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MIDAPACK - MIcrowave Data Analysis PACKage 1.0beta
Parallel software tools for high performance CMB DA analysis
00001 /* 00002 ** file: toeplitz.c, version 1.0beta, May 2012 00003 ** 00004 ** Project: Midapack library, ANR MIDAS'09 00005 ** Purpose: Provide Toeplitz algebra tools suitable for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) 00006 ** data analysis. 00007 ** 00008 ** Authors: Pierre Cargemel, Frederic Dauvergne, Maude Le Jeune, Antoine Rogier, 00009 ** Radek Stompor (APC, Paris) 00010 ** 00011 ** 00012 ** Copyright (c) 2010-2012 APC CNRS Université Paris Diderot 00013 ** 00014 ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 00015 ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 00016 ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or 00017 ** (at your option) any later version. 00018 ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00019 ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00020 ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00021 ** GNU General Public License for more details. 00022 ** 00023 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 00024 ** along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html 00025 ** 00026 ** For more information about ANR MIDAS'09 project see 00027 ** http://www.apc.univ-paris7.fr/APC_CS/Recherche/Adamis/MIDAS09/index.html 00028 ** 00029 ** ACKNOWLEDGMENT: This work has been supported in part by the French National 00030 ** Research Agency (ANR) through COSINUS program (project MIDAS no. ANR-09-COSI-009). 00031 ** 00032 ** 00033 ** Revision 1.0 2012/05/01? fd@APC 00034 ** Official release 1.0, including only the Toeplitz algebra module. 00035 ** 00036 */ 00037 00078 #include "toeplitz.h" 00079 00080 00081 //========================================================================= 00082 //Global parameters 00083 00085 00087 int NFFT = 1; 00088 00090 00094 int FFTW_FLAG = FFTW_ESTIMATE; 00095 00096 //Global parameter just to know the rank for printing when VERBOSE mode is on 00097 int PRINT_RANK = -1; 00098 00099 00100 //========================================================================= 00101 00103 00108 int print_error_message(int error_number, char const *file, int line) 00109 { 00110 char *str_mess; 00111 str_mess = (char *) malloc(100 * sizeof(char)); 00112 if(error_number == 1) 00113 sprintf (str_mess, "Error on line %d of %s. Toeplitz band width > vector size\n", line, file); 00114 if(error_number == 2) 00115 sprintf (str_mess, "Error on line %d of %s. Bad allocation.\n", line, file); 00116 if(error_number == 3) 00117 sprintf (str_mess, "Error on line %d of %s. Error at fftw multithread initialization.\n", line, file); 00118 if(error_number == 7) 00119 sprintf (str_mess, "Error on line %d of %s.\n", line, file); 00120 fprintf(stderr, "%s", str_mess); 00121 printf("%s", str_mess); 00122 return error_number; 00123 00124 } 00125 00126 00127 //========================================================================= 00128 00130 00144 int optimal_blocksize(int n, int lambda, int bs_flag) { 00145 int bs; //computed optimal block size 00146 int min_bs; //minimum block size used for the computation 00147 int min_pow2; //minimum power of two index used for the block size computation 00148 00149 min_bs = 3*lambda; 00150 min_pow2 = (int) ceil( log(min_bs)/log(2) ); 00151 bs = pow(2, min_pow2); 00152 00153 00154 if (bs_flag==1) { //flag to use a different formula to find an optimal block size 00155 while(bs < 2*(lambda-1)*log(bs+1) && bs<n) { 00156 bs = bs*2; }} 00157 00158 if (bs > n) //This is to avoid block size much bigger than the matrix. Append mostly 00159 bs = 3*lambda; //when the matrix is small compared to his bandwith 00160 00161 if(VERBOSE) 00162 printf("Computed