a factory of pre-templated c2_function generators More...
#include <c2_factory.hh>
Static Public Member Functions | |
static c2_classic_function_p < float_type > & | classic_function (float_type(*c_func)(float_type)) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_plugin_function_p < float_type > & | plugin_function () |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_plugin_function_p < float_type > & | plugin_function (c2_function< float_type > &f) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_const_plugin_function_p < float_type > & | const_plugin_function () |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_const_plugin_function_p < float_type > & | const_plugin_function (const c2_function< float_type > &f) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_scaled_function_p < float_type > & | scaled_function (const c2_function< float_type > &outer, float_type scale) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_cached_function_p < float_type > & | cached_function (const c2_function< float_type > &func) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_constant_p < float_type > & | constant (float_type x) |
make a *new object More... | |
static interpolating_function_p < float_type > & | interpolating_function () |
make a *new object More... | |
static lin_log_interpolating_function_p < float_type > & | lin_log_interpolating_function () |
make a *new object More... | |
static log_lin_interpolating_function_p < float_type > & | log_lin_interpolating_function () |
make a *new object More... | |
static log_log_interpolating_function_p < float_type > & | log_log_interpolating_function () |
make a *new object More... | |
static arrhenius_interpolating_function_p < float_type > & | arrhenius_interpolating_function () |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_connector_function_p < float_type > & | connector_function (float_type x0, const c2_function< float_type > &f0, float_type x2, const c2_function< float_type > &f2, bool auto_center, float_type y1) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_connector_function_p < float_type > & | connector_function (const c2_fblock< float_type > &fb0, const c2_fblock< float_type > &fb2, bool auto_center, float_type y1) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_connector_function_p < float_type > & | connector_function (float_type x0, float_type y0, float_type yp0, float_type ypp0, float_type x2, float_type y2, float_type yp2, float_type ypp2, bool auto_center, float_type y1) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_piecewise_function_p < float_type > & | piecewise_function () |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_sin_p< float_type > & | sin () |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_cos_p< float_type > & | cos () |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_tan_p< float_type > & | tan () |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_log_p< float_type > & | log () |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_exp_p< float_type > & | exp () |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_sqrt_p< float_type > & | sqrt () |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_recip_p< float_type > & | recip (float_type scale=1) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_identity_p < float_type > & | identity () |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_linear_p< float_type > & | linear (float_type x0, float_type y0, float_type slope) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_quadratic_p < float_type > & | quadratic (float_type x0, float_type y0, float_type xcoef, float_type x2coef) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_power_law_p < float_type > & | power_law (float_type scale, float_type power) |
make a *new object More... | |
static c2_inverse_function_p < float_type > & | inverse_function (const c2_function< float_type > &source) |
make a *new object More... | |
a factory of pre-templated c2_function generators
Definition at line 57 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 107 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 84 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 62 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 110 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by LJZBLScreening().
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 116 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 122 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 72 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 76 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 88 of file c2_factory.hh.
References test::x.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 134 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by arorie(), atrobo(), conucl(), cromsc(), dphnpi(), fermii(), fgp3(), gen_delta(), gen_qel(), hijels(), hijing(), hijsft(), hirobo(), jettout(), lazimu(), lmprin(), lqgev(), lqqbev(), lu1ent(), lucell(), ludecy(), lueevt(), lujmas(), luonia(), luprep(), luptdi(), lurobo(), lushow(), lusphe(), lux4jt(), luxdif(), phodo(), phoro2(), phoro3(), py1ent(), pyapps(), pycell(), pycjdc(), pydecy(), pyeevt(), pyeig4(), pyhext(), pyinom(), pyinre(), pyjmas(), pykmap(), pymsin(), pymult(), pynjdc(), pyonia(), pyprep(), pyptdi(), pyqqbh(), pyreco(), pyremm(), pyremn(), pyresd(), pyrghm(), pyrobo(), pyscat(), pysfdc(), pyshow(), pyspen(), pysphe(), pytbdy(), pythrg(), pyx4jt(), pyxdif(), pyxtot(), quench(), rotod1(), rotod2(), rotod3(), rotor1(), rotor2(), rotor3(), sphera(), spherd(), testrot1(), testrot1s(), testrot2(), testrot2s(), testrot3(), testrot3s(), testrot4(), and testrot4s().
