G4CollisionOutput Class Reference

#include <G4CollisionOutput.hh>

Public Member Functions

 G4CollisionOutput ()
G4CollisionOutputoperator= (const G4CollisionOutput &right)
void setVerboseLevel (G4int verbose)
void reset ()
void add (const G4CollisionOutput &right)
void addOutgoingParticle (const G4InuclElementaryParticle &particle)
void addOutgoingParticles (const std::vector< G4InuclElementaryParticle > &particles)
void addOutgoingNucleus (const G4InuclNuclei &nuclei)
void addOutgoingNuclei (const std::vector< G4InuclNuclei > &nuclea)
void addOutgoingParticle (const G4CascadParticle &cparticle)
void addOutgoingParticles (const std::vector< G4CascadParticle > &cparticles)
void addOutgoingParticles (const G4ReactionProductVector *rproducts)
void addRecoilFragment (const G4Fragment *aFragment)
void addRecoilFragment (const G4Fragment &aFragment)
void removeOutgoingParticle (G4int index)
void removeOutgoingParticle (const G4InuclElementaryParticle &particle)
void removeOutgoingParticle (const G4InuclElementaryParticle *particle)
void removeOutgoingNucleus (G4int index)
void removeOutgoingNucleus (const G4InuclNuclei &nuclei)
void removeOutgoingNucleus (const G4InuclNuclei *nuclei)
void removeRecoilFragment ()
G4int numberOfOutgoingParticles () const
const std::vector< G4InuclElementaryParticle > & getOutgoingParticles () const
std::vector< G4InuclElementaryParticle > & getOutgoingParticles ()
G4int numberOfOutgoingNuclei () const
const std::vector< G4InuclNuclei > & getOutgoingNuclei () const
std::vector< G4InuclNuclei > & getOutgoingNuclei ()
const G4FragmentgetRecoilFragment () const
G4FragmentgetRecoilFragment ()
G4LorentzVector getTotalOutputMomentum () const
G4int getTotalCharge () const
G4int getTotalBaryonNumber () const
G4int getTotalStrangeness () const
void printCollisionOutput (std::ostream &os=G4cout) const
void boostToLabFrame (const G4LorentzConvertor &convertor)
G4LorentzVector boostToLabFrame (G4LorentzVector mom, const G4LorentzConvertor &convertor) const
void rotateEvent (const G4LorentzRotation &rotate)
void trivialise (G4InuclParticle *bullet, G4InuclParticle *target)
void setOnShell (G4InuclParticle *bullet, G4InuclParticle *target)
void setRemainingExitationEnergy ()
double getRemainingExitationEnergy () const
G4bool acceptable () const

Detailed Description

Definition at line 65 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G4CollisionOutput::G4CollisionOutput (  ) 

Definition at line 77 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4cout, and G4endl.

00078   : verboseLevel(0), eex_rest(0), on_shell(false) {
00079   if (verboseLevel > 1)
00080     G4cout << " >>> G4CollisionOutput::G4CollisionOutput" << G4endl;
00081 }

Member Function Documentation

G4bool G4CollisionOutput::acceptable (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

Referenced by G4InuclCollider::collide(), and G4IntraNucleiCascader::finishCascade().

00166 { return on_shell; };

void G4CollisionOutput::add ( const G4CollisionOutput right  ) 

Definition at line 106 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References addOutgoingNuclei(), addOutgoingParticles(), outgoingNuclei, outgoingParticles, and theRecoilFragment.

Referenced by G4PreCompoundDeexcitation::collide(), G4InuclCollider::collide(), G4CascadeDeexcitation::collide(), G4CascadeCheckBalance::collide(), G4InuclCollider::deexcite(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::finalize(), and G4InuclCollider::rescatter().

00106                                                           {
00107   addOutgoingParticles(right.outgoingParticles);
00108   addOutgoingNuclei(right.outgoingNuclei);
00109   theRecoilFragment = right.theRecoilFragment;
00110 }

void G4CollisionOutput::addOutgoingNuclei ( const std::vector< G4InuclNuclei > &  nuclea  ) 

Definition at line 120 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

Referenced by add(), G4Fissioner::collide(), and G4CascadeCheckBalance::collide().

00120                                                                                 {
00121   outgoingNuclei.insert(outgoingNuclei.end(), nuclea.begin(), nuclea.end());
00122 }

void G4CollisionOutput::addOutgoingNucleus ( const G4InuclNuclei nuclei  )  [inline]

Definition at line 84 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

References G4InuclParticleNames::nuclei.