optimal blocksize is %d (with lambda = %d)\n", bs, lambda); 00163 00164 return bs; 00165 } 00166 00167 00168 //========================================================================= 00169 00171 00186 int tpltz_init(int n, int lambda, int *nfft, int *blocksize, fftw_complex **T_fft, double *T, fftw_complex **V_fft, double **V_rfft, fftw_plan *plan_f, fftw_plan *plan_b) 00187 { 00188 //initialize block size 00189 *blocksize = optimal_blocksize(n, lambda, 0); 00190 //initialize nfft 00191 *nfft = NFFT; 00192 //initialize fftw plan allocation flag 00193 int fftw_flag = FFTW_FLAG; 00194 00195 //initialize fftw for omp threads 00196 fftw_init_omp_threads(); 00197 //initialize fftw array and plan for T (and make it circulant first) 00198 circ_init_fftw(T, (*blocksize), lambda, T_fft); 00199 //initialize fftw array and plan for V 00200 rhs_init_fftw(nfft, (*blocksize), V_fft, V_rfft, plan_f, plan_b, fftw_flag); 00201 00202 if (VERBOSE) 00203 printf("Initialization finished successfully\n"); 00204 00205 return 0; 00206 } 00207 00208 00209 //========================================================================= 00210 00212 00217 int fftw_init_omp_threads() 00218 { 00219 int status; 00220 00221 //initialize fftw omp threads 00222 #ifdef fftw_MULTITHREADING 00223 status = fftw_init_threads(); 00224 if (status==0) 00225 return print_error_message (3, __FILE__, __LINE__); 00226 00227 #pragma omp parallel 00228 n_thread = omp_get_num_threads(); 00229 if (VERBOSE) 00230 printf("Using %d threads\n", n_thread); 00231 00232 fftw_plan_with_nthreads(n_thread); 00233 if (VERBOSE) 00234 printf("Using multithreaded FFTs with %d threads\n", n_thread); 00235 #endif 00236 00237 return 0; 00238 } 00239 00240 00241 //========================================================================= 00242 00244 00254 int rhs_init_fftw(int *nfft, int fft_size, fftw_complex **V_fft, double **V_rfft, fftw_plan *plan_f, fftw_plan *plan_b, int fftw_flag) 00255 { 00256 //allocate fftw arrays and plans for V 00257 *V_fft = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc((*nfft)*(fft_size/2+1) * sizeof(fftw_complex) ); 00258 *V_rfft = (double*) fftw_malloc((*nfft)*fft_size * sizeof(double) ); 00259 if (*V_fft==0 || *V_rfft==0) 00260 return print_error_message (2, __FILE__, __LINE__); 00261 00262 *plan_f = fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(1, &fft_size, (*nfft), *V_rfft, &fft_size, 1, fft_size, *V_fft, NULL, 1, fft_size/2+1, fftw_flag ); 00263 *plan_b = fftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(1, &fft_size, (*nfft), *V_fft, NULL, 1, fft_size/2+1, *V_rfft, &fft_size, 1, fft_size, fftw_flag ); 00264 00265 00266 return 0; 00267 } 00268 00269 00270 //========================================================================= 00271 00273 00281 int circ_init_fftw(double *T, int fft_size, int lambda, fftw_complex **T_fft) 00282 { 00283 //routine variable 00284 int i; 00285 int circ_fftw_flag = FFTW_ESTIMATE; 00286 //allocation for T_fft 00287 *T_fft = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc( (fft_size/2+1) * sizeof(fftw_complex) ); 00288 if (*T_fft==0) 00289 return print_error_message (2, __FILE__, __LINE__); 00290 double *T_circ = (double*) (*T_fft); 00291 00292 //inplace fft 00293 fftw_plan plan_f_T; 00294 plan_f_T = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d( fft_size, T_circ, *T_fft, circ_fftw_flag ); 00295 00296 //make T circulant 00297 #pragma omp parallel for 00298 for(i=0; i<fft_size+2;i++) 00299 T_circ[i] = 0.0; 00300 00301 T_circ[0] = T[0]; 00302 for(i=1;i<lambda;i++) { 00303 T_circ[i] = T[i]; 00304 T_circ[fft_size-i] = T[i]; } 00305 00306 fftw_execute(plan_f_T); 00307 fftw_destroy_plan(plan_f_T); 00308 00309 return 0; 00310 } 00311 00312 00313 //========================================================================= 