1st session (10:00‐11:00): Theory
- Presentation of the theory group
- Alexis Helou - The Apparent Universe
- Mauro Pieroni - Constraints on inflationary models using CMB
- Maxime Guilleux - NPRG for QFT in De Sitter space‐time
- Andréas Tresmontant - Confinement in Yang-Mills theory and Gribov copie
- Jibril Ben Achour- Loop Quantum Gravity and Cosmology
2nd session(11:00-12:00): Cosmology and Gravitation
- JulienTréguer - Cross-correlation between weak lensing potential from CMB and Lyman-alpha forest extinction of QSOs
- Benjamin Racine - Non‐Gaussianity of the CMB using the Planck satellite
- Guillaume Bordier - Millimeter components for CMB polarisation experiments
- Mikhail Stolpovskiy - QUBIC scanning strategy
- Henri Inchauspe - A noise simulator for the eLISA space mission
- Pierre Gruning - An electro‐optical simulator for eLISA: LOT (Lisa On Table)
Lunch (12:00-14:00)
3rd session (14:00-15:00): Astrophysique des Hautes Energies
Aera Jung - Photo-Detector Module electronics for JEM-EUSO
- Thomas Tavernier - Observation of pulsar whith HESS‐II
- Maïca Clavel - Spying on Sagittarius A* past activity
4th session (15:00-15:30): DAta Science and Computational Astrophysics
- Ileyk El Mellah - Numerical simulations of wind accretion in HMXB
- Davide Poletti - The Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization with the POLARBEAR experiment
- Julien Peloton - Data analysis of the POLARBEAR experiment
Break (15.30-15:45)
5th session (15:45-16:45): Neutrinos
- Luca Agostino - Sensitivy of new generation neutrino detectors in the context of LBNO
- Romain Roncin - Looking for geo‐neutrinos with the Borexino experiment
- Rodrigo Gracia Ruiz - Data analysis for the ANTARES neutrino telescope
- Adrien Hourlier- Muon-induced fast neutron measurement for Double Chooz
- Paolo Agnes - Direct search for DarkMatter with Darkside
Thursday, 26 June, 2014 - 00:00
Localisation / Location:
- Journée des doctorants
Equipe(s) organisatrice(s) / Organizing team(s):
- Direction