Referenced by G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator::collide(), and G4EquilibriumEvaporator::collide().

00084                                                        {
00085     outgoingNuclei.push_back(nuclei);
00086   };

void G4CollisionOutput::addOutgoingParticle ( const G4CascadParticle cparticle  ) 

Definition at line 126 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References addOutgoingParticle(), and G4CascadParticle::getParticle().

00126                                                                              {
00127   addOutgoingParticle(cparticle.getParticle());
00128 }

void G4CollisionOutput::addOutgoingParticle ( const G4InuclElementaryParticle particle  )  [inline]

Definition at line 78 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

Referenced by addOutgoingParticle(), addOutgoingParticles(), G4PreCompoundDeexcitation::collide(), G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator::collide(), G4EquilibriumEvaporator::collide(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::decayTrappedParticle(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::finishCascade(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::generateCascade(), and G4IntraNucleiCascader::processTrappedParticle().

00078                                                                       {
00079     outgoingParticles.push_back(particle);
00080   }

void G4CollisionOutput::addOutgoingParticles ( const G4ReactionProductVector rproducts  ) 

Definition at line 137 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4cout, G4endl, numberOfOutgoingNuclei(), numberOfOutgoingParticles(), G4InuclParticle::PreCompound, and G4InuclElementaryParticle::type().

00137                                                                                      {
00138   if (!rproducts) return;               // Sanity check, no error if null
00140   if (verboseLevel) {
00141     G4cout << " >>> G4CollisionOutput::addOutgoingParticles(G4RPVector)"
00142            << G4endl;
00143   }
00145   G4ReactionProductVector::const_iterator j;
00146   for (j=rproducts->begin(); j!=rproducts->end(); ++j) {
00147     G4ParticleDefinition* pd = (*j)->GetDefinition();
00148     G4int type = G4InuclElementaryParticle::type(pd);
00150     // FIXME:  Momentum returned by value; extra copying here!
00151     G4LorentzVector mom((*j)->GetMomentum(), (*j)->GetTotalEnergy());
00152     mom /= GeV;         // Convert from GEANT4 to Bertini units
00154     if (verboseLevel>1)
00155       G4cout << " Processing " << pd->GetParticleName() << " (" << type
00156              << "), momentum " << mom << " GeV" << G4endl;
00158     // Nucleons and nuclei are jumbled together in the list
00159     // NOTE: Resize and set/fill avoid unnecessary temporary copies
00160     if (type) {
00161       outgoingParticles.resize(numberOfOutgoingParticles()+1);
00162       outgoingParticles.back().fill(mom, pd, G4InuclParticle::PreCompound);
00164       if (verboseLevel>1) G4cout << outgoingParticles.back() << G4endl;
00165     } else {
00166       outgoingNuclei.resize(numberOfOutgoingNuclei()+1);
00167       outgoingNuclei.back().fill(mom,pd->GetAtomicMass(),pd->GetAtomicNumber(),
00168                                  0.,G4InuclParticle::PreCompound);
00170       if (verboseLevel>1) G4cout << outgoingNuclei.back() << G4endl;
00171     }
00172   }
00173 }

void G4CollisionOutput::addOutgoingParticles ( const std::vector< G4CascadParticle > &  cparticles  ) 

Definition at line 130 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References addOutgoingParticle().

00130                                                                                           {
00131   for (unsigned i=0; i<cparticles.size(); i++)
00132     addOutgoingParticle(cparticles[i]);
00133 }

void G4CollisionOutput::addOutgoingParticles ( const std::vector< G4InuclElementaryParticle > &  particles  ) 

Definition at line 115 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

Referenced by add(), G4ElementaryParticleCollider::collide(), G4CascadeDeexcitation::collide(), G4CascadeCheckBalance::collide(), G4BigBanger::collide(), G4PreCompoundDeexcitation::deExcite(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::finishCascade(), and G4IntraNucleiCascader::setupCascade().

00115                                                                                                   {
00116   outgoingParticles.insert(outgoingParticles.end(),
00117                            particles.begin(), particles.end());
00118 }

void G4CollisionOutput::addRecoilFragment ( const G4Fragment aFragment  )  [inline]

Definition at line 101 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

00101                                                       {
00102     theRecoilFragment = aFragment;
00103   }

void G4CollisionOutput::addRecoilFragment ( const G4Fragment aFragment  )  [inline]

Definition at line 97 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

Referenced by G4IntraNucleiCascader::finishCascade().

