I am a cosmologist working at the APC laboratory (Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie) in Paris. My main topics of research are the observation of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and the analysis of cosmological and astrophysical data sets.
I am proposing research projects for graduate students (MD and PhD) and postdocs. Follow the link below for additional information.
I have been the adviser of several graduate students and postdocs on various research projects. The students and postdoctoral fellows currently working with me are:
Follow the link below for a list of my former PhD students and postdocs:
I am part of the scientific organisation committee of the Festival d'Astronomie de Fleurance, a yearly event held in the summer in the town of Fleurance in the south of France. I am also the co-author of a book for the general public, about the 'new messengers' in astronomy, in which we talk about cosmic ray, neutrino, and gravitational-wave astronomy (Editions du Seuil, collection 'Science Ouverte'). This book has been awarded the "Prix du livre d'astronomie Haute-Maurienne Vanoise 2012".
I got my PhD in 1998 from both the Université Paris-Sud 11 and The University of Chicago. My research topic was on the preparation of the Planck mission. I worked on several aspects of the design of Planck, from the scanning strategy to the minimization of straylight contamination. I demonstrated the feasibility of total power measurements with Planck (as opposed to differential measurements such as those of COBE and WMAP) with minimal impact of detector low-frequency noise. I also participated in the early observations of the SZ effect from galaxy clusters with the Diabolo experiment. My PhD supervisors were Jean-Loup Puget and David N. Schramm.
I was hired at CNRS in 1999 and joined the Laboratoire PCC at Collège de France where I worked in the Cosmology group. My main research topics were CMB observations with the Archeops balloon-borne experiment, and the measurement of CMB polarization with Planck.
In 2000 I got a research grant from the French Ministry of Research to work on CMB data analysis, and started working in particular on component separation.
In 2003, I joined the APC laboratory, where I took responsibility for starting-up the ADAMIS group, a transverse research group focussed on data analysis. The group is a meeting place for astrophysicists, statisticians, and computer scientists and engineers, for working on cutting edge data analysis problems in astroparticles and cosmology. In the spirit of the ADAMIS concept, I was a coordinator in two interdisciplinary research projects funded by the french ministry of research, "Astro-Map" and "Cosmostat". This lead, in particular, to the development of advanced component separation methods for CMB data analysis, and to the use of needlets (a particular type of wavelets) in our group for multiscale data analysis on the sphere.
In 2010, I resigned from my responsibility as head of the ADAMIS group, to concentrate on my research projects, in particular the ongoing analysis of Planck observations and the development of the Planck Sky Model.
I defended my 'Habilitation à diriger des recherches' on April 6th, 2011. I was promoted "Directeur de Recherches CNRS" the same year.
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