Astronomy at the highest energy frontier

Astronomical sources are observed nowadays across different domains of electromagnetic spectrum (from radio to gamma-rays) and different astronomical "messengers" (photons, neutrinos, gravitational waves). Combining different types of observational data we have learned that some types of sources operate huge high-energy particle accelerators / colliders boosting particle energies to ten million times higher energies than reached at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. 

The highest energy frontier of astronomical observations is currently reached by neutrino astronomy. IceCube neutrino telescope has detected neutrinos with energies larger than Peta-electronvolt coming from yet unidentified cosmic particle colliders. We know that some astronomical sources produce particles with still higher energies, because we detect charged cosmic ray particles of still higher energies, but it is currently not possible to even localise those sources on the sky, because astronomical source localisation relies on detection of electrically neutral "messenger" particles (e.g. photons, neutrinos). 

The idea of the project is to explore the origin of the detected highest energy neutrino signal, search for its gamma-ray and cosmic ray counterparts, build theoretical models of neutrino sources. An addtional goal is to explore the possibility of further extension of the highest energy frontier of astronomy  using a novel technique of neutrino observations of up-going "air showers" of high-energy particles produced by neutrinos incident near tangentially onto the Earth and interacting just below the Earth surface. 



Andrii Neronov






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