00097                                                       {
00098     if (aFragment) addRecoilFragment(*aFragment);
00099   }

G4LorentzVector G4CollisionOutput::boostToLabFrame ( G4LorentzVector  mom,
const G4LorentzConvertor convertor 
) const

Definition at line 322 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4LorentzConvertor::backToTheLab(), G4LorentzConvertor::reflectionNeeded(), and G4LorentzConvertor::rotate().

00323                                                                               {
00324   if (convertor.reflectionNeeded()) mom.setZ(-mom.z());
00325   mom = convertor.rotate(mom);
00326   mom = convertor.backToTheLab(mom);
00328   return mom;
00329 }

void G4CollisionOutput::boostToLabFrame ( const G4LorentzConvertor convertor  ) 

Definition at line 294 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4cout, G4endl, G4Fragment::GetA(), G4Fragment::GetMomentum(), and G4Fragment::SetMomentum().

Referenced by G4InuclCollider::collide(), and G4EquilibriumEvaporator::collide().

00294                                                                            {
00295   if (verboseLevel > 1)
00296     G4cout << " >>> G4CollisionOutput::boostToLabFrame" << G4endl;
00298   if (!outgoingParticles.empty()) { 
00299     particleIterator ipart = outgoingParticles.begin();
00300     for(; ipart != outgoingParticles.end(); ipart++) {
00301       ipart->setMomentum(boostToLabFrame(ipart->getMomentum(), convertor));
00302     }
00304     std::sort(outgoingParticles.begin(), outgoingParticles.end(),
00305               G4ParticleLargerEkin());
00306   }
00308   if (!outgoingNuclei.empty()) { 
00309     nucleiIterator inuc = outgoingNuclei.begin();
00310     for (; inuc != outgoingNuclei.end(); inuc++) {
00311       inuc->setMomentum(boostToLabFrame(inuc->getMomentum(), convertor)); 
00312     }
00313   }
00315   if (theRecoilFragment.GetA() > 0.) {
00316     theRecoilFragment.SetMomentum(boostToLabFrame(theRecoilFragment.GetMomentum(), convertor));
00317   }
00318 }

std::vector<G4InuclNuclei>& G4CollisionOutput::getOutgoingNuclei (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 139 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

00139 { return outgoingNuclei; };

const std::vector<G4InuclNuclei>& G4CollisionOutput::getOutgoingNuclei (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 135 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

Referenced by G4Analyser::analyse(), G4InuclEvaporation::BreakItUp(), G4EquilibriumEvaporator::collide(), G4CascadeDeexcitation::collide(), G4CascadeInterface::copyOutputToHadronicResult(), G4CascadeInterface::copyOutputToReactionProducts(), and G4IntraNucleiCascader::releaseSecondary().

00135                                                             {
00136     return outgoingNuclei;
00137   };

std::vector<G4InuclElementaryParticle>& G4CollisionOutput::getOutgoingParticles (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 129 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

00129                                                                {
00130     return outgoingParticles;
00131   };

const std::vector<G4InuclElementaryParticle>& G4CollisionOutput::getOutgoingParticles (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 125 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

Referenced by G4Analyser::analyse(), G4InuclEvaporation::BreakItUp(), G4EquilibriumEvaporator::collide(), G4CascadeDeexcitation::collide(), G4CascadeInterface::copyOutputToHadronicResult(), G4CascadeInterface::copyOutputToReactionProducts(), G4CascadeInterface::coulombBarrierViolation(), G4CascadeCoalescence::FindClusters(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::finishCascade(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::generateCascade(), G4NucleiModel::generateParticleFate(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::releaseSecondary(), G4CascadeInterface::retryInelasticNucleus(), and G4CascadeInterface::retryInelasticProton().

00125                                                                            {
00126     return outgoingParticles;
00127   };

G4Fragment& G4CollisionOutput::getRecoilFragment (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 143 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

00143 { return theRecoilFragment; }

const G4Fragment& G4CollisionOutput::getRecoilFragment (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 141 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

Referenced by G4InuclCollider::collide(), and G4InuclCollider::rescatter().

00141 { return theRecoilFragment; }

double G4CollisionOutput::getRemainingExitationEnergy (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

00165 { return eex_rest; };

G4int G4CollisionOutput::getTotalBaryonNumber (  )  const

Definition at line 245 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4cout, G4endl, and G4Fragment::GetA_asInt().

