Characterisation of Kinetic Inductance Detectors suitable for polarisation measurements at 150 GHz

Characterisation of Kinetic Inductance Detectors suitable for polarisation measurements at 150 GHz

A first generation of polarisation-sensitive kinetic inductance detectors operating at 150 GHz is ready to be tested at 300 mK. These devices are deployed in small (20-25 pixels) arrays, suitable for a thorough understanding of the response of individual detectors. At APC - Laboratoire Millimétrique a fully equipped test bench is available for vectorial measurements and for photometric measurements: both these techniques are needed for a full characterisation of these devices. The candidate will learn the basic cryogenics needed to operate the test bench, and will contribute through experiments to a detailed description of each individual array under test. There will be the possibility for the candidate to participate in the upgrade of the measurement set-up, including physical optics studies.

Contact: Andrea Tartari


Andrea Tartari






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