00314 00316 00324 int tpltz_cleanup(fftw_complex **T_fft, fftw_complex **V_fft, double **V_rfft,fftw_plan *plan_f, fftw_plan *plan_b){ 00325 fftw_destroy_plan(*plan_f); 00326 fftw_destroy_plan(*plan_b); 00327 fftw_free(*T_fft); 00328 fftw_free(*V_fft); 00329 fftw_free(*V_rfft); 00330 #ifdef fftw_MULTITHREADING 00331 fftw_cleanup_threads(); 00332 #endif 00333 fftw_cleanup(); 00334 } 00335 00336 00337 //========================================================================= 00338 00340 00348 int copy_block(int ninrow, int nincol, double *Vin, int noutrow, int noutcol, double *Vout, int inrow, int incol, int nblockrow, int nblockcol, int outrow, int outcol, double norm, int set_zero_flag) 00349 { 00350 int i, j, p, offsetIn, offsetOut; 00351 00352 //do some size checks first 00353 if( (nblockcol > nincol) || (nblockrow > ninrow) || (nblockcol > noutcol) || (nblockrow > noutrow)) { 00354 printf("Error in routine copy_block. Bad size setup.\n"); 00355 return print_error_message(7, __FILE__, __LINE__); 00356 } 00357 00358 if(set_zero_flag) { 00359 #pragma omp parallel for private(i) 00360 for(i=0;i<noutrow*noutcol;i++) //could use maybe memset but how about threading 00361 Vout[i] = 0.0; 00362 } 00363 00364 offsetIn = ninrow*incol+inrow; 00365 offsetOut = noutrow*outcol+outrow; 00366 00367 #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,p) 00368 for(i=0;i<nblockcol*nblockrow;i++) { //copy the block 00369 j = i/nblockrow; 00370 p = i%nblockrow; 00371 Vout[offsetOut+j*noutrow+p] = Vin[offsetIn+j*ninrow+p]*norm; 00372 } 00373 00374 return 0; 00375 } 00376 00377 00378 //========================================================================= 00379 00381 00397 int scmm_direct(int fft_size, fftw_complex *C_fft, int ncol, double *V_rfft, double **CV, fftw_complex *V_fft, fftw_plan plan_f_V, fftw_plan plan_b_CV) 00398 { 00399 //routine variables 00400 int sizeT = fft_size/2+1; 00401 int i, idx; 00402 00403 //perform forward FFT 00404 fftw_execute(plan_f_V); //input in V_rfft; output in V_fft 00405 00406 #pragma omp parallel for private(idx) 00407 for(i=0;i<ncol*sizeT;i++) { 00408 idx = i%sizeT; 00409 V_fft[i][0] = C_fft[idx][0]*V_fft[i][0]-C_fft[idx][1]*V_fft[i][1]; 00410 V_fft[i][1] = C_fft[idx][0]*V_fft[i][1]+C_fft[idx][1]*V_fft[i][0]; } 00411 00412 //perform backward FFts 00413 fftw_execute(plan_b_CV); //input in V_fft; output in V_rfft 00414 00415 return 0; 00416 } 00417 00418 00419 //========================================================================= 00420 00422 00449 int scmm_basic(double **V, int blocksize, int m, fftw_complex *C_fft, int lambda, double **CV, fftw_complex *V_fft, double *V_rfft, int nfft, fftw_plan plan_f_V, fftw_plan plan_b_CV) 00450 { 00451 //routine variables 00452 int i,k; //loop index 00453 int nloop = (int) ceil((1.0*m)/nfft); //number of subblocks 00454 00455 // Loop over set of columns 00456 int ncol = min(nfft, m); //a number of columns to be copied from the data to working matrix 00457 //equal the number of simultaneous FFTs 00458 00459 #pragma omp parallel for private(i) 00460 for( i=0;i<blocksize*ncol;i++) 00461 V_rfft[i] = 0.0; //could use maybe memset but how about threading 00462 00463 for(k=0;k<nloop;k++) { //this is the main loop over the set of columns 00464 if (k==nloop-1) //last loop ncol may be smaller than nfft 00465 ncol = m-(nloop-1)*nfft; 00466 00467 //init fftw matrices. 