<eA<<G4endl;
05354 #endif
05357 G4QHadron* theLast = theCurr;
05358 G4QHadron* qH = new G4QHadron(theCurr);
05359 #ifdef debug
05360 G4cout<<"***G4QE::FSI:#"<<ipo<<",4MQC="<<qH->Get4Momentum()<<qH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
05361 #endif
05362 if(ipo+1<theQHadrons.size())
05363 {
05364 G4int nhd1=theQHadrons.size()-1;
05365 theLast = theQHadrons[nhd1];
05366 G4LorentzVector l4M=theLast->Get4Momentum();
05367 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
05368 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) theCurr->SetQPDG(lQP);
05369 else theCurr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
05370 #ifdef debug
05371 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI:l#"<<nhd1<<",4M="<<l4M<<",PDG="<<lQP<<G4endl;
05372 #endif
05373 theCurr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
05374 }
05375 theQHadrons.pop_back();
05376 delete theLast;
05377 G4QContent cqQC=qH->GetQC();
05378 G4LorentzVector tqLV=qH->Get4Momentum();
05379 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(cqQC,tqLV);
05380 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
05381 {
05382 #ifdef chdebug
05383 G4cout<<":W:G4QE::FSI:E="<<theEnvironment<<",Q="<<cqQC<<tqLV<<tqLV.m()<<G4endl;
05384 #endif
05385 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
05386 }
05387 else
05388 {
05389 delete qH;
05390 jpo--;
05391 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05392 }
05393 delete quasH;
05394 fOK=false;
05401 }
05402 if(fOK)
05403 {
05404 theQHadrons[ipo]->SetQPDG(nuQPDG);
05405 theQHadrons[ipo]->Set4Momentum(nu4M);
05406 G4QHadron* baH = new G4QHadron(barPDG,ba4M);
05407 theQHadrons.push_back(baH);
05408 G4QHadron* piH = new G4QHadron(tPDG,pi4M);
05409 theQHadrons.push_back(piH);
05410 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05411 }
05412 }
05413 else if(hBN>1 && !sBN && (cBN<0 || cBN>hBN))
05414 {
05415 #ifdef debug
05416 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:nNmD-/nPmD++ #"<<ipo<<",P="<<hPDG<<",B="<<hBN<<",C="<<cBN<<G4endl;
05417 #endif
05418 G4double hM=h4Mom.m();
05419 G4QPDGCode nuQPDG=nQPDG;
05420 G4double nucM = mNeut;
05421 G4int barPDG = 2112;
05422 G4double barM = mNeut;
05423 G4int nN = hBN-1;
05424 G4int tPDG = -211;
05425 G4double tM = mPi;
05426 G4int nPi = -cBN;
05427 if( cBN>hBN)
05428 {
05429 nuQPDG = pQPDG;
05430 nucM = mProt;
05431 barPDG = 2212;
05432 barM = mProt;
05433 tPDG = 211;
05434 nPi = cBN-hBN;
05435 }
05436 if(nPi>1) tM*=nPi;
05437 if(nN >1) barM*=nN;
05438 G4bool fOK=true;
05439 G4LorentzVector nu4M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
05440 G4LorentzVector ba4M(0.,0.,0.,barM);
05441 G4LorentzVector pi4M(0.,0.,0.,tM);
05442 G4double sum=nucM+barM+tM;
05443 if(fabs(hM-sum)<=eps)
05444 {
05445 nu4M=h4Mom*(nucM/sum);
05446 ba4M=h4Mom*(barM/sum);
05447 pi4M=h4Mom*(tM/sum);
05448 }
05449 if(hM<sum || !G4QHadron(h4Mom).DecayIn3(nu4M,ba4M,pi4M))
05450 {
05451 #ifdef debug
05452 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::FSI:IsN M="<<hM<<","<<hPDG<<"->N="<<nuQPDG<<"(M="<<nucM<<")+"
05453 <<nN<<"*B="<<barPDG<<"(M="<<barM<<")+"<<nPi<<"*pi="<<tPDG<<"(M="<<tM<<")="
05454 <<nucM+barM+tM<<G4endl;
05455 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::FSI:IsN BaryN="<<hBN<<",Charge="<<cBN<<",Stran="<<sBN<<G4endl;
05456 #endif
05457 if(!theEnvironment.GetA())
05458 {
05459 G4QHadron* theLast = theCurr;
05460 G4QHadron* qH = new G4QHadron(theCurr);
05461 if(ipo+1<theQHadrons.size())
05462 {
05463 theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
05464 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
05465 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) theCurr->SetQPDG(lQP);
05466 else theCurr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
05467 theCurr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
05468 }
05469 theQHadrons.pop_back();
05470 delete theLast;
05471 G4QContent cqQC=qH->GetQC();
05472 G4LorentzVector cq4M=qH->Get4Momentum();
05473 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(cqQC,cq4M);
05474 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
05475 {
05476 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::FSI:IN Failed, FillAsItIs: "<<cqQC<<cq4M<<G4endl;
05477 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
05478 }
05479 else
05480 {
05481 delete qH;
05482 jpo--;
05483 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05484 }
05485 delete quasH;
05486 fOK=false;
05487 }
05488 else
05489 {
05490 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
05491 ed << "IN Multy ISO-dibaryon DecayIn3 did not succeed: IN,NoRec(4) Env="
05492 << theEnvironment << ",PDG=" << hPDG << G4endl;
05493 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0002",
05494 FatalException, ed);
05495 }
05496 }
05497 if(fOK)
05498 {
05499 theQHadrons[ipo]->SetQPDG(nuQPDG);
05500 theQHadrons[ipo]->Set4Momentum(nu4M);
05501 if(nN>1) ba4M=ba4M/nN;
05502 for(G4int ib=0; ib<nN; ib++)
05503 {
05504 G4QHadron* baH = new G4QHadron(barPDG,ba4M);
05505 theQHadrons.push_back(baH);
05506 }
05507 if(nPi>1) pi4M=pi4M/nPi;
05508 for(G4int im=0; im<nPi; im++)
05509 {
05510 G4QHadron* piH = new G4QHadron(tPDG,pi4M);
05511 theQHadrons.push_back(piH);
05512 }
05513 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05514 }
05515 }
05516 #ifdef debug
05517 G4int hNFrag= theQHadrons[ipo]->GetNFragments();
05518 G4QContent hQC = theQHadrons[ipo]->GetQC();
05519 hPDG = theQHadrons[ipo]->GetPDGCode();
05520 h4Mom = theQHadrons[ipo]->Get4Momentum();
05521 ccs4M+=h4Mom;
05522 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:#"<<ipo<<": h="<<hPDG<<hQC<<",h4M="<<h4Mom<<h4Mom.m()<<",hNF="
05523 <<hNFrag<<G4endl;
05524 #endif
05525 ipo=jpo;
05526 }
05527 #ifdef debug
05528 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: --->>CurrentControlSumOf4MomOfHadrons="<<ccs4M<<G4endl;
05529 #endif
05530 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05531 #ifdef chdebug
05533 G4int ccContSum=0;
05534 G4int cbContSum=0;
05535 if(nHadr)for(unsigned ic1=0; ic1<nHadr; ic1++) if(!(theQHadrons[ic1]->GetNFragments()))
05536 {
05537 ccContSum+=theQHadrons[ic1]->GetCharge();
05538 cbContSum+=theQHadrons[ic1]->GetBaryonNumber();
05539 }
05540 if(ccContSum-chContSum || cbContSum-bnContSum)
05541 {
05542 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::FSI:(7)dC="<<ccContSum-chContSum<<",dB="<<cbContSum-bnContSum
05543 <<G4endl;
05545 }
05547 #endif
05548 G4double p2cut=250000.;
05549 if(envA>0) p2cut/=envA*envA;
05552 G4int bfCountM=3;
05553 if(envA>10) bfCountM*=(envA-1)/3;
05554 G4bool bfAct = true;
05555 G4int bfCount= 0;
05556 G4LorentzVector tmp4Mom=tot4Mom;
05557 G4LorentzVector postp4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
05558 G4int nPost=intQHadrons.size();
05559 if(nPost) for(G4int psp=0; psp<nPost; psp++)
05560 if(!(intQHadrons[psp]->GetNFragments())) postp4M+=intQHadrons[psp]->Get4Momentum();
05561 while(bfAct&&bfCount<bfCountM)
05562 {
05563 tot4Mom=tmp4Mom-postp4M;
05564 bfAct=false;
05565 bfCount++;
05566 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05567 if(nHadr) for(unsigned hadron=0; hadron<theQHadrons.size(); hadron++)
05568 {
05569 G4QHadron* curHadr = theQHadrons[hadron];
05570 G4int hPDG = curHadr->GetPDGCode();
05571 G4QPDGCode hQPDG(hPDG);
05572 G4double hGSM = hQPDG.GetMass();
05573 #ifdef debug
05574 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:LOOP START,h#"<<hadron<<curHadr->Get4Momentum()<<hPDG<<G4endl;
05575 #endif
05576 if(hPDG==89999003||hPDG==90002999)
05577 {
05578 G4cout<<"---WARNING---G4QE::FSI:**nD-/pD++**(3),PDG="<<hPDG<<" CORRECTION"<<G4endl;
05579 G4LorentzVector h4Mom=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
05580 G4double hM=h4Mom.m();
05581 G4QPDGCode fQPDG=nQPDG;
05582 G4double fM =mNeut;
05583 G4int sPDG =2112;
05584 G4double sM =mNeut;
05585 G4int tPDG =-211;
05586 G4double tM =mPi;
05587 if(hPDG==90002999)
05588 {
05589 fQPDG=pQPDG;
05590 fM =mProt;
05591 sPDG =2212;
05592 sM =mProt;
05593 tPDG =211;
05594 }
05595 G4bool fOK=true;
05596 G4LorentzVector f4M(0.,0.,0.,fM);
05597 G4LorentzVector s4M(0.,0.,0.,sM);
05598 G4LorentzVector t4M(0.,0.,0.,tM);
05599 G4double sum=fM+sM+tM;
05600 if(fabs(hM-sum)<=eps)
05601 {
05602 f4M=h4Mom*(fM/sum);
05603 s4M=h4Mom*(sM/sum);
05604 t4M=h4Mom*(tM/sum);
05605 }
05606 else if(hM<sum || !G4QHadron(h4Mom).DecayIn3(f4M,s4M,t4M))
05607 {
05608 G4cout<<"---WARNING---G4QE::FSI: Still trying, NDM="<<hM<<"->"<<fM<<"("<<fQPDG
05609 <<")+"<<sM<<"("<<sPDG<<")+"<<tM<<"("<<tPDG<<")="<<sum<<G4endl;
05610 if(!theEnvironment.GetA())
05611 {
05612 G4QHadron* theLast = curHadr;
05613 G4QHadron* qH = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
05614 if(hadron+1<theQHadrons.size())
05615 {
05616 theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
05617 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
05618 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) curHadr->SetQPDG(lQP);
05619 else curHadr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
05620 curHadr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
05621 }
05622 theQHadrons.pop_back();
05623 delete theLast;
05624 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(qH->GetQC(),qH->Get4Momentum());
05625 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
05626 {
05627 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI:NDel Failed LeaveAsItIs, 4m="<<h4Mom<<G4endl;
05628 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
05629 }
05630 else
05631 {
05632 delete qH;
05633 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05634 }
05635 delete quasH;
05636 fOK=false;
05637 }
05638 else
05639 {
05642 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
05643 ed << "ND DecayIn3 did not succeed: No ND recovery Env="
05644 << theEnvironment << G4endl;
05645 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0003",
05646 FatalException, ed);
05647 }
05648 }
05649 if(fOK)
05650 {
05651 curHadr->SetQPDG(fQPDG);
05652 curHadr->Set4Momentum(f4M);
05653 G4QHadron* sH = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4M);
05654 theQHadrons.push_back(sH);
05655 G4QHadron* tH = new G4QHadron(tPDG,t4M);
05656 theQHadrons.push_back(tH);
05657 }
05658 hPDG = curHadr->GetPDGCode();
05659 hQPDG= G4QPDGCode(hPDG);
05660 hGSM = hQPDG.GetMass();
05661 }
05662 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05663 if(hPDG==89001001||hPDG==89002000||hPDG==89000002)
05664 {
05665 G4cout<<"---WARNING---G4QE::FSI:***(K+N)*** (2),PDG="<<hPDG<<" CORRECTION"<<G4endl;
05666 G4LorentzVector h4Mom=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
05667 G4double hM=h4Mom.m();
05668 G4QPDGCode fQPDG=nQPDG;
05669 G4double fM =mNeut;
05670 G4int sPDG =311;
05671 G4double sM =mK0;
05672 if(hPDG==89000002)
05673 {
05674 fQPDG=pQPDG;
05675 fM =mProt;
05676 sPDG =321;
05677 sM =mK;
05678 }
05679 if(hPDG==89001001)
05680 {
05681 if(hM<mK0+mProt || G4UniformRand()>.5)
05682 {
05683 sPDG =321;
05684 sM =mK;
05685 }
05686 else
05687 {
05688 fQPDG=pQPDG;
05689 fM =mProt;
05690 }
05691 }
05692 G4bool fOK=true;
05693 G4LorentzVector f4M(0.,0.,0.,fM);
05694 G4LorentzVector s4M(0.,0.,0.,sM);
05695 G4double sum=fM+sM;
05696 if(fabs(hM-sum)<=eps)
05697 {
05698 f4M=h4Mom*(fM/sum);
05699 s4M=h4Mom*(sM/sum);
05700 }
05701 else if(hM<sum || !G4QHadron(h4Mom).DecayIn2(f4M,s4M))
05702 {
05703 G4cout<<"---WARNING---G4QE::FSI: Still trying (2),NDM="<<hM<<"->"<<fM<<"("<<fQPDG
05704 <<")+"<<sM<<"("<<sPDG<<")="<<sum<<G4endl;
05705 if(!theEnvironment.GetA())
05706 {
05707 G4QHadron* theLast = curHadr;
05708 G4QHadron* qH = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
05709 if(hadron+1<theQHadrons.size())
05710 {
05711 theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
05712 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
05713 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) curHadr->SetQPDG(lQP);
05714 else curHadr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
05715 curHadr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
05716 }
05717 theQHadrons.pop_back();
05718 delete theLast;
05719 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(qH->GetQC(),qH->Get4Momentum());
05720 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
05721 {
05722 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI:KN Failed LeaveAsItIs 4m="<<h4Mom<<G4endl;
05723 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
05724 }
05725 else
05726 {
05727 delete qH;
05728 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05729 }
05730 delete quasH;
05731 fOK=false;
05732 }
05733 else
05734 {
05737 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
05738 ed << "KN DecayIn2 did not succeed: No KN recovery Env="
05739 << theEnvironment << G4endl;
05740 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0004",
05741 FatalException, ed);
05742 }
05743 }
05744 if(fOK)
05745 {
05746 curHadr->SetQPDG(fQPDG);
05747 curHadr->Set4Momentum(f4M);
05748 G4QHadron* sH = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4M);
05749 theQHadrons.push_back(sH);
05750 }
05751 hPDG = curHadr->GetPDGCode();
05752 hQPDG= G4QPDGCode(hPDG);
05753 hGSM = hQPDG.GetMass();
05754 }
05755 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
05756 G4int hS = curHadr->GetStrangeness();
05757 G4int hF = curHadr->GetNFragments();
05758 G4LorentzVector h4m= curHadr->Get4Momentum();
05759 G4double hM = h4m.m();
05760 G4int hB = curHadr->GetBaryonNumber();
05762 #ifdef debug
05763 if(!hF && ( (hPDG>80000000 && hPDG<90000000) || hPDG==90000000 ||
05764 (hPDG>90000000 && (hPDG%1000000>200000 || hPDG%1000>300) ) ) )
05765 G4cout<<"**G4QEnv::FSInteraction: PDG("<<hadron<<")="<<hPDG<<", M="<<hM<<G4endl;
05766 #endif
05767 #ifdef debug
05768 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:h="<<hPDG<<",S="<<hS<<",B="<<hB<<",#"<<hadron<<"<"<<nHadr<<G4endl;
05769 #endif
05772 if(hadron&&!hF&&hB>0&&!hS)
05776 {
05777 #ifdef debug
05779 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: h="<<hPDG<<",B="<<hB<<",h#"<<hadron<<" < nH="<<nHadr<<G4endl;
05780 #endif
05781 G4QContent hQC = curHadr->GetQC();
05782 if(hadron&&!hF&&hB>0) for(unsigned pt=0; pt<hadron; pt++)
05783 {
05784 G4QHadron* backH = theQHadrons[pt];
05785 G4int bF = backH->GetNFragments();
05786 G4LorentzVector b4m= backH->Get4Momentum();
05787 G4double bM= b4m.m();
05788 G4QContent bQC = backH->GetQC();
05789 G4int bPDG=bQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
05790 G4QPDGCode bQPDG(bPDG);
05791 G4double bGSM=bQPDG.GetMass();
05792 G4int bB = backH->GetBaryonNumber();
05795 G4QContent sQC=bQC+hQC;
05796 G4int sPDG=sQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
05797 G4QPDGCode sQPDG(sPDG);
05798 G4double tM=sQPDG.GetMass();
05799 G4LorentzVector s4M=h4m+b4m;
05800 G4double sM2=s4M.m2();
05801 G4double sM=sqrt(sM2);
05802 G4double dsM2=sM2+sM2;
05803 G4double rm=bM-hM;
05804 G4double sm=bM+hM;
05805 G4double pCM2=(sM2-rm*rm)*(sM2-sm*sm)/(dsM2+dsM2);
05806 G4int bS = backH->GetStrangeness();
05807 #ifdef debug
05809 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:"<<pt<<",B="<<bB<<",S="<<bS<<",p="<<pCM2<<"<"<<p2cut<<",hB="
05810 <<hB<<",bM+hM="<<bM+hM<<">tM="<<tM<<",tQC="<<sQC<<G4endl;
05811 #endif
05818 if(!bF&&!bS&&bB>0&&bM+hM>tM+.001&&pCM2<p2cut)
05824 {
05825 #ifdef fdebug
05826 G4int bPDG = backH->GetPDGCode();
05827 if(sPDG==89999003||sPDG==90002999||sPDG==89999002||sPDG==90001999)
05828 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:**nD-/pD++**,h="<<hPDG<<",hB="<<hB<<",b="<<bPDG<<",bB="
05829 <<bB<<G4endl;
05831 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:*FUSION*#"<<hadron<<"["<<hPDG<<"]"<<hM<<"+#"<<pt<<"["<<bPDG
05832 <<"]"<<bM<<"="<<bM+hM<<", sM="<<sM<<">["<<sPDG<<"]"<<tM<<",p2="<<pCM2
05833 <<"<"<<p2cut<<G4endl;
05834 #endif
05835 bfAct=true;
05837 G4bool three=false;
05838 G4QPDGCode fQPDG=sQPDG;
05839 G4QPDGCode rQPDG=gQPDG;
05840 hQPDG=gQPDG;
05841 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,tM);
05842 G4LorentzVector g4Mom(0.,0.,0.,0.);
05843 G4LorentzVector t4Mom(0.,0.,0.,0.);
05844 if(sPDG==89999002)
05845 {
05846 fQPDG=nQPDG;
05847 rQPDG=pimQPDG;
05848 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
05849 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
05850 }
05851 else if(sPDG==90001999)
05852 {
05853 fQPDG=pQPDG;
05854 rQPDG=pipQPDG;
05855 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
05856 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
05857 }
05858 else if(sPDG==90000002)
05859 {
05860 fQPDG=nQPDG;
05861 rQPDG=nQPDG;
05862 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
05863 g4Mom=f4Mom;
05864 }
05865 else if(sPDG==90002000)
05866 {
05867 fQPDG=pQPDG;
05868 rQPDG=pQPDG;
05869 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
05870 g4Mom=f4Mom;
05871 }
05872 else if(sPDG==92000000)
05873 {
05874 fQPDG=lQPDG;
05875 rQPDG=lQPDG;
05876 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mLamb);
05877 g4Mom=f4Mom;
05878 if(sM>mSigZ+mSigZ)
05879 {
05880 G4double sma=mLamb+mLamb;
05881 G4double pr1=0.;
05882 if(sM>sma) pr1=sqrt((sM2-sma*sma)*sM2);
05883 sma=mLamb+mSigZ;
05884 G4double smi=mSigZ-mLamb;
05885 G4double pr2=pr1;
05886 if(sM>sma && sM>smi) pr2+=sqrt((sM2-sma*sma)*(sM2-smi*smi));
05887 sma=mSigZ+mSigZ;
05888 G4double pr3=pr2;
05889 if(sM>sma) pr3+=sqrt((sM2-sma*sma)*sM2);
05890 G4double hhRND=pr3*G4UniformRand();
05891 if(hhRND>pr2)
05892 {
05893 fQPDG=s0QPDG;
05894 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mSigZ);
05895 rQPDG=s0QPDG;
05896 g4Mom=f4Mom;
05897 }
05898 else if(hhRND>pr1)
05899 {
05900 fQPDG=s0QPDG;
05901 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mSigZ);
05902 }
05903 }
05904 else if(sM>mSigZ+mLamb)
05905 {
05906 G4double sma=mLamb+mLamb;
05907 G4double pr1=0.;
05908 if(sM>sma) pr1=sqrt((sM2-sma*sma)*sM2);
05909 sma=mLamb+mSigZ;
05910 G4double smi=mSigZ-mLamb;
05911 G4double pr2=pr1;
05912 if(sM>sma && sM>smi) pr2+=sqrt((sM2-sma*sma)*(sM2-smi*smi));
05913 if(pr2*G4UniformRand()>pr1)
05914 {
05915 fQPDG=s0QPDG;
05916 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mSigZ);
05917 }
05918 }
05919 }
05920 else if(sPDG==89999003)
05921 {
05922 hQPDG=nQPDG;
05923 rQPDG=nQPDG;
05924 fQPDG=pimQPDG;
05925 t4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
05926 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
05927 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
05928 three=true;
05929 }
05930 else if(sPDG==90002999)
05931 {
05932 hQPDG=pQPDG;
05933 rQPDG=pQPDG;
05934 fQPDG=pipQPDG;
05935 t4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
05936 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
05937 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
05938 three=true;
05939 }
05940 else if(sPDG==90000003)
05941 {
05942 hQPDG=nQPDG;
05943 rQPDG=nQPDG;
05944 fQPDG=nQPDG;
05945 t4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
05946 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
05947 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
05948 three=true;
05949 }
05950 else if(sPDG==90003000)
05951 {
05952 hQPDG=pQPDG;
05953 rQPDG=pQPDG;
05954 fQPDG=pQPDG;
05955 t4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
05956 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
05957 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
05958 three=true;
05959 }
05960 else if(sPDG==90001003)
05961 {
05962 rQPDG=nQPDG;
05963 fQPDG=tQPDG;
05964 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
05965 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mTrit);
05966 }
05967 else if(sPDG==90003001)
05968 {
05969 rQPDG=pQPDG;
05970 fQPDG=he3QPDG;
05971 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
05972 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mHe3);
05973 }
05974 else if(sPDG==90002003)
05975 {
05976 rQPDG=nQPDG;
05977 fQPDG=aQPDG;
05978 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
05979 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mAlph);
05980 }
05981 else if(sPDG==90003002)
05982 {
05983 rQPDG=pQPDG;
05984 fQPDG=aQPDG;
05985 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
05986 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mAlph);
05987 }
05988 else if(sPDG==90004002)
05989 {
05990 hQPDG=pQPDG;
05991 rQPDG=pQPDG;
05992 fQPDG=aQPDG;
05993 t4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
05994 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
05995 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mAlph);
05996 three=true;
05997 }
05998 else if(sPDG==90002005)
05999 {
06000 rQPDG=nQPDG;
06001 fQPDG=a6QPDG;
06002 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
06003 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mHe6);
06004 }
06005 else if(sPDG==90005002)
06006 {
06007 rQPDG=pQPDG;
06008 fQPDG=be6QPDG;
06009 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
06010 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mBe6);
06011 }
06012 else if(sPDG==90004004)
06013 {
06014 fQPDG=aQPDG;
06015 rQPDG=aQPDG;
06016 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mAlph);
06017 g4Mom=f4Mom;
06018 }
06039 else if(sPDG==90002007)
06040 {
06041 rQPDG=nQPDG;
06042 fQPDG=a8QPDG;
06043 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
06044 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mHe8);
06045 }
06046 else if(sPDG==90005004)
06047 {
06048 rQPDG=pQPDG;
06049 fQPDG=aQPDG;
06050 hQPDG=aQPDG;
06051 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
06052 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mAlph);
06053 t4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mAlph);
06054 three=true;
06055 }
06056 else if(sPDG==90007002)
06057 {
06058 rQPDG=pQPDG;
06059 fQPDG=c8QPDG;
06060 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
06061 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mC8);
06062 }
06063 else if(sPDG==90008004)
06064 {
06065 hQPDG=pQPDG;
06066 rQPDG=pQPDG;
06067 fQPDG=c10QPDG;
06068 t4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
06069 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
06070 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mC10);
06071 three=true;
06072 }
06073 else if(sPDG==90009006)
06074 {
06075 rQPDG=pQPDG;
06076 fQPDG=o14QPDG;
06077 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
06078 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mO14);
06079 }
06080 else if(sPDG==90009007)
06081 {
06082 rQPDG=pQPDG;
06083 fQPDG=o15QPDG;
06084 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
06085 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mO15);
06086 }
06087 else if(sPDG==90010006)
06088 {
06089 hQPDG=pQPDG;
06090 rQPDG=pQPDG;
06091 fQPDG=o14QPDG;
06092 t4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
06093 g4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
06094 f4Mom=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mO14);
06095 three=true;
06096 }
06097 #ifdef debug
06098 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: "<<three<<",r="<<rQPDG<<",f="<<fQPDG<<",t="<<hQPDG<<G4endl;
06099 #endif
06100 if(!three)
06101 {
06102 if(!G4QHadron(s4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom,g4Mom))
06103 {
06104 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
06105 ed << "Fusion (1) DecIn2 error: (2)*FUSION*,tM[" << sPDG << "]="
06106 << tM << ">sM=" << sM << " of " << h4m << hM << hQC << hGSM
06107 << " & " << b4m << bM << bQC << bGSM << G4endl;
06108 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0005",
06109 FatalException, ed);
06110 }
06111 else
06112 {
06113 #ifdef debug
06114 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:*FUSION IS DONE*,fPDG="<<sPDG<<",PDG1="<<hPDG<<",PDG2="
06115 <<bPDG<<G4endl;
06116 #endif
06117 curHadr->SetQPDG(fQPDG);
06118 curHadr->Set4Momentum(f4Mom);
06119 backH->SetQPDG(rQPDG);
06120 backH->Set4Momentum(g4Mom);
06121 #ifdef debug
06122 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:h="<<h4m<<",b="<<b4m<<",s="<<s4M<<G4endl;
06123 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:f="<<f4Mom<<",g="<<g4Mom<<",s="<<f4Mom+g4Mom<<G4endl;
06124 #endif
06125 }
06126 }
06127 else
06128 {
06129 if(!G4QHadron(s4M).DecayIn3(f4Mom,g4Mom,t4Mom))
06130 {
06131 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
06132 ed << "Fusion(2) DecayIn3 error: (3)*FUSION*,tM[" << sPDG
06133 << "]=" << tM << ">sM=" << sM << " of " << h4m << hM << hQC
06134 << hGSM << " & " << b4m << bM << bQC << bGSM << G4endl;
06135 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0006",
06136 FatalException, ed);
06137 }
06138 else
06139 {
06140 #ifdef debug
06141 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:DONE,n="<<nHadr<<",PDG="<<sPDG<<",1="<<hPDG<<",2="<<bPDG
06142 <<G4endl;
06143 #endif
06144 curHadr->SetQPDG(fQPDG);
06145 curHadr->Set4Momentum(f4Mom);
06146 backH->SetQPDG(rQPDG);
06147 backH->Set4Momentum(g4Mom);
06148 G4QHadron* newH = new G4QHadron(hQPDG.GetPDGCode(),t4Mom);
06149 theQHadrons.push_back(newH);
06150 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
06151 #ifdef debug
06152 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:h="<<h4m<<",b="<<b4m<<G4endl;
06153 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:s="<<s4M<<" = Sum"<<f4Mom+g4Mom+t4Mom<<G4endl;
06154 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:*Products*,nH="<<nHadr<<",f="<<fQPDG<<f4Mom<<",b="
06155 <<rQPDG<<g4Mom<<",new="<<hQPDG<<t4Mom<<",nH="<<nHadr<<",nD="
06156 <<theQHadrons.size()<<G4endl;
06157 #endif
06158 }
06159 }
06160 tot4Mom+=b4m;
06161 tot4Mom-=g4Mom;
06164 hQPDG=fQPDG;
06165 hPDG=hQPDG.GetPDGCode();
06166 hQC=fQPDG.GetQuarkContent();
06167 hS=hQC.GetStrangeness();
06168 hB=hQC.GetBaryonNumber();
06169 hGSM = hQPDG.GetMass();
06170 h4m=f4Mom;
06171 hM=h4m.m();
06173 #ifdef debug
06174 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:cH4M="<<curHadr->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
06175 #endif
06176 }
06177 }
06178 }
06179 #ifdef chdebug
06181 ccContSum=0;
06182 cbContSum=0;
06183 if(nHadr)for(unsigned ic2=0;ic2<nHadr;ic2++) if(!(theQHadrons[ic2]->GetNFragments()))
06184 {
06185 ccContSum+=theQHadrons[ic2]->GetCharge();
06186 cbContSum+=theQHadrons[ic2]->GetBaryonNumber();
06187 }
06188 unsigned pHadr=intQHadrons.size();
06189 if(pHadr)for(unsigned ic3=0;ic3<pHadr;ic3++) if(!(intQHadrons[ic3]->GetNFragments()))
06190 {
06191 ccContSum+=intQHadrons[ic3]->GetCharge();
06192 cbContSum+=intQHadrons[ic3]->GetBaryonNumber();
06193 }
06194 if(ccContSum-chContSum || cbContSum-bnContSum)
06195 {
06196 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::FSI:(8) dC="<<ccContSum-chContSum<<",dB="<<cbContSum-bnContSum
06197 <<G4endl;
06199 }
06201 #endif
06202 G4LorentzVector cH4Mom = curHadr->Get4Momentum();
06203 tot4Mom-=cH4Mom;
06204 totCharge-=curHadr->GetCharge();
06205 totBaryoN-=curHadr->GetBaryonNumber();
06206 #ifdef pdebug
06207 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:Cur4M="<<tot4Mom<<",tC="<<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
06208 #endif
06209 if(hadron+1==nHadr)
06210 {
06211 #ifdef pdebug
06212 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:Last4M="<<tot4Mom<<",tC="<<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
06213 #endif
06214 G4double misM=0.;
06215 G4int mPDG=0;
06216 if(totCharge>=0 && totBaryoN > 0)
06217 {
06218 mPDG=90000000+999*totCharge+totBaryoN;
06219 misM=G4QPDGCode(mPDG).GetMass();
06220 }
06221 G4double re =tot4Mom.e();
06222 G4double rpx=tot4Mom.px();
06223 G4double rpy=tot4Mom.py();
06224 G4double rpz=tot4Mom.pz();
06225 G4double re2=re*re;
06226 G4double dmo=rpx*rpx+rpy*rpy+rpz*rpz;
06227 G4double dem=re2+dmo;
06228 G4double dm2=re2-dmo;
06229 G4double sdm=0.;
06230 if(dm2>0.) sdm=std::sqrt(dm2);
06231 #ifdef debug
06232 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: Is En&Mom conserved? t4M="<<tot4Mom<<",dM="<<sdm<<", mM="<<misM
06233 <<",mPDG="<<mPDG<<",dCH="<<totCharge<<",dBN="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
06234 #endif
06235 G4LorentzVector cor4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
06236 if(dem>0.1)
06237 {
06238 G4bool corf=false;
06239 #ifdef pdebug
06240 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QE::FSI:dE/Mc4M="<<tot4Mom<<sdm<<". Correct it!"<<G4endl;
06241 #endif
06242 if(sdm < .01 || (re2 > 0. && !totCharge && !totBaryoN && sdm/re2 < .0001))
06243 {
06244 #ifdef pdebug
06245 G4cout<<"...G4QE::FSI:E/M conservation is corrected by a photon"<<G4endl;
06246 #endif
06247 cor4M=tot4Mom;
06248 G4QHadron* theH = new G4QHadron(22,tot4Mom);
06249 theQHadrons.push_back(theH);
06250 corf=true;
06251 }
06252 else
06253 {
06254 if(dmo<0.0001 && re>900.)
06255 {
06256 if(fabs(re-mNeut)<.01)
06257 {
06258 #ifdef pdebug
06259 G4cout<<"...G4QE::FSI:E/M conservation is corrected by neutron"<<G4endl;
06260 #endif
06261 cor4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
06262 G4QHadron* theH = new G4QHadron(90000001,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut));
06263 theQHadrons.push_back(theH);
06264 corf=true;
06265 }
06266 else if(fabs(re-mProt)<.01)
06267 {
06268 #ifdef pdebug
06269 G4cout<<"...G4QE::FSI:E/M conservation is corrected by proton"<<G4endl;
06270 #endif
06271 cor4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
06272 G4QHadron* theH = new G4QHadron(90001000,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt));
06273 theQHadrons.push_back(theH);
06274 corf=true;
06275 }
06276 else if(fabs(re-mDeut)<.01)
06277 {
06278 #ifdef pdebug
06279 G4cout<<"...G4QE::FSI:E/M conservation is corrected by deuteron"<<G4endl;
06280 #endif
06281 cor4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mDeut);
06282 G4QHadron* theH = new G4QHadron(90001001,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mDeut));
06283 theQHadrons.push_back(theH);
06284 corf=true;
06285 }
06286 else if(fabs(re-mTrit)<.01)
06287 {
06288 #ifdef pdebug
06289 G4cout<<"...G4QE::FSI:E/M conservation is corrected by tritium"<<G4endl;
06290 #endif
06291 cor4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mTrit);
06292 G4QHadron* theH = new G4QHadron(90001002,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mTrit));
06293 theQHadrons.push_back(theH);
06294 corf=true;
06295 }
06296 else if(fabs(re-mHe3)<.01)
06297 {
06298 #ifdef pdebug
06299 G4cout<<"...G4QE::FSI:E/M conservation is corrected by He3"<<G4endl;
06300 #endif
06301 cor4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mHe3);
06302 G4QHadron* theH = new G4QHadron(90002001,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mHe3));
06303 theQHadrons.push_back(theH);
06304 corf=true;
06305 }
06306 else if(fabs(re-mAlph)<.01)
06307 {
06308 #ifdef pdebug
06309 G4cout<<"...G4QE::FSI:E/M conservation is corrected by alpha"<<G4endl;
06310 #endif
06311 cor4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mAlph);
06312 G4QHadron* theH = new G4QHadron(90002002,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mAlph));
06313 theQHadrons.push_back(theH);
06314 corf=true;
06315 }
06316 else if(fabs(re-mNeut-mNeut)<.01)
06317 {
06318 cor4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut+mNeut);
06319 #ifdef pdebug
06320 G4cout<<"...G4QE::FSI:E/M conservation is corrected by 2 neutrons"<<G4endl;
06321 #endif
06322 G4QHadron* theH1 = new G4QHadron(90000001,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut));
06323 theQHadrons.push_back(theH1);
06324 G4QHadron* theH2 = new G4QHadron(90000001,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut));
06325 theQHadrons.push_back(theH2);
06326 corf=true;
06327 }
06328 else if(fabs(re-mProt-mProt)<.01)
06329 {
06330 #ifdef pdebug
06331 G4cout<<"...G4QE::FSI:E/M conservation is corrected by 2 protons"<<G4endl;
06332 #endif
06333 cor4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt+mProt);
06334 G4QHadron* theH1 = new G4QHadron(90001000,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt));
06335 theQHadrons.push_back(theH1);
06336 G4QHadron* theH2 = new G4QHadron(90001000,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mProt));
06337 theQHadrons.push_back(theH2);
06338 corf=true;
06339 }
06340 else G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteract()", "HAD_CHPS_0007",
06341 JustWarning, "Try heavier nuclei at rest");
06342 }
06343 else if(std::abs(sdm-misM) < 0.01)
06344 {
06345 #ifdef pdebug
06346 G4cout<<"...G4QE::FSI:E/M conservation is corrected by ResidualNucl"<<G4endl;
06347 #endif
06348 if(!misM) mPDG=22;
06349 G4QHadron* theH = new G4QHadron(mPDG,tot4Mom);
06350 cor4M=tot4Mom;
06351 if(std::fabs(sdm-misM) <= 0.01) theQHadrons.push_back(theH);
06352 else EvaporateResidual(theH);
06353 corf=true;
06354 }
06355 else if(tot4Mom.e() > 0 && cH4Mom.e() > 0 && nHadr > 1)
06356 {
06357 G4QHadron* prevHadr = theQHadrons[nHadr-2];
06358 G4LorentzVector pH4Mom = prevHadr->Get4Momentum();
06359 G4double cHM = curHadr->GetMass();
06360 G4double pHM = prevHadr->GetMass();
06361 #ifdef pdebug
06362 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:Bt4M="<<tot4Mom<<",c4M="<<cH4Mom<<",p4M="<<pH4Mom<<G4endl;
06363 #endif
06364 G4LorentzVector tt4Mom=tot4Mom+cH4Mom+pH4Mom;
06365 G4double totRM=tt4Mom.m();
06366 #ifdef pdebug
06367 G4cout<<"G4QE::FS:"<<tt4Mom<<",tM="<<totRM<<",cM="<<cHM<<",pM="<<pHM<<G4endl;
06368 #endif
06369 if(cHM+pHM<=totRM)
06370 {
06371 if(!G4QHadron(tt4Mom).DecayIn2(pH4Mom,cH4Mom))
06372 {
06373 G4cout<<"***G4QE::FSI:**Correction**tot4M="<<tt4Mom<<totRM<<">sM="
06374 <<cHM+cHM<<G4endl;
06375 #ifdef pdebug
06376 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
06377 ed << "CORRECT DecIn2 error: **Correction**tot4M=" << tt4Mom
06378 << totRM << ">sM=" << cHM+cHM << G4endl;
06379 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0007",
06380 JustWarning, ed);
06381 #endif
06382 }
06383 #ifdef chdebug
06384 G4cout<<"-:-Warning-:-G4QE::FSI:***CORRECTION IS DONE*** d="<<dem<<G4endl;
06385 #endif
06386 cor4M=tot4Mom;
06387 curHadr->Set4Momentum(cH4Mom);
06388 prevHadr->Set4Momentum(pH4Mom);
06389 corf=true;
06390 }
06391 else
06392 {
06393 #ifdef pdebug
06394 G4cerr<<"*!*G4QE::FSI: "<<cHM<<"+"<<pHM<<"="<<cHM+pHM<<">"<<totRM<<G4endl;
06395 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
06396 ed <<"TEMPORARY EXCEPTION: "<<cHM<<"+"<<pHM<<" = "<<cHM+pHM<<" > "<<totRM
06397 <<", tot4M="<<tot4Mom<<", c4M="<<cH4Mom<<", p4M="<<pH4Mom<< G4endl;
06398 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0008",
06399 JustWarning, ed);
06400 #endif
06401 }
06402 }
06403 else
06404 {
06405 G4cerr<<"*!*G4QE::FSI: tE="<<tot4Mom.e()<<", nHadr="<<nHadr<<G4endl;
06406 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
06407 ed << "TEMPORARY EXCEPTION: *check energy!* tot4M=" << tot4Mom << ", c4M="
06408 << cH4Mom << ", nHadr="<< nHadr << " > 1 ?" << G4endl;
06409 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0009",
06410 JustWarning, ed);
06411 }
06412 tot4Mom=tot4Mom-cor4M;
06413 #ifdef pdebug
06414 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI:En/MomCons.Error is corrected:"<<cor4M<<G4endl;
06415 #endif
06416 }
06417 if(nHadr>2 && !corf)
06418 {
06419 G4double cHM = curHadr->GetMass();
06420 G4int ch=0;
06421 for(ch=nHadr-3; ch>-1; --ch)
06422 {
06423 G4QHadron* prevHadr = theQHadrons[ch];
06424 G4LorentzVector pH4Mom = prevHadr->Get4Momentum();
06425 G4double pHM = prevHadr->GetMass();
06426 tot4Mom+=cH4Mom+pH4Mom;
06427 G4double totRM=tot4Mom.m();
06428 if(cHM+pHM<=totRM)
06429 {
06430 if(!G4QHadron(tot4Mom).DecayIn2(pH4Mom,cH4Mom))
06431 {
06432 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::FSI:**Correction**,tot4M="<<tot4Mom<<totRM<<" > sM="
06433 <<cHM+cHM<<G4endl;
06434 #ifdef debug
06435 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
06436 ed << "CORRECTION DecIn2Error: **Correction**,tot4M=" << tot4Mom
06437 << totRM << " > sM=" << cHM+cHM << G4endl;
06438 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0010",
06439 FatalException, ed);
06440 #endif
06441 }
06442 #ifdef chdebug
06443 G4cout<<"-:-!!!-:-G4QE::FSI:***CORRECTION IS DONE*** d="<<dem<<G4endl;
06444 #endif
06445 curHadr->Set4Momentum(cH4Mom);
06446 prevHadr->Set4Momentum(pH4Mom);
06447 break;
06448 }
06449 else tot4Mom-=cH4Mom+pH4Mom;
06450 }
06451 #ifdef ppdebug
06452 if(ch<0)
06453 {
06454 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
06455 ed << "EnMomCorrectionFailed: EnergyMomentumCorrection FAILED "
06456 << G4endl;
06457 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0011",
06458 FatalException, ed);
06459 }
06460 #endif
06461 }
06462 }
06463 #ifdef debug
06464 else G4cout<<"...G4QE::FSI:E/M conservation is good enough"<<G4endl;
06465 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:EMCorrection by "<<theQHadrons.size()-nHadr<<" hadrons"<<G4endl;
06466 #endif
06467 break;
06468 }
06469 }
06476 #ifdef chdebug
06478 ccContSum=0;
06479 cbContSum=0;
06480 if(nHadr)for(unsigned ic3=0; ic3<nHadr; ic3++) if(!(theQHadrons[ic3]->GetNFragments()))
06481 {
06482 ccContSum+=theQHadrons[ic3]->GetCharge();
06483 cbContSum+=theQHadrons[ic3]->GetBaryonNumber();
06484 }
06485 if(ccContSum-chContSum || cbContSum-bnContSum)
06486 {
06487 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::FSI:(9) dC="<<ccContSum-chContSum<<",dB="<<cbContSum-bnContSum
06488 <<G4endl;
06490 }
06492 #endif
06493 G4LorentzVector sum(0.,0.,0.,0.);
06494 G4int gamCount=0;
06495 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
06496 G4bool frag=false;
06497 if(nHadr>2)for(unsigned f=0; f<theQHadrons.size(); f++)
06498 {
06499 G4int fBN=theQHadrons[f]->GetBaryonNumber();
06500 #ifdef debug
06501 G4int fPDG=theQHadrons[f]->GetPDGCode();
06502 G4LorentzVector fLV=theQHadrons[f]->Get4Momentum();
06503 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:"<<f<<",PDG="<<fPDG<<",fBN="<<fBN<<",f4M="<<fLV<<G4endl;
06504 #endif
06505 if(fBN>1)
06506 {
06507 frag=true;
06508 break;
06509 }
06510 }
06511 #ifdef debug
06512 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:===Before Gamma Compression===, nH="<<nHadr<<",frag="<<frag<<G4endl;
06513 #endif
06514 if(nHadr>2 && frag) for(G4int h=nHadr-1; h>=0; h--)
06515 {
06516 G4QHadron* curHadr = theQHadrons[h];
06517 G4int hF = curHadr->GetNFragments();
06518 G4int hPDG = curHadr->GetPDGCode();
06519 if(hPDG==89999003||hPDG==90002999)
06520 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QEnv::FSI:nD-/pD++(1)="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
06521 #ifdef debug
06522 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: h#"<<h<<", hPDG="<<hPDG<<", hNFrag="<<hF<<G4endl;
06523 #endif
06524 if(hF||hPDG==22)
06525 {
06526 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
06527 if(hPDG==22)
06528 {
06529 G4LorentzVector g4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
06530 sum+=g4M;
06531 gamCount++;
06532 #ifdef debug
06533 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: gam4M="<<g4M<<" is added to s4M="<<sum<<G4endl;
06534 #endif
06535 }
06536 nHadr = theQHadrons.size()-1;
06537 if(h < static_cast<G4int>(nHadr))
06538 {
06539 curHadr->SetNFragments(0);
06540 curHadr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
06541 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
06542 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) curHadr->SetQPDG(lQP);
06543 else curHadr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
06544 #ifdef debug
06545 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: Exchange with the last is done"<<G4endl;
06546 #endif
06547 }
06548 theQHadrons.pop_back();
06549 delete theLast;
06550 #ifdef debug
06551 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: The last is compessed"<<G4endl;
06552 #endif
06553 }
06554 }
06555 #ifdef debug
06556 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: nH="<<nHadr<<"="<<theQHadrons.size()<<", sum="<<sum<<G4endl;
06557 #endif
06558 #ifdef chdebug
06560 ccContSum=0;
06561 cbContSum=0;
06562 if(nHadr)for(unsigned ic4=0; ic4<nHadr; ic4++) if(!(theQHadrons[ic4]->GetNFragments()))
06563 {
06564 ccContSum+=theQHadrons[ic4]->GetCharge();
06565 cbContSum+=theQHadrons[ic4]->GetBaryonNumber();
06566 }
06567 if(ccContSum-chContSum || cbContSum-bnContSum)
06568 {
06569 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::FSI:(A) dC="<<ccContSum-chContSum<<",dB="<<cbContSum-bnContSum
06570 <<G4endl;
06572 }
06574 #endif
06575 if(nHadr>1)for(unsigned hdr=0; hdr<theQHadrons.size()-1; hdr++)
06576 {
06577 G4QHadron* curHadr = theQHadrons[hdr];
06578 #ifdef debug
06579 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:ORD,h="<<hdr<<"<"<<nHadr<<",hPDG="<<curHadr->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
06580 #endif
06581 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
