Microcausality without Lorentz invariance

I will describe how causality implies certain non-perturbative analyticity and exponential boundedness conditions on correlators of relativistic QFTs, in a mixed (t,k) representation. I will then discuss their implications for correlators in Lorentz-breaking backgrounds, including finite-density states and cosmological spacetimes, and show how they can be used to derive a positivity condition on inflationary theories. Along the way, I will compare with the case of S-matrix positivity in flat space Lorentz-invariant theories.


Mardi, 1 avril, 2025 - 14:00 to 15:00

Localisation / Location: 


Salle / Local: 

  • Séminaire

Nom/Prénom // Last name/First name: 

Podo Alessandro



Equipe(s) organisatrice(s) / Organizing team(s): 

  • Théorie

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