the 2023 edition of the JRJCs is finally scheduled and open for registration!
These days are organized jointly by the "Fields and Particles" and "Nuclear Physics" divisions of the SFP, and financially supported by the CNRS-IN2P3, the CEA-IRFU, the FRIF and the laboratories IJCLab, Subatech, LAPP, CPPM, LP-Clermont and LPSC for this edition.
They will take place this year from October 22 to 28, 2023 (week 43) at the village club La Rivière in St Jean de Monts, on the costs of the Vendéen ocean – France.
They are mainly aimed at PhD students at the start of their 2nd and 3rd year of thesis, and are also open to 1st year students and young post-docs.
They allow each participant to present their work in a friendly atmosphere and to share an overview of research on the two infinites and their applications, including nuclear, particles, astro/cosmo, medical, instrumental and theoretical physics.
The circular in attachment, and the website, contain all the practical information of the event, including the registration procedures and the Indico agenda (which will be updated later):
The registration fee this year is 320€, including full board, and the registration deadline is Friday, September 8th, 2023!
Rachel Delorme, for the JRJC 2023 organizing committee.
Rachel Delorme
LPSC - Groupe Physique Nucléaire et Applications Médicales
Bureau 127
53 Avenue des Martyrs
38026 Grenoble, cedex
Tel: 33 (0)4 76 28 40 59
These days are organized jointly by the "Fields and Particles" and "Nuclear Physics" divisions of the SFP, and financially supported by the CNRS-IN2P3, the CEA-IRFU, the FRIF and the laboratories IJCLab, Subatech, LAPP, CPPM, LP-Clermont and LPSC for this edition.
They will take place this year from October 22 to 28, 2023 (week 43) at the village club La Rivière in St Jean de Monts, on the costs of the Vendéen ocean – France.
They are mainly aimed at PhD students at the start of their 2nd and 3rd year of thesis, and are also open to 1st year students and young post-docs.
They allow each participant to present their work in a friendly atmosphere and to share an overview of research on the two infinites and their applications, including nuclear, particles, astro/cosmo, medical, instrumental and theoretical physics.
The circular in attachment, and the website, contain all the practical information of the event, including the registration procedures and the Indico agenda (which will be updated later):
The registration fee this year is 320€, including full board, and the registration deadline is Friday, September 8th, 2023!
Rachel Delorme, for the JRJC 2023 organizing committee.
Rachel Delorme
LPSC - Groupe Physique Nucléaire et Applications Médicales
Bureau 127
53 Avenue des Martyrs
38026 Grenoble, cedex
Tel: 33 (0)4 76 28 40 59

Sunday, 22 October, 2023 - 09:30 to Saturday, 28 October, 2023 - 18:30
Localisation / Location:
Hors les murs
- Autre
Equipe(s) organisatrice(s) / Organizing team(s):
- Autre