Library Talks

  • 2024
    1. Pierre Granger, A differentiable simulator for LArTPCs: from proof-of-concept to real applicationsNeutrino Physics and Machine Learning, Zurich/Switzerland
    2. Jaime Dawson, The Horizontal and Vertical Drift detectors in DUNE, DRD1 Collaboration, CERN/Switzerland 
  • 2023 
  1. Jaime Dawson, The DUNE project,  Symposium on Large TPCs for low-energy rare event detection, Paris/France
  2. Henrique Souza, DUNE vertical drift TPCSymposium on Large TPCs for low-energy rare event detection, Paris/France
  3. Camille Sironneau, Sterile neutrino search with atmospheric neutrinos in DUNEIRN Neutrino meeting Karlsruhe/Germany
  4. I Cheong Hong, Reconstruction of atmospheric neutrinos in the LAr TPC detectors of the DUNE experimentRencontres de jeunes physicien*ne*s Paris/France
  5. Ariel Cohen, Study of the Photon Detection System in DUNE using simulation techniques, Journées de Rencontre des Jeunes Chercheurs 2023 Jean-de-Monts/France
  6. Pierre Granger, Differentiable Simulation of a Liquid Argon TPC, IRN Neutrino meeting Karlsruhe/Germany
  7. Pierre Granger,  Differentiable Simulation of a Liquid Argon TPC for High-Dimensional CalibrationMODE workshop on Differentiable Programming for Experiment Design, Princeton/US
  8. Henrique Souza, Vertical Drift photo detection systemIRN Neutrino meeting France, Nantes/France
  • 2022
    1. Pierre Granger, Neutron detection to improve the neutrino energy resolution in oscillation experiments, talk Rencontres de jeunes physicien*ne*s
    2. Henrique Souza, Light detection with power and signal transmission over fiber , talk LIDINE 2022 conference
    3. Henrique Souza, A PDS system with an analog optical readout and PoF, lecture WOLTE15 workshop
  • 2021
    1. Sabrina Sacerdoti, Development of analog signal transmission in LAr for DUNE, LIDINE 2021 conference (Proceedings: JINTS 17 (2022) 01, P01005)
    2. Etienne Chardonnet, Reconstructing 3D trajectories in DUNE, parallel talk La Thuile workshop
  • 2020
    1. Jaime Dawson, The DUNE experiment and its Far Detectors, remote seminar CPPM

  • 2024
    • I Cheong Hong, Pandora vertex reconstruction of atmospheric neutrinos in the LAr TPC detectors of the DUNE experiment using deep learning techniquesNeutrino 2024, Milano/Italy
    • Sabrina Sacerdoti, Photo-detector readout of the DUNE FD2 in a cryogenic and high-voltage environmentNeutrino 2024, Milano/Italy
    • Camille Sironneau, Sterile Neutrino search with atmospherics in DUNENeutrino 2024, Milano/Italy
    • Henrique Souza, Angle and energy reconstruction of atmospheric neutrinos in DUNE experimentNeutrino 2024, Milano/Italy
  • 2023
  • 2021
    • Etienne Chardonnet, 3D reconstruction in DUNEWIN2021
  • 2019
    • Etienne Chardonnet, The DUNE Dual-Phase Liquid Argon TPCIPRD2019 (Proceedings: JINST 15 (2020) 05, C05064)