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1 //
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4 // * *
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27 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
28 //
29 // GEANT4 Class file
30 //
31 //
32 // File name: G4hICRU49p
33 //
34 // Author: V.Ivanchenko (
35 //
36 // Creation date: 20 July 2000
37 //
38 // Modifications:
39 // 20/07/2000 V.Ivanchenko First implementation
40 // 18/09/2000 V.Ivanchenko clean up - all variable are the same as in ICRU
41 // 03/10/2000 V.Ivanchenko clean up accoding to CodeWizard
42 // 10/05/2001 V.Ivanchenko Clean up againist Linux compilation with -Wall
43 //
44 // Class Description:
45 //
46 // Electronic stopping power parametrised according to
47 // ICRU Report N49, 1993, for protons.
48 //
49 // Class Description: End
50 //
51 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
52 //
53 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
55 #include "G4hICRU49p.hh"
57 #include "globals.hh"
58 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
59 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
60 #include "G4Material.hh"
62 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
65  iMolecula(0),
66  protonMassAMU(1.007276)
67 {;}
69 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
72 {;}
74 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
77 {
78  G4String chFormula = material->GetChemicalFormula() ;
79  G4String myFormula = G4String(" ") ;
81  if (myFormula == chFormula ) {
82  if(1 == (material->GetNumberOfElements())) return true;
83  return false ;
84  }
86  // ICRU Report N49, 1993. Power's model for He.
87  const size_t numberOfMolecula = 11 ;
88  static const G4String name[numberOfMolecula] = {
89  "Al_2O_3", "CO_2", "CH_4",
90  "(C_2H_4)_N-Polyethylene", "(C_2H_4)_N-Polypropylene", "(C_8H_8)_N",
91  "C_3H_8", "SiO_2", "H_2O",
92  "H_2O-Gas", "Graphite"};
94  // Special treatment for water in gas state
95  const G4State theState = material->GetState() ;
97  myFormula = G4String("H_2O");
98  if( theState == kStateGas && myFormula == chFormula) {
99  chFormula = G4String("H_2O-Gas");
100  }
102  // Search for the material in the table
103  for (size_t i=0; i<numberOfMolecula; i++) {
104  if (chFormula == name[i]) {
105  SetMoleculaNumber(i) ;
106  return true ;
107  }
108  }
109  return false ;
110 }
112 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
115  G4double kineticEnergy)
116 {
117  G4double ionloss = 0.0 ;
119  // pure material (normally not the case for this function)
120  if(1 == (material->GetNumberOfElements())) {
121  G4double z = material->GetZ() ;
122  ionloss = ElectronicStoppingPower( z, kineticEnergy ) ;
124  } else if (iMolecula < 11) {
126  // The data and the fit from:
127  // ICRU Report N49, 1993. Ziegler's model for protons.
128  // Proton kinetic energy for parametrisation (keV/amu)
130  G4double T = kineticEnergy/(keV*protonMassAMU) ;
132  static const G4double a[11][5] = {
133  {1.187E+1, 1.343E+1, 1.069E+4, 7.723E+2, 2.153E-2},
134  {7.802E+0, 8.814E+0, 8.303E+3, 7.446E+2, 7.966E-3},
135  {7.294E+0, 8.284E+0, 5.010E+3, 4.544E+2, 8.153E-3},
136  {8.646E+0, 9.800E+0, 7.066E+3, 4.581E+2, 9.383E-3},
137  {1.286E+1, 1.462E+1, 5.625E+3, 2.621E+3, 3.512E-2},
138  {3.229E+1, 3.696E+1, 8.918E+3, 3.244E+3, 1.273E-1},
139  {1.604E+1, 1.825E+1, 6.967E+3, 2.307E+3, 3.775E-2},
140  {8.049E+0, 9.099E+0, 9.257E+3, 3.846E+2, 1.007E-2},
141  {4.015E+0, 4.542E+0, 3.955E+3, 4.847E+2, 7.904E-3},
142  {4.571E+0, 5.173E+0, 4.346E+3, 4.779E+2, 8.572E-3},
143  {2.631E+0, 2.601E+0, 1.701E+3, 1.279E+3, 1.638E-2} };
146  if ( T < 10.0 ) {
147  ionloss = a[iMolecula][0] * std::sqrt(T) ;
149  } else if ( T < 10000.0 ) {
150  G4double slow = a[iMolecula][1] * std::pow(T, 0.45) ;
151  G4double shigh = std::log( 1.0 + a[iMolecula][3]/T
152  + a[iMolecula][4]*T ) * a[iMolecula][2]/T ;
153  ionloss = slow*shigh / (slow + shigh) ;
154  }
156  if ( ionloss < 0.0) ionloss = 0.0 ;
157  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
158  // Graphite may be implemented in a very approximate way (scaling
159  // amorphous results according to rough fits to ICRU tables of results:
160  // 1-100 keV: *(1+0.023+0.0066*std::log10(E))
161  // 100-700 keV: *(1+0.089-0.0248*std::log10(E-99.))
