72 fMessenger(0), fMpl(0)
78 fMonopoleMass = 100.*
102 G4cout <<
"G4MonopolePhysics::ConstructProcess" <<
111 G4double emin = fMonopoleMass/20000.;
112 if(emin <
keV) { emin =
keV; }
157 fMonopoleMass = mass;
void SetElectricCharge(G4double)
void SetMonopoleMass(G4double)
virtual void ConstructProcess()
void SetMagneticCharge(G4double)
Definition of the G4MonopoleTransportation class.
G4ProcessManager * GetProcessManager() const
Definition of the G4Monopole class.
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
G4double MagneticCharge() const
G4bool RegisterProcess(G4VProcess *process, G4ParticleDefinition *particle)
static G4Monopole * MonopoleDefinition(G4double mass=100.*CLHEP::GeV, G4double magCharge=1.0, G4double elCharge=0.0)
G4int AddProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess, G4int ordAtRestDoIt=ordInActive, G4int ordAlongSteptDoIt=ordInActive, G4int ordPostStepDoIt=ordInActive)
G4MonopolePhysics(const G4String &nam="Monopole Physics")
virtual void ConstructParticle()
void SetMaxKinEnergy(G4double e)
T max(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the largest of the two arguments
Definition of the G4MonopolePhysicsMessenger class.
static G4PhysicsListHelper * GetPhysicsListHelper()
Definition of the G4MonopolePhysics class.
G4double GetPDGCharge() const
G4VProcess * RemoveProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess)
void SetPhysicsType(G4int)
void SetDEDXBinning(G4int nbins)
void SetMinKinEnergy(G4double e)