Stavros Katsanevas
Mail :
CV complet / Complete CV:
- Born in Athens in 1953.
- Languages spoken: French, English, Greek, Italian.
- Military Service: Greek Aviation 1986-1987
- PhD, Athens University 1985
- Doctorat 3e cycle , Ecole Polytechnique 1979
- DEA de Physique ThéoriqueENS,ParisVI-VII, Paris XII 1976
- Diploma of Physics, Athens University1975
Academic and Research Positions
- Professor Classe Exceptionnelle 2, Université Paris Denis Diderot 2013-
- Professor Classe Exceptionnelle 1, Université Paris Denis Diderot 2010-2013
- Professor 1st class, Université Paris VII, Denis Diderot 2004-2010
- Professor 1st class, Université de Lyon I Claude Bernard 2003-2004
- Professor 2nd class, Université de Lyon I Claude Bernard 1996-2003
- Associate Professor, Athens University1989-1996
- Lecturer, Athens University1982-1989
- CERN, Corresponding fellow1996
- CERN, Associate Scientist (leave of absence from Athens University1991-1992
- CERN, Fellow(leave of absence from Athens University)1983-1986
- Fellow Greek Ministry of Research at Fermi National Laboratory1979-1982
- Fellow French Ministry of Research (DGRST) at Ecole Polytechnique 1976-1979
Awards, Distinctions
- Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite 2011
- Physics Prize, Academy of Athens for work on supersymmetry 2000
Positions of responsibility (recent)
- (2018-) Director of the European Gravitational Observatory hosting the Virgo Gravitationalwave antenna.
- (2018-) Chair of the International Scientific Commitee of the Polish excellence centre on Astroparticle Physics ASTROCENT
- (2017-2019) General Director of the « Fondation pour la Recherche et la Formation dans le domaine de la Physique de l’Univers » in relation with the « Paris Center of Cosmological Physics », president George Smoot.
- (2016-2018) Coordinator (“préfigurateur”) of the cluster of Sciences and Engineering of the Community of Universities Sorbonne-Paris-Cité, including the Universities of Paris 3, 5, 7, 13, Institute of the Physics of the Globe, Sciences Politiques, Institut des Langues INALCO. In the context of this mission, responsible for the formulation of the interdisciplinary program spanning a series of disciplines (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Informatics and Mathematics, Engineering Sciences).
- Co-director (2014-2018) of the Laboratory of Excellence (LabEx) UnivEarths combining scientific expertise on Earth and environmental sciences, planetary sciences, high energy astrophysics , cosmology and fundamental physics, between the Institute of the Physics of the Globe, APC and a research unit of CEA (AIM). Director (2014-2017) of the laboratory of Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology (APC) a Mixed Unit of Research (200 agents) of University Diderot (Paris 7), IN2P3/CNRS, CEA, and the Observatory of Paris.
- Chairman (2011-2014) of Astroparticle Physics European Coordination (APPEC). APPEC gathers 24 agencies from 19 European countries coordinating Astroparticle Physics in Europe. Member of its Steering Committee since 2002. Elected chair with the mandate to upgrade the Coordination scheme to a Consortium. The consortium was finally founded in June 2012. Elected its first chairman in November 2012.
- Deputy scientific director (2002-2012) of IN2P3/CNRS. IN2P3 is the National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics in CNRS, managing 3000 researchers, technical and administrative personnel distributed in 20 laboratories across the country working on 40 large national and international projects and large infrastructures. In particular responsible of the Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Neutrino programs, concerning 15 large national and international (US, Japan, Italy, Argentina, South Africa) projects on ground, underground, underwater and space.
- Director (2002-2011) of the CNRS interdisciplinary program “Particules et Univers”. The CNRS interdisciplinary program “Particules et Univers” issued annual R&D calls around the themes of Astroparticle physics and their synergies with geosciences, climate and biodiversity.
- Proposer and first Coordinator (2006-2012) of the EU funded ERANET agency network ASPERA (« AStroparticle Physics European Research Area NETwork»). ASPERA was funded by FP6 to advance the coordination of European Astroparticle Physics. Served as coordinator up to 2009, then co-coordinator of its continuation ASPERA-2 (FP7).
- President (2003-2012) of the administration council of EGO. The European Gravitation Observatory (EGO) is the host institution of the VIRGO gravitational wave antenna in Pisa, funded mainly by Italy and France and more recently by Netherlands. Served as president from 2003 to 2008 and 2011-2012 and vice-president from 2008 to 2011.
- Chairman (2011-2014) of the resource board of the AUGER High Energy Cosmic Ray Observatory, a multinational observatory (US, Argentina, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Brazil, …) of ultra high energy cosmic rays in Argentina.
