Chatzichristou Eleni
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CV complet / Complete CV:
Project Manager of Laboratory of Excellence UnivEarthS (Université Paris-Diderot) Paris, France
The LabEx UnivEarthS combines the scientific expertise, technical know-how, experience in space experiments, and human resources of three major research institutes, Astroparticules et Cosmologie (APC), Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), Institute de Recherche sur le lois Fondaementales de l’Univers/ Service d’Astrophysique (AIM), French Aerospace Lab (ONERA. These are international leaders in their disciplinary fields: Earth and environmental sciences, planetary sciences, high energy astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics. UnivEarthS) aims to develop original interdisciplinary research projects and build an integrated research policy, training and development of high level.
My current position as Project Manager of the Labex UnivEarths involves: coordinating the actions of work package leaders ensuring distribution of credits and timely finalization of deliverables, the yearly budget elaboration, assisting the realization of strategic and scientific orientations of the future of the Labex, animation of the partnership and its research community through the Labex workshops, schools and conferences, coordinating of the Labex communication actions
Activités :
My research involves understanding the nature and evolution of AGN using deep panchromatic surveys, investigating the impact of interactions and mergers on galaxy formation and evolution, how is non-stellar activity related to the host galaxies and broader environment, and I am specialized in the use of Integral Field Units for the spectroscopic mapping of AGN and their hosts.
Previously held positions:
Jan 2017-present: Project Manager, Labex UnivEarths, Université Paris-Diderot (France)
Sep 2017-present: Tutor, School of Science and Technology, Hellenic Open University (Greece)
June -December 2016: Pôle Sciences Exactes et Technologie, Université Paris-Sorbonne-Cité (France)
June 2014 - June 2015: Communication Officer Astroparticle Physics European Consortium - APPEC (France)
January 2008-December 2016: Academic Dean and Faculty, City Unity College-City University of Seattle (Greece)
June 2005- July 2008: Research Fellow, Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, National Observatory of Athens (Greece)
January 2004-present: Founding the Institute of Law, Science & Technology, head of space pillar (Greece, Belgium)
January 2002-December 2003: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Yale University Physics Department (USA)
August-December 2001: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Space Telescope Science Institute (USA)
August 1999-July 2001: NRC Resident Research Associate, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (USA)
June 1994-December 1995: Support Astronomer, European Southern Observatory (Chile)
October 1991-March 1993: Research Assistant, Dutch Institute for Space Research- SRON (The Netherlands)