Study of accretion and ejection processes in variable black hole systems with SVOM


We propose to carry out a study of accretion and ejection processes in black hole systems which are highly variable or transient emitters of high energy photons, by using the multi-wavelength data of the SVOM space mission and the relevant multi-messenger data that will be available to our laboratory.
The super-massive black holes located in galaxy centers, in particular those that generate the luminous Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), or the stellar-mass black holes that evolve in bright X-ray close binary systems (XRB), show a high-energy emission (in X and gamma-rays) which is always variable and often transient. They will be priority targets for the Chinese-French space mission SVOM dedicated to the variable high-energy sky and that will be launched early 2023. SVOM will provide a large set of data from optical to gamma-ray wavelengths of high energy sources particularly those located at high galactic latitudes during the observations of the General Program (GP) of the mission. Galactic sources will be pointed instead mainly during Target of Opportunity (ToO) observations triggered by the appearance in the sky of a new transient source, for example of a BH X-ray Nova. APC has important responsibilities in these programs and it will be at the center of the scientific projects that will exploit these data.
The thesis will focus on those programs dedicated to analysis and astrophysical interpretation of the mission data on BH systems, and will profit of, and contribute to, the large expertise in X/gamma-ray data analysis and in astrophysics of compact objects of the team. Particular attention will be dedicated to the multi-messenger astronomy context of the BH observations, with the search for possible neutrino, cosmic ray and gravitational wave emissions associated to the studied variable high-energy electromagnetic events.


Andrea Goldwurm






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