A big-bang relic population of WIMPs remains one of the most favored candidates for the yet-to-be-discovered dark matter. DarkSide uses dual-phase liquid argon (LAr) Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) to search for WIMPs. The current phase of the experiment, DarkSide-50, consists in a 50-kg-active-mass TPC filled with argon from an underground source. I will discuss in detail its recent results, namely a background free search for high-mass WIMPs (>10 GeV/c2) and the world-leading exclusion limit for WIMPs with mass between 2 and 6 GeV/c2. I will then discuss the design of the future phase of the experiment, DarkSide-20k. It will use a 20 tonne fiducial mass LArTPC, equipped with novel SiPM photosensors, and it is designed to attain unprecedented sensitivity while remaining free from any instrumental background.
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