Gravitation Group Seminar: Francois Larrouturou: Minimalism as guideline to construct new paradigms.

Next week we will be welcoming François Larrouturou (DESY Hamburg) for the Gravitation group seminar. 
The seminar will take place in person, in room 371A-Klein (the zoom link can be found below) next Monday, July 11 at 10:00

François will give an introduction to: 

Title : Minimalism as guideline to construct new paradigms.

Abstract : 

The vast majority of alternative theories for gravitation introduce new propagating degrees of freedom. 
But those supplementary ingredients have not (yet) been detected, would it be indirectly by pulsar 
monitoring or directly by observing gravitational waves. Therefore it is important to seek for alternatives 
to General Relativity (GR) that propagate the same number of tensorial polarisations, but can be 
differentiated from it. Such "minimal" theories exist, as proven in 2015 by S. Mukohyama and 
A. De Felice, and bear exciting phenomenological implications.
During this seminar, we will first deepen the motivations that led to this framework and present some 
concrete realizations, notably a "minimal" theory of bigravity. The phenomenological implications of 
those theories will be investigated, at both cosmological and astrophysical scales. Finally, we will 
discuss how the current and future observing instruments will constrain them. 

The schedule for upcoming gravitation group seminars can be found here:

We hope to see you there! 


The zoom details can also be found here: 
Topic: Gravitation Group Seminar
Time: Jul 11, 2022 10:00 AM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 4459 9844
Passcode: 832275


Lundi, 11 juillet, 2022 - 10:00 to 11:00

Localisation / Location: 

  • Séminaire

Nom/Prénom // Last name/First name: 



DESY Hamburg

Equipe(s) organisatrice(s) / Organizing team(s): 

  • Gravitation

Pays / Country: 


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