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 140 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by ar3jet(), attrad(), bk(), bsof1(), bsofc1(), conucl(), csj1m(), csj2m(), dbeta(), dfatpr(), dfatta(), dgamrn(), diagr(), drcmu(), dsigma_delta(), dtchoi(), elhain(), fhin(), fluini(), fnjet(), fnkick(), fnkick2(), ftot(), ftotjet(), ftotrig(), habint(), hafdi1(), harkin(), hax1x2(), hijcsc(), hijels(), hijhrd(), hijing(), hijsft(), hiptdi(), luboei(), lushow(), lustrf(), lux3jt(), lux4jt(), luxjet(), luxtot(), luzdis(), lwbb(), npoiss(), phoene(), prblm2(), profb(), pyboei(), pycteq(), pyggam(), pygrvs(), pygrvw(), pygvmd(), pyhfth(), pykcut(), pyklim(), pykmap(), pymaxi(), pymult(), pyovly(), pypdel(), pypdfl(), pypdpi(), pyrand(), pyreco(), pyshow(), pysigh(), pysspa(), pysspb(), pystfu(), pystpr(), pystrf(), pyx3jt(), pyx4jt(), pyxjet(), pyxtee(), pyzdis(), qrblm2(), quench(), sampex(), sampey(), samppt(), sampxb(), saptre(), vahmsd(), valmdd(), valmsd(), wdsax(), wdsax1(), wdsax2(), and xsglau().
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 147 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 91 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 162 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by G4NativeScreenedCoulombCrossSection::LoadData().
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 95 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by LJScreening(), MoliereScreening(), and ZBLScreening().
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 151 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by G4NativeScreenedCoulombCrossSection::LoadData().
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 138 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by csharm(), csj1m(), csj1mi(), csj2m(), dgamrn(), dgauss(), diadif(), diffpt(), dilog(), dispt(), distcm(), distr(), distrc(), dor94di(), dor94fs(), dor94fw(), dor94ho(), dor94lo(), drcmu(), dshnel(), dshnto(), dsige(), dsihae(), dtchoi(), dttest(), elhain(), habint(), hafdi1(), hafdis(), harkin(), hax1x2(), hijing(), inucas(), jettarun(), lscale(), lucell(), ludecy(), luptdi(), luradk(), lushow(), lustrf(), lutabu(), lux3jt(), lux4jt(), luxjet(), luxtot(), luzdis(), phnsch(), phoene(), plu(), primpt(), pyalem(), pyalps(), pycell(), pycteq(), pydecy(), pydocu(), pyevnt(), pyfisb(), pygano(), pygbeh(), pygdir(), pygfxx(), pyggam(), pygrvd(), pygrvl(), pygrvm(), pygrvs(), pygrvw(), pygvmd(), pyi3au(), pyinki(), pyinom(), pyinpr(), pyklim(), pykmap(), pymaxi(), pymult(), pyofsh(), pyp(), pypdel(), pypdfl(), pypdga(), pypdpi(), pyptdi(), pyradk(), pyrand(), pyreco(), pyremn(), pyrghm(), pyshow(), pysigh(), pyspen(), pysspa(), pystfu(), pystpr(), pystrf(), pysubh(), pytabu(), pytbbc(), pytbbn(), pythia(), pyvacu(), pyw1au(), pyw2au(), pywaux(), pywidt(), pyx3jt(), pyx4jt(), pyxjet(), pyxtee(), pyxtot(), pyxxga(), pyxxw5(), pyxxz2(), pyxxz5(), pyzdis(), qinnuc(), rannor(), sampex(), sampey(), samppt(), sampxb(), saptre(), selpt(), selpt4(), selpth(), selpts(), sewew(), shmaki(), shmako(), sigshd(), sihndi(), sihnel(), thb(), ulalem(), ulalps(), valmdd(), valmsd(), xptfl(), xptfl1(), xsglau(), and xshpto().
