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1 //
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25 //
26 /// \file eventgenerator/HepMC/HepMCEx02/src/
27 /// \brief Implementation of the HEPEvtcom class
28 //
29 //$Id: 77801 2013-11-28 13:33:20Z gcosmo $
30 // ======================================================================
34 // ======================================================================
35 ///**********************************************************/
36 ///* D E S C R I P T I O N : */
37 ///*--------------------------------------------------------*/
38 ///* NEVHEP - event number (or some special meaning*/
39 ///* (see documentation for details) */
40 ///* NHEP - actual number of entries in current */
41 ///* event. */
42 ///* ISTHEP[IHEP] - status code for IHEP'th entry - see */
43 ///* documentation for details */
44 ///* IDHEP [IHEP] - IHEP'th particle identifier according*/
45 ///* to PDG. */
46 ///* JMOHEP[IHEP][0] - pointer to position of 1st mother */
47 ///* JMOHEP[IHEP][1] - pointer to position of 2nd mother */
48 ///* JDAHEP[IHEP][0] - pointer to position of 1st daughter */
49 ///* JDAHEP[IHEP][1] - pointer to position of 2nd daughter */
50 ///* PHEP [IHEP][0] - X momentum [Gev/c] */
51 ///* PHEP [IHEP][1] - Y momentum [Gev/c] */
52 ///* PHEP [IHEP][2] - Z momentum [Gev/c] */
53 ///* PHEP [IHEP][3] - Energy [Gev] */
54 ///* PHEP [IHEP][4] - Mass[Gev/c^2] */
55 ///* VHEP [IHEP][0] - X vertex [mm] */
56 ///* VHEP [IHEP][1] - Y vertex [mm] */
57 ///* VHEP [IHEP][2] - Z vertex [mm] */
58 ///* VHEP [IHEP][3] - production time [mm/c] */
59 ///*========================================================*/
60 //
61 // This interface to HEPEVT common block treats the block as
62 // an array of bytes --- the precision and number of entries
63 // is determined "on the fly" by the wrapper and used to decode
64 // each entry.
65 //
66 // HEPEVT_EntriesAllocation is the maximum size of the HEPEVT common block
67 // that can be interfaced. It is NOT the actual size of the HEPEVT common
68 // used in each individual application. The actual size can be changed on
69 // the fly using HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_max_number_entries().
70 // Thus HEPEVT_EntriesAllocation should typically be set
71 // to the maximum possible number of entries --- 10000 is a good choice
72 // (and is the number used by ATLAS versions of Pythia).
74 #include <ctype.h>
76 enum {HEPEVT_EntriesAllocation=4000};
78 const unsigned int hepevt_bytes_allocation =
79 sizeof(long int) * ( 2 + 4 * HEPEVT_EntriesAllocation )
80  + sizeof(double) * ( 9 * HEPEVT_EntriesAllocation );
82 extern "C" struct hepevt{
84 };
typedef int(XMLCALL *XML_NotStandaloneHandler)(void *userData)
const unsigned int hepevt_bytes_allocation
hepevt hepevt_
const XML_Char const XML_Char * data