The Gravitation group at AstroParticule & Cosmologie APC welcomes applications for a post-doctoral position in the area of the gravitational wave astronomy.
The institute:
APC is a laboratory funded by the French National Scientific Research Center CNRS-IN2P3, the University of Paris Diderot, the Commission for Atomic Energy CEA and Observatory of Paris. The laboratory is located in Paris, France and it is devoted to astroparticle physics and cosmology. It is involved in many large experiments and observatories in those areas such as the Planck CMB mission, LIGO-VIRGO collaboration, LISA & LISA Pathfinder, the LSST survey telescope, ESA Euclid survey mission, the KM3NeT neutrino telescope, the SVOM gamma-ray satellite, etc. The laboratory provides a friendly and lively place to work and a scientifically exciting and stimulating environment to conduct research in.
The positions
The post-doctoral position is for 2 years. The successful applicant is expected to work on the subjects related to the LISA mission. This includes study of astrophysical population of the anticipated LISA sources, modeling gravitational wave signals and development of the data analysis techniques.
The gravitational astronomy group consists of Dr. E. Chassande-Mottin, Dr. E. Plagnol, Dr. E. Porter, Dr. A. Petiteau, Dr. S. Babak, Dr. Ch. Caprini, Dr. H. Halloin. APC hosts the LISA Data Processing Center that gives candidates a unique opportunity to be at the heart of the LISA development. Further information about APC can be found at .
Qualifications for post-doctoral position
PhD and/or post-doctoral experience in Astrophysics/Physics (preferably related to gravitational waves)
Skills and work experience in the cooperative development of scientific software, working knowledge of C/C++, Python.
Application procedure
To apply for postdoctoral position, please send CV (ciriculum vitae), list of publications and the research statement to (stanislav.babak[AT]apc.)stba (in2p3).fr . Please arrange three recommendation letters to be sent to the same address with the name of applicant in the subject.
The deadline for applications is September 1, 2017. Later applications will be considered as well until the position is filled.
For more information please contact Dr. S. Babak (stanislav)stba (.)stba (babak)stba ([AT])stba (a)stba (pc)stba (.)stba (in2p3).fr and/or Dr. A. Petiteau stba (petiteau[)stba (AT])stba ( .