
La mission spatiale LISA, menée par l’Agence Spatiale Européenne, vient d’être adoptée par le Science Program Committee de l’Agence Spatiale Européenne ! Cette décision ouvre la voie à la conception et fabrication de cette ambitieuse mission spatiale scientifique, devant décoller en 2034-2035.

Inferring the nuclear equation of state using binary neutron star mergers

The detection of the binary neutron star merger GW170817 demonstrated that it was possible to infer the nuclear equation of state of the neutron starts, and constrain the mass-radius relation.  This internship will used a machine learning based algorithm developed at APC to test different equation of state predictions using current 2G and future 3G gravitational wave detectors.

Boosting the Sensitivity of the Next-Generation Gravitational-Wave Detectors through Quantum Correlations

Gravitational-wave astronomy began in 2015 with the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of signals produced by two black holes. Over the past eight years, LIGO and Virgo have observed over 100 gravitational-wave sources, yielding a plethora of scientific insights ranging from general relativity to astrophysics and cosmology.
On June 29, 2023, as part of a worldwide network dedicated to pulsar observation, a European consortium published a series of results in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics, based on data collected over the last quarter-century by six of the world's most sensitive radio telescopes. The data from the European consortium, along with those from their American, Australian and Chinese counterparts, contain very solid evidence of the existence of gravitational waves, captured at very low frequencies, which are thought to originate from pairs of supermassive...
Dans le cadre d’un réseau mondial dédié à l’observation des pulsars, un consortium européen publie le 29 juin 2023 dans la revue Astronomy and Astrophysics une série de résultats issus de données collectées depuis un quart de siècle, par six des radiotélescopes les plus sensibles au monde. Les données du consortium européen, de même que celles de leurs homologues américain, australien et chinois, contiennent les indices très solides de l'existence d'ondes gravitationnelles, captées dans de très basses fréquences, qui proviendraient de couples de trous noirs...
Wanda Diaz-Merced in the spotlight in June.

Wanda Diaz-Merced à l'honneur au mois de juin.

Experimental validation of the high precision interferometric instruments onboard LISA

The proposed thesis subject is focused on the global validation process of the instrument metrological performance. Preliminary concepts exist for the various optical metrology test benches that will be required measure the instrumental characteristics. Obviously, the full constellation cannot be tested in flight conditions on ground. The instrument validation will therefore rely on a ingenious combination of specific measurements performed on the different subsystems, as well as the results obtained with specifically designed lab experiments.


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