Stas Babak (APC), 11am on zoom
In this talk I introduce GW event GW190521 and describe its properties.
Then I will assume its association with the optical flare observed by the Zwicky Transient
Facility in an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN). After giving some plausible explanation of this association,
I will move to possibility observing GW190521-like event(s) with LISA. LISA should detect few tens
of stellar-mass black hole binaries few years before the 3rd generation of ground-based GW
interferometers observes their merger. Assuming that some of these binaries are embedded in
gaseous circum-nuclear disk in AGN, we will discuss potentially detectable features in GW signal due to
interaction of binary with the gas and with a massive black hole in the galactic centre.
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Salle / Local:
- Colloquium APC
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Equipe(s) organisatrice(s) / Organizing team(s):
- APC colloquium