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 99 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 103 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by G4ScreenedCoulombCrossSection::BuildMFPTables(), and G4NativeScreenedCoulombCrossSection::LoadData().
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 129 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by LJZBLScreening().
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 65 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 69 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 158 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 154 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 144 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 80 of file c2_factory.hh.
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 132 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by arorie(), atrobo(), conucl(), cromsc(), dphnpi(), dshnto(), fermii(), gen_delta(), gen_qel(), hijels(), hijing(), hijsft(), hirobo(), jettout(), lminto(), lmpint(), lmprin(), lqgev(), lqqbev(), lu1ent(), lucell(), ludecy(), lueevt(), luonia(), luprep(), luptdi(), lurobo(), lushow(), luxdif(), phodo(), phoro2(), phoro3(), py1ent(), pycell(), pycjdc(), pydecy(), pyeevt(), pyevnt(), pyhext(), pyinre(), pymsin(), pymult(), pynjdc(), pyonia(), pyprep(), pyptdi(), pyqqbh(), pyreco(), pyremm(), pyremn(), pyrghm(), pyrobo(), pyscat(), pysfdc(), pyshow(), pyspen(), pytbdy(), pywidt(), pyxdif(), pyxtot(), quench(), rotod1(), rotod2(), rotod3(), rotor1(), rotor2(), rotor3(), sphera(), spherd(), testrot1(), testrot1s(), testrot2(), testrot2s(), testrot3(), testrot3s(), testrot4(), and testrot4s().
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 142 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by absorp(), amas4(), amast(), angfi(), angxy(), ar3jet(), arorie(), attrad(), bwig(), bwigm(), bwigs(), checkn(), conucl(), cormom(), corval(), cromsc(), csj1mi(), curr(), dadmaa(), dadmel(), dadmkk(), dadmks(), dadmmu(), dadmpi(), dadmro(), dadnew(), daltra(), dampaa(), dampog(), damppk(), dcalum(), ddecay(), decays(), dechkk(), defaul(), dgauss(), dhadri(), diadif(), diffch(), diffpt(), diqdzz(), diqzzd(), diseva(), dispt(), distcm(), distr(), distrc(), dminit(), dor94di(), dor94fs(), dor94fv(), dor94fw(), dor94ho(), dor94lo(), dph4pi(), dph5pi(), dphnpi(), dphsks(), dphsrk(), dphsro(), dphtre(), dpmevt(), dpmjet(), dpoli(), dqcd(), drcmu(), drtran(), dshnel(), dshnto(), dshpto(), dsige(), dsigin(), dsigma_delta(), dsihae(), dthrep(), dtrafo(), dtwopa(), dtwopd(), dxlamb(), elhain(), evtput(), faltra(), fer4m(), fer4mp(), fer4mt(), fermii(), fgp3(), fhad(), ficonf(), flap1(), flap2(), fnkick(), forced_decay(), form1(), form2(), form4(), form5(), formom(), gadap(), gadap2(), gadapf(), gen_delta(), gen_qel(), habint(), hadjase(), hadjck(), hadjet(), hadjse(), hadrdi(), hadrds(), hadrdv(), hadrdz(), hadrhh(), hadri1(), hadrkk(), hadrsd(), hadrss(), hadrsv(), hadrvd