Page under construction! This is a (very incomplete) list of Conferences and Workshops in which I participated with a talk...
Rencontres de Moriond - Fundamental Parameters in Cosmology | Les Arcs, January 17-24, 1998 | CMB anisotropies on circular scans |
AMiBA 2001: High-Z Clusters, Missing Baryons, and CMB Polarization | Taipei, 2001 | Simulations of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Maps and Their Applications | |
Astrophysical Polarized Backgrounds | Bologna, October 9-12, 2001 | Measuring CMB polarisation with the Planck HFI |
Rencontres de Moriond - The Cosmological Model | Les Arcs, March 16-23, 2002 | What can we learn from CMB polarisation? | Slides (512 kB) |
The unsolved Universe: Challenges for the Future (JENAM 2002) | Porto, September 02-07, 2002 | Measuring CMB polarisation with the Planck mission | |
The unsolved Universe: Challenges for the Future (JENAM 2002) | Porto, September 02-07, 2002 | An update on Archeops | Slides (2.1 MB) |
Journées d'instrumentation et de prospective IN2P3/DAPNIA | Giens, October 21-26, 2002 | Cosmologie: Expériences (invited review) | Slides (3 MB) |
Workshop on the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and its Polarization | Minneapolis, March 19-22, 2003 | Processing Planck Polarization Data |
Astronomical Data Analysis (ADA III) | Sant' Agata sui due Golfi, April 29 - May 1, 2004 | ||
Four seas conference | Istanbul, 5-10 September 2004 | WMAP, Planck, and Archeops |
Astronomical Data Analysis (ADA IV) | Marseille, 18-20 September 2006 | Astrophysical Components in CMB data sets (invited) |
CMB component separation and the physics of foregrounds | Pasadena, July 14-18, 2008 | A full sky, low foreground, high resolution CMB map from WMAP | Slides (815 kB) |
Rencontres de Moriond - Cosmology | La Thuile, March 13-20, 2010 | Component Separation in CMB Observations | Slides (766 kB) |
Fundamental Physics Probe Workshop | Paris, October 08-09, 2010 | Measuring primordial B modes in the presence of foregrounds | Slides (471 kB) |
The Millimeter and Submillimeter Sky in the Planck Mission Era | Paris, January 10-14, 2011 | Component separation developments in Planck (invited) | Slides (918 kB) |
First Quantum Universe Symposium | Groningen, April 20-21, 2011 | The Planck Mission (invited) | Slides (4.8 MB) |
FGC2011 | Zadar, May 23-27, 2011 | Analysing Planck data - Component Separation (invited) | Slides (1.9 MB) |
A New Era for SZ Science | Santander, June 27-30, 2011 | Extracting SZ signals in multicomponent sky emission (invited) | Slides (2.8 MB) |
Beyond COrE workshop | Paris, June 25-29, 2012 | How much can we trust component separation forecasts? (invited) | Slides (1.3 MB) |
Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG13 | Stockholm, July 01-07, 2012 | Component separation - Building a multi-component sky model from multi-frequency observations (invited in parallel session) | Slides (1.9 MB) |
Polarized Foreground for Cosmic Microwave Background workshop | Garching, November 26-28, 2012 | An overview of the Planck Sky Model (invited) |
Planck à APC: Les premiers résultats cosmologiques de Planck | Paris, March 22, 2013 | Planck: Résultats astrophysiques | Slides (5.1 MB) |
47th ESLAB Conference: The Universe as seen by Planck | Noordwijk, April 2-5, 2013 | The Planck Sky Model (invited) | Slides (6.7 MB) |
CMB2013 | Okinawa, June 10-14, 2013 | A new L-class mission (invited) | Slides (3.4 MB) |