Detectability of cosmological stochastic background [4.5 yr]


Science investigation and Observational requirement: None from Science requirement document.

Detectability of cosmo SGWB


Relative bias (in \%)

log_amplitude log_pivot acc_noise inter_noise log_galactic
-0.044000 -0.127000 0.346000 0.010000 -0.183000

Relative errors (in \%)

log_amplitude log_pivot acc_noise inter_noise log_galactic
0.006000 0.015000 0.206000 0.005000 0.021000

Detailed results

Input parameters

- log : log/SO7_sgwb_cosmo.c1.log
- config : config.yml
- subconfig : 
- duration : 4.5 yr
- duty_cycle : 0.89
- armlength : 2500000000.0 m
- noise : SciRDv1_redbook/instrumental_noise.npy
- show : False
- fast : 0
- tdi2 : 1
- freqs : [2e-05, 1]
- force_duration : 4.5_yr
- nproc : 1
- report : SciRDv1_redbook/
- fom_title : Detectability of cosmological stochastic background
- fom_or : [None]
- fom_objective : Detectability of cosmo SGWB
- fom_config : SO7/sgwb_cosmo.c1.yml
- gw_response : SciRDv1_redbook/gw_response_x.npy
- priors : SO7/parameter_priors.yaml
- fg_galactic : SciRDv1_redbook/sgwb_gb.npy