(), hadrvs(), hadrvv(), hadrzd(), hadrzz(), hafdi1(), hamult(), harini(), harkin(), hax1x2(), hiboost(), hijcsc(), hijels(), hijfrg(), hijhrd(), hijing(), hijini(), hijset(), hijsft(), hijwds(), hiptdi(), hirobo(), hisout(), hkkfil(), incini(), initdk(), initdk_new(), inucas(), jettarun(), jettout(), kkevdi(), kkevds(), kkevdv(), kkevhh(), kkevle(), kkevnu(), kkevsd(), kkevss(), kkevsv(), kkevt(), kkevvd(), kkevvs(), kkevvv(), kkevzz(), kkinc(), lepdcyp(), lepto(), leptox(), linit(), lkinem(), lmeps(), lmpint(), lmprin(), lmsimp(), lprikt(), lprwts(), lqcdpr(), lqev(), lqgev(), lqmcut(), lqqbev(), lremh(), lscale(), lshowr(), ltini(), ltrans(), lu1ent(), lu2ent(), lu3ent(), lu4ent(), luboei(), lucell(), luclus(), ludecy(), luedit(), lueevt(), luexec(), lufowo(), luindf(), lujmas(), lukfdi(), luonia(), luprep(), luptdi(), luradk(), lurobo(), lushow(), lusphe(), lustrf(), lutabu(), luthru(), lux3jt(), lux4jt(), luxdif(), luxjet(), luxkfl(), luxtot(), luzdis(), lweits(), mashel(), modb(), nclpot(), nucmom(), omg0(), orth(), phint(), phlupa(), phnsch(), phoan1(), phoan2(), phocor(), phodo(), phoene(), phopre(), photri(), photwo(), pinkla(), plu(), pomdi(), prblm2(), primpt(), ptval(), py1ent(), py2ent(), py3ent(), py4ent(), pyalps(), pyangl(), pyapps(), pyboei(), pycell(), pycjdc(), pyclus(), pydecy(), pydiff(), pydocu(), pyedit(), pyeevt(), pyeig4(), pyevnt(), pyexec(), pyfowo(), pygbeh(), pygfxx(), pyggam(), pyglui(), pygrvd(), pygrvl(), pygrvm(), pygrvs(), pygrvv(), pygrvw(), pyh2xx(), pyhext(), pyhfth(), pyi3au(), pyinbm(), pyindf(), pyinki(), pyinom(), pyinre(), pyjmas(), pykcut(), pykfdi(), pyklim(), pykmap(), pymass(), pymaxi(), pymsin(), pymult(), pynjdc(), pyofsh(), pyonia(), pyoper(), pyp(), pypdel(), pypdfl(), pypdfu(), pypdpi(), pypdpr(), pyplot(), pyprep(), pyptdi(), pyqqbh(), pyradk(), pyrand(), pyreco(), pyremm(), pyremn(), pyresd(), pyrobo(), pyscat(), pysfdc(), pyshow(), pysigh(), pyspen(), pysphe(), pysspa(), pysspb(), pystfe(), pystfu(), pystpr(), pystrf(), pysubh(), pytabu(), pytbbc(), pytbbn(), pytbdy(), pytest(), pythia(), pythrg(), pythru(), pyw1au(), pyw2au(), pywaux(), pywidt(), pyx2xg(), pyx2xh(), pyx3jt(), pyx4jt(), pyxdif(), pyxjet(), pyxkfl(), pyxtee(), pyxtot(), pyxxw5(), pyxxz2(), pyxxz5(), pyzdis(), qrblm2(), quench(), raco(), rannor(), resncl(), samppt(), sampxb(), samsqx(), saptre(), scn4ba(), sdiff(), selpt(), selpt4(), selpth(), selpts(), sewew(), shmaki(), shmako(), sigee(), sigmas(), sigold(), sigshd(), sigtes(), sihnab(), sihndi(), sphera(), spherd(), strafo(), sttran(), thb(), tralo4(), ulalps(), ulangl(), ulmass(), vahmsd(), valmdd(), valmsd(), wdsax(), wdsax1(), wdsax2(), xcheck(), xksamp(), xptfl(), xptfl1(), xsglau(), xshpto(), ylamb(), zormom(), and zorval().
inlinestatic |
make a *new object
Definition at line 136 of file c2_factory.hh.
Referenced by dph4pi(), dph5pi(), dphsks(), dphsro(), dphtre(), gen_delta(), ludecy(), pykmap(), pymass(), pymult(), pyofsh(), pysigh(), and ulmass().