06582 G4int hB = curHadr->GetBaryonNumber();
06583 G4int lB = theLast->GetBaryonNumber();
06584 #ifdef debug
06585 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:hBN="<<hB<<"<lBN="<<lB<<",lstPDG="<<theLast->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
06586 #endif
06587 if(lB<hB)
06588 {
06589 G4QPDGCode hQPDG = curHadr->GetQPDG();
06590 G4LorentzVector h4m= curHadr->Get4Momentum();
06591 curHadr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
06592 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
06593 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) curHadr->SetQPDG(lQP);
06594 else curHadr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
06595 theLast->Set4Momentum(h4m);
06596 theLast->SetQPDG(hQPDG);
06597 }
06598 }
06599 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
06600 #ifdef chdebug
06602 ccContSum=0;
06603 cbContSum=0;
06604 if(nHadr)for(unsigned ic5=0; ic5<nHadr; ic5++) if(!(theQHadrons[ic5]->GetNFragments()))
06605 {
06606 ccContSum+=theQHadrons[ic5]->GetCharge();
06607 cbContSum+=theQHadrons[ic5]->GetBaryonNumber();
06608 }
06609 if(ccContSum-chContSum || cbContSum-bnContSum)
06610 {
06611 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::FSI:(B) dC="<<ccContSum-chContSum<<",dB="<<cbContSum-bnContSum
06612 <<G4endl;
06614 }
06616 #endif
06617 if(gamCount)
06618 {
06619 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[nHadr-1];
06620 if(theLast->GetBaryonNumber()>0)
06621 {
06622 G4QHadron* theNew = new G4QHadron(theLast);
06623 #ifdef ffdebug
06624 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:BeforeLastSub,n="<<nHadr<<",PDG="<<theNew->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
06625 #endif
06626 theQHadrons.pop_back();
06627 delete theLast;
06628 nHadr--;
06629 G4int newPDG=theNew->GetPDGCode();
06630 G4LorentzVector new4M=theNew->Get4Momentum();
06631 #ifdef debug
06632 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:gSum4M="<<sum<<" is added to "<<new4M<<", PDG="<<newPDG<<G4endl;
06633 #endif
06634 G4LorentzVector exRes4M=new4M+sum;
06635 G4QNucleus exResidN(exRes4M,newPDG);
06637 G4double mGamEva=1700.;
06638 if(exResidN.SplitBaryon())
06640 {
06641 theNew->Set4Momentum(exRes4M);
06642 #ifdef ffdebug
06643 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:BeforeE(1),n="<<nHadr<<",nPDG="<<theNew->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
06644 #endif
06645 EvaporateResidual(theNew);
06646 }
06647 else if(theNew->GetPDGCode()==90002002&&exRes4M.m()>mHe3+mNeut&&G4UniformRand()>.5)
06648 {
06649 theNew->Set4Momentum(exRes4M);
06650 G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
06651 G4LorentzVector h4M(0.,0.,0.,mHe3);
06652 if(!theNew->DecayIn2(n4M,h4M))
06653 {
06654 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
06655 ed << "GamSUPPRES DecIn2(n+He3)error: GamSup, tM=" << exRes4M.m()
06656 << "<n+He3=" << mNeut+mHe3 << G4endl;
06657 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0012",
06658 FatalException, ed);
06659 }
06660 #ifdef ffdebug
06661 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:Gamma Suppression succided, n="<<n4M<<", He3="<<h4M<<G4endl;
06662 #endif
06663 theNew->Set4Momentum(n4M);
06664 theNew->SetQPDG(nQPDG);
06665 theQHadrons.push_back(theNew);
06666 G4QHadron* theHe3 = new G4QHadron(90002001,h4M);
06667 theQHadrons.push_back(theHe3);
06668 }
06669 else if(nHadr)
06671 {
06672 if(nHadr>1)for(unsigned sh=0; sh<theQHadrons.size()-1; sh++)
06673 {
06674 G4QHadron* curHadr = theQHadrons[sh];
06675 G4QHadron* thePrev = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
06676 G4LorentzVector h4M= curHadr->Get4Momentum();
06677 G4LorentzVector l4M= thePrev->Get4Momentum();
06678 #ifdef ffdebug
06679 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:SO,h="<<sh<<"<"<<nHadr<<",PDG/LV="<<curHadr->GetPDGCode()
06680 <<h4M<<G4endl;
06681 #endif
06682 G4double hM=h4M.m();
06683 G4double hT=h4M.e()-hM;
06684 G4double lT=l4M.e()-l4M.m();
06685 #ifdef ffdebug
06686 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:hT="<<hT<<"<T="<<lT<<".PDG="<<thePrev->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
06687 #endif
06688 if(hM>mGamEva&&lT>hT)
06689 {
06690 G4QPDGCode hQPDG = curHadr->GetQPDG();
06691 curHadr->Set4Momentum(l4M);
06692 G4QPDGCode lQP=thePrev->GetQPDG();
06693 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) curHadr->SetQPDG(lQP);
06694 else curHadr->SetQC(thePrev->GetQC());
06695 thePrev->Set4Momentum(h4M);
06696 thePrev->SetQPDG(hQPDG);
06697 }
06698 }
06699 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
06700 G4QHadron* thePrev = theQHadrons[nHadr-1];
06701 if(thePrev->Get4Momentum().m()>mGamEva)
06702 {
06703 G4QHadron* theHad = new G4QHadron(thePrev);
06704 #ifdef ffdebug
06705 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:BeforeResidNucHadr nH="<<nHadr<<",hPDG="
06706 <<theHad->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
06707 #endif
06708 theQHadrons.pop_back();
06709 delete thePrev;
06710 G4LorentzVector n4M=theNew->Get4Momentum();
06711 G4LorentzVector h4M=theHad->Get4Momentum();
06712 G4LorentzVector dh4M=exRes4M+h4M;
06713 G4double dhM=dh4M.m();
06714 if(theHad->GetPDGCode()==90001001&&dhM>n4M.m()+mProt+mNeut&&G4UniformRand()>.5)
06716 {
06717 G4double nuM=n4M.m();
06718 h4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mNeut);
06719 G4LorentzVector p4M(0.,0.,0.,mProt);
06720 G4double sum_value=nuM+mNeut+mProt;
06721 if(fabs(dhM-sum_value)<eps)
06722 {
06723 n4M=dh4M*(nuM/sum_value);
06724 h4M=dh4M*(mNeut/sum_value);
06725 p4M=dh4M*(mProt/sum_value);
06726 }
06727 else if(dhM<sum_value || !G4QHadron(dh4M).DecayIn3(n4M,h4M,p4M))
06728 {
06729 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
06730 ed << "Gamma SUPPRESSION by D DecIn3error: GamSupByD,M="
06731 << dhM << "<A+p+n=" << sum_value << G4endl;
06732 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0013",
06733 FatalException, ed);
06734 }
06735 #ifdef ffdebug
06736 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:GamSuppression by d succided,h="<<h4M<<",A="<<n4M<<G4endl;
06737 #endif
06738 theHad->Set4Momentum(h4M);
06739 theHad->SetQPDG(nQPDG);
06740 theQHadrons.push_back(theHad);
06741 G4QHadron* theProt = new G4QHadron(90001000,p4M);
06742 theQHadrons.push_back(theProt);
06743 theNew->Set4Momentum(n4M);
06744 EvaporateResidual(theNew);
06745 }
06746 else
06747 {
06748 if(!G4QHadron(dh4M).DecayIn2(n4M,h4M))
06749 {
06750 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
06751 ed << "GamSUPPRESSION (3) DecIn2 error: GamSup,M=" << dh4M.m()
06752 << "<A+h=" << n4M.m()+h4M.m() << G4endl;
06753 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0014",
06754 FatalException, ed);
06755 }
06756 #ifdef ffdebug
06757 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:Gamma Suppression succided, h="<<h4M<<", A="<<n4M<<G4endl;
06758 #endif
06759 theHad->Set4Momentum(h4M);
06760 theQHadrons.push_back(theHad);
06761 theNew->Set4Momentum(n4M);
06762 EvaporateResidual(theNew);
06763 }
06764 }
06765 else
06766 {
06767 theNew->Set4Momentum(exRes4M);
06768 #ifdef ffdebug
06769 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:BeforE(2),n="<<nHadr<<",PDG="<<theNew->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
06770 #endif
06771 EvaporateResidual(theNew);
06772 }
06773 }
06774 else
06775 {
06776 theNew->Set4Momentum(exRes4M);
06777 EvaporateResidual(theNew);
06778 #ifdef ffdebug
06779 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:Bef.E(3),n="<<nHadr<<",PDG="<<newPDG<<",4M="<<exRes4M<<G4endl;
06780 unsigned nHN=theQHadrons.size();
06781 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:AfterEvaporation: nNew="<<nHN<<G4endl;
06782 if(nHN>nHadr)for(unsigned idp=nHadr; idp<nHN; idp++)
06783 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: h#"<<idp<<", PDG="<<theQHadrons[idp]->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
06784 #endif
06785 }
06787 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
06789 }
06790 }
06791 }
06792 tot4Mom=tmp4Mom;
06794 G4int gamcnt=0;
06795 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
06796 unsigned maxB=nHadr-1;
06797 #ifdef chdebug
06799 ccContSum=0;
06800 cbContSum=0;
06801 if(nHadr)for(unsigned ic6=0; ic6<nHadr; ic6++) if(!(theQHadrons[ic6]->GetNFragments()))
06802 {
06803 ccContSum+=theQHadrons[ic6]->GetCharge();
06804 cbContSum+=theQHadrons[ic6]->GetBaryonNumber();
06805 }
06806 if(ccContSum-chContSum || cbContSum-bnContSum)
06807 {
06808 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::FSI:(C) dC="<<ccContSum-chContSum<<",dB="<<cbContSum-bnContSum
06809 <<G4endl;
06811 }
06813 #endif
06814 lHadr=theQHadrons[maxB]->GetBaryonNumber();
06815 G4int tHadr=lHadr;
06816 if(nHadr>1)for(unsigned ipo=0; ipo<theQHadrons.size()-1; ipo++)
06817 {
06818 G4int hPDG = theQHadrons[ipo]->GetPDGCode();
06819 if(hPDG==22) gamcnt++;
06820 else
06821 {
06822 G4int hBN = theQHadrons[ipo]->GetBaryonNumber();
06823 tHadr+=hBN;
06824 #ifdef debug
06825 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:h#"<<ipo<<":hPDG="<<hPDG<<",hBN="<<hBN<<",nH="<<theQHadrons.size()
06826 <<G4endl;
06827 #endif
06828 if(hBN>lHadr)
06829 {
06830 lHadr=hBN;
06831 maxB=ipo;
06832 }
06833 }
06834 }
06835 #ifdef debug
06836 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:max#"<<maxB<<",lB="<<lHadr<<",tBN="<<tHadr<<",gam="<<gamcnt<<G4endl;
06837 #endif
06838 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
06839 #ifdef chdebug
06841 ccContSum=0;
06842 cbContSum=0;
06843 if(nHadr)for(unsigned ic7=0; ic7<nHadr; ic7++) if(!(theQHadrons[ic7]->GetNFragments()))
06844 {
06845 ccContSum+=theQHadrons[ic7]->GetCharge();
06846 cbContSum+=theQHadrons[ic7]->GetBaryonNumber();
06847 }
06848 if(ccContSum-chContSum || cbContSum-bnContSum)
06849 {
06850 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::FSI:(D) dC="<<ccContSum-chContSum<<",dB="<<cbContSum-bnContSum
06851 <<G4endl;
06853 }
06855 #endif
06856 if(gamcnt&&tHadr>1)
06857 {
06858 if(maxB+1<nHadr)
06859 {
06860 G4QHadron* theCurr = theQHadrons[maxB];
06861 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[nHadr-1];
06862 G4QHadron* curHadr = new G4QHadron(theCurr);
06863 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
06864 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) theCurr->SetQPDG(lQP);
06865 else theCurr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
06866 theCurr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
06867 theQHadrons.pop_back();
06868 delete theLast;
06869 theQHadrons.push_back(curHadr);
06870 }
06871 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
06873 G4LorentzVector gamSum(0.,0.,0.,0.);
06874 if(nHadr>1)for(unsigned gp=0; gp<nHadr-1; gp++)
06875 {
06876 G4QHadron* theCurr = theQHadrons[gp];
06877 G4int hPDG=theCurr->GetPDGCode();
06878 #ifdef debug
06879 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:gp#"<<gp<<", PDG="<<hPDG<<", is found"<<G4endl;
06880 #endif
06881 if(hPDG==22)
06882 {
06883 gamSum=gamSum+theCurr->Get4Momentum();
06884 #ifdef debug
06885 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:Photon gp#"<<gp<<",nH="<<nHadr<<", update gS="<<gamSum<<G4endl;
06886 #endif
06887 unsigned nLast=nHadr-1;
06888 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[nLast];
06889 #ifdef debug
06890 G4int wcn=0;
06891 #endif
06892 while(nLast>=gp && theLast->GetPDGCode()==22)
06893 {
06894 #ifdef debug
06895 ++wcn;
06896 #endif
06897 if(nLast>gp)
06898 {
06899 gamSum=gamSum+theLast->Get4Momentum();
06900 #ifdef debug
06901 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:TheLastPhotonIsFound #"<<wcn<<",update gS="<<gamSum<<G4endl;
06902 #endif
06903 }
06904 theQHadrons.pop_back();
06905 delete theLast;
06906 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
06907 nLast=nHadr-1;
06908 theLast = theQHadrons[nLast];
06909 }
06910 if(nLast>gp)
06911 {
06912 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
06913 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) theCurr->SetQPDG(lQP);
06914 else theCurr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
06915 theCurr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
06916 theQHadrons.pop_back();
06917 delete theLast;
06918 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
06919 #ifdef debug
06920 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:RepBy lPDG="<<lQP<<", nH="<<nHadr<<", gS="<<gamSum<<G4endl;
06921 #endif
06922 }
06923 }
06924 }
06926 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[nHadr-1];
06927 if(theLast->GetPDGCode()==22)
06928 {
06929 gamSum=gamSum+theLast->Get4Momentum();
06930 theQHadrons.pop_back();
06931 delete theLast;
06932 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
06933 #ifdef debug
06934 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::FSI: LastPhotonIsKilled, nH="<<nHadr<<",gS="<<gamSum<<G4endl;
06935 #endif
06936 theLast = theQHadrons[nHadr-1];
06937 }
06938 G4int nEx=nHadr-2;
06939 while(theLast->GetBaryonNumber()<1 && nEx>=0)
06940 {
06941 G4QHadron* theEx=theQHadrons[nEx];
06942 G4LorentzVector ex4Mom=theEx->Get4Momentum();
06943 G4QPDGCode exQPDG=theEx->GetQPDG();
06944 G4QContent exQC=theEx->GetQC();
06945 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
06946 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) theEx->SetQPDG(lQP);
06947 else theEx->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
06948 theEx->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
06949 if(exQPDG.GetPDGCode()!=10) theLast->SetQPDG(exQPDG);
06950 else theLast->SetQC(exQC);
06951 theLast->Set4Momentum(ex4Mom);
06952 nEx--;
06953 }
06954 G4QHadron* curHadr = new G4QHadron(theLast);
06955 theQHadrons.pop_back();
06956 delete theLast;
06957 G4int theLB= curHadr->GetBaryonNumber();
06958 G4LorentzVector tR4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum()+gamSum;
06959 G4double tRM=tR4M.m();
06960 if(theLB>4)
06961 {
06962 G4QContent lrQC=curHadr->GetQC()-G4QContent(6,6,0,0,0,0);
06963 G4QNucleus lrN(lrQC);
06964 G4double lrM=lrN.GetMZNS();
06965 if(tRM>lrM+mAlph)
06966 {
06967 G4LorentzVector lr4M(0.,0.,0.,lrM);
06968 G4LorentzVector al4M(0.,0.,0.,mAlph);
06969 if(!G4QHadron(tR4M).DecayIn2(lr4M,al4M))
06970 {
06971 curHadr->Set4Momentum(tR4M);
06972 EvaporateResidual(curHadr);
06973 #ifdef fdebug
06974 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: After Evap (1) nH="<<theQHadrons.size()<<G4endl;
06975 #endif
06976 }
06977 else
06978 {
06979 delete curHadr;
06980 G4int APDG=lrN.GetPDG();
06981 #ifdef debug
06982 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: Final A+alpha, A="<<APDG<<lr4M<<", a="<<al4M<<G4endl;
06983 #endif
06984 G4QHadron* lrH = new G4QHadron(APDG,lr4M);
06985 theQHadrons.push_back(lrH);
06986 G4QHadron* alH = new G4QHadron(90002002,al4M);
06987 theQHadrons.push_back(alH);
06988 }
06989 }
06990 else
06991 {
06992 curHadr->Set4Momentum(tR4M);
06993 EvaporateResidual(curHadr);
06994 #ifdef fdebug
06995 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: After Evap (2) nH="<<theQHadrons.size()<<G4endl;
06996 #endif
06997 }
06998 }
06999 else
07000 {
07001 curHadr->Set4Momentum(tR4M);
07002 EvaporateResidual(curHadr);
07003 #ifdef fdebug
07004 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: After Evap (5) nH="<<theQHadrons.size()<<G4endl;
07005 #endif
07006 }
07007 }
07009 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
07010 #ifdef chdebug
07012 ccContSum=0;
07013 cbContSum=0;
07014 if(nHadr)for(unsigned ic8=0; ic8<nHadr; ic8++) if(!(theQHadrons[ic8]->GetNFragments()))
07015 {
07016 ccContSum+=theQHadrons[ic8]->GetCharge();
07017 cbContSum+=theQHadrons[ic8]->GetBaryonNumber();
07018 }
07019 if(ccContSum-chContSum || cbContSum-bnContSum)
07020 {
07021 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::FSI:(E) dC="<<ccContSum-chContSum<<",dB="<<cbContSum-bnContSum
07022 <<G4endl;
07024 }
07026 #endif
07027 if(nHadr) for(unsigned hd=0; hd<theQHadrons.size(); hd++)
07028 {
07030 G4QHadron* curHadr = theQHadrons[hd];
07031 G4int hPDG=curHadr->GetPDGCode();
07032 if(hPDG==22 && fabs(curHadr->Get4Momentum().e())<.00001)
07033 {
07034 unsigned lin=theQHadrons.size()-1;
07035 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[lin];
07036 if(lin>hd)
07037 {
07038 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
07039 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) curHadr->SetQPDG(lQP);
07040 else curHadr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
07041 curHadr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
07042 }
07044 delete theLast;
07045 theQHadrons.pop_back();
07046 hPDG=curHadr->GetPDGCode();
07047 if(lin==hd) break;
07048 }
07049 #ifdef fdebug
07050 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: LOOP starts nH="<<nHadr<<", h#"<<hd<<", PDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07051 #endif
07052 if(hPDG==89999003||hPDG==90002999) G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI:nD-/pD++(0)="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07053 if(hPDG==89999004||hPDG==90003999) G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI:nnD-/ppD++(0)="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07055 if(hPDG>100000000) G4cout<<"***G4QE::FSI: h#"<<hd<<", wrong PDGCode="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07056 #ifdef fdebug
07057 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:Copy is made with PDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07058 #endif
07059 G4int hBN=curHadr->GetBaryonNumber();
07060 G4int hCG=curHadr->GetCharge();
07061 G4int hST=curHadr->GetStrangeness();
07062 G4int hNF=curHadr->GetNFragments();
07063 G4bool fOK=true;
07064 if(hNF==-1) curHadr->SetNFragments(0);
07065 else if(hPDG==91000000) curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(3122));
07066 else if(hPDG==90998003||hPDG==91002998)
07067 {
07068 #ifdef fdebug
07069 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI: Pi+Nuc+Sigma state decay is found PDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07070 #endif
07071 G4LorentzVector r4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
07072 G4double reM=r4M.m();
07073 G4bool dub=false;
07074 G4int PDGnu=2112;
07075 G4double mNucl=mNeut;
07076 G4int PDGpi=-211;
07077 G4double mPion=mPi;
07078 G4int PDGsi=3112;
07079 G4double mSi=mSigM;
07080 G4double sum=mNucl+mPion+mSi;
07081 if(hPDG==90998003&&reM<sum)
07082 {
07083 PDGsi=2112;
07084 mSi=mNeut;
07085 mPion=mPi+mPi;
07086 sum=mNucl+mPion+mSi;
07087 dub=true;
07088 }
07089 if(hPDG==91002998)
07090 {
07091 mNucl=mProt;
07092 PDGnu=2212;
07093 PDGpi=211;
07094 PDGsi=3222;
07095 mSi =mSigP;
07096 sum=mNucl+mPion+mSi;
07097 if(reM<sum)
07098 {
07099 PDGsi=2212;
07100 mSi=mProt;
07101 sum=mNucl+mPion+mSi;
07102 }
07103 }
07104 G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,mNucl);
07105 G4LorentzVector p4M(0.,0.,0.,mPion);
07106 G4LorentzVector k4M(0.,0.,0.,mSi);
07107 if(fabs(reM-sum)<eps)
07108 {
07110 n4M=r4M*(mNucl/sum);
07111 p4M=r4M*(mPion/sum);
07112 k4M=r4M*(mSi/sum);
07113 }
07114 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn3(n4M,p4M,k4M))
07115 {
07116 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI:Pi+N+Sigma recovery INPDG="<<hPDG<<","<<reM<<" < "
07117 <<mNucl<<"(PDG="<<PDGnu<<")+Pi="<<mPion<<")+Sigma="<<mSi<<"="<<sum<<G4endl;
07118 if(!theEnvironment.GetA())
07119 {
07120 G4QHadron* theLast = curHadr;
07121 G4QHadron* qH = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
07122 if(hd+1<theQHadrons.size())
07123 {
07124 theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
07125 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
07126 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) curHadr->SetQPDG(lQP);
07127 else curHadr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
07128 curHadr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
07129 }
07130 theQHadrons.pop_back();
07131 delete theLast;
07132 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(qH->GetQC(),qH->Get4Momentum());
07133 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
07134 {
07135 qH->SetNFragments(-1);
07136 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI:PiNSig Failed, LeaveAsItIs 4m="<<r4M<<G4endl;
07137 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
07138 }