Referenced by G4CascadeCheckBalance::collide().

00245                                                     {
00246   if (verboseLevel > 1)
00247     G4cout << " >>> G4CollisionOutput::getTotalBaryonNumber" << G4endl;
00249   G4int baryon = 0;
00250   G4int i(0);
00251   for(i=0; i < G4int(outgoingParticles.size()); i++) {
00252     baryon += outgoingParticles[i].baryon();
00253   }
00254   for(i=0; i < G4int(outgoingNuclei.size()); i++) {
00255     baryon += G4int(outgoingNuclei[i].getA());
00256   }
00257   baryon += theRecoilFragment.GetA_asInt();
00259   return baryon;
00260 }

G4int G4CollisionOutput::getTotalCharge (  )  const

Definition at line 228 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4cout, G4endl, and G4Fragment::GetZ_asInt().

Referenced by G4CascadeCheckBalance::collide().

00228                                               {
00229   if (verboseLevel > 1)
00230     G4cout << " >>> G4CollisionOutput::getTotalCharge" << G4endl;
00232   G4int charge = 0;
00233   G4int i(0);
00234   for(i=0; i < G4int(outgoingParticles.size()); i++) {
00235     charge += G4int(outgoingParticles[i].getCharge());
00236   }
00237   for(i=0; i < G4int(outgoingNuclei.size()); i++) {
00238     charge += G4int(outgoingNuclei[i].getCharge());
00239   }
00240   charge += theRecoilFragment.GetZ_asInt();
00242   return charge;
00243 }

G4LorentzVector G4CollisionOutput::getTotalOutputMomentum (  )  const

Definition at line 211 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4cout, G4endl, and G4Fragment::GetMomentum().

Referenced by G4CascadeCheckBalance::collide(), and setOnShell().

00211                                                                 {
00212   if (verboseLevel > 1)
00213     G4cout << " >>> G4CollisionOutput::getTotalOutputMomentum" << G4endl;
00215   G4LorentzVector tot_mom;
00216   G4int i(0);
00217   for(i=0; i < G4int(outgoingParticles.size()); i++) {
00218     tot_mom += outgoingParticles[i].getMomentum();
00219   }
00220   for(i=0; i < G4int(outgoingNuclei.size()); i++) {
00221     tot_mom += outgoingNuclei[i].getMomentum();
00222   }
00223   tot_mom += theRecoilFragment.GetMomentum()/GeV;       // Need Bertini units!
00225   return tot_mom;
00226 }

G4int G4CollisionOutput::getTotalStrangeness (  )  const

Definition at line 262 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4cout, and G4endl.

Referenced by G4CascadeCheckBalance::collide().

00262                                                    {
00263   if (verboseLevel > 1)
00264     G4cout << " >>> G4CollisionOutput::getTotalStrangeness" << G4endl;
00266   G4int strange = 0;
00267   G4int i(0);
00268   for(i=0; i < G4int(outgoingParticles.size()); i++) {
00269     strange += outgoingParticles[i].getStrangeness();
00270   }
00272   return strange;
00273 }

G4int G4CollisionOutput::numberOfOutgoingNuclei (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 133 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

Referenced by addOutgoingParticles(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::copySecondaries(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::releaseSecondary(), removeOutgoingNucleus(), and G4CascadeInterface::retryInelasticNucleus().

00133 { return outgoingNuclei.size(); };

G4int G4CollisionOutput::numberOfOutgoingParticles (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 123 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

Referenced by addOutgoingParticles(), G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator::collide(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::copySecondaries(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::finishCascade(), G4NucleiModel::generateParticleFate(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::releaseSecondary(), removeOutgoingParticle(), and G4CascadeInterface::retryInelasticNucleus().

00123 { return outgoingParticles.size(); }

G4CollisionOutput & G4CollisionOutput::operator= ( const G4CollisionOutput right  ) 

Definition at line 84 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References eex_rest, on_shell, outgoingNuclei, outgoingParticles, theRecoilFragment, and verboseLevel.

00085 {
00086   if (this != &right) {
00087     verboseLevel = right.verboseLevel;
00088     outgoingParticles = right.outgoingParticles;
00089     outgoingNuclei = right.outgoingNuclei; 
00090     theRecoilFragment = right.theRecoilFragment;
00091     eex_rest = right.eex_rest;
00092     on_shell = right.on_shell;
00093   }
00094   return *this;
00095 }

void G4CollisionOutput::printCollisionOutput ( std::ostream &  os = G4cout  )  const

Definition at line 276 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4endl, and G4Fragment::GetA().