162  // 700-10000 keV: *(1+0.089-0.0248*std::log10(700.-99.))
163  // continuity is (should!) be garanteed, but not continuity of the
164  // first derivative. A better fit is in order!
165  if ( 10 == iMolecula ) {
166  if (T < 100.0) {
167  ionloss *= (1.0+0.023+0.0066*std::log10(T));
168  }
169  else if (T < 700.0) {
170  ionloss *=(1.0+0.089-0.0248*std::log10(T-99.));
171  }
172  else if (T < 10000.0) {
173  ionloss *=(1.0+0.089-0.0248*std::log10(700.-99.));
174  }
175  }
176  }
178  return ionloss;
179 }
181 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
184  G4double kineticEnergy) const
185 {
186  G4double ionloss ;
187  G4int i = G4int(z)-1 ; // index of atom
188  if(i < 0) i = 0 ;
189  if(i > 91) i = 91 ;
191  // The data and the fit from:
192  // ICRU Report 49, 1993. Ziegler's type of parametrisations.
193  // Proton kinetic energy for parametrisation (keV/amu)
195  G4double T = kineticEnergy/(keV*protonMassAMU) ;
197  static const G4double a[92][5] = {
198  {1.254E+0, 1.440E+0, 2.426E+2, 1.200E+4, 1.159E-1},
199  {1.229E+0, 1.397E+0, 4.845E+2, 5.873E+3, 5.225E-2},
200  {1.411E+0, 1.600E+0, 7.256E+2, 3.013E+3, 4.578E-2},
201  {2.248E+0, 2.590E+0, 9.660E+2, 1.538E+2, 3.475E-2},
202  {2.474E+0, 2.815E+0, 1.206E+3, 1.060E+3, 2.855E-2},
203  {2.631E+0, 2.601E+0, 1.701E+3, 1.279E+3, 1.638E-2},
204  {2.954E+0, 3.350E+0, 1.683E+3, 1.900E+3, 2.513E-2},
205  {2.652E+0, 3.000E+0, 1.920E+3, 2.000E+3, 2.230E-2},
206  {2.085E+0, 2.352E+0, 2.157E+3, 2.634E+3, 1.816E-2},
207  {1.951E+0, 2.199E+0, 2.393E+3, 2.699E+3, 1.568E-2},
208  {2.542E+0, 2.869E+0, 2.628E+3, 1.854E+3, 1.472E-2},
209  {3.791E+0, 4.293E+0, 2.862E+3, 1.009E+3, 1.397E-2},
210  {4.154E+0, 4.739E+0, 2.766E+3, 1.645E+2, 2.023E-2},
211  {4.914E+0, 5.598E+0, 3.193E+3, 2.327E+2, 1.419E-2},
212  {3.232E+0, 3.647E+0, 3.561E+3, 1.560E+3, 1.267E-2},
213  {3.447E+0, 3.891E+0, 3.792E+3, 1.219E+3, 1.211E-2},
214  {5.301E+0, 6.008E+0, 3.969E+3, 6.451E+2, 1.183E-2},
215  {5.731E+0, 6.500E+0, 4.253E+3, 5.300E+2, 1.123E-2},
216  {5.152E+0, 5.833E+0, 4.482E+3, 5.457E+2, 1.129E-2},
217  {5.521E+0, 6.252E+0, 4.710E+3, 5.533E+2, 1.112E-2},
218  {5.201E+0, 5.884E+0, 4.938E+3, 5.609E+2, 9.995E-3},
219  {4.858E+0, 5.489E+0, 5.260E+3, 6.511E+2, 8.930E-3},
220  {4.479E+0, 5.055E+0, 5.391E+3, 9.523E+2, 9.117E-3},
221  {3.983E+0, 4.489E+0, 5.616E+3, 1.336E+3, 8.413E-3},
222  {3.469E+0, 3.907E+0, 5.725E+3, 1.461E+3, 8.829E-3},
223  {3.519E+0, 3.963E+0, 6.065E+3, 1.243E+3, 7.782E-3},
