The workshop is explorative in nature. It focuses on novel frontiers for the theoretical understanding of gravity and other interactions and their interface with observational cosmology and astrophysics. The goal is to understand how observations can shed light to the fundamental questions in understanding the Universe.
Program Committee :
Niayesh Afshordi (Perimeter, U. Waterloo)
Latham Boyle (Perimeter)
Ben Craps (Solvay, VUB)
Davide Franco (APC)
Kenneth Ganga (APC)
Thomas Hertog (Solvay, KULeuven)
Elias Kiritsis (APC & University of Crete) Chair
Antoine Kouchner (APC)
David Langlois (APC)
Sotiris Loucatos (Irfu-CEA & APC)
Francesco Nitti (APC)
Edward Porter (APC)
Dimitri Semikoz (APC)
George Smoot (APC & Berkeley)
Vincent Vennin (APC)

Localisation / Location:
Salle / Local:
- Conférence
Equipe(s) organisatrice(s) / Organizing team(s):
- Théorie