Referenced by G4CascadeInterface::ApplyYourself(), G4EvaporationInuclCollider::collide(), G4CascadeCoalescence::FindClusters(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::finishCascade(), G4NucleiModel::generateParticleFate(), G4CascadeInterface::Propagate(), setOnShell(), G4CascadeInterface::throwNonConservationFailure(), and G4CascadeColliderBase::validateOutput().

00276                                                                  {
00277   os << " Output: " << G4endl
00278      << " Outgoing Particles: " << outgoingParticles.size() << G4endl;
00280   G4int i(0);
00281   for(i=0; i < G4int(outgoingParticles.size()); i++)
00282     os << outgoingParticles[i] << G4endl;
00284   os << " Outgoing Nuclei: " << outgoingNuclei.size() << G4endl;      
00285   for(i=0; i < G4int(outgoingNuclei.size()); i++)
00286     os << outgoingNuclei[i] << G4endl;
00288   if (theRecoilFragment.GetA() > 0) os << theRecoilFragment << G4endl;
00289 }

void G4CollisionOutput::removeOutgoingNucleus ( const G4InuclNuclei nuclei  )  [inline]

Definition at line 115 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

References G4InuclParticleNames::nuclei, and removeOutgoingNucleus().

00115                                                           {
00116     if (nuclei) removeOutgoingNucleus(*nuclei);
00117   }

void G4CollisionOutput::removeOutgoingNucleus ( const G4InuclNuclei nuclei  ) 

Definition at line 196 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4InuclParticleNames::nuclei.

00196                                                                          {
00197   nucleiIterator pos =
00198     std::find(outgoingNuclei.begin(), outgoingNuclei.end(), nuclei);
00199   if (pos != outgoingNuclei.end()) outgoingNuclei.erase(pos);
00200 }

void G4CollisionOutput::removeOutgoingNucleus ( G4int  index  ) 

Definition at line 183 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References numberOfOutgoingNuclei().

Referenced by removeOutgoingNucleus().

00183                                                          {
00184   if (index >= 0 && index < numberOfOutgoingNuclei())
00185     outgoingNuclei.erase(outgoingNuclei.begin()+(size_t)index);
00186 }

void G4CollisionOutput::removeOutgoingParticle ( const G4InuclElementaryParticle particle  )  [inline]

Definition at line 109 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

References removeOutgoingParticle().

00109                                                                          {
00110     if (particle) removeOutgoingParticle(*particle);
00111   }

void G4CollisionOutput::removeOutgoingParticle ( const G4InuclElementaryParticle particle  ) 

Definition at line 190 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

00190                                                                                         {
00191   particleIterator pos =
00192     std::find(outgoingParticles.begin(), outgoingParticles.end(), particle);
00193   if (pos != outgoingParticles.end()) outgoingParticles.erase(pos);
00194 }

void G4CollisionOutput::removeOutgoingParticle ( G4int  index  ) 

Definition at line 178 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References numberOfOutgoingParticles().

Referenced by removeOutgoingParticle().

00178                                                           {
00179   if (index >= 0 && index < numberOfOutgoingParticles())
00180     outgoingParticles.erase(outgoingParticles.begin()+(size_t)index);
00181 }

void G4CollisionOutput::removeRecoilFragment (  ) 

Definition at line 204 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

Referenced by G4InuclCollider::collide(), G4InuclCollider::rescatter(), and reset().

00204                                              {
00205   static const G4Fragment emptyFragment;        // Default ctor is all zeros
00206   theRecoilFragment = emptyFragment;
00207 }

void G4CollisionOutput::reset (  ) 

Definition at line 97 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References removeRecoilFragment().

Referenced by G4CascadeInterface::ApplyYourself(), G4PreCompoundDeexcitation::collide(), G4InuclCollider::collide(), G4EquilibriumEvaporator::collide(), G4CascadeDeexcitation::collide(), G4CascadeCheckBalance::collide(), G4InuclCollider::deexcite(), G4NucleiModel::generateParticleFate(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::newCascade(), G4CascadeInterface::Propagate(), G4InuclCollider::rescatter(), and trivialise().

00097                               {
00098   outgoingNuclei.clear();
00099   outgoingParticles.clear();
00100   removeRecoilFragment();
00101 }

void G4CollisionOutput::rotateEvent ( const G4LorentzRotation rotate  ) 

Definition at line 333 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4cout, G4endl, G4Fragment::GetA(), G4Fragment::GetMomentum(), and G4Fragment::SetMomentum().

