EuCAPT Symposium - May 23-25, online

The European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (EuCAPT, is a new initiative, with central hub at CERN, that aims to bring together the European community of theoretical astroparticle physicists and cosmologists. 

After a first meeting in 2021 with nearly 900 registered participants, EuCAPT is delighted to announce the second edition of the EuCAPT annual symposium, the flagship event of the consortium, that aims to provide an interdisciplinary Europe-wide forum to discuss opportunities and challenges in Theoretical Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology. All scientists (PhD students, postdocs, and staff) active in these fields of research are invited to join this event remotely from May 23 to May 25, 2022. The symposium will feature invited presentations, and young scientists will have the opportunity to present their work with lightning talks.

More information and registration at:


Lundi, 23 mai, 2022 - 09:15 to Mercredi, 25 mai, 2022 - 15:00

Localisation / Location: 

Hors les murs
  • Conférence

Equipe(s) organisatrice(s) / Organizing team(s): 

  • Autre

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