History of the Neutrino
September 5-7, 2018
Paris, France


Instructions to the authors

The deadline for sending the manuscripts is: November 30, 2018

Final editing will be performed by the editors, but Latex is the preferred framework. The speakers have to use the following 2 files to prepare the written version of their talk under Latex: neuthist18.tex (containing the publisher's instruction), and neuthist18.cls (the style file). They can be downloaded as a tar file. The result can be visualised on neuthist18.pdf.

It is also possible to send a non latex version by following the instruction here.

The speakers should send all files (.tex, figures and .pdf) possibly as a .tar.gz file - compressed tar - to Jacques Dumarchez. Page limit and specific instructions:

Every speaker will receive a mail setting the page limit for the written version of his/her talk.