Referenced by G4CascadeInterface::ApplyYourself().

00333                                                                    {
00334   if (verboseLevel > 1)
00335     G4cout << " >>> G4CollisionOutput::rotateEvent" << G4endl;
00337   particleIterator ipart = outgoingParticles.begin();
00338   for(; ipart != outgoingParticles.end(); ipart++)
00339     ipart->setMomentum(ipart->getMomentum()*=rotate);
00341   nucleiIterator inuc = outgoingNuclei.begin();
00342   for (; inuc != outgoingNuclei.end(); inuc++)
00343     inuc->setMomentum(inuc->getMomentum()*=rotate);
00345   if (theRecoilFragment.GetA() > 0.) {
00346     G4LorentzVector mom = theRecoilFragment.GetMomentum();      // Need copy
00347     theRecoilFragment.SetMomentum(mom*=rotate);
00348   }
00350 }

void G4CollisionOutput::setOnShell ( G4InuclParticle bullet,
G4InuclParticle target 

Definition at line 378 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4cout, G4endl, G4Fragment::GetA(), G4Fragment::GetExcitationEnergy(), G4Fragment::GetMomentum(), G4InuclParticle::getMomentum(), getTotalOutputMomentum(), printCollisionOutput(), G4Fragment::SetMomentum(), and setRemainingExitationEnergy().

Referenced by G4InuclCollider::collide(), and G4IntraNucleiCascader::finishCascade().