07139 else
07140 {
07141 #ifdef fdebug
07142 for(unsigned hp=0; hp<theQHadrons.size(); hp++)
07143 {
07144 G4QHadron* cpHadr = new G4QHadron(theQHadrons[hp]);
07145 G4int hpPDG=cpHadr->GetPDGCode();
07146 G4LorentzVector hpLV=cpHadr->Get4Momentum();
07147 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:h#"<<hp<<": hPDG="<<hpPDG<<", h4M="<<hpLV<<G4endl;
07148 }
07149 #endif
07150 delete qH;
07151 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
07152 }
07153 delete quasH;
07154 fOK=false;
07155 }
07156 else
07157 {
07158 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
07159 ed << "PiNucSigma Final Decay Error: No Final PiNSig recovery, Env="
07160 << theEnvironment << G4endl;
07161 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0015",
07162 FatalException, ed);
07163 }
07164 #ifdef fdebug
07165 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI: PiNSi recover #"<<hd<<",PDG="<<curHadr->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
07166 #endif
07167 }
07168 if(fOK)
07169 {
07170 #ifdef fdebug
07171 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:PiNSigma==>"<<r4M<<"->N="<<PDGnu<<n4M<<"+Pi="<<PDGpi<<p4M
07172 <<"+ Sigma="<<PDGsi<<k4M<<G4endl;
07173 #endif
07174 curHadr->Set4Momentum(n4M);
07175 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(PDGnu));
07176 if(dub)
07177 {
07178 p4M/=2.;
07179 G4QHadron* Pid = new G4QHadron(PDGpi,p4M);
07180 theQHadrons.push_back(Pid);
07181 }
07182 G4QHadron* Pi = new G4QHadron(PDGpi,p4M);
07183 theQHadrons.push_back(Pi);
07184 G4QHadron* Si = new G4QHadron(PDGsi,k4M);
07185 theQHadrons.push_back(Si);
07186 }
07187 #ifdef fdebug
07188 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:*TMP* PiNSigma end up PDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07189 #endif
07190 }
07191 else if(hPDG==89998003||hPDG==90002998)
07192 {
07194 G4double mNucl=mNeut;
07195 G4int PDGnu=2112;
07196 G4int PDGpi=-211;
07197 if(hPDG==90002998)
07198 {
07199 mNucl=mProt;
07200 PDGnu=2212;
07201 PDGpi=211;
07202 }
07204 G4LorentzVector r4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
07205 G4double reM=r4M.m();
07206 G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,mNucl);
07207 G4LorentzVector p4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
07208 G4LorentzVector k4M(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
07209 G4double sum=mNucl+mPi+mPi;
07210 if(fabs(reM-sum)<eps)
07211 {
07213 n4M=r4M*(mNucl/sum);
07214 p4M=r4M*(mPi/sum);
07215 k4M=r4M*(mPi/sum);
07216 }
07217 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn3(n4M,p4M,k4M))
07218 {
07219 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI: Isonuc+Pi recovery INPDG="<<hPDG<<","<<reM<<" < "
07220 <<mNucl<<"(PDG="<<PDGnu<<") + 2*"<<mPi<<"="<<sum<<G4endl;
07221 if(!theEnvironment.GetA())
07222 {
07223 G4QHadron* theLast = curHadr;
07224 G4QHadron* qH = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
07225 if(hd+1<theQHadrons.size())
07226 {
07227 theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
07228 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
07229 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) curHadr->SetQPDG(lQP);
07230 else curHadr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
07231 curHadr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
07232 }
07233 theQHadrons.pop_back();
07234 delete theLast;
07235 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(qH->GetQC(),qH->Get4Momentum());
07236 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
07237 {
07238 qH->SetNFragments(-1);
07239 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI:IsoN+Pi Failed, LeaveAsItIs 4m="<<r4M<<G4endl;
07240 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
07241 }
07242 else
07243 {
07244 delete qH;
07245 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
07246 }
07247 delete quasH;
07248 fOK=false;
07249 }
07250 else
07251 {
07252 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
07253 ed << "IsoNucl+Pi FinalDecayError: No Final IsoN+Pi recovery, Env="
07254 << theEnvironment << G4endl;
07255 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0016",
07256 FatalException, ed);
07257 }
07258 #ifdef fdebug
07259 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI: PiDel recover #"<<hd<<",PDG="<<curHadr->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
07260 #endif
07261 }
07262 if(fOK)
07263 {
07264 #ifdef fdebug
07265 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:IsoNuc+Pi==>"<<r4M<<"->N="<<PDGnu<<n4M<<"+Pi="<<PDGpi<<p4M
07266 <<"+ Pi="<<PDGpi<<k4M<<G4endl;
07267 #endif
07268 curHadr->Set4Momentum(n4M);
07269 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(PDGnu));
07270 G4QHadron* Pi1 = new G4QHadron(PDGpi,p4M);
07271 theQHadrons.push_back(Pi1);
07272 G4QHadron* Pi2 = new G4QHadron(PDGpi,k4M);
07273 theQHadrons.push_back(Pi2);
07274 }
07275 #ifdef fdebug
07276 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:*TMP* PiDelta end up PDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07277 #endif
07278 }
07279 else if(hBN>0 && !hST && (hCG<0||hCG>hBN))
07280 {
07281 G4double mNucl=mNeut;
07282 G4int PDGnu=2112;
07283 G4int PDGpi=-211;
07284 G4int nPi=-hCG;
07285 if(hCG>0)
07286 {
07287 mNucl=mProt;
07288 PDGnu=2212;
07289 PDGpi=211;
07290 nPi=hCG-hBN;
07291 }
07292 G4double nucM=mNucl*hBN;
07293 G4double pioM=mPi*nPi;
07294 G4LorentzVector r4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
07295 G4double reM=r4M.m();
07296 G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,nucM);
07297 G4LorentzVector k4M(0.,0.,0.,pioM);
07298 G4double sum=nucM+pioM;
07299 if(fabs(reM-sum)<eps)
07300 {
07301 n4M=r4M*(nucM/sum);
07302 k4M=r4M*(pioM/sum);
07303 }
07304 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn2(n4M,k4M))
07305 {
07306 #ifdef fdebug
07307 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI: Isonucleus recovery INPDG="<<hPDG<<", M="<<reM
07308 <<" < "<<nucM<<"+"<<pioM<<"="<<sum<<G4endl;
07309 #endif
07310 if(!theEnvironment.GetA())
07311 {
07312 G4QHadron* theLast = curHadr;
07313 G4QHadron* qH = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
07314 G4QContent tQC=qH->GetQC();
07315 G4LorentzVector t4M=qH->Get4Momentum();
07316 if(hd+1<theQHadrons.size())
07317 {
07318 theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
07319 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
07320 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) curHadr->SetQPDG(lQP);
07321 else curHadr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
07322 curHadr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
07323 }
07324 theQHadrons.pop_back();
07325 delete theLast;
07326 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(tQC,t4M);
07327 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
07328 {
07329 G4int tPDG=qH->GetPDGCode();
07330 qH->SetNFragments(-1);
07331 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI:IsoN="<<tPDG<<tQC<<" FAsIs 4m="<<t4M<<G4endl;
07332 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
07333 }
07334 else
07335 {
07336 #ifdef fdebug
07337 for(unsigned hp=0; hp<theQHadrons.size(); hp++)
07338 {
07339 G4QHadron* cpHadr = new G4QHadron(theQHadrons[hp]);
07340 G4int hpPDG=cpHadr->GetPDGCode();
07341 G4LorentzVector hpLV=cpHadr->Get4Momentum();
07342 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:h#"<<hp<<": hPDG="<<hpPDG<<", h4M="<<hpLV<<G4endl;
07343 }
07344 #endif
07345 delete qH;
07346 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
07347 }
07348 delete quasH;
07349 fOK=false;
07350 }
07351 else
07352 {
07353 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
07354 ed << "IsoNucleus FinalDecayError: No FinalIsoNucRecovery, Env="
07355 << theEnvironment << G4endl;
07356 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0017",
07357 FatalException, ed);
07358 }
07359 #ifdef fdebug
07360 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI: Isonucleus recovery outPDG="<<curHadr->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
07361 #endif
07362 }
07363 if(fOK)
07364 {
07365 #ifdef fdebug
07366 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:IsoN==>"<<r4M<<"->N="<<PDGnu<<n4M<<"+Pi="<<PDGpi<<k4M<<G4endl;
07367 #endif
07368 if(hBN>1) n4M/=hBN;
07369 curHadr->Set4Momentum(n4M);
07370 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(PDGnu));
07371 if(hBN>1) for(G4int ih=1; ih<hBN; ih++)
07372 {
07373 G4QHadron* Hi = new G4QHadron(PDGnu,n4M);
07374 theQHadrons.push_back(Hi);
07376 }
07377 if(nPi>1) k4M/=nPi;
07378 for(G4int ip=0; ip<nPi; ip++)
07379 {
07380 G4QHadron* Hj = new G4QHadron(PDGpi,k4M);
07381 theQHadrons.push_back(Hj);
07382 }
07383 }
07384 #ifdef fdebug
07385 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI: Isonucleus decay result h#="<<hd<<", outPDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07386 #endif
07387 }
07388 else if ( hBN > 1 &&
07389 ( (hBN == hCG && !hST) ||
07390 (!hCG && !hST) ||
07391 (!hCG && hST==hBN) ) )
07392 {
07394 if(hPDG==90000003 && fabs(curHadr->Get4Momentum().m()-mNeut-mNeut)<.1) {
07395 hPDG=90000002;
07396 hBN=2;
07397 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QEnv::FSI:3->2 neutrons conversion (***Check it***)"<<G4endl;
07398 }
07400 if (!hCG&&!hST) hPDG=90000001;
07401 else if(hBN==hCG&&!hST) hPDG=90001000;
07402 else if(!hCG&&hST==hBN) hPDG=91000000;
07403 else {
07405 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0018",
07406 FatalException, "MultyDibaryon cant be here");
07407 }
07408 G4LorentzVector newLV=(curHadr->Get4Momentum())/hBN;
07409 curHadr->Set4Momentum(newLV);
07410 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(hPDG));
07411 for(G4int bd=1; bd<hBN; bd++)
07412 {
07413 G4QHadron* secHadr = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
07414 theQHadrons.push_back(secHadr);
07416 }
07417 }
07418 else if(hST<0 && hBN>0)
07419 {
07420 G4LorentzVector r4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
07421 G4double reM=r4M.m();
07422 G4QContent nQC=curHadr->GetQC();
07423 G4QNucleus newN0(nQC-K0QC);
07424 G4int RPDG=newN0.GetPDG();
07425 G4double mR=newN0.GetMZNS();
07426 G4double mKaon=mK0;
07427 G4int kPDG =311;
07428 G4QNucleus newNp(nQC-KpQC);
07429 G4double mp=newNp.GetMZNS();
07430 if(mp+mK<mR+mK0)
07431 {
07432 mR=mp;
07433 RPDG=newNp.GetPDG();
07434 mKaon=mK;
07435 kPDG=321;
07436 }
07437 G4double sum=mR+mKaon;
07438 if(sum>reM)
07439 {
07440 if(kPDG==321)
07441 {
07442 kPDG=211;
07443 mKaon=mPi;
07444 }
07445 else
07446 {
07447 kPDG=111;
07448 mKaon=mPi0;
07449 }
07450 sum=mR+mKaon;
07451 }
07452 G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,mR);
07453 G4LorentzVector k4M(0.,0.,0.,mKaon);
07454 if(fabs(reM-sum)<eps)
07455 {
07456 n4M=r4M*(mR/sum);
07457 k4M=r4M*(mKaon/sum);
07458 }
07459 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn2(n4M,k4M))
07460 {
07461 #ifdef debug
07463 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI: Try to recover ASN="<<hPDG<<","<<reM<<"<"<<mR<<"+"
07464 <<mKaon<<"="<<sum<<G4endl;
07465 #endif
07466 if(!theEnvironment.GetA())
07467 {
07468 G4QHadron* theLast = curHadr;
07469 G4QHadron* qH = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
07470 if(hd+1<theQHadrons.size())
07471 {
07472 theLast = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
07473 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast->GetQPDG();
07474 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) curHadr->SetQPDG(lQP);
07475 else curHadr->SetQC(theLast->GetQC());
07476 curHadr->Set4Momentum(theLast->Get4Momentum());
07477 }
07478 theQHadrons.pop_back();
07479 delete theLast;
07480 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(qH->GetQC(),qH->Get4Momentum());
07481 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true))
07482 {
07483 qH->SetNFragments(-1);
07484 #ifdef debug
07485 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::FSI:AntiStraN Failed LeaveAsItIs 4m="<<r4M<<G4endl;
07486 #endif
07487 theQHadrons.push_back(qH);
07488 }
07489 else
07490 {
07491 delete qH;
07492 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
07493 }
07494 delete quasH;
07495 fOK=false;
07496 }
07497 else
07498 {
07499 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
07500 ed << "AntistrangeNucleus decayError: No Final AntiSN recovery, E="
07501 << theEnvironment << G4endl;
07502 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0019",
07503 FatalException, ed);
07504 }
07505 }
07506 if(fOK)
07507 {
07508 #ifdef fdebug
07509 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:AntiSN==>"<<r4M<<"->A="<<RPDG<<n4M<<"+K="<<kPDG<<k4M<<G4endl;
07510 #endif
07511 curHadr->Set4Momentum(k4M);
07512 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(kPDG));
07513 G4QHadron* theRes = new G4QHadron(RPDG,n4M);
07514 EvaporateResidual(theRes);
07515 }
07516 }
07518 else if(hPDG>90500000 && hPDG!=91000000 && hPDG!=91000999 && hPDG!=90999001 &&
07519 hPDG!=91999000 && hPDG!=91999999 && hPDG!=92998999 )
07521 {
07522 #ifdef pdebug
07523 G4cout<<"***G4QEnvironment::FSI:*G4* Hypernucleus PDG="<<hPDG<<" must decay"<<G4endl;
07524 #endif
07525 G4int nL=curHadr->GetStrangeness();
07526 G4int nB=curHadr->GetBaryonNumber();
07527 G4int nC=curHadr->GetCharge();
07528 G4int nSM=0;
07529 G4int nSP=0;
07530 G4int nXZ=0;
07531 G4int nXM=0;
07532 G4int nOM=0;
07534 if(nC < 0)
07535 {
07536 if(-nC <= nL)
07537 {
07538 if(nL <= nB)
07539 {
07540 nSM=-nC;
07541 nL+=nC;
07542 }
07543 else
07544 {
07545 G4int nX=nL-nB;
07546 if(-nC <= nX && nL >= nX+nX)
07547 {
07548 nXM=-nC;
07549 if(nXM != nX) nXZ=nX-nXM;
07550 nL-=nX+nX;
07551 }
07552 else if(nL >= nX-nC)
07553 {
07554 nXM=nX;
07555 nSM=-nC-nX;
07556 nL-=nX-nC;
07557 }
07559 else G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEn::FSI:*Improve*,-nC<=nL,nL>nB, PDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07560 }
07561 }
07562 else
07563 {
07564 nSM=nL;
07565 nL=0;
07566 }
07567 }
07568 else if(nC>nB-nL)
07569 {
07570 if(nC<=nB)
07571 {
07572 if(nL <= nB)
07573 {
07574 G4int dH=nB-nC;
07575 nSP=nL-dH;
07576 nL=dH;
07577 }
07578 else if(nL<nB+nB)
07579 {
07580 nXZ=nL-nB;
07581 nL=nB-nL+nB;
07582 if(nC <= nL)
07583 {
07584 nSP=nC;
07585 nL-=nSP;
07586 }
07587 else
07588 {
07589 nSP=nL;
07590 nL=0;
07591 }
07592 }
07593 else if(nL > nB && ((nL-nB)/2)*2 == nL-nB && nC+nL <= nB+nB)
07594 {
07595 nOM=(nL-nB)/2;
07596 nL=nB+nB-nL-nC;
07597 nSP=nOM-nC;
07598 }
07600 else G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEn::FSI:*Improve*,nC>nB-nL,nC<=nB, PDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07601 }
07602 else
07603 {
07604 nSP=nL;
07605 nL=0;
07606 }
07607 }
07609 G4LorentzVector r4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
07610 G4double reM=r4M.m();
07612 G4int SS=nL+nSP+nSM+nXZ+nXM;
07613 if(SS<nB && !nOM)
07614 {
07615 G4int rlPDG = hPDG-nL*1000000-nSP*1000999-nSM*999001;
07616 G4int sPDG=3122;
07617 G4double MLa=mLamb;
07618 #ifdef pdebug
07619 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::FSI:*G4* nS+="<<nSP<<", nS-="<<nSM<<", nL="<<nL<<G4endl;
07620 #endif
07621 if(nSP || nSM)
07622 {
07623 if(nL)
07624 {
07626 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::FSI:*Improve*,PDG="<<hPDG<<": both Sigma&Lamb"<<G4endl;
07628 if(nSP) nL+=nSP;
07629 else nL+=nSM;
07630 }
07631 if(nSP)
07632 {
07633 nL=nSP;
07634 sPDG=3222;
07635 MLa=mSigP;
07636 }
07637 else
07638 {
07639 nL=nSM;
07640 sPDG=3112;
07641 MLa=mSigM;
07642 }
07643 }
07644 #ifdef pdebug
07645 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::FSI:*G4* mS="<<MLa<<", sPDG="<<sPDG<<", nL="<<nL<<G4endl;
07646 #endif
07647 if(nL>1) MLa*=nL;
07648 G4double rlM=G4QNucleus(rlPDG).GetMZNS();
07649 if(!nSP&&!nSM&&nL==1&&reM>rlM+mSigZ&&G4UniformRand()>.5)
07650 {
07651 sPDG=3212;
07652 MLa=mSigZ;
07653 }
07654 G4int rnPDG = hPDG-nL*999999;
07655 G4QNucleus rnN(rnPDG);
07656 G4double rnM=rnN.GetMZNS();
07658 if(rlPDG==90000000)
07659 {
07660 if(nL>1) r4M=r4M/nL;
07661 for(G4int il=0; il<nL; il++)
07662 {
07663 G4QHadron* theLam = new G4QHadron(sPDG,r4M);
07664 theQHadrons.push_back(theLam);
07665 }
07666 }
07667 else if(reM>rlM+MLa-eps)
07668 {
07669 G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,rlM);
07670 G4LorentzVector h4M(0.,0.,0.,MLa);
07671 G4double sum=rlM+MLa;
07672 if(fabs(reM-sum)<eps)
07673 {
07674 n4M=r4M*(rlM/sum);
07675 h4M=r4M*(MLa/sum);
07676 }
07677 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn2(n4M,h4M))
07678 {
07679 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
07680 ed << "Hypernuclear L-decay error: Hypern, M=" << reM << "<A+n*L="
07681 << sum << ",d=" << sum-reM << G4endl;
07682 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0020",
07683 FatalException, ed);
07684 }
07685 #ifdef pdebug
07686 G4cout<<"*G4QE::FSI:HypN="<<r4M<<"->A="<<rlPDG<<n4M<<",n*Lamb="<<nL<<h4M<<G4endl;
07687 #endif
07688 curHadr->Set4Momentum(n4M);
07689 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(rlPDG));
07690 if(rlPDG==90000002)
07691 {
07692 G4LorentzVector newLV=n4M/2.;
07693 curHadr->Set4Momentum(newLV);
07694 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(90000001));
07695 G4QHadron* secHadr = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
07696 theQHadrons.push_back(secHadr);
07697 }
07698 else if(rlPDG==90002000)
07699 {
07700 G4LorentzVector newLV=n4M/2.;
07701 curHadr->Set4Momentum(newLV);
07702 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(90001000));
07703 G4QHadron* secHadr = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
07704 theQHadrons.push_back(secHadr);
07705 }
07707 #ifdef pdebug
07708 G4cout<<"*G4QE::FSI: resNucPDG="<<curHadr->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
07709 #endif
07710 if(nL>1) h4M=h4M/nL;
07711 for(G4int il=0; il<nL; il++)
07712 {
07713 G4QHadron* theLamb = new G4QHadron(sPDG,h4M);
07714 theQHadrons.push_back(theLamb);
07715 }
07716 }
07717 else if(reM>rnM+mPi0-eps&&!nSP&&!nSM)
07718 {
07719 G4int nPi=static_cast<G4int>((reM-rnM)/mPi0);
07720 if (nPi>nL) nPi=nL;
07721 G4double npiM=nPi*mPi0;
07722 G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,rnM);
07723 G4LorentzVector h4M(0.,0.,0.,npiM);
07724 G4double sum=rnM+npiM;
07725 if(fabs(reM-sum)<eps)
07726 {
07727 n4M=r4M*(rnM/sum);
07728 h4M=r4M*(npiM/sum);
07729 }
07730 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn2(n4M,h4M))
07731 {
07732 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
07733 ed << "Hypernuclear decay error: HyperN,M=" << reM << "<A+n*Pi0="
07734 << sum << ",d=" << sum-reM << G4endl;
07735 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0021",
07736 FatalException, ed);
07737 }
07738 curHadr->Set4Momentum(n4M);
07739 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(rnPDG));
07740 #ifdef pdebug
07741 G4cout<<"*G4QE::FSI:HypN "<<r4M<<"->A="<<rnPDG<<n4M<<",n*Pi0="<<nPi<<h4M<<G4endl;
07742 #endif
07743 if(nPi>1) h4M=h4M/nPi;
07744 for(G4int ihn=0; ihn<nPi; ihn++)
07745 {
07746 G4QHadron* thePion = new G4QHadron(111,h4M);
07747 theQHadrons.push_back(thePion);
07749 }
07750 if(rnPDG==90000002)
07751 {
07752 G4LorentzVector newLV=n4M/2.;
07753 curHadr->Set4Momentum(newLV);
07754 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(90000001));
07755 G4QHadron* secHadr = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
07756 theQHadrons.push_back(secHadr);
07758 }
07759 else if(rnPDG==90002000)
07760 {
07761 G4LorentzVector newLV=n4M/2.;
07762 curHadr->Set4Momentum(newLV);
07763 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(90001000));
07764 G4QHadron* secHadr = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
07765 theQHadrons.push_back(secHadr);
07767 }
07769 }
07770 else if(reM>rnM-eps)
07771 {
07772 G4LorentzVector n4M(0.,0.,0.,rnM);
07773 G4LorentzVector h4M(0.,0.,0.,0.);
07774 G4double sum=rnM;
07775 if(fabs(reM-sum)<eps) n4M=r4M;
07776 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn2(n4M,h4M))
07777 {
07778 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
07779 ed << "Hypernuclear GammaDecay error: Hypern,M=" << reM << "<A+n*Pi0="
07780 << sum << ",d=" << sum-reM << G4endl;
07781 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0022",
07782 FatalException, ed);
07783 }
07784 curHadr->Set4Momentum(n4M);
07785 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(rnPDG));
07786 #ifdef pdebug
