
Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos in the Multi-Messenger Era

The 'Cosmic Rays  in the Multi-Messenger Era' conference aims to bring together the scientific communities working on high-energy cosmic rays, from an experimental point of view as well as from a theoretical and phenomenological sides. In addition to detailed presentations of theoretical models dealing with the production of cosmic rays and secondary neutrinos and gamma-rays, the conference will include reviews of the latest experimental results as well as prospects for the next decade.

Atelier thématique : Qu'est-ce-que l'AAP MRSEI et SRSEI ?

Mesdames, Messieurs,

Dans le cadre du développement des activités du Service Partenariat-Valorisation, le pôle Subventions Nationales vous propose, en 2023, une série d'ateliers thématiques sur des sujets susceptibles de vous intéresser.
Ce cycle se poursuite par un atelier intitulé « Qu'est-ce-que l'AAP MRSEI et SRSEI ?» qui aura lieu le mardi 25 avril de 13h30 à 14h30 en visioconférence.

Cosmic Rays in the Multi-Messenger Era

The 'Cosmic Rays  in the Multi-Messenger Era' conference aims to bring together the scientific communities working on high-energy cosmic rays, from an experimental point of view as well as from a theoretical and phenomenological sides. In addition to detailed presentations of theoretical models dealing with the production of cosmic rays and secondary neutrinos and gamma-rays, the conference will include reviews of the latest experimental results as well as prospects for the next decade.


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