The next meeting of the Cosmology working group of the Gravitational waves GdR will be held on the 13th of November at APC, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, in the 13th district of Paris.
Please mark your calendar, and register on the indico webpage! Please note that even if you are not registered as a member of the GdR you are very welcome to attend (and to register to the GdR if you wish!). You are alson encourated to forward this email to whoever might be interested.
We will have three invited talks:
Mark Hindmarsh (Sussex U. & Helsinki U), Gravitational waves from phase transitions
Antonio Riotto (Geneva U.), Gravitational waves from primordial black holes
Christophe Ringeval (Louvain U.), Latest constraints from cosmic strings
and a number of contributed talks. If you would like to contribute a talk, please let us know before the 13th of October (mailto: pitrou, tania.regimbau, steer, vincent.vennin
Registration will be kept open until the 30th of October.
Mercredi, 13 novembre, 2019 - 10:00 to 18:00
Equipe(s) organisatrice(s) / Organizing team(s):
- Cosmologie