Colloquium APC

Colloquium APC

GWTC-1: First LIGO/Virgo Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog

Abstract: After the end of the O2 observing run, the LIGO and Virgo data were reprocessed and reanalyzed delivering the final O1 and O2 results. We will discuss the content of the catalog consisting of 10 BBH merger signals (4 of which are new discoveries) and one BNS merger signal (arXiv:1811.12907). We will also report the results of the companion article devoted to the astrophysical rates and parameters of the previously not known stellar-mass BH population (arXiv:1811.12940).

Colloquium APC : Concordance of the Dirac-Milne Universe

Concordance of the Dirac-Milne universe

« The Dirac-Milne universe, a matter-antimatter universe where antimatter
has a negative gravitational mass, presents several elements
of concordance with our universe, except apparently for two tests:
primordial helium-3, and BAO, at least if the latter is interpreted in a
conventional way.
After a discussion on the definition of a negative mass particle,
I will describe the formation of structures in the Dirac-Milne universe,


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