00468 //extracts a block of ncol full-length columns from the data matrix and embeds in a bigger 00469 //matrix padding each column with lambda zeros. Note that all columns will be zero padded 00470 //thanks to the "memset" call above 00471 00472 copy_block(blocksize, m, (*V), blocksize, ncol, V_rfft, 0, k*nfft, blocksize, ncol, 0, 0, 1.0, 0); 00473 //note: all nfft vectors are transformed below ALWAYS in a single go (if ncol < nfft) the extra 00474 //useless work is done. 00475 00476 scmm_direct(blocksize, C_fft, ncol, V_rfft, CV, V_fft, plan_f_V, plan_b_CV); 00477 //note: the parameter CV is not really used 00478 00479 //extract the relevant part from the result 00480 copy_block(blocksize, ncol, V_rfft, blocksize, m, (*CV), 0, 0, blocksize, ncol, 0, k*nfft, 1.0/((double) blocksize), 0); 00481 00482 } //end of loop over the column-sets 00483 00484 00485 return 0; 00486 } 00487 00488 00489 //========================================================================= 00490 00492 00515 int stmm_core(double **V, int n, int m, fftw_complex *T_fft, int blocksize, int lambda, fftw_complex *V_fft, double *V_rfft, int nfft, fftw_plan plan_f, fftw_plan plan_b, int flag_offset) 00516 { 00517 00518 //routine variable 00519 int status; 00520 int i,j,k,p; //loop index 00521 int currentsize; 00522 int blocksize_eff = blocksize-2*lambda; //just a good part after removing the overlaps 00523 int nbloc = ceil( (1.0*n)/blocksize_eff); //a number of subblock of slide/overlap algorithm 00524 00525 if (flag_offset==1) 00526 nbloc = ceil((1.0*(n-2*lambda))/blocksize_eff); 00527 00528 00529 double *V_bloc, *TV_bloc; 00530 V_bloc = (double *) calloc(blocksize*m, sizeof(double)); 00531 TV_bloc = (double *) calloc(blocksize*m, sizeof(double)); 00532 if((V_bloc==0)||(TV_bloc==0)) 00533 return print_error_message(2, __FILE__, __LINE__); 00534 00535 int offset=0; 00536 if (flag_offset==1) 00537 offset=lambda; 00538 00539 //note: lambda-1 instead of lambda should be enough to work. 00540 //The same for mpi routines, we generally use one extra term in the communications 00541 00542 int iV = 0; //"-lambda+offset"; //first index in V 00543 int iTV = offset; //first index in TV 00544 00545 //"k=0"; 00546 //first subblock separately as it requires some padding. prepare the block of the data vector 00547 //with the overlaps on both sides 00548 currentsize = min( blocksize-lambda+offset, n-iV); 00549 //note: if flag_offset=0, pad first lambda elements with zeros (for the first subblock only) 00550 // and if flag_offset=1 there is no padding with zeros. 00551 copy_block( n, m, *V, blocksize, m, V_bloc, 0, 0, currentsize, m, lambda-offset, 0, 1.0, 0); 00552 00553 //do block computation 00554 status = scmm_basic(&V_bloc, blocksize, m, T_fft, lambda, &TV_bloc, V_fft, V_rfft, nfft, plan_f, plan_b); 00555 00556 if (status!=0) { 00557 printf("Error in stmm_core."); 00558 return print_error_message(7, __FILE__, __LINE__); } 00559 00560 00561 //now copy first the new chunk of the data matrix **before** overwriting the input due to overlaps ! 00562 iV = blocksize_eff-lambda+offset; 00563 00564 if(nbloc > 1) { 00565 currentsize = min( blocksize, n-iV); //not to overshoot 00566 00567 int flag_reset = (currentsize!=blocksize); //with flag_reset=1, always "memset" the block. 00568 copy_block( n, m, *V, blocksize, m, V_bloc, iV, 0, currentsize, m, 0, 0, 1.0, flag_reset); 00569 } 00570 00571 //and now store the ouput back in V 00572 currentsize = min( blocksize_eff, n-iTV); // to trim the extra rows 00573 copy_block( blocksize, m, TV_bloc, n, m, *V, lambda, 0, currentsize, m, iTV, 0, 1.0, 0); 00574 00575 00576 iTV += blocksize_eff; 00577 //now continue with all the other subblocks 00578 for(k=1;k<nbloc;k++) { 00579 00580 //do bloc computation 00581 status = scmm_basic(&V_bloc, blocksize, m, T_fft, lambda, &TV_bloc, V_fft, V_rfft, nfft, plan_f, plan_b); 00582 if (status!=0) break; 00583 00584 00585 iV += blocksize_eff; 00586 //copy first the next subblock to process 00587 if(k != nbloc-1) { 00588 currentsize = min(blocksize, n-iV); //not to overshoot 00589 00590 int flag_resetk = (currentsize!=blocksize); //with flag_reset=1, always "memset" the block. 00591 copy_block( n, m, *V, blocksize, m, V_bloc, iV, 0, currentsize, m, 0, 0, 1.0, flag_resetk); 00592 } 00593 00594 //and then store the output in V 00595 currentsize = min( blocksize_eff, n-iTV); //not to overshoot 00596 copy_block( blocksize, m, TV_bloc, n, m, *V, lambda, 0, currentsize, m, iTV, 0, 1.0, 0); 00597 iTV += blocksize_eff; 00598 00599 }//end bloc computation 00600 00601 00602 free(V_bloc); 00603 free(TV_bloc); 00604 00605 return status; 00606 } 00607 00608 00609 00610 //========================================================================= 00611 00613 00635 int stmm_reshape(double **V, int n, int m, int id0, int l, fftw_complex *T_fft, int lambda, fftw_complex *V_fft, double *V_rfft, fftw_plan plan_f, fftw_plan plan_b, int blocksize, int nfft) 00636 { 00637 00638 //routine variable 00639 int i,j,k,p; //loop index 00640 int idf = id0+l-1; 00641 int cfirst = id0/n; //first column index 00642 int clast = idf/n; //last column index 00643 int clast_1 = (idf+1)/n; 00644 int m_eff = clast - cfirst + 1 ; //number of columns 00645 int rfirst = id0%n; 00646 int rlast = idf%n; 00647 00648 int fft_size; 00649 int flag_nfft=1; //flag to avoid nfft reshaping when nfft=1. By default, it is active, 00650 //thus if nfft==1 00652 int flag_offset; 00653 00654 if (l<lambda) // test to avoid communications errors 00655 return print_error_message (1, __FILE__, __LINE__); 00656 00657 00658 //allocation for the vector shape V1 00659 double *V1; 00660 int v1_size; 00661 00662 v1_size = l + (m_eff-1)*lambda; //we have l = (m_eff-2)*n+ (n-rfirst) + (rlast+1) (just for information) 00663 V1 = (double *) calloc(v1_size, sizeof(double)); 00664 00665 00666 //reshape the matrix V into a vector shape V1. It is add lambda zeros 00667 //at the end of each column. 00668 #pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,p) 00669 for(i=0;i<l;i++) { 00670 j = (i+rfirst)/n; 00671 p = (i+rfirst)%n; 00672 V1[p-rfirst+j*(n+lambda)] = (*V)[i]; } 00673 //note: not really need copy if m=1. Will be improve as memory use. 00674 00675 00676 //shortcut possible for nfft==1 with flag_nfft==1. You need also to put flag_offset=0 in the core routine. 00677 //to make it work correctly. 00678 if (flag_nfft==1 && nfft==1) { 00679 flag_offset=0; 00680 int status = stmm_core(&V1, v1_size, nfft, T_fft, blocksize, lambda, V_fft, V_rfft, nfft, plan_f, plan_b, flag_offset); 00681 if (status!=0) 00682 return status; 00683 00684 } 00685 else { //perform sliding windows algorithm on a matrix shape optimize for nfft 00686 00687 fft_size = ceil(1.0*v1_size/nfft)+2*lambda; //maybe use a better name "fft_nnew" 00688 // int blocksize_eff = blocksize-2*lambda; 00689 // int nbloc = ceil(1.0*fft_size/blocksize_eff); //just for information 00690 // int fft_size = nbloc*blocksize_eff; //if we want to have exactly the size correspondance 00691 //(not really usefull). 00692 00693 //reallocation of V with the computed matrix size above 00694 (*V) = realloc((*V), fft_size*nfft * sizeof(double)); 00695 00696 //convert the vector shape into a matrix shape optimize for nfft 00697 vect2nfftblock(V1, v1_size, (*V), fft_size, nfft, lambda); 00698 00699 //perform sequential multiplication by small blocks 00700 flag_offset=1; 00701 int status = stmm_core(V, fft_size, nfft, T_fft, blocksize, lambda, V_fft, V_rfft, nfft, plan_f, plan_b, flag_offset); 00702 if (status!=0) 00703 return status; 00704 00705 nfftblock2vect((*V), fft_size, nfft, lambda, V1, v1_size); 00706 00707 }//end else of if (flag_nfft==1) 00708 00709 //reallocation of (*V) to his input size 00710 *V = realloc(*V, l * sizeof(double)); 00711 00712 //reshape the vector shape V1 into the input matrix V. It is remove the lambda zeros 00713 //at the end of each column used for the computation. 