Dear all,
(French version follows)
we are very happy to announce you that the APC colloquium series is starting again this month. Our first meeting will be next Monday, September 12th at 4pm, with a colloquium by Zhen Cao on LHAASO results.
- Monday, September 12th, 4pm, amphi Pierre Gilles de Gennes
Zhen Cao (IHEP-CAS)
"LHAASO and Its First Discoveries: Onset of the UHE γ-ray Astronomy"
Sonia and Matteo
Chers tous,
Nous sommes très content de vous communiquer que les colloques APC recommencent ce mois-ci. Notre premier meeting sera le prochain lundi, 12 Septembre à 16h, avec un colloque par Zhen Cao sur les derniers résultats de LHAASO.
- Lundi 12 Septembre, 16h, amphi Pierre Gilles de Gennes
Zhen Cao (IHEP-CAS)
"LHAASO and Its First Discoveries: Onset of the UHE γ-ray Astronomy"
à bientôt,
Sonia et Matteo
Lundi, 12 septembre, 2022 - 16:00 to 18:00
Localisation / Location:
Salle / Local:
Amphi Pierre Gilles de Genes (PGG)
- Colloquium APC
Nom/Prénom // Last name/First name:
CAO /Zhen
Chinese Academy of Science
Equipe(s) organisatrice(s) / Organizing team(s):
- APC colloquium
Pays / Country: