
Gravitation group Seminar: Rachel Gray - Cosmology with Dark Sirens and Galaxy Catalogues

Dear all,

On Monday, October 17 at 10.00 we will be welcoming Rachel Gray (Queen Mary University of London) for the gravitation group seminar. The seminar will take place online - the zoom link can be found below.

Rachel will talk about cosmological constraints from gravitational wave dark sirens and galaxy catalogs. 

Cosmology with Dark Sirens and Galaxy Catalogues


Gravitation Group Seminar: Nicola Franchini: Constraining modifications of black hole perturbation potentials near the light ring with quasinormal modes

On Monday, October 3 at 10.00 we will be welcoming Nicola Franchini (APC) for the gravitation group seminar. The seminar will take place in room 631B, (a zoom link can be found below).
Nicola will talk about the constraints from quasinormal modes on black hole perturbation potentials. 

Constraining modifications of black hole perturbation potentials near the light ring with quasinormal modes


Gravitation Group Seminar: Jakub Klencki on: From massive stars through X-ray binaries to gravitational-wave sources

On Monday, September 19 at 14.00 we will be welcoming Jakub Klencki (ESO Garching and Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics Garching) for the gravitation group seminar. The seminar will take place online, (the zoom link can be found below). 

Title: From massive stars through X-ray binaries to gravitational-wave sources


Gravitation Group Seminar: Francois Larrouturou: Minimalism as guideline to construct new paradigms.

Next week we will be welcoming François Larrouturou (DESY Hamburg) for the Gravitation group seminar. 
The seminar will take place in person, in room 371A-Klein (the zoom link can be found below) next Monday, July 11 at 10:00

François will give an introduction to: 

Title : Minimalism as guideline to construct new paradigms.

Abstract : 

Gravitation Group Seminar

We will be welcoming Riccardo Buscicchio (Università di Milano-Bicocca and INFN, Sez. di Milano-Bicocca) for the Gravitation group seminar. This seminar will take place online (the zoom link can be found below) next Monday, June 13 at 10:00 am CEST

Riccardo will give an introduction to: 
Title:  Stellar mass binary black holes: what, when, and where


Black holes: myths and facts

After recalling the definition of a black hole and its basic properties (mass, angular momentum and area), the seminar will focus on links between black holes and gravitational waves. In particular black hole thermodynamics will be discussed in connection with gravitational wave emission, as well as the so-called black hole information paradox.

Contact for zoom meeting details. 

Soutenance de thèse - Catherine Nguyen

Dear all,

I am pleased to invite you to my PhD defense that will take place next Tuesday, October 5th at 14:00 in room Luc Valentin 454A. The defense will also be accessible via the Zoom link below.

I will present the work I have been doing at APC under the supervision of Matteo Barsuglia for the past three years on the « Development of squeezing techniques for quantum noise reduction in gravitational-wave detectors ».

Philosophy in Science: Can Philosophers of Science Permeate through Science and Produce Scientific Knowledge? - Möbius Seminars 30/09/2021

Most philosophers of science do philosophy ‘on’ science. By contrast, others do philosophy ‘in’ science (‘PinS’), that is, they use philosophical tools to address scientific problems and to provide scientifically useful proposals. Here, we consider the evidence in favour of a trend of this nature. We proceed in two stages.


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