00714 #pragma omp parallel for private(j,p) 00715 for(i=0;i<l;i++) { 00716 j=(i+rfirst)/n; 00717 p=(i+rfirst)%n; 00718 (*V)[i] = V1[p-rfirst+j*(n+lambda)]; } 00719 00720 00721 free(V1); 00722 00723 //ps: we could consider theses transformations as pointers functions to avoid many copies 00724 //of datas. This will be improved in futurs developments as the memory use. 00725 00726 00727 return 0; 00728 } 00729 00730 00731 //========================================================================= 00732 00734 00740 int vect2nfftblock(double *V1, int v1_size, double *V2, int fft_size, int nfft, int lambda) 00741 { 00742 int i,j,p; 00743 //reshape the vector V1 into a matrix shape (*V) for nfft optimization 00744 // double *V2; V2 = (double *) calloc(fft_size*nfft, sizeof(double)); 00745 //maybe use V2 instead to avoid reallocation. Anyway, find a way to better optimize memory use. 00746 00747 //copy the lambda elements on the edges of each column of the reshape matrix 00748 for (j=0; j<nfft; j++){ 00749 for (i=0; i<lambda; i++) { //top overlap 00750 if (j*(fft_size-2*lambda)+i-lambda>=0 && j*(fft_size-2*lambda)+i-lambda<v1_size) 00751 (V2)[j*fft_size+i] = V1[j*(fft_size-2*lambda)+i-lambda]; 00752 else 00753 (V2)[j*fft_size+i] = 0.0; } 00754 for (i=0; i<lambda; i++) { //bottom overlap 00755 if ((j+1)*(fft_size-2*lambda)+i<v1_size) 00756 (V2)[fft_size-lambda+i+(j*fft_size)] = V1[(j+1)*(fft_size-2*lambda)+i]; 00757 else 00758 (V2)[fft_size-lambda+i+(j*fft_size)] = 0.0; } 00759 } 00760 00761 //copy the middle part of the optimize nfft matrix shape (*V) 00762 #pragma omp parallel for private(j,p) 00763 for(i=0;i<v1_size;i++) { 00764 j = i/(fft_size-2*lambda); 00765 p = i%(fft_size-2*lambda); 00766 (V2)[lambda+p+(j*fft_size)] = V1[i]; } //core copy 00767 00768 for(i=v1_size;i<nfft*(fft_size-2*lambda);i++) { 00769 j = i/(fft_size-2*lambda); 00770 p = i%(fft_size-2*lambda); 00771 (V2)[lambda+p+(j*fft_size)] = 0.0; } //padd zeros to extra terms (nfft*fft_size != v1_size) 00772 00773 00774 return 0; 00775 } 00776 00777 00778 //========================================================================= 00779 00781 00786 int nfftblock2vect(double *V2, int fft_size, int nfft, int lambda, double *V1, int v1_size) 00787 { 00788 int i,j,p; 00789 00790 //reshape the matrix shape (*V) used for nfft optimization into the vector shape V1. 00791 //It is extract the middle part without the lambda edges elements of each column. 00792 #pragma omp parallel for private(j,p) 00793 for(i=0;i<v1_size;i++) { 00794 j = i/(fft_size-2*lambda); 00795 p = i%(fft_size-2*lambda); 00796 V1[i] = V2[lambda+p+(fft_size*j)]; } 00797 00798 //almost equivalent to 00799 //copy_block(fft_size, nfft, (*V), (fft_size-2*lambda), nfft, V1, lambda, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0); 00800 //not good if (fft_size-2*lambda)*nfft <> v1_size 00801 // i.e. if ceil(1.0*v1_size/nfft) <> v1_size/nfft 00802 //We need to extend V1 memory to use this 00803 00804 return 0; 00805 } 00806 00807 00808 //========================================================================= 00809 00811 00833 int stmm(double **V, int n, int m, int id0, int l, fftw_complex *T_fft, int lambda, fftw_complex *V_fft, double *V_rfft, fftw_plan plan_f, fftw_plan plan_b, int blocksize, int nfft) 00834 { 00835 00836 //routine variable 00837 int i,j,k,p; //loop index 00838 int idf = id0+l-1; 00839 int cfirst = id0/n; //first column index 00840 int clast = idf/n; //last column index 00841 int clast_1 = (idf+1)/n; 00842 int m_eff = clast - cfirst + 1 ; //number of columns 00843 int rfirst = id0%n; 00844 int rlast = idf%n; 00845 00846 if (l<lambda) // test to avoid communications errors 00847 return print_error_message (1, __FILE__, __LINE__); 00848 00849 //the middle 00850 int nloop_middle; //change it to number of full column to improve memory 00851 if (m_eff>2) 00852 nloop_middle = (m_eff-2)/nfft; 00853 else 00854 nloop_middle = 0; 00855 00856 int m_middle = nfft*nloop_middle; 00857 int vmiddle_size = n*m_middle; 00858 double *Vmiddle; 00859 00860 00861 if (nloop_middle==0) { 00862 stmm_reshape(V, n, m, id0, l, T_fft, lambda, V_fft, V_rfft, plan_f, plan_b, blocksize, nfft); 00863 00864 } 00865 else { //(nloop_middle>0) 00866 00867 int offset_middle = n-id0; 00868 Vmiddle = (*V)+offset_middle; 00869 00870 int flag_offset=0; 00871 stmm_core(&Vmiddle, n, m_middle, T_fft, blocksize, lambda, V_fft, V_rfft, nfft, plan_f, plan_b, flag_offset); 00872 00873 00874 //edge (first+last columns + extra column from the euclidian division) 00875 int v1_size = min(l,(n-rfirst)); 00876 int v2_size = l-(v1_size+vmiddle_size); 00877 if (v2_size<0) 00878 v2_size=0; 00879 00880 int vedge_size = v1_size+v2_size; 00881 double *Vedge; 00882 Vedge = (double *) calloc(vedge_size, sizeof(double)); 00883 00884 00885 #pragma omp parallel for private(i) 00886 for(i=0;i<v1_size;i++) 00887 Vedge[i] = (*V)[i]; 00888 00889 00890 if (v2_size>0) { 00891 int offset_edge = v1_size+vmiddle_size; 00892 #pragma omp parallel for private(i) 00893 for(i=0;i<v2_size;i++) 00894 Vedge[v1_size+i] = (*V)[offset_edge+i]; 00895 } 00896 00897 stmm_reshape(&Vedge, n, m, id0, vedge_size, T_fft, lambda, V_fft, V_rfft, plan_f, plan_b, blocksize, nfft); 00898 00899 //Copy result to V: 00900 #pragma omp parallel for private(i) 00901 for(i=0;i<v1_size;i++) 00902 (*V)[i]=Vedge[i]; 00903 00904 if (v2_size>0) { 00905 int offset_edge2 = v1_size+vmiddle_size; 00906 #pragma omp parallel for private(i) 00907 for(i=0;i<v2_size;i++) 00908 (*V)[offset_edge2+i]=Vedge[v1_size+i]; 00909 } 00910 00911 if (vmiddle_size>0) { 00912 int offset_middle2 = n-rfirst; 00913 #pragma omp parallel for private(i) 00914 for(i=0;i<vmiddle_size;i++) 00915 (*V)[offset_middle2+i]=Vmiddle[i]; 00916 } 00917 00918 free(Vedge); 00919 00920 } //End (nloop_middle>0) 00921 00922 //ps: this loop can be improved by considering the number of full column instead. 00923 //We can also improve the memory use and the number of copy. 00924 00925 return 0; 00926 } 00927 00928 00929 //========================================================================= 00930 00932 00946 int mpi_stmm(double **V, int n, int m, int id0, int l, double *T, int lambda, MPI_Comm comm) 00947 { 00948 00949 //mpi variables 00950 int rank; //rank process 00951 int size; //number of processes 00952 MPI_Status status; 00953 MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); 00954 MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size); 00955 00956 00957 //routine variables 00958 int i,j,k; // some index 00959 int idf = id0+l; // first index of scattered V for rank "rank + 1"; 00960 int cfirst = id0/n; // first column index 00961 int clast = idf/n; // last column index 00962 int clast_r = (idf-1)/n; 00963 int m_eff = clast_r - cfirst + 1 ; 00964 double *V1, *Lambda; 00965 00966 // Mpi communication conditions 00967 // Mpi comm is needed when columns are truncated 00968 int right = rank + 1; 00969 int left = rank - 1; 00970 int v1_size = l + 2*lambda; // size including comm 00971 if (rank==0 || cfirst*n==id0){ // no left comm 00972 v1_size -= lambda; 00973 left = MPI_PROC_NULL;} 00974 if (rank==(size-1) || clast*n==idf){ // no right comm 00975 v1_size -= lambda; 00976 right = MPI_PROC_NULL;} 00977 00978 // init data to send 00979 Lambda=(double *) malloc(2*lambda * sizeof(double)); 00980 if (Lambda==0) 00981 return print_error_message (2, __FILE__, __LINE__); 00982 00983 for(i=0;i<lambda;i++) { 00984 Lambda[i]=(*V)[i]; 00985 Lambda[i+lambda]=(*V)[i+l-lambda]; } 00986 if (VERBOSE) 00987 printf("[rank %d] Left comm with %d | Right comm with %d\n", rank, left, right); 00988 00989 //send and receive data 00990 