224  {3.140E+0, 3.535E+0, 6.288E+3, 1.372E+3, 7.361E-3},
225  {3.553E+0, 4.004E+0, 6.205E+3, 5.551E+2, 8.763E-3},
226  {3.696E+0, 4.194E+0, 4.649E+3, 8.113E+1, 2.242E-2},
227  {4.210E+0, 4.750E+0, 6.953E+3, 2.952E+2, 6.809E-3},
228  {5.041E+0, 5.697E+0, 7.173E+3, 2.026E+2, 6.725E-3},
229  {5.554E+0, 6.300E+0, 6.496E+3, 1.100E+2, 9.689E-3},
230  {5.323E+0, 6.012E+0, 7.611E+3, 2.925E+2, 6.447E-3},
231  {5.874E+0, 6.656E+0, 7.395E+3, 1.175E+2, 7.684E-3},
232  {6.658E+0, 7.536E+0, 7.694E+3, 2.223E+2, 6.509E-3},
233  {6.413E+0, 7.240E+0, 1.185E+4, 1.537E+2, 2.880E-3},
234  {5.694E+0, 6.429E+0, 8.478E+3, 2.929E+2, 6.087E-3},
235  {6.339E+0, 7.159E+0, 8.693E+3, 3.303E+2, 6.003E-3},
236  {6.407E+0, 7.234E+0, 8.907E+3, 3.678E+2, 5.889E-3},
237  {6.734E+0, 7.603E+0, 9.120E+3, 4.052E+2, 5.765E-3},
238  {6.901E+0, 7.791E+0, 9.333E+3, 4.427E+2, 5.587E-3},
239  {6.424E+0, 7.248E+0, 9.545E+3, 4.802E+2, 5.376E-3},
240  {6.799E+0, 7.671E+0, 9.756E+3, 5.176E+2, 5.315E-3},
241  {6.109E+0, 6.887E+0, 9.966E+3, 5.551E+2, 5.151E-3},
242  {5.924E+0, 6.677E+0, 1.018E+4, 5.925E+2, 4.919E-3},
243  {5.238E+0, 5.900E+0, 1.038E+4, 6.300E+2, 4.758E-3},
244  {5.345E+0, 6.038E+0, 6.790E+3, 3.978E+2, 1.676E-2},
245  {5.814E+0, 6.554E+0, 1.080E+4, 3.555E+2, 4.626E-3},
246  {6.229E+0, 7.024E+0, 1.101E+4, 3.709E+2, 4.540E-3},
247  {6.409E+0, 7.227E+0, 1.121E+4, 3.864E+2, 4.474E-3},
248  {7.500E+0, 8.480E+0, 8.608E+3, 3.480E+2, 9.074E-3},
249  {6.979E+0, 7.871E+0, 1.162E+4, 3.924E+2, 4.402E-3},
250  {7.725E+0, 8.716E+0, 1.183E+4, 3.948E+2, 4.376E-3},
251  {8.337E+0, 9.425E+0, 1.051E+4, 2.696E+2, 6.206E-3},
252  {7.287E+0, 8.218E+0, 1.223E+4, 3.997E+2, 4.447E-3},
253  {7.899E+0, 8.911E+0, 1.243E+4, 4.021E+2, 4.511E-3},
254  {8.041E+0, 9.071E+0, 1.263E+4, 4.045E+2, 4.540E-3},
255  {7.488E+0, 8.444E+0, 1.283E+4, 4.069E+2, 4.420E-3},
256  {7.291E+0, 8.219E+0, 1.303E+4, 4.093E+2, 4.298E-3},
257  {7.098E+0, 8.000E+0, 1.323E+4, 4.118E+2, 4.182E-3},
258  {6.909E+0, 7.786E+0, 1.343E+4, 4.142E+2, 4.058E-3},
259  {6.728E+0, 7.580E+0, 1.362E+4, 4.166E+2, 3.976E-3},
260  {6.551E+0, 7.380E+0, 1.382E+4, 4.190E+2, 3.877E-3},
261  {6.739E+0, 7.592E+0, 1.402E+4, 4.214E+2, 3.863E-3},
262  {6.212E+0, 6.996E+0, 1.421E+4, 4.239E+2, 3.725E-3},
263  {5.517E+0, 6.210E+0, 1.440E+4, 4.263E+2, 3.632E-3},
264  {5.220E+0, 5.874E+0, 1.460E+4, 4.287E+2, 3.498E-3},
265  {5.071E+0, 5.706E+0, 1.479E+4, 4.330E+2, 3.405E-3},
266  {4.926E+0, 5.542E+0, 1.498E+4, 4.335E+2, 3.342E-3},
267  {4.788E+0, 5.386E+0, 1.517E+4, 4.359E+2, 3.292E-3},
