
Vue du bras nord de Virgo. @ EGO/VIRGO
LIGO et Virgo font de premières observations de systèmes binaires « mixtes ».
Simulation numérique d’une fusion de la binaire de trous noirs GW150914



The advanced Virgo + project: improving the sensitivity of the gravitational-wave detector Virgo

Second generation gravitational wave (GW) detectors opened the era of gravitational wave astronomy with the fist GW detection in 2015 and are now approaching their design sensitivity. During the 3 past observation runs, they detected 15 GW signals produced by the merging of binary compact objects, providing a wealth of scientific results ranging from the general relativity, to astrophysics and cosmology.

Stage A lunar sensor network for gravitational was and geoscientific studies

This stage, will be concentrated on the scientific potential and the technical possibilities of a distributed network on the lunar surface, in order to a) detect Gravitational Waves (GW) b) perform a detailed seismological study of the moon, including the precise determination of its inner structure, c) eventually detect acoustically High Energy Cosmic rays impacting on the moon surface.

LISA: Cosmography with merging massive black hole binaries

LISA is space-based gravitational wave (GW) observatory which is planned for launch in 2034. It consists of three satellites in the free fall in heliocentric orbit forming equilateral triangle. Satellites exchange the laser light forming transponding interferometry allowing to detect GWs in the mHz band.  One of the prime (and strongest) sources in the LISA data are the  merging massive black hole binaries.
Detecting and characterizing those binaries should enable us to infer the channel of their formation and


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