07787 G4cout<<"*G4QE::FSI:HypNg "<<r4M<<"->A="<<rnPDG<<n4M<<",gamma="<<h4M<<G4endl;
07788 #endif
07789 G4QHadron* theGamma = new G4QHadron(22,h4M);
07790 theQHadrons.push_back(theGamma);
07791 if(rnPDG==90000002)
07792 {
07793 G4LorentzVector newLV=n4M/2.;
07794 curHadr->Set4Momentum(newLV);
07795 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(90000001));
07796 G4QHadron* secHadr = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
07797 theQHadrons.push_back(secHadr);
07799 }
07800 else if(rnPDG==90002000)
07801 {
07802 G4LorentzVector newLV=n4M/2.;
07803 curHadr->Set4Momentum(newLV);
07804 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(90001000));
07805 G4QHadron* secHadr = new G4QHadron(curHadr);
07806 theQHadrons.push_back(secHadr);
07808 }
07810 }
07811 #ifdef pdebug
07812 else
07813 {
07814 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::F:R="<<rlM<<",S+="<<nSP<<",S-="<<nSM<<",L="<<nL<<",d1="
07815 <<rlM+MLa-reM<<G4endl;
07816 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::FSI:HyperN="<<hPDG<<", M="<<reM<<"<"<<rnM+mPi0<<", d2="
07817 <<rnM+mPi0-reM<<G4endl;
07819 }
07820 #endif
07821 }
07822 else if(SS==nB && !nOM)
07823 {
07824 #ifdef pdebug
07825 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::FSI:OnlyHyp,B="<<nB<<",SP="<<nSP<<",SM="<<nSM<<",L="<<nL
07826 <<",XM="<<nXM<<",XZ="<<nXZ<<G4endl;
07827 #endif
07828 G4int SP=0;
07829 if(nL) ++SP;
07830 if(nSP) ++SP;
07831 if(nSM) ++SP;
07832 if(nXZ) ++SP;
07833 if(nXM) ++SP;
07834 if(SP>1 && SP<4)
07835 {
07836 G4int fPDG=3122;
07837 G4double fM=mLamb;
07838 G4int fS=nL;
07839 G4int sPDG=3222;
07840 G4double sM=mSigP;
07841 G4int sS=nSP;
07842 G4int uPDG=3322;
07843 G4double uM=mXiZ;
07844 G4int uS=nSP;
07845 if(nL)
07846 {
07847 if(nSM)
07848 {
07849 sPDG=3112;
07850 sM =mSigM;
07851 sS =nSM;
07852 if(SP==3)
07853 {
07854 if(nXM)
07855 {
07856 uPDG=3312;
07857 uM =mXiM;
07858 uS =nXM;
07859 }
07860 }
07861 }
07862 else if(nXZ)
07863 {
07864 sPDG=3322;
07865 sM =mXiZ;
07866 sS =nXZ;
07867 if(SP==3)
07868 {
07869 if(nSP)
07870 {
07871 uPDG=3222;
07872 uM =mSigP;
07873 uS =nSP;
07874 }
07875 else if(nXM)
07876 {
07877 uPDG=3312;
07878 uM =mXiM;
07879 uS =nXM;
07880 }
07881 }
07882 }
07883 else if(nXM)
07884 {
07885 sPDG=3312;
07886 sM =mXiM;
07887 sS =nXM;
07889 }
07890 else if(SP==3)
07891 {
07892 if(nXZ)
07893 {
07894 uPDG=3322;
07895 uM =mXiZ;
07896 uS =nXZ;
07897 }
07898 else G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::FSI: *Improve* StrangeComb, PDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07899 }
07900 }
07901 else if(nSM)
07902 {
07903 fPDG=3112;
07904 fM =mSigM;
07905 fS =nSM;
07906 if(nXZ)
07907 {
07908 sPDG=3322;
07909 sM =mXiZ;
07910 sS =nXZ;
07911 if(SP==3)
07912 {
07913 if(nXM)
07914 {
07915 uPDG=3312;
07916 uM =mXiM;
07917 uS =nXM;
07918 }
07919 else if(nXZ)
07920 {
07921 uPDG=3322;
07922 uM =mXiZ;
07923 uS =nXZ;
07924 }
07925 }
07926 }
07927 else if(nXM)
07928 {
07929 sPDG=3312;
07930 sM =mXiM;
07931 sS =nXM;
07932 }
07933 }
07934 else if(nSP)
07935 {
07936 fPDG=3222;
07937 fM =mSigP;
07938 fS =nSP;
07939 if(nXZ)
07940 {
07941 sPDG=3322;
07942 sM =mXiZ;
07943 sS =nXZ;
07944 if(SP==3)
07945 {
07946 if(nXZ)
07947 {
07948 uPDG=3322;
07949 uM =mXiZ;
07950 uS =nXZ;
07951 }
07952 }
07953 }
07954 else if(nXM)
07955 {
07956 sPDG=3312;
07957 sM =mXiM;
07958 sS =nXM;
07959 }
07960 }
07961 else if(nXZ)
07962 {
07963 fPDG=3322;
07964 fM =mXiZ;
07965 fS =nXZ;
07966 if(nXM)
07967 {
07968 sPDG=3312;
07969 sM =mXiM;
07970 sS =nXM;
07971 }
07972 }
07973 else G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::FSI: *Improve* StrangeFragment, PDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
07975 if(SP==2)
07976 {
07977 #ifdef pdebug
07978 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::FSI:2HypD,fS="<<fS<<",fPDG="<<sPDG<<",fM="<<fM<<",sS="
07979 <<sS<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<",sM="<<sM<<",rM="<<reM<<G4endl;
07980 #endif
07981 fM*=fS;
07982 sM*=sS;
07983 G4double mm_value=fM+sM;
07984 G4double MM=reM+eps;
07985 if(MM<=mm_value && fPDG==3122 && sPDG==3222)
07986 {
07987 fPDG= 2212;
07988 fM = mProt;
07989 sPDG= 3322;
07990 sM = mXiZ;
07991 mm_value = fM+sM;
07992 }
07993 if(MM>mm_value)
07994 {
07995 G4LorentzVector f4M(0.,0.,0.,fM);
07996 G4LorentzVector s4M(0.,0.,0.,sM);
07997 G4double sum=fM+sM;
07998 if(fabs(reM-sum)<=eps)
07999 {
08000 f4M=r4M*(fM/sum);
08001 s4M=r4M*(sM/sum);
08002 }
08003 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn2(f4M,s4M))
08004 {
08007 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
08008 ed << "HypernucOnlyStran2 error: Hyp2,M=" << reM << "< sum=" << sum
08009 << ",d=" << sum-reM << G4endl;
08010 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0023",
08011 FatalException, ed);
08012 }
08013 #ifdef pdebug
08014 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI:2,HN="<<r4M<<hPDG<<"->First="<<fS<<f4M<<fPDG<<",Second="
08015 <<sS<<s4M<<sPDG<<G4endl;
08016 #endif
08017 if(fS>1)
08018 {
08019 f4M/=fS;
08020 for(G4int il=1; il<fS; il++)
08021 {
08022 G4QHadron* theHyp = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4M);
08023 theQHadrons.push_back(theHyp);
08024 }
08025 }
08026 curHadr->Set4Momentum(f4M);
08027 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(fPDG));
08028 if(sS>1) s4M/=sS;
08029 for(G4int il=0; il<sS; il++)
08030 {
08031 G4QHadron* theHyp = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4M);
08032 theQHadrons.push_back(theHyp);
08033 }
08034 }
08036 else G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::FSI:*Improve* S2, PDG="<<hPDG<<",M="<<reM<<",fS="
08037 <<fS<<",sS="<<sS<<",fM="<<fM<<",sM="<<sM<<G4endl;
08038 }
08039 else
08040 {
08041 #ifdef pdebug
08042 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::FSI:3HypD,fS="<<fS<<",fPDG="<<sPDG<<",fM="<<fM<<",sS="
08043 <<sS<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<",fM="<<fM<<",uS="<<sS<<",uPDG="<<sPDG<<",uM="<<sM
08044 <<",rM="<<reM<<G4endl;
08045 #endif
08046 fM*=fS;
08047 sM*=sS;
08048 uM*=sS;
08049 G4double mm_value=fM+sM+uM;
08050 G4double MM=reM+eps;
08060 if(MM>mm_value)
08061 {
08062 G4LorentzVector f4M(0.,0.,0.,fM);
08063 G4LorentzVector s4M(0.,0.,0.,sM);
08064 G4LorentzVector u4M(0.,0.,0.,uM);
08065 G4double sum=fM+sM+uM;
08066 if(fabs(reM-sum)<=eps)
08067 {
08068 f4M=r4M*(fM/sum);
08069 s4M=r4M*(sM/sum);
08070 u4M=r4M*(uM/sum);
08071 }
08072 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn2(f4M,s4M))
08073 {
08074 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
08075 ed << "HypernucOnlyStran3 error: Hyp3,M=" << reM << "< sum="
08076 << sum << ",d=" << sum-reM << G4endl;
08077 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0024",
08078 FatalException, ed);
08079 }
08080 #ifdef pdebug
08081 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI:3,HN="<<r4M<<hPDG<<"->First="<<fS<<f4M<<fPDG<<",Second="
08082 <<sS<<s4M<<sPDG<<",Third="<<fS<<f4M<<fPDG<<G4endl;
08083 #endif
08084 if(fS>1)
08085 {
08086 f4M/=fS;
08087 for(G4int il=1; il<fS; ++il)
08088 {
08089 G4QHadron* theHyp = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4M);
08090 theQHadrons.push_back(theHyp);
08091 }
08092 }
08093 curHadr->Set4Momentum(f4M);
08094 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(fPDG));
08095 if(sS>1) s4M/=sS;
08096 for(G4int il=0; il<sS; ++il)
08097 {
08098 G4QHadron* theHyp = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4M);
08099 theQHadrons.push_back(theHyp);
08100 }
08101 if(uS>1) u4M/=uS;
08102 for(G4int il=0; il<uS; ++il)
08103 {
08104 G4QHadron* theHyp = new G4QHadron(uPDG,u4M);
08105 theQHadrons.push_back(theHyp);
08106 }
08107 }
08109 else G4cout<<"-Warn-G4QE::FSI:*Improve* S3, PDG="<<hPDG<<",M="<<reM<<",fS="<<fS
08110 <<",sS="<<sS<<",uS="<<uS<<",fM="<<fM<<",sM="<<sM<<",uM="<<uM<<G4endl;
08111 }
08112 }
08113 }
08114 else if(nOM)
08115 {
08116 #ifdef pdebug
08117 G4cout<<"G4QEnvir::FSI:Omega-,B="<<nB<<",SP="<<nSP<<",OM="<<nOM<<",L="<<nL<<G4endl;
08118 #endif
08119 G4int SP=0;
08120 if(nL) ++SP;
08121 if(nSP) ++SP;
08122 if(nOM) ++SP;
08123 if(!nL)
08124 {
08125 G4int fPDG= 3334;
08126 G4double fM = mOmM;
08127 G4int fS = nOM;
08128 G4int sPDG= 3222;
08129 G4double sM = mSigP;
08130 G4int sS = nSP;
08131 #ifdef pdebug
08132 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::FSI:2HypD,fS="<<fS<<",fPDG="<<sPDG<<",fM="<<fM<<",sS="
08133 <<sS<<",sPDG="<<sPDG<<",sM="<<sM<<",rM="<<reM<<G4endl;
08134 #endif
08135 fM*=fS;
08136 sM+=sS;
08137 if(reM>fM+sM-eps)
08138 {
08139 G4LorentzVector f4M(0.,0.,0.,fM);
08140 G4LorentzVector s4M(0.,0.,0.,sM);
08141 G4double sum=fM+sM;
08142 if(fabs(reM-sum)<eps)
08143 {
08144 f4M=r4M*(fM/sum);
08145 s4M=r4M*(sM/sum);
08146 }
08147 else if(reM<sum || !G4QHadron(r4M).DecayIn2(f4M,s4M))
08148 {
08149 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
08150 ed << "HypernucOnlyStran3 error: Hyp,M=" << reM << "<OM+SP="
08151 << sum << ",d=" << sum-reM << G4endl;
08152 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0025",
08153 FatalException, ed);
08154 }
08155 #ifdef pdebug
08156 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FSI:OHNuc="<<r4M<<hPDG<<"->First="<<fS<<f4M<<fPDG<<",Second="
08157 <<sS<<s4M<<sPDG<<G4endl;
08158 #endif
08159 if(fS>1)
08160 {
08161 f4M/=fS;
08162 for(G4int il=1; il<fS; il++)
08163 {
08164 G4QHadron* theHyp = new G4QHadron(fPDG,f4M);
08165 theQHadrons.push_back(theHyp);
08166 }
08167 }
08168 curHadr->Set4Momentum(f4M);
08169 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(fPDG));
08170 if(sS>1) s4M/=sS;
08171 for(G4int il=0; il<sS; il++)
08172 {
08173 G4QHadron* theHyp = new G4QHadron(sPDG,s4M);
08174 theQHadrons.push_back(theHyp);
08175 }
08176 }
08178 else G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::FSI:*Improve* OMSP, PDG="<<hPDG<<",M="<<reM<<",nSP="
08179 <<nSP<<",nOM="<<nOM<<",mOM="<<fM<<",mSP="<<sM<<G4endl;
08180 }
08182 else G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::FSI:*Improve* nLamb="<<nL<<" # 0, PDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
08183 }
08185 else G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::FSI:*Improve*,S="<<SS<<">B="<<nB<<",PDG="<<hPDG<<G4endl;
08186 }
08187 if(!fOK) hd--;
08188 }
08189 #ifdef pdebug
08190 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:==>OUT,nH="<<theQHadrons.size()<<",nF="<<theFragments->size()<<G4endl;
08191 #endif
08194 nHadr=theQHadrons.size();
08195 G4int cfContSum=0;
08196 G4int bfContSum=0;
08197 if(nHadr)for(unsigned f=0; f<nHadr; f++)
08198 {
08199 G4QHadron* curHadr = new G4QHadron(theQHadrons[f]);
08200 #ifdef debug
08201 G4cout<<"G4QE::FSI:#"<<f<<curHadr->Get4Momentum()<<curHadr->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
08202 #endif
08203 if(!(curHadr->GetNFragments()))
08204 {
08205 G4int chg=curHadr->GetCharge();
08206 cfContSum+=chg;
08207 G4int brn=curHadr->GetBaryonNumber();
08208 bfContSum+=brn;
08209 G4int str=curHadr->GetStrangeness();
08210 if ( brn > 1 &&
08211 ( (!str && (chg == brn || !chg)) ||
08212 (!chg && str == brn) ) )
08213 {
08214 G4int bPDG=90000001;
08215 if (chg==brn) bPDG=90001000;
08216 else if(str==brn) bPDG=91000000;
08217 G4LorentzVector sp4m=curHadr->Get4Momentum()/brn;
08218 curHadr->Set4Momentum(sp4m);
08219 curHadr->SetQPDG(G4QPDGCode(bPDG));
08220 for (G4int ib=1; ib<brn; ib++)
08221 {
08222 G4QHadron* bH = new G4QHadron(bPDG, sp4m);
08223 theFragments->push_back(bH);
08224 }
08225 }
08226 theFragments->push_back(curHadr);
08227 }
08228 }
08229 #ifdef chdebug
08230 if(cfContSum-chContSum || bfContSum-bnContSum)
08231 {
08232 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
08233 ed << "::(F) Charge is not conserved: Ch=" << cfContSum-chContSum << ",Bn="
08234 << bfContSum-bnContSum << G4endl;
08235 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::FSInteraction()", "HAD_CHPS_0026",
08236 FatalException, ed);
08237 }
08238 #endif
08240 return theFragments;
08241 }
08244 G4QuasmonVector* G4QEnvironment::GetQuasmons()
08245 {
08246 G4int nQ=theQuasmons.size();
08247 #ifdef debug
08248 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::GetQuasmons is called nQ="<<nQ<<G4endl;
08249 #endif
08250 G4QuasmonVector* quasmons = new G4QuasmonVector;
08251 if(nQ) for(G4int iq=0; iq<nQ; iq++)
08252 {
08253 #ifdef debug
08254 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::GetQuasm:Q#"<<iq<<",QQPDG="<<theQuasmons[iq]->GetQPDG()<<",QQC="
08255 <<theQuasmons[iq]->GetQC()<<",M="<<theQuasmons[iq]->Get4Momentum().m()<<G4endl;
08256 #endif
08257 G4Quasmon* curQ = new G4Quasmon(theQuasmons[iq]);
08258 quasmons->push_back(curQ);
08259 }
08260 #ifdef debug
08261 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::GetQuasmons ===OUT==="<<G4endl;
08262 #endif
08263 return quasmons;
08264 }
08267 G4QHadronVector* G4QEnvironment::GetQHadrons()
08268 {
08269 G4int nH=theQHadrons.size();
08270 #ifdef debug
08271 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::GetQHadrons is called nH="<<nH<<G4endl;
08272 #endif
08273 G4QHadronVector* hadrons = new G4QHadronVector;
08274 if(nH) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nH; ih++)
08275 {
08276 #ifdef debug
08277 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::GetQHadrons:H#"<<ih<<",HQPDG="<<theQHadrons[ih]->GetQPDG()<<",HQC="
08278 <<theQHadrons[ih]->GetQC()<<",HM="<<theQHadrons[ih]->GetMass()<<G4endl;
08279 #endif
08280 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron(theQHadrons[ih]);
08281 hadrons->push_back(curH);
08282 }
08283 #ifdef debug
08284 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::GetQHadrons ===OUT=== Copied nQH="<<hadrons->size()<<G4endl;
08285 #endif
08286 return hadrons;
08287 }
08290 void G4QEnvironment::CleanUpQHadrons()
08291 {
08292 for_each(theQHadrons.begin(), theQHadrons.end(), DeleteQHadron());
08293 theQHadrons.clear();
08294 }
08297 void G4QEnvironment::FillQHadrons(G4QHadronVector* input)
08298 {
08299 G4int nH=input->size();
08300 #ifdef debug
08301 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::FillQHadrons is called nH="<<nH<<G4endl;
08302 #endif
08303 if(nH) for(G4int ih=0; ih<nH; ih++)
08304 {
08305 #ifdef debug
08306 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::FillQHadrons:H#"<<ih<<",HQPDG="<<(*input)[ih]->GetQPDG()<<",HQC="
08307 <<(*input)[ih]->GetQC()<<",HM="<<(*input)[ih]->GetMass()<<G4endl;
08308 #endif
08309 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron((*input)[ih]);
08310 theQHadrons.push_back(curH);
08311 }
08312 #ifdef debug
08313 G4cout<<"G4QEnvironment::FillQHadrons ===OUT=== Filled nQH="<<theQHadrons.size()<<G4endl;
08314 #endif
08315 }
08318 void G4QEnvironment::DecayBaryon(G4QHadron* qH, G4QHadronVector* HV)
08319 {
08320 static const G4QPDGCode gQPDG(22);
08321 static const G4QPDGCode pizQPDG(111);
08322 static const G4QPDGCode pipQPDG(211);
08323 static const G4QPDGCode pimQPDG(-211);
08324 static const G4QPDGCode kmQPDG(-321);
08325 static const G4QPDGCode kzQPDG(-311);
08326 static const G4QPDGCode nQPDG(2112);
08327 static const G4QPDGCode pQPDG(2212);
08328 static const G4QPDGCode lQPDG(3122);
08329 static const G4QPDGCode laQPDG(3122);
08330 static const G4QPDGCode smQPDG(3112);
08331 static const G4QPDGCode szQPDG(3212);
08332 static const G4QPDGCode spQPDG(3222);
08333 static const G4QPDGCode kszQPDG(3322);
08334 static const G4QPDGCode ksmQPDG(3312);
08335 static const G4double mPi = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass();
08336 static const G4double mPi0 = G4QPDGCode(111).GetMass();
08337 static const G4double mK = G4QPDGCode(321).GetMass();
08338 static const G4double mK0 = G4QPDGCode(311).GetMass();
08339 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
08340 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
08341 static const G4double mSigM= G4QPDGCode(3112).GetMass();
08342 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
08343 static const G4double mSigZ= G4QPDGCode(3212).GetMass();
08344 static const G4double mSigP= G4QPDGCode(3222).GetMass();
08348 static const G4double mNPi0 = mPi0+ mNeut;
08349 static const G4double mNPi = mPi + mNeut;
08350 static const G4double mPPi0 = mPi0+ mProt;
08351 static const G4double mPPi = mPi + mProt;
08352 static const G4double mLPi0 = mPi0+ mLamb;
08353 static const G4double mLPi = mPi + mLamb;
08354 static const G4double mSpPi = mPi + mSigP;
08355 static const G4double mSmPi = mPi + mSigM;
08356 static const G4double mPK = mK + mProt;
08357 static const G4double mPKZ = mK0 + mProt;
08358 static const G4double mNKZ = mK0 + mNeut;
08359 static const G4double mSpPi0= mPi0+ mSigP;
08360 static const G4double mSzPi0= mPi0+ mSigZ;
08361 static const G4double mSzPi = mPi + mSigZ;
08362 static const G4double eps = 0.003;
08364 G4int theLB= qH->GetBaryonNumber();
08365 if(theLB!=1)
08366 {
08367 G4cerr<<"***G4QEnvironment::DecayBaryon: A!=1 -> fill as it is"<<G4endl;
08368 #ifdef ppdebug
08370 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::DecayBaryon()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
08371 FatalException, "Unknown Baryon with A!=1");
08372 #endif
08373 HV->push_back(qH);
08374 return;
08375 }
08376 G4int theLC= qH->GetCharge();
08377 G4int theLS= qH->GetStrangeness();
08379 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum();
08380 G4double qM = q4M.m();
08381 #ifdef debug
08382 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: *Called* S="<<theLS<<",C="<<theLC<<",4M="<<q4M<<qM<<G4endl;
08383 #endif
08385 G4QPDGCode fQPDG = pQPDG;
08386 G4double fMass= mProt;
08387 G4QPDGCode sQPDG = pizQPDG;
08388 G4double sMass= mPi0;
08389 if(!theLS)
08390 {
08391 if(!theLC)
08392 {
08393 if(qM<mNPi0)
08394 {
08395 if(qM < mNeut+eps)
08396 {
08397 #ifdef debug
08398 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: Fill Neutron AsIs"<<G4endl;
08399 #endif
08400 qH->SetQPDG(nQPDG);
08401 HV->push_back(qH);
08402 if(qM+eps<mNeut) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: N0 AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
08403 return;
08404 }
08405 fQPDG=nQPDG;
08406 fMass=mNeut;
08407 sQPDG=gQPDG;
08408 sMass=0.;
08409 #ifdef debug
08410 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: Gamma+n, M="<<qM<<",d="<<qM-mNeut<<G4endl;
08411 #endif
08412 }
08413 else if(qM>mPPi)
08414 {
08415 if(G4UniformRand()>.333333333)
08416 {
08417 fQPDG=nQPDG;
08418 fMass=mNeut;
08419 }
08420 else
08421 {
08422 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08423 sMass=mPi;
08424 }
08425 }
08426 else
08427 {
08428 fQPDG=nQPDG;
08429 fMass=mNeut;
08430 }
08431 }
08432 else if(theLC==1)
08433 {
08434 if(qM<mPPi0)
08435 {
08436 if(qM < mProt+eps)
08437 {
08438 #ifdef debug
08439 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: Fill Proton AsIs"<<G4endl;
08440 #endif
08441 qH->SetQPDG(pQPDG);
08442 HV->push_back(qH);
08443 #ifdef debug
08444 if(qM+eps<mProt)G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: Pr+ AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
08445 #endif
08446 return;
08447 }
08448 sQPDG=gQPDG;
08449 sMass=0.;
08450 }
08451 else if(qM>mNPi)
08452 {
08453 if(G4UniformRand()<.333333333)
08454 {
08455 fQPDG=nQPDG;
08456 fMass=mNeut;
08457 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08458 sMass=mPi;
08459 }
08461 }
08463 }
08464 else if(theLC==2)
08465 {
08466 if(qM>mPPi)
08467 {
08468 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08469 sMass=mPi;
08470 }
08471 else
08472 {
08473 #ifdef debug
08474 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecBary:*AsIs* DEL++ M="<<qM<<"<"<<mPPi<<G4endl;
08475 #endif
08476 HV->push_back(qH);
08477 return;
08478 }
08479 }
08480 else if(theLC==-1)
08481 {
08482 if(qM+eps>mNPi)
08483 {
08484 fQPDG=nQPDG;
08485 fMass=mNeut;
08486 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08487 sMass=mPi;
08488 }
08489 else
08490 {
08491 #ifdef debug
08492 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecBary:*AsIs* DEL++ M="<<qM<<"<"<<mNPi<<G4endl;
08493 #endif
08494 HV->push_back(qH);
08495 return;
08496 }
08497 }
08498 else
08499 {
08500 #ifdef debug
08501 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecBary:*AsIs* UnknBaryon (S=0) QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
08502 #endif
08503 HV->push_back(qH);
08504 return;
08505 }
08506 }
08507 else if(theLS==1)
08508 {
08509 if(!theLC)
08510 {
08511 if(qM<mLPi0)
