Likelihood-free in Paris (LFIParis) 20th-22nd April

"Likelihood-free in Paris" 20th-22nd April

  • Registration application & abstract submission open until 3rd March 2022
  • Indico
A gathering to discuss and discover: simulation-based inference,  implicit inference,  deep learning for simulations and beyond!
Motivated by challenges in the Cosmology/Astrophysics community, this is still an opportunity to be joined by people excited by these new approaches from any field.

The meeting is being held in the historic 45 rue d'Ulm of the École Normale Supérieure. On the first evening, a cocktail reception will be held on Campus. The conference dinner will be held on the second evening nearby.

We strongly encourage talk abstract submissions from early-career scientists as well as more established researchers.

We look forward to seeing you in Paris!

Invited speakers & panellists

    Tom Charnock
    Alan Heavens
    Shirley Ho
    Daniela Huppenkothen
    François Lanusse
    Gilles Louppe
    Ben Wandelt

Important dates:

    - Abstract submission deadline: 3rd March
    - Registration deadline: 3rd March
   -  LFIParis meeting: 20th-22nd April 2022

Covid restrictions:
As the rules currently stand a "pass sanitaire" (vaccine proof) is required to attend.
At the moment we are optimistic, and all spaces at ENS are booked with the expectation of holding the meeting in person. If we find it is not possible to hold an in-person meeting closer to the time, we will announce a move to virtual.

Meeting contact:

Dr Amandine Le Brun
PSL Fellow
Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
5 Place Jules Janssen
92195 Meudon


Wednesday, 20 April, 2022 - 09:45 to Friday, 22 April, 2022 - 18:45

Localisation / Location: 

Hors les murs

Salle / Local: 

École Normale Supérieure.
  • Conférence

Equipe(s) organisatrice(s) / Organizing team(s): 

  • Autre

Si l'équipe qui organise la manifestation ne figure pas dans la liste, veuillez la renseigner ci-dessus.: 


Yes Mail à apc_tous: