Guillaume Patanchon (from 2000 to 2003)
has been a co-developer of the SMICA component separation method.
He worked with me on the analysis of the data from the Archeops experiment, and on WMAP data. He now is an
assistant professor at the
Université Paris-7 Denis Diderot (APC laboratory).
Jean-Baptiste Melin (from 2001 to 2004)
has been working with me on simulations and data analysis methods for doing cosmology with
the observation of galaxy clusters via the Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect. He now has a permanent research
position in the 'Institut de Recherche sur les lois Fondamentales de l'Univers' (IRFU) at CEA in Saclay.
Marc Betoule (from 2006 to 2009)
has worked on the development of data analysis for Planck and for a future CMB polarisation mission. He was also one of the main developers
of the early versions of the Planck Sky Model.
After a postdoc in the 'Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et des Hautes Energies' (LPNHE) in Paris, working on the SNLS
project, he has been hired at CNRS (section 01) in 2014. He now
works on LSST at LPNHE in Paris.
Pietro Procopio (from 2006 to 2009)
was a graduate exchange student for the IDAPP program, who worked on cleaning-up IRAS data
from zodiacal light emission. He now is a postdoc at CNR in
Bologna (Italy).
Guillaume Castex (from 2009 to 2012)
has worked on the development of the Planck Sky Model, in particular a model of emission from the Cosmic Infrared Background.
He graduated in January 2013 and after a postdoc at SISSA in
Trieste working on Planck LFI data analysis and extragalactic
point sources, he changed fields to work on machine learning as a
postdoc at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.
Matthieu Roman (from 2011 to 2014)
has worked on constraining cosmology with galaxy clusters, in
particular using observations from the Planck HFI instrument.
He graduated in September 2014 and is now a postdoc at LPNHE in
Paris working on cosmological constraints using supernovae observations.
Juan Francesco Macias-Perez (2001)
has worked on early versions of blind component separation methods for CMB data analysis. He now has a permanent position as a CNRS
researcher at the LPSC laboratory in Grenoble, and is an active member of the Planck collaboration.
Patricio Vielva (from 2003 to 2005)
worked with me on WMAP data analysis and on the impact of foregrounds for measuring B-mode CMB polarization with a next generation space mission.
He now is a tenured scientist at the Instituto
de Fisica de Cantabria (IFCA), in the Observational Cosmology and Instrumentation group.
Mathieu Remazeilles (from 2009 to 2011)
has worked on component separation, in particular for the analysis of the data of
the Planck mission. After a postdoc at the Institut
d'Astrophysique Spatiale in Orsay, he moved to Manchester and is
working on foreground emission and component separation for Planck
and for future polarization CMB observations.
Soumen Basak (from 2009 to 2011)
has worked on the analysis of WMAP data, and in particular polarised
component separation for the measurement of CMB polarisation. He has
also contributed on the development of the Pre-Launch Planck Sky
Model. After a postdoc at CEA Saclay (IRFU/SAp), he moved in 2013
to SISSA in Trieste where he works on polarization data analysis for Planck.
Niraj Welikala (from 2012 to 2013)
has worked on the development
of a model of extragalactic radio and infrared sources. He now is a
postdoc at the University of Oxford.
Ata Karakci (from 2014 to 2016)
has worked on the analysis of CMB polarization observations and on the
Planck sky model. He now is a postdoc at the University of Oslo.
The following former students did a part of their PhD research with me. They typically are foreign visiting PhD students, or students from another area of research (information processing).
Hichem Snoussi (from 2000 to 2003)
was a signal processing doctoral student, who worked with me on
component separation for CMB observations. He now is a professor at
the University of Technology of Troyes.
Svitlana Zinger (from 2001 to 2004)
was a PhD student from the field of information processing,
working on the reconstruction of unproperly sampled CMB maps. She
now is a Senior researcher in the Video Coding and Architectures
research group in Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands).
Silvia Fernandez-Cerezo (from 2001 to 2005)
has been working on using the SMICA component separation tool for
the analysis of Cosmosomas data. She has changed fields after her
PhD to work on
medical imaging and applications.
Marco Tucci (2005)
from the Instituto de
Fisica de Cantabria (IFCA), has worked with me on the impact of
foreground emission on our ability to measure the tensor-to scalar
ratio of primordial perturbations from B-modes of CMB
polarisation. After a postdoc at LAL in Orsay, he moved to the cosmology and astroparticle research
group at the University of Geneva.
Frédéric Guilloux (from 2004 to 2008)
has been working on the mathematical aspects of the development and use of spherical needlets
for the analysis of CMB data. He now is assistant professor in mathematics at the
University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris.
Tuhin Ghosh (from 2007 to 2011)
was a graduate student from the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) in Pune (India), who worked on
extracting foreground maps from WMAP data. After a first postdoc
at IAS, Orsay, he now is a postdoctoral scholar at Caltech.
The following postdocs have visited me for extended periods of time to work on specific research projects.
Jason Dick (2009)
has worked on the impact of calibration errors on blind component
separation using FastICA and ILC methods. After a postdoc in
Trieste, he got a software engineering position at Google in New
York city.