08512 {
08513 if(qM < mLamb+eps)
08514 {
08515 #ifdef debug
08516 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: Fill Lambda AsIs"<<G4endl;
08517 #endif
08518 qH->SetQPDG(lQPDG);
08519 HV->push_back(qH);
08520 if(qM+eps<mLamb)G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: La0 AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
08521 return;
08522 }
08523 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08524 fMass=mLamb;
08525 sQPDG=gQPDG;
08526 sMass=0.;
08527 }
08528 else if(qM<mSzPi0)
08529 {
08530 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08531 fMass=mLamb;
08532 }
08533 else if(qM<mSpPi)
08534 {
08535 if(G4UniformRand()>.6)
08536 {
08537 fQPDG=szQPDG;
08538 fMass=mSigZ;
08539 }
08540 else
08541 {
08542 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08543 fMass=mLamb;
08544 }
08545 }
08546 else if(qM<mSmPi)
08547 {
08548 G4double ra=G4UniformRand();
08549 if(ra<.4)
08550 {
08551 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08552 fMass=mLamb;
08553 }
08554 else if(ra<.7)
08555 {
08556 fQPDG=szQPDG;
08557 fMass=mSigZ;
08558 }
08559 else
08560 {
08561 fQPDG=spQPDG;
08562 fMass=mSigP;
08563 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08564 sMass=mPi;
08565 }
08566 }
08567 else if(qM<mPK)
08568 {
08569 G4double ra=G4UniformRand();
08570 if(ra<.35)
08571 {
08572 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08573 fMass=mLamb;
08574 }
08575 else if(ra<.6)
08576 {
08577 fQPDG=szQPDG;
08578 fMass=mSigZ;
08579 }
08580 else if(ra<.8)
08581 {
08582 fQPDG=smQPDG;
08583 fMass=mSigM;
08584 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08585 sMass=mPi;
08586 }
08587 else
08588 {
08589 fQPDG=spQPDG;
08590 fMass=mSigP;
08591 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08592 sMass=mPi;
08593 }
08594 }
08595 else if(qM<mNKZ)
08596 {
08597 G4double ra=G4UniformRand();
08598 if(ra<.3)
08599 {
08600 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08601 fMass=mLamb;
08602 }
08603 else if(ra<.5)
08604 {
08605 fQPDG=szQPDG;
08606 fMass=mSigZ;
08607 }
08608 else if(ra<.7)
08609 {
08610 fQPDG=smQPDG;
08611 fMass=mSigM;
08612 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08613 sMass=mPi;
08614 }
08615 else if(ra<.9)
08616 {
08617 fQPDG=spQPDG;
08618 fMass=mSigP;
08619 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08620 sMass=mPi;
08621 }
08622 else
08623 {
08624 fQPDG=pQPDG;
08625 fMass=mProt;
08626 sQPDG=kmQPDG;
08627 sMass=mK;
08628 }
08629 }
08630 else
08631 {
08632 G4double ra=G4UniformRand();
08633 if(ra<.3)
08634 {
08635 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08636 fMass=mLamb;
08637 }
08638 else if(ra<.5)
08639 {
08640 fQPDG=szQPDG;
08641 fMass=mSigZ;
08642 }
08643 else if(ra<.65)
08644 {
08645 fQPDG=smQPDG;
08646 fMass=mSigM;
08647 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08648 sMass=mPi;
08649 }
08650 else if(ra<.8)
08651 {
08652 fQPDG=spQPDG;
08653 fMass=mSigP;
08654 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08655 sMass=mPi;
08656 }
08657 else if(ra<.9)
08658 {
08659 fQPDG=pQPDG;
08660 fMass=mProt;
08661 sQPDG=kmQPDG;
08662 sMass=mK;
08663 }
08664 else
08665 {
08666 fQPDG=nQPDG;
08667 fMass=mNeut;
08668 sQPDG=kzQPDG;
08669 sMass=mK0;
08670 }
08671 }
08672 }
08673 else if(theLC==1)
08674 {
08675 if(qM<mLPi)
08676 {
08677 if(qM < mSigP+eps)
08678 {
08679 #ifdef debug
08680 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: Fill SigmaPlus AsIs"<<G4endl;
08681 #endif
08682 qH->SetQPDG(spQPDG);
08683 HV->push_back(qH);
08684 if(qM+eps<mSigP)G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: Si+ AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
08685 return;
08686 }
08687 fQPDG=spQPDG;
08688 fMass=mSigP;
08689 sQPDG=gQPDG;
08690 sMass=0.;
08691 }
08692 else if(qM<mSpPi0)
08693 {
08694 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08695 fMass=mLamb;
08696 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08697 sMass=mPi;
08698 }
08699 else if(qM<mSzPi)
08700 {
08701 if(G4UniformRand()<.6)
08702 {
08703 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08704 fMass=mLamb;
08705 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08706 sMass=mPi;
08707 }
08708 else
08709 {
08710 fQPDG=spQPDG;
08711 fMass=mSigP;
08712 }
08713 }
08714 else if(qM<mPKZ)
08715 {
08716 G4double ra=G4UniformRand();
08717 if(ra<.4)
08718 {
08719 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08720 fMass=mLamb;
08721 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08722 sMass=mPi;
08723 }
08724 else if(ra<.7)
08725 {
08726 fQPDG=spQPDG;
08727 fMass=mSigP;
08728 }
08729 else
08730 {
08731 fQPDG=szQPDG;
08732 fMass=mSigZ;
08733 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08734 sMass=mPi;
08735 }
08736 }
08737 else
08738 {
08739 G4double ra=G4UniformRand();
08740 if(ra<.35)
08741 {
08742 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08743 fMass=mLamb;
08744 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08745 sMass=mPi;
08746 }
08747 else if(ra<.6)
08748 {
08749 fQPDG=spQPDG;
08750 fMass=mSigP;
08751 }
08752 else if(ra<.8)
08753 {
08754 fQPDG=szQPDG;
08755 fMass=mSigZ;
08756 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08757 sMass=mPi;
08758 }
08759 else
08760 {
08761 fQPDG=pQPDG;
08762 fMass=mProt;
08763 sQPDG=kzQPDG;
08764 sMass=mK0;
08765 }
08766 }
08767 }
08768 else if(theLC==-1)
08769 {
08770 if(qM<mLPi)
08771 {
08772 if(qM < mSigM+eps)
08773 {
08774 #ifdef debug
08775 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: Fill SigmaMinus AsIs"<<G4endl;
08776 #endif
08777 qH->SetQPDG(smQPDG);
08778 HV->push_back(qH);
08779 if(qM+eps<mSigM)G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: Si- AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
08780 return;
08781 }
08782 fQPDG=smQPDG;
08783 fMass=mSigM;
08784 sQPDG=gQPDG;
08785 sMass=0.;
08786 }
08787 else if(qM<mSzPi)
08788 {
08789 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08790 fMass=mLamb;
08791 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08792 sMass=mPi;
08793 }
08794 else if(qM<mSzPi)
08795 {
08796 if(G4UniformRand()<.6)
08797 {
08798 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08799 fMass=mLamb;
08800 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08801 sMass=mPi;
08802 }
08803 else
08804 {
08805 fQPDG=szQPDG;
08806 fMass=mSigZ;
08807 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08808 sMass=mPi;
08809 }
08810 }
08811 else if(qM<mPKZ)
08812 {
08813 G4double ra=G4UniformRand();
08814 if(ra<.4)
08815 {
08816 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08817 fMass=mLamb;
08818 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08819 sMass=mPi;
08820 }
08821 else if(ra<.7)
08822 {
08823 fQPDG=szQPDG;
08824 fMass=mSigZ;
08825 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08826 sMass=mPi;
08827 }
08828 else
08829 {
08830 fQPDG=smQPDG;
08831 fMass=mSigM;
08832 }
08833 }
08834 else
08835 {
08836 G4double ra=G4UniformRand();
08837 if(ra<.35)
08838 {
08839 fQPDG=lQPDG;
08840 fMass=mLamb;
08841 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08842 sMass=mPi;
08843 }
08844 else if(ra<.6)
08845 {
08846 fQPDG=szQPDG;
08847 fMass=mSigZ;
08848 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08849 sMass=mPi;
08850 }
08851 else if(ra<.8)
08852 {
08853 fQPDG=smQPDG;
08854 fMass=mSigM;
08855 }
08856 else
08857 {
08858 fQPDG=nQPDG;
08859 fMass=mNeut;
08860 sQPDG=kmQPDG;
08861 sMass=mK;
08862 }
08863 }
08864 }
08865 else if(theLC==2 || theLC==-2)
08866 {
08867 if(theLC==2 && qM>=mSpPi)
08868 {
08869 fQPDG=spQPDG;
08870 fMass=mSigP;
08871 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
08872 sMass=mPi;
08873 }
08874 if(theLC==-2 && qM>=mSmPi)
08875 {
08876 fQPDG=smQPDG;
08877 fMass=mSigM;
08878 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
08879 sMass=mPi;
08880 }
08881 else
08882 {
08883 #ifdef debug
08884 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecBary:*AsIs* Baryon(S=1,|C|=2),QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
08885 #endif
08886 HV->push_back(qH);
08887 return;
08888 }
08889 }
08890 else
08891 {
08895 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecBary:*AsIs* UnknownBaryon(S=1)QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
08896 HV->push_back(qH);
08897 return;
08898 }
08899 }
08900 else
08901 {
08902 #ifdef debug
08903 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::DecBary:*AsIso*UnknBaryon(AntiS),QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
08904 #endif
08905 HV->push_back(qH);
08906 return;
08907 }
08908 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
08909 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,sMass);
08910 G4double sum=fMass+sMass;
08911 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
08912 {
08913 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
08914 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
08915 }
08916 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
08917 {
08918 #ifdef debug
08919 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::DecBar:fPDG="<<fQPDG<<"(M="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sQPDG<<"(M="
08920 <<sMass<<") > TotM="<<q4M.m()<<G4endl;
08921 #endif
08922 if(!theEnvironment.GetA())
08923 {
08924 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(qH->GetQC(),qH->Get4Momentum());
08925 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true)) HV->push_back(qH);
08926 else delete qH;
08927 delete quasH;
08928 return;
08929 }
08930 else
08931 {
08932 delete qH;
08933 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
08934 ed << "Baryon DecayIn2 error: Can't Correct, *EmptyEnv*="
08935 << theEnvironment << G4endl;
08936 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::DecayBaryon()", "HAD_CHPS_0001",
08937 FatalException, ed);
08938 }
08939 }
08940 #ifdef debug
08941 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayBaryon: *DONE* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",fPDG="<<fQPDG<<", s4M="<<s4Mom
08942 <<",sPDG="<<sQPDG<<G4endl;
08943 #endif
08944 delete qH;
08946 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fQPDG,f4Mom);
08947 HV->push_back(H1);
08948 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sQPDG,s4Mom);
08949 HV->push_back(H2);
08950 }
08953 void G4QEnvironment::DecayMeson(G4QHadron* qH, G4QHadronVector* HV)
08954 {
08955 static const G4QPDGCode gQPDG(22);
08956 static const G4QPDGCode pizQPDG(111);
08957 static const G4QPDGCode pipQPDG(211);
08958 static const G4QPDGCode pimQPDG(-211);
08959 static const G4QPDGCode kmQPDG(-321);
08960 static const G4QPDGCode kzQPDG(-311);
08961 static const G4QPDGCode kpQPDG(321);
08962 static const G4QPDGCode akzQPDG(311);
08963 static const G4double mPi = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass();
08964 static const G4double mPi0 = G4QPDGCode(111).GetMass();
08965 static const G4double mK = G4QPDGCode(321).GetMass();
08966 static const G4double mK0 = G4QPDGCode(311).GetMass();
08967 static const G4double m2Pi0 = mPi0+ mPi0;
08968 static const G4double mPiPi0= mPi + mPi0;
08969 static const G4double mPiPi = mPi + mPi;
08970 static const G4double mKPi0 = mPi0+ mK;
08971 static const G4double mK0Pi0= mPi0+ mK0;
08972 static const G4double mKPi = mPi + mK;
08973 static const G4double mK0Pi = mPi + mK0;
08974 static const G4double mK0K = mK0 + mK;
08975 static const G4double mK0K0 = mK0 + mK0;
08976 static const G4double mKK = mK + mK;
08977 static const G4double eps = 0.003;
08979 G4int theLB= qH->GetBaryonNumber();
08980 if(theLB)
08981 {
08982 G4cerr<<"*Warning*G4QEnvironment::DecayMeson:A="<<theLB<<" != 0 -> Fill asIs"<<G4endl;
08983 #ifdef ppdebug
08985 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::DecayMeson()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
08986 FatalException, "Unknown Meson with A!=0");
08987 #endif
08988 HV->push_back(qH);
08989 return;
08990 }
08991 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum();
08992 G4double qM = q4M.m();
08993 G4int theLC= qH->GetCharge();
08994 G4int theLS= qH->GetStrangeness();
08995 if(qM < eps)
08996 {
08997 HV->push_back(qH);
08998 if(theLC || theLS) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecMes: S="<<theLS<<", C="<<theLC<<G4endl;
08999 return;
09000 }
09001 #ifdef debug
09002 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayMeson: *Called* S="<<theLS<<",C="<<theLC<<",4M="<<q4M<<qM<<G4endl;
09003 #endif
09005 G4QPDGCode fQPDG = pipQPDG;
09006 G4double fMass= mPi;
09007 G4QPDGCode sQPDG = pizQPDG;
09008 G4double sMass= mPi0;
09009 if(!theLS)
09010 {
09011 if(!theLC)
09012 {
09013 if(qM < m2Pi0)
09014 {
09015 if(qM < mPi0+eps)
09016 {
09017 #ifdef debug
09018 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Fill Pi0 AsIs"<<G4endl;
09019 #endif
09020 qH->SetQPDG(pizQPDG);
09021 HV->push_back(qH);
09022 if(qM+eps < mPi0)G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Pi0 AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
09023 return;
09024 }
09025 fQPDG=gQPDG;
09026 fMass=0.;
09027 #ifdef debug
09028 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Gamma+Pi0, M="<<qM<<",d="<<qM-mPi0<<G4endl;
09029 #endif
09030 }
09031 else if(qM < mPiPi)
09032 {
09033 fQPDG=pizQPDG;
09034 fMass=mPi0;
09035 }
09036 else
09037 {
09038 if(G4UniformRand() < .333333333)
09039 {
09040 fQPDG=pizQPDG;
09041 fMass=mPi0;
09042 }
09043 else
09044 {
09045 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
09046 sMass=mPi;
09047 }
09048 }
09049 }
09050 else if(theLC==1)
09051 {
09052 if(qM < mPiPi0)
09053 {
09054 if(qM < mPi+eps)
09055 {
09056 #ifdef debug
09057 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Fill Pi+ AsIs"<<G4endl;
09058 #endif
09059 qH->SetQPDG(pipQPDG);
09060 HV->push_back(qH);
09061 if(qM+eps < mPi) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Pi+ AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
09062 return;
09063 }
09064 sQPDG=gQPDG;
09065 sMass=0.;
09066 #ifdef debug
09067 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Gamma+Pi+, M="<<qM<<",d="<<qM-mPi0<<G4endl;
09068 #endif
09069 }
09071 }
09072 else if(theLC==2)
09073 {
09074 if(qM > mPiPi)
09075 {
09076 sQPDG=pipQPDG;
09077 sMass=mPi;
09078 }
09079 else
09080 {
09081 #ifdef debug
09082 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecayMeson:*AsIs* Meson++ M="<<qM<<",d="<<qM-mPiPi<<G4endl;
09083 #endif
09084 HV->push_back(qH);
09085 return;
09086 }
09087 }
09088 else if(theLC==-1)
09089 {
09090 if(qM < mPiPi0)
09091 {
09092 if(qM < mPi+eps)
09093 {
09094 #ifdef debug
09095 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Fill Pi- AsIs"<<G4endl;
09096 #endif
09097 qH->SetQPDG(pimQPDG);
09098 HV->push_back(qH);
09099 if(qM+eps < mPi) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Pi- AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
09100 return;
09101 }
09102 fQPDG=pimQPDG;
09103 sQPDG=gQPDG;
09104 sMass=0.;
09105 #ifdef debug
09106 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Gamma+Pi-, M="<<qM<<",d="<<qM-mPi<<G4endl;
09107 #endif
09108 }
09109 else fQPDG=pimQPDG;
09110 }
09111 else if(theLC==-2)
09112 {
09113 if(qM > mPiPi)
09114 {
09115 fQPDG=pimQPDG;
09116 sQPDG=pimQPDG;
09117 sMass=mPi;
09118 }
09119 else
09120 {
09121 #ifdef debug
09122 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecayMeson:*AsIs* Meson-- M="<<qM<<",d="<<qM-mPiPi<<G4endl;
09123 #endif
09124 HV->push_back(qH);
09125 return;
09126 }
09127 }
09128 else
09129 {
09130 #ifdef debug
09131 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecayMeson:*AsIs* UnknMeson (S=0) QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
09132 #endif
09133 HV->push_back(qH);
09134 return;
09135 }
09136 }
09137 else if( theLS == 1 )
09138 {
09139 if(!theLC)
09140 {
09141 if(qM < mKPi)
09142 {
09143 if(qM < mK0+eps)
09144 {
09145 #ifdef debug
09146 G4cout << "G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Fill K0 AsIs" << G4endl;
09147 #endif
09148 qH->SetQPDG(kzQPDG);
09149 HV->push_back(qH);
09150 if(qM+eps < mK0) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: K0 AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
09151 return;
09152 }
09153 fQPDG=kzQPDG;
09154 fMass=mK0;
09155 sQPDG=gQPDG;
09156 sMass=0.;
09157 }
09158 else if(qM < mK0Pi0)
09159 {
09160 sQPDG=kmQPDG;
09161 sMass=mK;
09162 }
09163 else
09164 {
09165 if(G4UniformRand()>.5)
09166 {
09167 sQPDG=kmQPDG;
09168 sMass=mK;
09169 }
09170 else
09171 {
09172 fQPDG=kzQPDG;
09173 fMass=mK0;
09174 }
09175 }
09176 }
09177 else if(theLC==-1)
09178 {
09179 if(qM < mKPi0)
09180 {
09181 if(qM < mK+eps)
09182 {
09183 #ifdef debug
09184 G4cout << "G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Fill K- AsIs" << G4endl;
09185 #endif
09186 qH->SetQPDG(kmQPDG);
09187 HV->push_back(qH);
09188 if(qM+eps < mK) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: K- AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
09189 return;
09190 }
09191 fQPDG=kmQPDG;
09192 fMass=mK;
09193 sQPDG=gQPDG;
09194 sMass=0.;
09195 }
09196 else if(qM < mKPi0)
09197 {
09198 fQPDG=kmQPDG;
09199 fMass=mK;
09200 }
09201 else
09202 {
09203 if(G4UniformRand()>.5)
09204 {
09205 fQPDG=kmQPDG;
09206 fMass=mK;
09207 }
09208 else
09209 {
09210 fQPDG=pimQPDG;
09211 sQPDG=kzQPDG;
09212 sMass=mK0;
09213 }
09214 }
09215 }
09216 else if(theLC== 1)
09217 {
09218 if(qM+eps < mK0Pi)
09219 {
09220 G4cout<<"-Warniong-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: LowMassPositive Strange Meson AsIs"<<G4endl;
09221 HV->push_back(qH);
09222 return;
09223 }
09224 else
09225 {
09226 sQPDG=kzQPDG;
09227 sMass=mK0;
09228 }
09229 }
09230 else if(theLC== -2)
09231 {
09232 if(qM+eps < mKPi)
09233 {
09234 G4cout<<"-Warniong-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: LowMassDNegativeStrange Meson AsIs"<<G4endl;
09235 HV->push_back(qH);
09236 return;
09237 }
09238 else
09239 {
09240 fQPDG=pimQPDG;
09241 sQPDG=kmQPDG;
09242 sMass=mK;
09243 }
09244 }
09245 else
09246 {
09247 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecMeson:*AsIs*UnknownMeson.(S=1), QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
09248 HV->push_back(qH);
09249 return;
09250 }
09251 }
09252 else if(theLS==2)
09253 {
09254 if(theLC== 0)
09255 {
09256 if(qM+eps < mK0K0)
09257 {
09258 G4cout<<"-Warniong-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: LowMassNeutral DStrange Meson AsIs"<<G4endl;
09259 HV->push_back(qH);
09260 return;
09261 }
09262 else
09263 {
09264 fQPDG=kzQPDG;
09265 fMass=mK0;
09266 sQPDG=kzQPDG;
09267 sMass=mK0;
09268 }
09269 }
09270 else if(theLC== -1)
09271 {
09272 if(qM+eps < mK0K)
09273 {
09274 G4cout<<"-Warniong-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: LowMassNegativeDStrange Meson AsIs"<<G4endl;
09275 HV->push_back(qH);
09276 return;
09277 }
09278 else
09279 {
09280 fQPDG=kmQPDG;
09281 fMass=mK;
09282 sQPDG=kzQPDG;
09283 sMass=mK0;
09284 }
09285 }
09286 else if(theLC==-2)
09287 {
09288 if(qM+eps < mKK)
09289 {
09290 G4cout<<"-Warniong-G4QEnv::DecayMeson:LowMassDNegativeADStrangeMeson AsIs"<<G4endl;
09291 HV->push_back(qH);
09292 return;
09293 }
09294 else
09295 {
09296 fQPDG=kmQPDG;
09297 fMass=mK;
09298 sQPDG=kmQPDG;
09299 sMass=mK;
09300 }
09301 }
09302 else
09303 {
09304 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecMeson:*AsIs*UnknownMeson.(S=2), QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
09305 HV->push_back(qH);
09306 return;
09307 }
09308 }
09309 else if( theLS ==-1 )
09310 {
09311 if(!theLC)
09312 {
09313 if(qM < mKPi)
09314 {
09315 if(qM < mK0+eps)
09316 {
09317 #ifdef debug
09318 G4cout << "G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Fill K0 AsIs" << G4endl;
09319 #endif
09320 qH->SetQPDG(akzQPDG);
09321 HV->push_back(qH);
09322 if(qM+eps < mK0) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: aK0 AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
09323 return;
09324 }
09325 fQPDG=akzQPDG;
09326 fMass=mK0;
09327 sQPDG=gQPDG;
09328 sMass=0.;
09329 }
09330 else if(qM < mK0Pi0)
09331 {
09332 fQPDG=pimQPDG;
09333 sQPDG=kpQPDG;
09334 sMass=mK;
09335 }
09336 else
09337 {
09338 if(G4UniformRand()>.5)
09339 {
09340 fQPDG=pimQPDG;
09341 sQPDG=kpQPDG;
09342 sMass=mK;
09343 }
09344 else
09345 {
09346 fQPDG=akzQPDG;
09347 fMass=mK0;
09348 }
09349 }
09350 }
09351 else if(theLC == 1)
09352 {
09353 if(qM < mKPi0)
09354 {
09355 if(qM < mK+eps)
