
Spectroscopic surveys: DESI, DESI-2, Spec-S5

The DESI experiment will put tight constraints on the dark energy with the observation of more than 40 million spectroscopic redshifts, mostly at z < 2. It started its Main Survey in May, 2021, making it the first Stage-IV cosmological experiment to go on-sky. Cosmological analysis of the Y1 data acquisition were made public in Apr. 2024, and the Y3 data acquisition is done. I will present the DESI survey current status, along with the proposed extension of operations. I will then present the DESI-2 and Spec-S5 experiments.

A Big Telescope and a Big Computer: How HPC and AI Will Enable Next Breakthroughs in Our Understanding of the Universe

The upcoming mega-telescopes, such as European Space Agency’s recently launched Euclid satellite, and the upcoming radio Square Kilometer Array (SKA), will provide images of our universe over 10 billion years of cosmic history, and enable us to study its evolution with unprecedented level of detail. In the framework of simulations-based inference, the big telescopes deliver a throve of high-resolution observations and big computers provide the feature-rich numerical theory prediction.

Confronting the Cosmological Principle: How secure are the foundations of the cosmos?

I will present our recent work using quasars and radio galaxies to confront the cosmological principle, the idea that sits at the heart of modern cosmological theories. Whilst the cosmological principle states that the universe is isotropic and homogeneous, our observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) reveal a pronounced dipole, interpreted as our kinematic departure from the local Hubble flow.

Tests of gravity with DES Year 3 weak lensing

The new weak lensing measurements from the first three years of observation by the Dark Energy Survey offer a unique opportunity to constrain deviations from General Relativity, our theory of gravity. Weak gravitational lensing is indeed a powerful probe of the growth of structures. As such it offers a window on the laws of gravity on cosmological scales. We thus used DES Year 3 weak lensing data to test the validity of General Relativity (GR) to a new regime, and explore modifications to GR as an alternative to dark energy.

Soutenance de thèse: "L’évolution des galaxies dans les amas et les groupes jusqu’à z~3 "

C’est avec plaisir que je vous invite à suivre ma soutenance de thèse, le jeudi 29 septembre à 11:00, à Condorcet, salle 646A.

Durant cette soutenance, je présenterai les travaux de ma thèse, intitulée "L’évolution des galaxies dans les amas et les groupes jusqu’à z~3 ", sous la direction de Simona Mei.

Bien cordialement,


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