268  {4.893E+0, 5.505E+0, 1.536E+4, 4.384E+2, 3.243E-3},
269  {5.028E+0, 5.657E+0, 1.555E+4, 4.408E+2, 3.195E-3},
270  {4.738E+0, 5.329E+0, 1.574E+4, 4.432E+2, 3.186E-3},
271  {4.587E+0, 5.160E+0, 1.541E+4, 4.153E+2, 3.406E-3},
272  {5.201E+0, 5.851E+0, 1.612E+4, 4.416E+2, 3.122E-3},
273  {5.071E+0, 5.704E+0, 1.630E+4, 4.409E+2, 3.082E-3},
274  {4.946E+0, 5.563E+0, 1.649E+4, 4.401E+2, 2.965E-3},
275  {4.477E+0, 5.034E+0, 1.667E+4, 4.393E+2, 2.871E-3},
276  {4.844E+0, 5.458E+0, 7.852E+3, 9.758E+2, 2.077E-2},
277  {4.307E+0, 4.843E+0, 1.704E+4, 4.878E+2, 2.882E-3},
278  {4.723E+0, 5.311E+0, 1.722E+4, 5.370E+2, 2.913E-3},
279  {5.319E+0, 5.982E+0, 1.740E+4, 5.863E+2, 2.871E-3},
280  {5.956E+0, 6.700E+0, 1.780E+4, 6.770E+2, 2.660E-3},
281  {6.158E+0, 6.928E+0, 1.777E+4, 5.863E+2, 2.812E-3},
282  {6.203E+0, 6.979E+0, 1.795E+4, 5.863E+2, 2.776E-3},
283  {6.181E+0, 6.954E+0, 1.812E+4, 5.863E+2, 2.748E-3},
284  {6.949E+0, 7.820E+0, 1.830E+4, 5.863E+2, 2.737E-3},
285  {7.506E+0, 8.448E+0, 1.848E+4, 5.863E+2, 2.727E-3},
286  {7.648E+0, 8.609E+0, 1.866E+4, 5.863E+2, 2.697E-3},
287  {7.711E+0, 8.679E+0, 1.883E+4, 5.863E+2, 2.641E-3},
288  {7.407E+0, 8.336E+0, 1.901E+4, 5.863E+2, 2.603E-3},
289  {7.290E+0, 8.204E+0, 1.918E+4, 5.863E+2, 2.673E-3}
290  };
292  G4double fac = 1.0 ;
294  // Carbon specific case for E < 40 keV
295  if ( T < 40.0 && 5 == i) {
296  fac = std::sqrt(T/40.0) ;
297  T = 40.0 ;
299  // Free electron gas model
300  } else if ( T < 10.0 ) {
301  fac = std::sqrt(T*0.1) ;
302  T =10.0 ;
303  }
305  // Main parametrisation
306  G4double slow = a[i][1] * std::pow(T, 0.45) ;
307  G4double shigh = std::log( 1.0 + a[i][3]/T + a[i][4]*T ) * a[i][2]/T ;
308  ionloss = slow*shigh*fac / (slow + shigh) ;
310  if ( ionloss < 0.0) ionloss = 0.0 ;
312  return ionloss;
313 }
G4double GetZ() const
Definition: G4Material.hh:114
G4bool HasMaterial(const G4Material *material)
G4double z
Definition: TRTMaterials.hh:39
const G4String & GetChemicalFormula() const
Definition: G4Material.hh:177
const XML_Char * name
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
string material
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:79
G4double StoppingPower(const G4Material *material, G4double kineticEnergy)
size_t GetNumberOfElements() const
Definition: G4Material.hh:184
G4State GetState() const
Definition: G4Material.hh:179
G4double ElectronicStoppingPower(G4double z, G4double kineticEnergy) const
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76