09356 {
09357 #ifdef debug
09358 G4cout << "G4QEnv::DecayMeson: Fill K+ AsIs" << G4endl;
09359 #endif
09360 HV->push_back(qH);
09361 if(qM+eps < mK) G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: K+ AsIs, M="<<qM<<G4endl;
09362 return;
09363 }
09364 fQPDG=kpQPDG;
09365 fMass=mK;
09366 sQPDG=gQPDG;
09367 sMass=0.;
09368 }
09369 else if(qM < mKPi0)
09370 {
09371 fQPDG=kpQPDG;
09372 fMass=mK;
09373 }
09374 else
09375 {
09376 if(G4UniformRand()>.5)
09377 {
09378 fQPDG=kpQPDG;
09379 fMass=mK;
09380 }
09381 else
09382 {
09383 sQPDG=akzQPDG;
09384 sMass=mK0;
09385 }
09386 }
09387 }
09388 else if(theLC==-1)
09389 {
09390 if(qM+eps < mK0Pi)
09391 {
09392 G4cout<<"-Warniong-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: LowMassNegativeAStrange Meson AsIs"<<G4endl;
09393 HV->push_back(qH);
09394 return;
09395 }
09396 else
09397 {
09398 fQPDG=pimQPDG;
09399 sQPDG=akzQPDG;
09400 sMass=mK0;
09401 }
09402 }
09403 else if(theLC== 2)
09404 {
09405 if(qM+eps < mKPi)
09406 {
09407 G4cout<<"-Warniong-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: LowMassDPositiveStrange Meson AsIs"<<G4endl;
09408 HV->push_back(qH);
09409 return;
09410 }
09411 else
09412 {
09413 sQPDG=kpQPDG;
09414 sMass=mK;
09415 }
09416 }
09417 else
09418 {
09419 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecMeson:*AsIs*UnknownMeson.(S=-1),QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
09420 HV->push_back(qH);
09421 return;
09422 }
09423 }
09424 else if(theLS==-2)
09425 {
09426 if(theLC== 0)
09427 {
09428 if(qM+eps < mK0K0)
09429 {
09430 G4cout<<"-Warniong-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: LowMassNeutralADStrange Meson AsIs"<<G4endl;
09431 HV->push_back(qH);
09432 return;
09433 }
09434 else
09435 {
09436 fQPDG=akzQPDG;
09437 fMass=mK0;
09438 sQPDG=akzQPDG;
09439 sMass=mK0;
09440 }
09441 }
09442 else if(theLC== 1)
09443 {
09444 if(qM+eps < mK0K)
09445 {
09446 G4cout<<"-Warniong-G4QEnv::DecayMeson: LowMassPositiveADStrangeMeson AsIs"<<G4endl;
09447 HV->push_back(qH);
09448 return;
09449 }
09450 else
09451 {
09452 fQPDG=kpQPDG;
09453 fMass=mK;
09454 sQPDG=akzQPDG;
09455 sMass=mK0;
09456 }
09457 }
09458 else if(theLC== 2)
09459 {
09460 if(qM+eps < mKK)
09461 {
09462 G4cout<<"-Warniong-G4QEnv::DecayMeson:LowMassDPositiveADStrangeMeson AsIs"<<G4endl;
09463 HV->push_back(qH);
09464 return;
09465 }
09466 else
09467 {
09468 fQPDG=kpQPDG;
09469 fMass=mK;
09470 sQPDG=kpQPDG;
09471 sMass=mK;
09472 }
09473 }
09474 else
09475 {
09476 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QE::DecMeson:*AsIs*UnknownMeson.(S=-2),QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
09477 HV->push_back(qH);
09478 return;
09479 }
09480 }
09481 else
09482 {
09484 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::DecMeso: *Fill AsIso* UnknMeson, QC="<<qH->GetQC()<<G4endl;
09486 HV->push_back(qH);
09487 return;
09488 }
09489 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,fMass);
09490 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,sMass);
09491 G4double sum=fMass+sMass;
09492 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
09493 {
09494 f4Mom=q4M*(fMass/sum);
09495 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
09496 }
09497 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
09498 {
09499 #ifdef debug
09500 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::DecMes:fPDG="<<fQPDG<<"(M="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sQPDG<<"(M="
09501 <<sMass<<") > TotM="<<q4M.m()<<G4endl;
09502 #endif
09503 if(!theEnvironment.GetA())
09504 {
09505 G4Quasmon* quasH = new G4Quasmon(qH->GetQC(),qH->Get4Momentum());
09506 if(!CheckGroundState(quasH,true)) HV->push_back(qH);
09507 else delete qH;
09508 delete quasH;
09509 return;
09510 }
09511 else
09512 {
09513 delete qH;
09514 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
09515 ed << "Meson DecayIn2 error: Can't Correct, *EmptyEnv*="
09516 << theEnvironment << G4endl;
09517 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::DecayMeson()", "HAD_CHPS_0001",
09518 FatalException, ed);
09519 }
09520 }
09521 #ifdef debug
09522 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayMeson: *DONE* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",fPDG="<<fQPDG<<", s4M="<<s4Mom
09523 <<",sPDG="<<sQPDG<<G4endl;
09524 #endif
09525 delete qH;
09527 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fQPDG,f4Mom);
09528 HV->push_back(H1);
09529 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sQPDG,s4Mom);
09530 HV->push_back(H2);
09531 }
09534 void G4QEnvironment::DecayAntistrange(G4QHadron* qH, G4QHadronVector* HV)
09535 {
09536 static const G4QPDGCode kpQPDG(321);
09537 static const G4QPDGCode kzQPDG(311);
09538 static const G4double mK =G4QPDGCode(321).GetMass();
09539 static const G4double mK0=G4QPDGCode(311).GetMass();
09540 static const G4double eps=0.003;
09542 G4int theLS= qH->GetStrangeness();
09543 if(theLS>=0)
09544 {
09545 G4cerr<<"***G4QEnvironment::DecayAntistrange: S="<<theLS<<", but must be <0"<<G4endl;
09548 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::DecayAntistrange()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
09549 FatalException, "Not Antistrange nucleus");
09552 return;
09553 }
09560 G4int astr=-theLS;
09561 G4int theLB= qH->GetBaryonNumber();
09562 G4int theLC= qH->GetCharge();
09563 G4int qPDG = qH->GetPDGCode();
09564 G4int K0PDG= qPDG+astr*999999;
09565 G4QPDGCode K0QPDG(K0PDG);
09566 G4double rK0M=K0QPDG.GetMass();
09567 G4int KpPDG= qPDG+astr*999000;
09568 G4QPDGCode KpQPDG(KpPDG);
09569 G4double rKpM=KpQPDG.GetMass();
09570 G4LorentzVector q4M = qH->Get4Momentum();
09571 G4double qM = q4M.m();
09572 #ifdef debug
09573 G4cout<<"G4QE::DecayAntistrang:S="<<theLS<<",C="<<theLC<<",B="<<theLB<<",M="<<qM<<G4endl;
09574 #endif
09576 G4QPDGCode fQPDG = kzQPDG;
09577 G4double fMass= mK0;
09578 G4QPDGCode sQPDG = K0QPDG;
09579 G4double sMass= rK0M;
09580 if(astr*mK0+rK0M>qM)
09581 {
09582 if(astr*mK+rKpM>qM)
09583 {
09584 #ifdef debug
09586 G4cout<<"*Warning*G4QEnvironment::DecayAntistrange: Too low mass, keep AsIs"<<G4endl;
09587 #endif
09588 HV->push_back(qH);
09589 return;
09590 }
09591 else
09592 {
09593 fQPDG = kpQPDG;
09594 fMass= mK;
09595 sQPDG = KpQPDG;
09596 sMass= rKpM;
09597 }
09598 }
09599 else if(astr*mK+rKpM<qM && theLC>theLB-theLC)
09600 {
09601 fQPDG = kpQPDG;
09602 fMass= mK;
09603 sQPDG = KpQPDG;
09604 sMass= rKpM;
09605 }
09606 G4double afMass=fMass;
09607 if(astr>1) afMass*=astr;
09608 G4LorentzVector f4Mom(0.,0.,0.,afMass);
09609 G4LorentzVector s4Mom(0.,0.,0.,sMass);
09610 G4double sum=afMass+sMass;
09611 if(fabs(qM-sum)<eps)
09612 {
09613 f4Mom=q4M*(afMass/sum);
09614 s4Mom=q4M*(sMass/sum);
09615 }
09616 else if(qM<sum || !G4QHadron(q4M).DecayIn2(f4Mom, s4Mom))
09617 {
09618 #ifdef debug
09619 G4cout<<"--Warning--G4QE::DecAntistrange: fPDG="<<fQPDG<<"(M="<<fMass<<")+sPDG="<<sQPDG
09620 <<"(M="<<sMass<<") > TotM="<<q4M.m()<<G4endl;
09621 #endif
09624 G4ExceptionDescription ed;
09625 ed << "Nucleus DecayIn2 error: DecayAntistrange: M=" << qM << ", sum="
09626 << sum << G4endl;
09627 G4Exception("G4QEnvironment::DecayAntistrange()", "HAD_CHPS_0001",
09628 FatalException, ed);
09629 }
09630 #ifdef debug
09631 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayAntistrange: *Done* f4M="<<f4Mom<<",fPDG="<<fQPDG<<", s4M="<<s4Mom
09632 <<",sPDG="<<sQPDG<<G4endl;
09633 #endif
09634 delete qH;
09636 if(astr>1) f4Mom/=astr;
09637 G4QHadron* H1 = new G4QHadron(fQPDG,f4Mom);
09638 HV->push_back(H1);
09639 for(G4int ia=1; ia < astr; ++ia)
09640 {
09641 H1 = new G4QHadron(fQPDG,f4Mom);
09642 HV->push_back(H1);
09643 }
09644 G4QHadron* H2 = new G4QHadron(sQPDG,s4Mom);
09645 HV->push_back(H2);
09646 }
09650 G4bool G4QEnvironment::CheckGroundState(G4Quasmon* quasm, G4bool corFlag)
09651 {
09652 static const G4QPDGCode gamQPDG(22);
09653 static const G4QContent neutQC(2,1,0,0,0,0);
09654 static const G4QContent protQC(1,2,0,0,0,0);
09655 static const G4QContent lambQC(1,1,1,0,0,0);
09656 static const G4QContent pimQC(1,0,0,0,1,0);
09657 static const G4QContent pipQC(0,1,0,1,0,0);
09658 static const G4double mNeut= G4QPDGCode(2112).GetMass();
09659 static const G4double mProt= G4QPDGCode(2212).GetMass();
09660 static const G4double mLamb= G4QPDGCode(3122).GetMass();
09661 static const G4double mPi = G4QPDGCode(211).GetMass();
09666 G4QContent valQ=quasm->GetQC();
09667 G4int resQPDG=valQ.GetSPDGCode();
09668 G4int resB=valQ.GetBaryonNumber();
09669 G4int resC=valQ.GetCharge();
09670 G4int resS=valQ.GetStrangeness();
09671 if(resQPDG==10 && resB>0) resQPDG=valQ.GetZNSPDGCode();
09672 G4double resQMa=G4QPDGCode(resQPDG).GetMass();
09673 G4double resEMa=0.;
09674 G4bool bsCond=false;
09675 G4LorentzVector enva4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
09676 G4QContent reTQC=valQ;
09677 G4LorentzVector reTLV=quasm->Get4Momentum();
09678 G4double reTM=reTLV.m();
09679 G4int envPDG=theEnvironment.GetPDG();
09681 if ( resB > 1 &&
09682 ( ( !resS &&
09683 ( (resC == resB && reTM > resC*mProt) || (!resC && reTM > resB*mNeut) )
09684 ) ||
09685 (resS == resB && reTM > resS*mLamb)
09686 )
09687 )
09688 {
09689 #ifdef chdebug
09690 G4cout<<"::G4QE::CGS:*MultyB*E="<<envPDG<<",B="<<resB<<",C="<<resC<<",S"<<resS<<G4endl;
09691 #endif
09692 if(envPDG!=90000000)
09693 {
09694 resEMa=theEnvironment.GetMZNS();
09695 enva4M=theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
09696 G4LorentzVector toLV=reTLV+enva4M;
09697 enva4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,resEMa);
09698 reTLV=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,resQMa);
09699 if(G4QHadron(toLV).DecayIn2(reTLV,enva4M))
09700 {
09701 #ifdef debug
09702 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: fill EnvPDG="<<envPDG<<",4M="<<enva4M<<" and continue"<<G4endl;
09703 #endif
09704 theQHadrons.push_back(new G4QHadron(envPDG,enva4M));
09705 theEnvironment=G4QNucleus(G4QContent(0,0,0,0,0,0), G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.));
09706 }
09707 else G4cout<<"*G4QE::CGS:tM="<<toLV.m()<<toLV<<"<q="<<resQMa<<"+EM="<<resEMa<<G4endl;
09708 }
09709 G4int baPDG=3122;
09710 if(!resS) baPDG = (!resC) ? 2112 : 2212;
09711 #ifdef debug
09712 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: fill "<<resB<<" of "<<baPDG<<" with t4M="<<reTLV<<G4endl;
09713 #endif
09714 reTLV/=resB;
09715 for(G4int ib=0; ib<resB; ib++) theQHadrons.push_back(new G4QHadron(baPDG,reTLV));
09716 return true;
09717 }
09718 #ifdef cdebug
09719 if(resQPDG==89998005)
09720 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:Q="<<valQ<<resQPDG<<",GM="<<resQMa<<",4M="<<reTLV<<reTLV.m()<<G4endl;
09721 #endif
09722 G4double resSMa=resQMa;
09723 enva4M=theEnvironment.Get4Momentum();
09724 if(envPDG!=90000000 && fabs(enva4M.m2())>1.)
09725 {
09726 resEMa=theEnvironment.GetMZNS();
09727 #ifdef cdebug
09728 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:EnvironmentExists,gsM="<<resEMa<<",4M="<<enva4M<<enva4M.m()<<G4endl;
09729 #endif
09730 reTQC+=theEnvironment.GetQCZNS();
09731 reTLV+=enva4M;
09733 resSMa=G4QPDGCode(reTQC).GetMass();
09734 }
09735 else
09736 {
09737 G4double resQM=reTLV.m();
09738 G4int baryn=valQ.GetBaryonNumber();
09739 if(baryn>1)
09740 {
09741 if(valQ.GetN())
09742 {
09743 G4QContent resQC=valQ-neutQC;
09744 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode();
09745 if(resPDG==10&&resQC.GetBaryonNumber()>0) resPDG=resQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
09746 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass();
09747 if(resMas+mNeut<resQM) bsCond=true;
09748 }
09749 else if(valQ.GetP())
09750 {
09751 G4QContent resQC=valQ-protQC;
09752 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode();
09753 if(resPDG==10&&resQC.GetBaryonNumber()>0) resPDG=resQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
09754 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass();
09755 if(resMas+mProt<resQM) bsCond=true;
09756 }
09757 else if(valQ.GetL())
09758 {
09759 G4QContent resQC=valQ-lambQC;
09760 G4int resPDG=resQC.GetSPDGCode();
09761 if(resPDG==10&&resQC.GetBaryonNumber()>0) resPDG=resQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
09762 G4double resMas=G4QPDGCode(resPDG).GetMass();
09763 if(resMas+mLamb<resQM) bsCond=true;
09764 }
09765 }
09766 }
09767 G4double resTMa=reTLV.m();
09769 G4int nOfOUT = theQHadrons.size();
09770 #ifdef cdebug
09771 G4int reTPDG=reTQC.GetSPDGCode();
09772 if(reTPDG==10&&reTQC.GetBaryonNumber()>0) reTPDG=reTQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
09773 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CheckGS:(tM="<<resTMa<<"<rQM+rEM="<<resSMa<<",d="<<resSMa-resTMa
09774 <<" || rEM="<<resEMa<<"=0 & "<<!bsCond<<"=1) & n="<<nOfOUT<<">0 & F="<<corFlag
09775 <<" then the correction must be done for PDG="<<reTPDG<<G4endl;
09776 #endif
09777 if ( (resTMa < resSMa || (!resEMa && !bsCond) ) && nOfOUT > 0 && corFlag)
09778 {
09779 G4QHadron* theLast = theQHadrons[nOfOUT-1];
09780 G4int cNf=theLast->GetNFragments();
09781 G4int crPDG=theLast->GetPDGCode();
09782 #ifdef cdebug
09783 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: **Correction** lNF="<<cNf<<",lPDG="<<crPDG<<",Q4M="<<reTLV<<G4endl;
09784 #endif
09785 G4LorentzVector hadr4M = theLast->Get4Momentum();
09786 G4double hadrMa=hadr4M.m();
09787 G4LorentzVector tmpTLV=reTLV+hadr4M;
09788 #ifdef cdebug
09789 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:YES, s4M/M="<<tmpTLV<<tmpTLV.m()<<">rSM+hM="<<resSMa+hadrMa<<G4endl;
09790 #endif
09791 G4double tmpTM=tmpTLV.m();
09792 if(tmpTM>resSMa+hadrMa &&!cNf && crPDG!=22)
09793 {
09794 if(resEMa)
09795 {
09796 G4LorentzVector quas4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,resQMa);
09797 enva4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,resEMa);
09798 if(tmpTM>=resQMa+resEMa+hadrMa && G4QHadron(tmpTLV).DecayIn3(hadr4M,quas4M,enva4M))
09799 {
09801 #ifdef debug
09802 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: Modify the Last 4-momentum to "<<hadr4M<<G4endl;
09803 #endif
09804 theLast->Set4Momentum(hadr4M);
09805 G4QHadron* quasH = new G4QHadron(valQ, quas4M);
09806 G4QContent theEQC=theEnvironment.GetQCZNS();
09807 G4QHadron* envaH = new G4QHadron(theEQC,enva4M);
09808 #ifdef debug
09809 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: Fill Quasm "<<valQ<<quas4M<<" in any form"<<G4endl;
09810 #endif
09811 EvaporateResidual(quasH, false);
09812 #ifdef debug
09813 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: Fill envir "<<theEQC<<enva4M<<" in any form"<<G4endl;
09814 #endif
09816 envaH->Set4Momentum(enva4M);
09817 EvaporateResidual(envaH);
09819 theEnvironment=G4QNucleus(G4QContent(0,0,0,0,0,0), G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.));
09820 }
09821 else
09822 {
09823 #ifdef cdebug
09824 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::CheckGroundState: Decay in Frag+ResQ+ResE error"<<G4endl;
09825 #endif
09826 return false;
09827 }
09828 }
09829 else
09830 {
09831 G4LorentzVector quas4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,resQMa);
09832 G4QHadron* quasH = new G4QHadron(valQ, quas4M);
09833 if(tmpTM>=resQMa+hadrMa && G4QHadron(tmpTLV).DecayIn2(hadr4M,quas4M))
09834 {
09836 theLast->Set4Momentum(hadr4M);
09837 #ifdef debug
09838 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: modify theLast 4M="<<hadr4M<<hadr4M.m()<<G4endl;
09839 #endif
09840 quasH->Set4Momentum(quas4M);
09841 #ifdef debug
09842 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: fill newQH "<<valQ<<quas4M<<quas4M.m()<<" inAnyForm"<<G4endl;
09843 #endif
09844 EvaporateResidual(quasH, false);
09845 }
09846 else
09847 {
09848 delete quasH;
09849 #ifdef cdebug
09850 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::CheckGS: Decay in Fragm+ResQ did not succeeded"<<G4endl;
09851 #endif
09852 return false;
09853 }
09854 }
09855 }
09856 else
09857 {
09858 #ifdef cdebug
09859 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CheckGS: the Last did not help, nH="<<nOfOUT<<G4endl;
09860 #endif
09861 if(nOfOUT>1)
09862 {
09863 G4QHadron* thePrev = theQHadrons[nOfOUT-2];
09864 if(thePrev->GetNFragments()||thePrev->GetNFragments()) return false;
09865 G4LorentzVector prev4M = thePrev->Get4Momentum();
09866 G4double prevMa=prev4M.m();
09867 tmpTLV+=prev4M;
09868 G4int totPDG=reTQC.GetSPDGCode();
09869 if(totPDG==10&&reTQC.GetBaryonNumber()>0) totPDG=reTQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
09870 G4double tQMa=G4QPDGCode(totPDG).GetMass();
09871 #ifdef cdebug
09872 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:T3="<<tmpTLV<<tmpTLV.m()<<">t+h+p="<<tQMa+hadrMa+prevMa<<G4endl;
09873 #endif
09874 if(tmpTLV.m()>tQMa+hadrMa+prevMa)
09875 {
09876 G4LorentzVector nuc4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tQMa);
09877 G4QHadron* nucH = new G4QHadron(reTQC, nuc4M);
09878 if(!G4QHadron(tmpTLV).DecayIn3(hadr4M,prev4M,nuc4M))
09879 {
09880 delete nucH;
09881 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4QE::CGS:DecayIn ResNuc+LastH+PrevH Error"<<G4endl;
09882 return false;
09883 }
09884 else
09885 {
09886 theLast->Set4Momentum(hadr4M);
09887 thePrev->Set4Momentum(prev4M);
09888 nucH->Set4Momentum(nuc4M);
09889 #ifdef cdebug
09890 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:*SUCCESS**>CHECK, D4M="<<tmpTLV-hadr4M-prev4M-nuc4M<<G4endl;
09891 #endif
09892 #ifdef debug
09893 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: Fill nucleus "<<reTQC<<nuc4M<<" in any form"<<G4endl;
09894 #endif
09895 EvaporateResidual(nucH, false);
09896 }
09897 }
09898 else
09899 {
09900 #ifdef cdebug
09901 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:Prev&Last didn't help,nH="<<nOfOUT<<">2, MQ="<<resQMa<<G4endl;
09902 #endif
09903 G4int nphot=-1;
09904 G4int npip=-1;
09905 G4int npiz=-1;
09906 G4int npim=-1;
09907 G4double emaz=0.;
09908 for(G4int id=nOfOUT-1; id>=0; id--)
09909 {
09910 G4QHadron* curHadr = theQHadrons[id];
09911 G4int hPDG=curHadr->GetPDGCode();
09912 if(hPDG == 22) nphot=id;
09913 else if(hPDG==211 && npip<1) npip=id;
09914 else if(hPDG==111)
09915 {
09916 G4double piE=curHadr->Get4Momentum().e();
09917 #ifdef chdebug
09918 G4cout<<"::G4QE::CheckGroundState:"<<id<<",Epi0="<<piE<<">"<<emaz<<G4endl;
09919 #endif
09920 if(piE>emaz)
09921 {
09922 npiz=id;
09923 emaz=piE;
09924 }
09925 }
09926 else if(hPDG==-211 && npim<1) npim=id;
09927 }
09928 if(nphot>=0)
09929 {
09930 G4QHadron* curHadr = theQHadrons[nphot];
09931 G4LorentzVector ch4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
09932 G4LorentzVector tt4M=ch4M+reTLV;
09933 G4double ttM=tt4M.m();
09934 if(resQMa<ttM)
09935 {
09936 G4LorentzVector quas4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,resSMa);
09937 G4QHadron* rqH = new G4QHadron(reTQC,quas4M);
09938 if(!G4QHadron(tt4M).DecayIn2(ch4M,quas4M))
09939 {
09940 delete rqH;
09941 #ifdef cdebug
09942 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::CheckGS: Decay in Photon+ResQ tM="<<ttM<<G4endl;
09943 #endif
09944 }
09945 else
09946 {
09947 curHadr->Set4Momentum(ch4M);
09948 rqH->Set4Momentum(quas4M);
09949 #ifdef cdebug
09950 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:nPhot="<<nphot<<",ph4M="<<ch4M<<"+r4M="<<quas4M<<G4endl;
09951 #endif
09952 #ifdef debug
09953 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: Fill Resid "<<reTQC<<quas4M<<" in any form"<<G4endl;
09954 #endif
09955 EvaporateResidual(rqH, false);
09956 if(envPDG!=90000000) theEnvironment=G4QNucleus(G4QContent(0,0,0,0,0,0),
09957 G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.));
09958 return true;
09959 }
09960 }
09961 }
09962 #ifdef chdebug
09963 if(resQPDG==89998004) G4cout<<"::G4QE::CGS:S="<<resS<<",B="<<resB<<",C="<<resC
09964 <<",+#"<<npip<<",-#"<<npim<<",0#"<<npiz<<",E="<<envPDG<<G4endl;
09965 #endif
09967 if (envPDG == 90000000 && !resS && resB > 1 &&
09968 ((npip >= 0 && resC == -2) || (npim >= 0 && resC-resB == 2)) )
09969 {
09970 G4int npi=npip;
09971 G4int piPD=-211;
09972 G4int nuPD=2112;
09973 G4double nuM=mNeut;
09974 if(resC!=-2)
09975 {
09976 npi=npim;
09977 piPD=211;
09978 nuPD=2212;
09979 nuM=mProt;
09980 }
09981 G4QPDGCode piQPDG(piPD);
09982 G4int rB=resB-1;
09983 G4double suB=rB*nuM;
09984 G4double suM=suB+nuM+mPi;
09985 G4QHadron* curHadr = theQHadrons[npi];
09986 G4LorentzVector ch4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