00379                                                             {
00380   if (verboseLevel > 1)
00381     G4cout << " >>> G4CollisionOutput::setOnShell" << G4endl;
00383   const G4double accuracy = 0.00001; // momentum concerves at the level of 10 keV
00385   on_shell = false;
00387   G4LorentzVector ini_mom = bullet->getMomentum();
00388   G4LorentzVector momt    = target->getMomentum();
00389   G4LorentzVector out_mom = getTotalOutputMomentum();
00390   if(verboseLevel > 2){
00391     G4cout << " bullet momentum = " << ini_mom.e() <<", "<< ini_mom.x() <<", "<< ini_mom.y()<<", "<< ini_mom.z()<<G4endl;
00392     G4cout << " target momentum = " << momt.e()<<", "<< momt.x()<<", "<< momt.y()<<", "<< momt.z()<<G4endl;
00393     G4cout << " Fstate momentum = " << out_mom.e()<<", "<< out_mom.x()<<", "<< out_mom.y()<<", "<< out_mom.z()<<G4endl;
00394   }
00396   ini_mom += momt;
00397   G4LorentzVector mom_non_cons = ini_mom - out_mom;
00399   G4double pnc = mom_non_cons.rho();
00400   G4double enc = mom_non_cons.e();
00402   setRemainingExitationEnergy();       
00404   if(verboseLevel > 2) {
00405     printCollisionOutput();
00406     G4cout << " momentum non conservation: " << G4endl
00407            << " e " << enc << " p " << pnc << G4endl
00408            << " remaining exitation " << eex_rest << G4endl;
00409   }
00411   if (std::fabs(enc) <= accuracy && pnc <= accuracy) {
00412     on_shell = true;
00413     return;
00414   }
00416   // Adjust "last" particle's four-momentum to balance event
00417   // ONLY adjust particles with sufficient e or p to remain physical!
00419   if (verboseLevel > 2) G4cout << " re-balancing four-momenta" << G4endl;
00421   G4int npart = outgoingParticles.size();
00422   G4int nnuc = outgoingNuclei.size();
00424   if (npart > 0) {
00425     for (G4int ip=npart-1; ip>=0; ip--) {
00426       if (outgoingParticles[ip].getKineticEnergy()+enc > 0.) {
00427         G4LorentzVector last_mom = outgoingParticles[ip].getMomentum(); 
00428         last_mom += mom_non_cons;
00429         outgoingParticles[ip].setMomentum(last_mom);
00430         break;
00431       }
00432     }
00433   } else if (nnuc > 0) {
00434     for (G4int in=nnuc-1; in>=0; in--) {
00435       if (outgoingNuclei[in].getKineticEnergy()+enc > 0.) {
00436         G4LorentzVector last_mom = outgoingNuclei[in].getMomentum();
00437         last_mom += mom_non_cons;
00438         outgoingNuclei[in].setMomentum(last_mom);
00439         break;
00440       }
00441     }
00442   } else if (theRecoilFragment.GetA() > 0.) {
00443     // NOTE:  G4Fragment does not use Bertini units!
00444     G4LorentzVector last_mom = theRecoilFragment.GetMomentum()/GeV;
00445     if ((last_mom.e()-last_mom.m())+enc > 0.) {
00446       last_mom += mom_non_cons;
00447       theRecoilFragment.SetMomentum(last_mom*GeV);
00448     }
00449   }
00451   // Recompute momentum non-conservation parameters
00452   out_mom = getTotalOutputMomentum();
00453   mom_non_cons = ini_mom - out_mom;
00454   pnc = mom_non_cons.rho();
00455   enc = mom_non_cons.e();
00457   if(verboseLevel > 2){
00458     printCollisionOutput();
00459     G4cout << " momentum non conservation after (1): " << G4endl 
00460            << " e " << enc << " p " << pnc << G4endl;
00461   }
00463   // Can energy be balanced just with nuclear excitation?
00464   G4bool need_hard_tuning = true;
00466   G4double encMeV = mom_non_cons.e() / GeV;     // Excitation below is in MeV
00467   if (theRecoilFragment.GetA() > 0.) {
00468     G4double eex = theRecoilFragment.GetExcitationEnergy();
00469     if (eex > 0.0 && eex + encMeV >= 0.0) {
00470       // NOTE:  G4Fragment doesn't have function to change excitation energy
00471       // ==> theRecoilFragment.SetExcitationEnergy(eex+encMeV);
00473       G4LorentzVector fragMom = theRecoilFragment.GetMomentum();
00474       G4double newMass = fragMom.m() + encMeV;          // .m() includes eex
00475       fragMom.setVectM(fragMom.vect(), newMass);
00476       need_hard_tuning = false;
00477     }
00478   } else if (outgoingNuclei.size() > 0) {
00479     for (G4int i=0; i < G4int(outgoingNuclei.size()); i++) {
00480       G4double eex = outgoingNuclei[i].getExitationEnergy();
00482       if(eex > 0.0 && eex + encMeV >= 0.0) {
00483         outgoingNuclei[i].setExitationEnergy(eex+encMeV);
00484         need_hard_tuning = false;
00485         break;
00486       }
00487     }
00488     if (need_hard_tuning && encMeV > 0.) {
00489       outgoingNuclei[0].setExitationEnergy(encMeV);
00490       need_hard_tuning = false;
00491     }
00492   }
00494   if (!need_hard_tuning) {
00495     on_shell = true;
00496     return;
00497   }
00499   // Momentum (hard) tuning required for energy conservation
00500   if (verboseLevel > 2)
00501     G4cout << " trying hard (particle-pair) tuning" << G4endl;
00503   std::pair<std::pair<G4int, G4int>, G4int> tune_par = selectPairToTune(mom_non_cons.e());
00504   std::pair<G4int, G4int> tune_particles = tune_par.first;
00505   G4int mom_ind = tune_par.second;
00507   if(verboseLevel > 2) {
00508     G4cout << " p1 " << tune_particles.first << " p2 " << tune_particles.second
00509            << " ind " << mom_ind << G4endl;
00510   }
00512   G4bool tuning_possible = 
00513     (tune_particles.first >= 0 && tune_particles.second >= 0 &&
00514      mom_ind >= G4LorentzVector::X);
00516   if (!tuning_possible) {
00517     if (verboseLevel > 2) G4cout << " tuning impossible " << G4endl;
00518     return;
00519   }
00521   G4LorentzVector mom1 = outgoingParticles[tune_particles.first].getMomentum();
00522   G4LorentzVector mom2 = outgoingParticles[tune_particles.second].getMomentum();
00523   G4double newE12 = mom1.e() + mom2.e() + mom_non_cons.e();
00524   G4double R = 0.5 * (newE12 * newE12 + mom2.e() * mom2.e() - mom1.e() * mom1.e()) / newE12;
00525   G4double Q = -(mom1[mom_ind] + mom2[mom_ind]) / newE12;
00526   G4double UDQ = 1.0 / (Q * Q - 1.0);
00527   G4double W = (R * Q + mom2[mom_ind]) * UDQ;
00528   G4double V = (mom2.e() * mom2.e() - R * R) * UDQ;
00529   G4double DET = W * W + V;
00531   if (DET < 0.0) {
00532     if (verboseLevel > 2) G4cout << " DET < 0 " << G4endl;
00533     return;
00534   }
00536   // Tuning allowed only for non-negative determinant
00537   G4double x1 = -(W + std::sqrt(DET));
00538   G4double x2 = -(W - std::sqrt(DET));
00540   // choose the appropriate solution
00541   G4bool xset = false;
00542   G4double x = 0.0;
00544   if(mom_non_cons.e() > 0.0) { // x has to be > 0.0
00545     if(x1 > 0.0) {
00546       if(R + Q * x1 >= 0.0) {
00547         x = x1;
00548         xset = true;
00549       };
00550     };  
00551     if(!xset && x2 > 0.0) {
00552       if(R + Q * x2 >= 0.0) {
00553         x = x2;
00554         xset = true;
00555       };
00556     };
00557   } else { 
00558     if(x1 < 0.0) {
00559       if(R + Q * x1 >= 0.) {
00560         x = x1;
00561         xset = true;
00562       };
00563     };  
00564     if(!xset && x2 < 0.0) {
00565       if(R + Q * x2 >= 0.0) {
00566         x = x2;
00567         xset = true;
00568       };
00569     };
00570   }     // if(mom_non_cons.e() > 0.0)
00572   if(!xset) {
00573     if(verboseLevel > 2)
00574       G4cout << " no appropriate solution found " << G4endl;
00575     return;
00576   }     // if(xset)
00578   // retune momentums
00579   mom1[mom_ind] += x;
00580   mom2[mom_ind] -= x;
00581   outgoingParticles[tune_particles.first ].setMomentum(mom1);
00582   outgoingParticles[tune_particles.second].setMomentum(mom2);
00583   out_mom = getTotalOutputMomentum();
00584   std::sort(outgoingParticles.begin(), outgoingParticles.end(), G4ParticleLargerEkin());
00585   mom_non_cons = ini_mom - out_mom;
00586   pnc = mom_non_cons.rho();
00587   enc = mom_non_cons.e();
00589   on_shell = (std::fabs(enc) < accuracy || pnc < accuracy);
00591   if(verboseLevel > 2) {
00592     G4cout << " momentum non conservation tuning: " << G4endl 
00593            << " e " << enc << " p " << pnc 
00594            << (on_shell?" success":" FAILURE") << G4endl;
00595   }
00596 }