- Principal Investigator (200̀7-) of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (KAVLI-IPMU). KAVLI-IPMU is an interdisciplinary Institute of Excellence at Tokyo/Japan gathering Theoretical Physicists, Experimentalists and Mathematicians around the themes of Cosmology, Particle and Astroparticle Physics. I was among the 15 principal investigators) that proposed it to MEXT in 2007 under the leadership of Hitoshi Murayama.
- Chairman (2009-2013) of the Scientific council ofInstituto di Fisica de Altes Energias (IFAE) in Barcelona .
- Chairman (2002-2012) of the resource boards of the nationallaboratories: ANTARES Deep Ocean Observatory, LSM Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane, Double-CHOOZ Reactor Neutrino Experiment.
- Chief executive of the Public-Private-Partnerships (Groupements d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS)) between IN2P3 and: the company PHOTONIS on photodetection (20 05-2009), the company SAGEM on extreme optics (2007-2011)
Projets :
Activités :
Research experience
Strong interactions (Quantum Chromodynamics, QCD) 1977-1986
- Search and discovery of new particle resonances including charm quarks, photoproduction experiment WA4 at CERN , 1977-1979
- Tests of QCDthrough the study of DRELL-Yan pairs and J/y resonances in nuclear targets with antiproton and pion beams, experiment E537 at Fermilab, 1979-1982
- Search for quark-gluon plasma transition, experimentR807-808 at CERN, 1983-1986
Standard model of weak and electromagnetic interactions 1986-2000
- Study of the standard model of electro-weak interactions and supersymmetry: experiment DELPHI of the Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider.
- Phenomenological studies on supersymmetry: Monte Carlo generator SUSYGEN and computing of higher order cross sections
Neutrino and Astroparticle Physics 1983-2002
- Neutrino oscillations, experiment PS180 at CERN 1983-1986
- High Energy neutrino telescopes, NESTOR in Pylos/Greece 1992-1996
- Neutrino oscillations, long baseline experiment CERN-Gran Sasso OPERA1998-2002
Interdisciplinary studies
- DACQ for Positron Emitting Tomography (PET) Scanners (co-holder of a patent)
- Innovative high sensibility photodetectors with high space and time resolution
Scientific responsibilities (1991-2002)
- Coordinator of data acquisitionOPERA 2001-2002
- Steering committeemember of the PET scanner consortium Crystal Clear 2001-2002
- Coordinator of the generators for ECFAstudy for the Linear Collider2000-2002
- Responsible of the OPERA group in Institute of Nuclear Physics, IPNL 1998-2002
- Coordinator of electronic tracker group OPERA 1998-2001
- Responsible of the DELPHI group in Institute of Nuclear Physics, IPNL 1997-2001
- Coordinator ofthegroup of research of new physicsin DELPHI 1996-1999
- Coordinator of theLEP200group in DELPHI 1991-1996
Organisation Conferences-Workshops
- Conference in honour of Pierre BinetruyMay 2018
- APPEC Town meeting 6-7 April 2016, Paris
- European and global Coordination on CMB, September 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Florence
- International Conference for Large Neutrino Infrastructures: 1st conference :APC, ParisJune 2014,2nd conference : Fermilab April 2015, 3rd conferenceTokyo May 2016
- Conferences on worldwide coordination in the context of ASPERA, with the presence of chief executive of DOE, NSF, Japan, India, Russia as well as space agencies, CERN and ESO (Amsterdam 2007, Brussels 2008, Paris 2011)
- Workshops in the context of ASPERA on Computing (Lyon, Barcelona, Hannover), and Interdisciplinarity (Paris, Amsterdam)
- Member of the 3 member committee (T. Kajita, S.Katsanevas, CK Jung) of the international conference Next Generation Neutrino and Nucleon decay detectors (NNN) having a yearly edition since 2005 alternating between the 3 regions.
- Co-organisation of the international conference "Mass and oscillations of Neutrinos", Les Houches June 2001
- Co-organisation of the international workshop “Generator tools for Supersymmetry”, (1998, 1999, 2000)
- Member of International Advisory Committees of international workshops and conferences: European Physics Society High Energy Physics Conference (2012-), International High Energy Physics (ICHEP) Conference (2013-), International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Neutrino (2008-), Identification of Dark Matter (IDM), Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW), Cosmology COSMO, Neutrino Factory NUFACT
Scientific Publications
Co-signedover 400 publications, in the context of more or less large experimental collaborations and a few phenomenological studies, reviews, or new detector concepts with a small number of authors.