09987 G4LorentzVector tt4M=ch4M+reTLV;
09988 G4double ttM=tt4M.m();
09989 #ifdef cdebug
09990 if(resQPDG==89998005)
09991 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:Sm="<<suM<<"<Tot="<<ttM<<tt4M
09992 <<",pi="<<ch4M<<",Q="<<reTLV.m()<<reTLV<<G4endl;
09993 #endif
09994 if(suM<ttM)
09995 {
09996 G4LorentzVector fn4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,suB);
09997 G4LorentzVector sn4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,nuM);
09998 G4LorentzVector pi4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
09999 if(!G4QHadron(tt4M).DecayIn3(fn4M,sn4M,pi4M))
10000 {
10001 #ifdef cdebug
10002 if(resQPDG==89998005)
10003 G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::CheckGS:DecayIn3 2N+Pi,tM="<<ttM<<","<<suM<<G4endl;
10004 #endif
10005 }
10006 else
10007 {
10008 if(rB>1) fn4M/=rB;
10009 for(G4int ib=0; ib<rB; ib++)
10010 {
10011 G4QHadron* fnH = new G4QHadron(nuPD,fn4M);
10012 #ifdef debug
10013 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: fill Nucleon #"<<ib<<", "<<nuPD<<fn4M<<G4endl;
10014 #endif
10015 theQHadrons.push_back(fnH);
10016 }
10017 G4QHadron* snH = new G4QHadron(nuPD,sn4M);
10018 #ifdef debug
10019 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: fill the Last Nucleon, "<<nuPD<<sn4M<<G4endl;
10020 #endif
10021 theQHadrons.push_back(snH);
10022 curHadr->Set4Momentum(pi4M);
10023 curHadr->SetQPDG(piQPDG);
10024 #ifdef cdebug
10025 if(resQPDG==89998005)
10026 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:1="<<nuPD<<fn4M<<rB<<",2="<<sn4M<<",p="<<pi4M<<G4endl;
10027 #endif
10028 return true;
10029 }
10030 }
10031 }
10032 if(envPDG==90000000&&!resS&&resB>1&&npiz>=0&&(resC<-1||resC-resB>1))
10033 {
10034 #ifdef chdebug
10035 G4cout<<"*::*G4QE::CGS:Pi0,rPDG="<<resQPDG<<",rC="<<resC<<",rB="<<resB<<G4endl;
10036 #endif
10037 G4int npi=-resC;
10038 G4int piPD=-211;
10039 G4int nuPD=2112;
10040 G4double nuM=mNeut;
10041 if(resC!=-2)
10042 {
10043 npi=resC-resB;
10044 piPD=211;
10045 nuPD=2212;
10046 nuM=mProt;
10047 }
10048 G4QPDGCode piQPDG(piPD);
10049 G4double suB=resB*nuM;
10050 G4double suM=npi*mPi;
10051 G4double sum=suB+suM;
10052 G4QHadron* curHadr = theQHadrons[npiz];
10053 G4LorentzVector ch4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
10054 G4LorentzVector tt4M=ch4M+reTLV;
10055 G4double ttM=tt4M.m();
10056 #ifdef chdebug
10057 G4cout<<"::G4QE::CGS:sum="<<sum<<"<"<<ttM<<tt4M<<",pi0="<<ch4M<<",Q="
10058 <<reTLV.m()<<reTLV<<G4endl;
10059 #endif
10060 if(sum<ttM)
10061 {
10062 G4LorentzVector fn4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,suB);
10063 G4LorentzVector pi4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,suM);
10064 if(G4QHadron(tt4M).DecayIn2(fn4M,pi4M))
10065 {
10066 if(npi>1) pi4M/=npi;
10067 curHadr->Set4Momentum(pi4M);
10068 curHadr->SetQPDG(piQPDG);
10069 if(npi>1) for(G4int ip=1; ip<npi; ip++)
10070 {
10071 G4QHadron* piH = new G4QHadron(piPD,pi4M);
10072 #ifdef debug
10073 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: fill Pion #"<<ip<<", "<<piPD<<pi4M<<G4endl;
10074 #endif
10075 theQHadrons.push_back(piH);
10076 }
10077 if(resB>1) fn4M/=resB;
10078 for(G4int ib=0; ib<resB; ib++)
10079 {
10080 G4QHadron* fnH = new G4QHadron(nuPD,fn4M);
10081 #ifdef debug
10082 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: fill IsoNucleon #"<<ib<<", "<<nuPD<<fn4M<<G4endl;
10083 #endif
10084 theQHadrons.push_back(fnH);
10085 }
10086 #ifdef chdebug
10087 G4cout<<"::G4QE::CGS:nucl="<<nuPD<<fn4M<<resB<<",pion="<<pi4M<<npi<<G4endl;
10088 #endif
10090 return true;
10091 }
10092 #ifdef chdebug
10093 else G4cout<<"*::*G4QEnv::CheckGS:DecayIn3:*Pi0* tM="<<ttM<<","<<sum<<G4endl;
10094 #endif
10095 }
10096 }
10097 #ifdef cdebug
10098 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: Photons can't help nP="<<nphot<<". TryChangeCharge."<<G4endl;
10099 #endif
10101 G4int reTBN=reTQC.GetBaryonNumber();
10102 G4int reTCH=reTQC.GetCharge();
10103 G4bool isoN = reTCH-reTBN>0 || reTCH<0;
10104 G4bool norN = reTCH<=reTBN || reTCH>=0;
10105 G4double nnM=resSMa;
10106 G4QContent ipiQC=pipQC;
10107 G4QContent nnQC=reTQC+pimQC;
10108 G4int nnPDG=nnQC.GetSPDGCode();
10109 if((!nnPDG||nnPDG==10)&&nnQC.GetBaryonNumber()>0) nnPDG=nnQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
10110 #ifdef cdebug
10111 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: nnPDR="<<nnPDG<<". TryChangeCharge nOUT="<<nOfOUT<<",Iso="
10112 <<isoN<<",Nor="<<norN<<",C="<<reTCH<<",B="<<reTBN<<G4endl;
10113 #endif
10114 if(isoN)
10115 {
10116 if(reTCH<0)
10117 {
10118 ipiQC=pimQC;
10119 nnQC=reTQC+pipQC;
10120 nnPDG=nnQC.GetSPDGCode();
10121 if(nnPDG==10&&nnQC.GetBaryonNumber()>0) nnPDG=nnQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
10122 }
10123 G4QPDGCode nnQPDG(nnPDG);
10124 if(nnPDG<80000000) nnM=nnQPDG.GetMass();
10125 else nnM=nnQPDG.GetNuclMass(nnPDG);
10126 }
10127 G4bool chx2g=true;
10128 G4bool force=false;
10129 while(chx2g)
10130 {
10131 if(force) chx2g=false;
10132 for(G4int hd=nOfOUT-1; hd>=0; hd--)
10133 {
10134 G4QHadron* curHadr = theQHadrons[hd];
10135 G4int chNF=curHadr->GetNFragments();
10136 G4int chCH=curHadr->GetCharge();
10137 G4int chBN=curHadr->GetBaryonNumber();
10139 G4LorentzVector ch4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
10140 #ifdef cdebug
10141 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:#"<<hd<<",ch="<<chCH<<",b="<<chBN<<",4M="<<ch4M<<G4endl;
10142 #endif
10143 if(!chNF)
10144 {
10145 G4LorentzVector tt4M=ch4M+reTLV;
10146 G4double chM=ch4M.m();
10147 G4double ttM=tt4M.m();
10148 if(isoN)
10149 {
10150 if(nnM+mPi+chM<ttM)
10151 {
10152 #ifdef cdebug
10153 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:CurH+ResQ+Pion t="<<tt4M<<ttM<<",cM="<<chM<<",rM="
10154 <<nnM<<", d="<<ttM-chM-nnM-mPi<<G4endl;
10155 #endif
10156 ch4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,chM);
10157 G4LorentzVector quas4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,nnM);
10158 G4LorentzVector ipi4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,mPi);
10159 if(G4QHadron(tt4M).DecayIn3(ch4M,ipi4M,quas4M))
10160 {
10161 curHadr->Set4Momentum(ch4M);
10162 G4QHadron* rpH = new G4QHadron(ipiQC,ipi4M);
10163 #ifdef debug
10164 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS: fill Pion "<<ipiQC<<ipi4M<<G4endl;
10165 #endif
10166 theQHadrons.push_back(rpH);
10167 G4QHadron* rqH = new G4QHadron(nnQC,quas4M);
10168 #ifdef debug
10169 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:Fill isoRes "<<nnQC<<quas4M<<" inAnyForm"<<G4endl;
10170 #endif
10171 #ifdef cdebug
10173 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:#"<<hd<<"is h="<<curHadr->GetPDGCode()<<ch4M
10174 <<curHadr->Get4Momentum()<<" + rq="<<nnPDG<<quas4M<<" + pi="
10175 <<ipiQC<<ipi4M<<G4endl;
10176 #endif
10177 EvaporateResidual(rqH, false);
10178 if(envPDG!=90000000)theEnvironment=G4QNucleus(G4QContent(0,0,0,0,0,0)
10179 ,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.));
10180 return true;
10181 }
10182 #ifdef cdebug
10183 else G4cout<<"***G4QE::CGS:DecIn3 CurH+ResQ+Pion dM="<<ttM-chM<<G4endl;
10184 #endif
10185 }
10186 if ( (reTCH < 0 && chCH > 0) || (reTCH > reTBN && chCH < chBN) )
10187 {
10188 G4QContent chQC=curHadr->GetQC();
10189 if(reTCH<0)chQC+=pimQC;
10190 else chQC+=pipQC;
10191 G4QPDGCode nnQPDG=G4QPDGCode(nnPDG);
10192 nnM=nnQPDG.GetMass();
10193 G4QPDGCode chQPDG=G4QPDGCode(chQC.GetSPDGCode());
10194 chM=chQPDG.GetMass();
10195 if(force && nnPDG==111) nnM=0.;
10196 #ifdef cdebug
10197 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:ChargeExchange,cx="<<chx2g<<",rC="<<reTCH<<",rB="
10198 <<reTBN<<",rM="<<nnM<<",hC="<<chCH<<",hB="<<chBN<<",hM="<<chM
10199 <<",rM+hB="<<nnM+chM<<" < "<<ttM<<G4endl;
10200 #endif
10201 if(nnM+chM<ttM)
10202 {
10203 G4LorentzVector quas4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,nnM);
10204 G4LorentzVector gam4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
10205 ch4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,chM);
10206 G4QHadron* rqH = new G4QHadron(nnQPDG,quas4M);
10207 if(!nnM)
10208 {
10209 if(!G4QHadron(tt4M).DecayIn3(ch4M,quas4M,gam4M))
10210 {
10211 delete rqH;
10212 #ifdef cdebug
10213 G4cout<<"***G4QE::CGS:DecayIn3 CurH+2Gammas,d="<<ttM-chM<<G4endl;
10214 #endif
10215 }
10216 else
10217 {
10218 if(chCH+reTCH-chQC.GetCharge()-nnQC.GetCharge())
10219 G4cout<<"**G4QE::CGS:ChEx CH+2G i="<<reTCH<<"+h="<<chCH<<", f="
10220 <<nnQC.GetCharge()<<"+o="<<chQC.GetCharge()<<G4endl;
10221 curHadr->Set4Momentum(ch4M);
10222 curHadr->SetQPDG(chQPDG);
10223 #ifdef cdebug
10224 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:SubstituteH#"<<hd<<"->"<<chQPDG<<ch4M<<G4endl;
10225 #endif
10226 rqH->Set4Momentum(quas4M);
10227 rqH->SetQPDG(gamQPDG);
10228 theQHadrons.push_back(rqH);
10229 #ifdef debug
10230 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:Fill (SubRQ) Gamma 1,(22)4M="<<quas4M<<G4endl;
10231 #endif
10232 G4QHadron* gamH = new G4QHadron(gamQPDG, gam4M);
10233 theQHadrons.push_back(gamH);
10234 #ifdef debug
10235 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:Fill newMadeGamma 2, (22) 4M="<<gam4M<<G4endl;
10236 #endif
10237 if(envPDG!=90000000) theEnvironment=
10238 G4QNucleus(G4QContent(0,0,0,0,0,0),G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.));
10239 return true;
10240 }
10241 }
10242 else
10243 {
10244 if(!G4QHadron(tt4M).DecayIn2(ch4M,quas4M))
10245 {
10246 delete rqH;
10247 #ifdef cdebug
10248 G4cout<<"**G4QE::CGS:DecayIn2 CurH+ResQ d="<<ttM-chM-nnM<<G4endl;
10249 #endif
10250 }
10251 else
10252 {
10253 if(chCH+reTCH-chQC.GetCharge()-nnQC.GetCharge())
10254 G4cout<<"**G4QE::CGS:ChEx CH+RQ i="<<reTCH<<"+h="<<chCH<<", f="
10255 <<nnQC.GetCharge()<<"+o="<<chQC.GetCharge()<<G4endl;
10256 curHadr->Set4Momentum(ch4M);
10257 curHadr->SetQPDG(chQPDG);
10258 rqH->Set4Momentum(quas4M);
10259 #ifdef cdebug
10260 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:#"<<hd<<",h="<<ch4M<<"+rq="<<quas4M<<G4endl;
10261 #endif
10262 #ifdef debug
10263 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:FilFr "<<nnQPDG<<quas4M<<" inAnyForm"<<G4endl;
10264 #endif
10265 EvaporateResidual(rqH, false);
10266 if(envPDG!=90000000) theEnvironment=
10267 G4QNucleus(G4QContent(0,0,0,0,0,0),G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.));
10268 return true;
10269 }
10270 }
10271 }
10272 else
10273 {
10274 #ifdef cdebug
10275 G4cout<<"**G4QE::CGS:rM+hB="<<nnM+chM<<">"<<ttM<<",B="<<chBN<<G4endl;
10276 #endif
10277 if(chBN>1)
10278 {
10279 G4QContent tcQC=chQC+nnQC;
10280 G4QPDGCode tcQPDG(tcQC);
10281 G4double tcM=tcQPDG.GetMass();
10282 G4QHadron* tcH = new G4QHadron(tcQPDG,tt4M);
10283 G4int tcS=tcQC.GetStrangeness();
10284 G4int tcC=tcQC.GetCharge();
10285 G4int tcBN=tcQC.GetBaryonNumber();
10287 if ( tcBN == 2 || (!tcS && !tcC) || tcS == tcBN || tcC == tcBN )
10288 {
10289 if(tcBN==2) theEnvironment.DecayDibaryon(tcH,&theQHadrons);
10290 else theEnvironment.DecayMultyBaryon(tcH,&theQHadrons);
10291 G4QHadron* theLast_value = theQHadrons[theQHadrons.size()-1];
10292 curHadr->Set4Momentum(theLast_value->Get4Momentum());
10293 G4QPDGCode lQP=theLast_value->GetQPDG();
10294 if(lQP.GetPDGCode()!=10) curHadr->SetQPDG(lQP);
10295 else curHadr->SetQC(theLast_value->GetQC());
10296 theQHadrons.pop_back();
10297 delete theLast_value;
10298 }
10299 else if(tcM<ttM)
10300 {
10301 G4LorentzVector tc4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,tcM);
10302 G4LorentzVector gc4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
10303 if(!G4QHadron(tt4M).DecayIn2(tc4M,gc4M))
10304 {
10305 delete tcH;
10306 curHadr->Set4Momentum(tt4M);
10307 curHadr->SetQPDG(tcQPDG);
10308 #ifdef cdebug
10309 G4cout<<"**G4QE::CGS:DecayIn2 TotComp+gam d="<<ttM-tcM<<G4endl;
10310 #endif
10311 }
10312 else
10313 {
10314 curHadr->Set4Momentum(gc4M);
10315 curHadr->SetQPDG(gamQPDG);
10316 tcH->Set4Momentum(tc4M);
10317 #ifdef cdebug
10318 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:#"<<hd<<",ch="<<ch4M<<"+t4M="<<tc4M<<G4endl;
10319 #endif
10320 #ifdef debug
10321 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:FilTC "<<tcQPDG<<tc4M<<" inAnyForm"<<G4endl;
10322 #endif
10323 EvaporateResidual(tcH, false);
10324 }
10325 }
10326 else
10327 {
10328 #ifdef cdebug
10329 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:**CEF,M="<<tcM<<">"<<ttM<<",B="<<chBN<<G4endl;
10330 #endif
10331 delete tcH;
10332 curHadr->Set4Momentum(tt4M);
10333 curHadr->SetQPDG(tcQPDG);
10334 }
10335 return true;
10336 }
10337 }
10338 }
10339 }
10340 else if(norN)
10341 {
10342 if(resSMa+chM<ttM)
10343 {
10344 G4LorentzVector quas4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,resSMa);
10345 G4QHadron* rqH = new G4QHadron(reTQC,quas4M);
10346 if(!G4QHadron(tt4M).DecayIn2(ch4M,quas4M))
10347 {
10348 delete rqH;
10349 #ifdef cdebug
10350 G4cout<<"***G4QE::CheckGS:Decay in CurH+ResQ dM="<<ttM-chM<<G4endl;
10351 #endif
10352 }
10353 else
10354 {
10355 curHadr->Set4Momentum(ch4M);
10356 rqH->Set4Momentum(quas4M);
10357 #ifdef cdebug
10358 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CheckGS:#"<<hd<<",ch4M="<<curHadr->GetPDGCode()
10359 <<ch4M<<" + ResQ4M="<<totPDG<<quas4M<<G4endl;
10360 #endif
10361 #ifdef debug
10362 G4cout<<"G4QE::CGS:Fill GSRes "<<reTQC<<quas4M<<" inAnyForm"<<G4endl;
10363 #endif
10364 EvaporateResidual(rqH, false);
10365 if(envPDG!=90000000)theEnvironment=G4QNucleus(G4QContent(0,0,0,0,0,0)
10366 ,G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.));
10367 return true;
10368 }
10369 }
10370 }
10371 }
10372 }
10373 #ifdef cdebug
10374 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CheckGS:***Any hadron from the OUTPUT did not help"<<G4endl;
10375 #endif
10376 force=true;
10377 }
10378 if(resB>1)
10379 {
10380 G4int hind=-1;
10381 if(npiz>-1) hind=npiz;
10382 else
10383 {
10384 if(resC+resC>resB && npim>-1) hind=npim;
10385 else hind=npip;
10386 }
10387 if(hind>-1)
10388 {
10389 G4QHadron* curHadr = theQHadrons[hind];
10390 G4int chNF=curHadr->GetNFragments();
10391 if(!chNF)
10392 {
10393 G4LorentzVector ch4M=curHadr->Get4Momentum();
10394 G4LorentzVector tt4M=ch4M+reTLV;
10395 G4double ttM=tt4M.m();
10396 G4QContent ttQC=valQ+curHadr->GetQC();
10397 G4int ttPDG=ttQC.GetZNSPDGCode();
10398 G4QPDGCode ttQPDG(ttPDG);
10399 G4double ttGSM=ttQPDG.GetMass();
10400 if(ttM>ttGSM && ttQC.GetStrangeness()>0)
10401 {
10402 ttPDG-=ttQC.GetStrangeness()*999999;
10403 ttQPDG=G4QPDGCode(ttPDG);
10404 ttGSM=ttQPDG.GetMass();
10405 #ifdef debug
10406 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CheckGS:Hypernucleus degraded to QPDG="<<ttQPDG<<G4endl;
10407 #endif
10408 }
10409 if(ttM>ttGSM)
10410 {
10411 #ifdef cdebug
10412 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::CheckGS: Decay in ResQ="<<ttQPDG<<" & 2 gammas"<<G4endl;
10413 #endif
10414 G4LorentzVector quas4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,ttGSM);
10415 G4LorentzVector fgam4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
10416 G4LorentzVector sgam4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
10417 if(!G4QHadron(tt4M).DecayIn3(quas4M,fgam4M,sgam4M))G4cout<<"*3*"<<G4endl;
10418 else
10419 {
10420 curHadr->Set4Momentum(fgam4M);
10421 curHadr->SetQPDG(gamQPDG);
10422 G4QHadron* sgH = new G4QHadron(gamQPDG,sgam4M);
10423 theQHadrons.push_back(sgH);
10424 G4QHadron* rqH = new G4QHadron(ttQPDG,quas4M);
10425 theQHadrons.push_back(rqH);
10426 return true;
10427 }
10428 }
10429 #ifdef debug
10430 else G4cout<<"-W-G4QEn::CheckGS:M="<<ttM<<" < GSM="<<ttGSM<<ttQPDG<<G4endl;
10431 #endif
10432 }
10433 }
10434 }
10435 return false;
10436 }
10437 }
10438 else return false;
10439 }
10440 }
10441 else return false;
10442 return true;
10443 }
10446 void G4QEnvironment::CopyAndDeleteHadronVector(G4QHadronVector* HV)
10447 {
10448 G4int nHadrons = HV->size();
10449 if(nHadrons)
10450 {
10451 for(G4int ih=0; ih<nHadrons; ++ih)
10452 {
10454 G4QHadron* inH = (*HV)[ih];
10455 G4int hNF = inH->GetNFragments();
10456 if(!hNF)
10457 {
10458 #ifdef debug
10459 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::Copy&DeleteHV:#"<<ih<<", hPDG="<<inH->GetPDGCode()<<G4endl;
10460 #endif
10461 G4QHadron* curH = new G4QHadron(inH);
10462 theQHadrons.push_back(curH);
10463 }
10464 }
10465 for_each(HV->begin(), HV->end(), DeleteQHadron());
10466 HV->clear();
10467 }
10468 #ifdef debug
10469 else G4cout<<"***G4QEnv::Kopy&DelHV: No hadrons in the QHadronVector"<<G4endl;
10470 #endif
10471 delete HV;
10472 }
10475 G4bool G4QEnvironment::DecayInEnvQ(G4Quasmon* quasm)
10476 {
10477 G4QContent valQ=quasm->GetQC();
10478 G4int resQPDG=valQ.GetSPDGCode();
10479 if(resQPDG==10&&valQ.GetBaryonNumber()>0) resQPDG=valQ.GetZNSPDGCode();
10480 G4double resQMa=G4QPDGCode(resQPDG).GetMass();
10481 G4LorentzVector enva4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
10482 G4LorentzVector reTLV=quasm->Get4Momentum();
10483 G4double resSMa=resQMa;
10484 G4int envPDG=theEnvironment.GetPDG();
10485 if(envPDG!=90000000)
10486 {
10487 G4double resEMa=theEnvironment.GetMZNS();
10488 enva4M=G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,resEMa);
10489 reTLV+=enva4M;
10490 resSMa+=resEMa;
10491 G4double resTMa=reTLV.m();
10493 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::DecayInEnvQ: totM="<<reTLV<<resTMa<<" > rQM+rEM="<<resSMa<<G4endl;
10495 if(resTMa>resSMa)
10496 {
10497 G4LorentzVector quas4M = G4LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,resQMa);
10498 G4QHadron* quasH = new G4QHadron(valQ, quas4M);
10499 G4QHadron* envaH = new G4QHadron(envPDG, enva4M);
10500 if(!G4QHadron(reTLV).DecayIn2(enva4M,quas4M))
10501 {
10502 delete quasH;
10503 delete envaH;
10504 G4cout<<"---Warning---G4Q::DecInEnvQ:Decay in Environment+ResidualQuasmon"<<G4endl;
10505 return false;
10506 }
10507 else
10508 {
10509 quasH->Set4Momentum(quas4M);
10510 EvaporateResidual(quasH);
10511 envaH->Set4Momentum(enva4M);
10512 EvaporateResidual(envaH);
10513 }
10514 }
10515 else return false;
10516 }
10517 else return false;
10518 return true;
10519 }
10522 void G4QEnvironment::AddQuasmon(G4Quasmon* Q)
10523 {
10524 theQuasmons.push_back(Q);
10525 totCharge+=Q->GetCharge();
10526 totBaryoN+=Q->GetBaryonNumber();
10527 tot4Mom +=Q->Get4Momentum();
10528 #ifdef debug
10529 G4cout<<"G4QEnv::AddQuasmon:t4M="<<tot4Mom<<",tC="<<totCharge<<",tB="<<totBaryoN<<G4endl;
10530 #endif
10531 }
10534 void G4QEnvironment::CheckMassShell(G4QHadronVector* HV)
10535 {
10536 static const G4double eps=.003;
10537 G4int nHadrons = HV->size();
10538 if(nHadrons)
10539 {
10540 for(G4int ih=0; ih<nHadrons; ++ih)
10541 {
10542 G4QHadron* inH = (*HV)[ih];
10543 G4int hNF = inH->GetNFragments();
10544 if(!hNF)
10545 {
10546 G4LorentzVector q4M = inH->Get4Momentum();
10547 G4double qM2 = q4M.m2();
10548 G4double qGM = inH->GetQPDG().GetMass();
10549 G4double qGM2= qGM*qGM;
10550 #ifdef debug
10551 G4cout << "G4QEnv::ChkMassShell:#" << ih <<", hPDG="<< inH->GetPDGCode() <<", dM2="
10552 << qM2 - qGM*qGM << G4endl;
10553 #endif
10554 if( fabs(qM2 - qGM*qGM) > eps)
10555 {
10556 G4double mins= 10000000000.;
10557 G4int nj = -1;
10558 for(G4int jh=0; jh<nHadrons; ++jh)
10559 {
10560 if(jh != ih)
10561 {
10562 G4QHadron* jnH = (*HV)[jh];
10563 hNF = inH->GetNFragments();
10564 if(!hNF)
10565 {
10566 G4LorentzVector j4M = jnH->Get4Momentum();
10567 G4double jGM = jnH->GetQPDG().GetMass();
10568 G4double jGM2= jGM*jGM;
10569 G4LorentzVector s4M = j4M+q4M;
10570 G4double jqM = qGM * jGM;
10571 G4double s2M = s4M.m2()-qGM2-jGM2-jqM-jqM;
10572 if(s2M > eps && s2M < mins)
10573 {
10574 mins = s2M;
10575 nj = jh;
10576 }
10577 }
10578 }
10579 }
10582 if(nj >= 0)
10583 {
10584 G4QHadron* jnH = (*HV)[nj];
10585 G4LorentzVector j4M = jnH->Get4Momentum();
10586 G4double jGM = jnH->GetQPDG().GetMass();
10587 G4LorentzVector c4M = q4M + j4M;
10588 G4LorentzVector i4Mom(0.,0.,0.,qGM);
10589 G4LorentzVector j4Mom(0.,0.,0.,jGM);
10595 if(!G4QHadron(c4M).DecayIn2(i4Mom, j4Mom))
10596 {
10597 G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QEnv::ChkMShell: tM="<< c4M.m() <<", iM="<< qGM <<", jM="
10598 << jGM <<", d="<< c4M.m()-qGM-jGM << G4endl;
10603 }
10604 else
10605 {
10606 inH->Set4Momentum(i4Mom);
10607 jnH->Set4Momentum(j4Mom);
10608 }
10609 }
10610 }
10611 }
10612 }
10613 }
10614 }