void G4CollisionOutput::setRemainingExitationEnergy (  ) 

Definition at line 601 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4Fragment::GetExcitationEnergy().

Referenced by setOnShell().

00601                                                     { 
00602   eex_rest = theRecoilFragment.GetExcitationEnergy() / GeV;
00604   for(G4int i=0; i < G4int(outgoingNuclei.size()); i++) 
00605     eex_rest += outgoingNuclei[i].getExitationEnergyInGeV();
00606 }

void G4CollisionOutput::setVerboseLevel ( G4int  verbose  )  [inline]

Definition at line 70 of file G4CollisionOutput.hh.

Referenced by G4PreCompoundDeexcitation::deExcite(), G4IntraNucleiCascader::finishCascade(), G4InuclCollider::setVerboseLevel(), and G4CascadeInterface::SetVerboseLevel().

00070 { verboseLevel = verbose; };

void G4CollisionOutput::trivialise ( G4InuclParticle bullet,
G4InuclParticle target 

Definition at line 353 of file G4CollisionOutput.cc.

References G4cout, G4endl, and reset().

Referenced by G4InuclCollider::collide(), and G4IntraNucleiCascader::finalize().

00354                                                             {
00355   if (verboseLevel > 1)
00356     G4cout << " >>> G4CollisionOutput::trivialize" << G4endl;
00358   reset();              // Discard existing output, replace with bullet/target
00360   if (G4InuclNuclei* nuclei_target = dynamic_cast<G4InuclNuclei*>(target)) {
00361     outgoingNuclei.push_back(*nuclei_target);
00362   } else {
00363     G4InuclElementaryParticle* particle =
00364       dynamic_cast<G4InuclElementaryParticle*>(target);
00365     outgoingParticles.push_back(*particle);
00366   }
00368   if (G4InuclNuclei* nuclei_bullet = dynamic_cast<G4InuclNuclei*>(bullet)) {
00369     outgoingNuclei.push_back(*nuclei_bullet);
00370   } else {
00371     G4InuclElementaryParticle* particle =
00372       dynamic_cast<G4InuclElementaryParticle*>(bullet);
00373     outgoingParticles.push_back(*particle);
00374   }
00375 }

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