Activities at the interface of science with arts and humanities. Several activities at the interface between science and art/humanities, a selection below:
- Participation to the organisation of the art-science large retrospective of TomasSaraceno “On air” at the Palais de Tokyo 2018-2019, Article “In media Res” in the exhibition catalogue
- Co-presenter (2017) of the event: “FromMyth to Science”, ( a creation of Laborigines, for the sake of the Société Française de Physique.
- Essay on art and cosmology in “Moment Grec,artistes et intellectuels dans la Grèce d’aujour’hui” , Editions du Regard 2016
- Member of the jury for the call for projects at the interface between art and science of the Foundation Daniel and Nina Carasso “Composer les savoirs pour mieux comprendre les enjeux du monde contemporain » (2015-)
- “Commanditaire” of the work of art “Squaring the Circle” by Attila Csorgo to celebrate the 100 years of Cosmic Rays, financed by the Fondation de France in the framework of the program “Nouveaux commanditaires”. The work was first exposed in the Museum of Modern Art “Palais de Tokyo”, Paris and permanently exposed since June 2014 in the premises of the APC Laboratory.
- Member (2012-2014) of the Scientific Council of HUMA-NUM large infrastructure of CNRS fundingthe digitalisation of documents of the humanities
- “Scales of Time” presentation at the festival of Science and Philosophy, Foligno, 2014
- Co-organiser of the event “Opera cosmique”, a week of Astroparticle physics in the context of the year of Astronomy 2009, at the Tour Montparnasse.
- Post-scriptum of the Greek translation of “Le temps des crises”, of Michel Serres, Editions Kalentis , 2011
- Other essays on art and science on art exhibition catalogues (Artists Kontarini, Georgiou) and numerous presentations on vulgarisation of science in France and across Europe.
International Committee Membership
- INC International Neutrino Committee for the Long-Baseline Neutrino program to the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) infrastructure and to the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) 2015-
- ESFRI landscape subgroup on astronomy and astrophysics 2014-2016
- ECFA European Committee for Future Accelerators (observer) 2012-2014
- CERN councilforthe strategy sessions and strategy group(observer) 2012-2014
- OECD group AstroParticle Physics International Forum APIF2008-2013
- PANAGIC on worldwide astroparticle coordination 2005-2010
- CERN Super Proton Synchrotron Committee (SPSC)2008-2010
- Member of the Steering Committees of the international infrastructures: 2010-2012 Cherenkov telescope Array (CTA), Cubic Km Neutrino telescope (KM3net), and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)
- Member of the steering committee of the space programs (NASA/ESA) :2002-2012
- AMS on the ISS space station and the FERMI satellite
National Committee Membership
- National Council for Science and Innovation ( ESEK)next to the Ministryof Education and Research, Greece 2016-
- Comité d’orientation de la FondationDaniel et Nina Carasso 2016-
- Committee of Large Research Infrastructures of CNRS 2008-2012
- Evaluation Committee for Space Research and Exploration (CERES) and Inter-Organism Committee (CIO) of CNES 2002-2012
- Jury for the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) 2010-2013
- Scientific council membership
- Laboratory of Excellence Univearths(University Paris Diderot)2018-
- Scientific and Technical Council of Institut de Physique Nucléaire (IPNO)2015-
- Scientific councilof IRFU/CEA 2007-2012
- Scientific council ofIN2P3 department (PNC)2001-2002
- Scientific council of NuclearPhysics Institute of Lyon (IPNL)1997-2001
- Greek National Astronomy Committee 2001-2003
- Scientific council CNRS Research Group (GDR) on Supersymmetry1997-2002
Evaluation committee membership for the sake of international agencies and ministries
- Fisica de Particulas et Aceleradores (FPA/MINECO),Spain(2015)
- FLARE Swiss NationalScienceFoundation evaluation panel(2015)
- Oskar Kein Centre Director evaluation committee(2015)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation SNOLAB mid-term review (2014)
- NOW/NIKHEF Director evaluation committee (2014)
- Roadmap for Large Infrastructures (Greek General Secretariat) (2013)
- National Science Foundation (NSF)ICECUBE mid-term review(2013)
- Helmholtz Association for Astroparticle Physics programs (2009)
Evaluator for the sake of international agencies and ministries
European Research Council (ERC), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific research (NWO), Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KV), Suisse National Foundation (SNF), Belgian national research agencies (FNS and FWO), Italian Ministry for University and Research (MIUR, PRIN), Spanish Ministry of Science (MINECO), Instituto Nationale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
Enseignements / Publication:
Courses in Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Standard Model of Particle Interactions, Quantum Chromodynamics, Supersymmetry, Particle Physics, in
University Paris 7 and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris(2013-2017)
University Lyon I and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (1996-2002)
University of Athens(1982-1995)
Supervised 6 theses