Exemples des jeux vidéos (MMORPG) et de l'enseignement en ligne (MOOC) et le programme H2020 GAPARS.
[Séminaire en Français — Seminar in French]
Speaker: Bernard Revaz & Attila Szantner (MMOS Sarl), Pablo Achard (Université de Genève et Ayaru Sarl)
Abstract: The software games business is growing fast. Its technological and methodological underpinnings have been laid down in years of research and development. At a significantly lower scale, they are now finding their way into non-entertainment contexts, helping deliver substantial benefits, particularly in education, training, research and health. What is called Citizens science. Recent European research projects have identified comprehensive roadmaps and are creating resources and state-of-the-art knowledge for European players to develop applied games more easily, faster and more cost-effectively.