MPI_Sendrecv_replace(Lambda, lambda, MPI_DOUBLE, left, MPI_USER_TAG, right, MPI_USER_TAG, comm, &status); //1st comm 00991 MPI_Sendrecv_replace(&(*(Lambda+lambda)), lambda, MPI_DOUBLE, right, MPI_USER_TAG, left, MPI_USER_TAG, comm, &status); //2nd comm 00992 00993 00994 if (l<lambda) //After sendrecv to avoid problems of communication for others processors 00995 return print_error_message (1, __FILE__, __LINE__); 00996 00997 //copy received data 00998 if(left==MPI_PROC_NULL && right==MPI_PROC_NULL) // 0--0 : nothing to do 00999 V1 = *V; 01000 else if(left==MPI_PROC_NULL) { // 0--1 : realloc 01001 *V = realloc(*V, v1_size * sizeof(double)); 01002 if(*V == NULL) 01003 return print_error_message (2, __FILE__, __LINE__); 01004 V1 = *V; } 01005 else // 1--1 or 1--0 : new allocation 01006 V1 = (double *) malloc(v1_size * sizeof(double)); 01007 01008 if (left!=MPI_PROC_NULL){ 01009 for(i=0;i<lambda;i++) 01010 V1[i] = Lambda[i+lambda]; 01011 id0 -= lambda;} 01012 if (right!=MPI_PROC_NULL){ 01013 for(i=0;i<lambda;i++) 01014 V1[i+v1_size-lambda] = Lambda[i]; } 01015 01016 // Copy input matrix V 01017 int offset = 0; 01018 if (left!=MPI_PROC_NULL){ 01019 offset = lambda; 01020 #pragma omp parallel for 01021 for(i=offset;i<l+offset;i++) 01022 V1[i] = (*V)[i-offset]; } 01023 01024 fftw_complex *V_fft, *T_fft; 01025 double *V_rfft; 01026 fftw_plan plan_f, plan_b; 01027 01028 01029 //Compute matrix product 01030 int nfft, blocksize; 01031 tpltz_init(v1_size, lambda , &nfft, &blocksize, &T_fft, T, &V_fft, &V_rfft, &plan_f, &plan_b); 01032 01033 if(VERBOSE) 01034 printf("[rank %d] Before middle-level call : blocksize=%d, nfft=%d\n", rank, blocksize, nfft); 01035 01036 stmm(&V1, n, m, id0, v1_size, T_fft, lambda, V_fft, V_rfft, plan_f, plan_b, blocksize, nfft); 01037 01038 tpltz_cleanup(&T_fft, &V_fft, &V_rfft,&plan_f, &plan_b ); 01039 01040 // Copy output matrix TV 01041 offset = 0; 01042 if (left!=MPI_PROC_NULL) 01043 offset = lambda; 01044 if(left==MPI_PROC_NULL && right==MPI_PROC_NULL) // 0--0 01045 *V=V1; 01046 else if(left==MPI_PROC_NULL) { // 0--1 01047 V1 = realloc(V1, l * sizeof(double)); 01048 if(V1 == NULL) 01049 return print_error_message (2, __FILE__, __LINE__); 01050 *V = V1; } 01051 else { // 1--0 or 1--1 01052 #pragma omp parallel for 01053 for(i=offset;i<l+offset;i++) 01054 (*V)[i-offset] = V1[i]; } 01055 01056 if(left!=MPI_PROC_NULL) 01057 free(V1); 01058 01059 return 0; 01060 } 01061 01062 01063 //========================================================================= 01064 01066 01090 int mpi_stbmm(double **V, int *n, int m, int nrow, double *T, int nb_blocks_local, int nb_blocks_all, int *lambda, int *idv, int idp, int local_V_size, MPI_Comm comm) 01091 { 01092 01093 //MPI parameters 01094 int rank; //process rank 01095 int size; //process number 01096 01097 MPI_Status status; 01098 MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); 01099 MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size); 01100 01101 PRINT_RANK=rank; 01102 01103 FILE *file; 01104 file = stdout; 01105 01106 //neighbour if the process for mpi communication conditions if a block is shared 01107 int right = rank + 1; 01108 int left = rank - 1; 01109 01110 int i,j,k; //some indexes 01111 01112 01113 //Define the indices for each process 01114 int idv0, idvn; //indice of the first and the last block of V for each processes 01115 01116 int *nnew; 01117 nnew = (int*) calloc( nb_blocks_local, sizeof(int)); 01118 int idpnew; 01119 int local_V_size_new; 01120 01121 01122 int status_params = get_overlapping_blocks_params( nb_blocks_local, idv, n, local_V_size, nrow, idp, &idpnew, &local_V_size_new, nnew, &idv0, &idvn); 01123 01124 if (VERBOSE==1) 01125 printf("status_params=%d\n", status_params); 01126 01127 if( status_params == 0) { 01128 free( nnew); 01129 return(0); // no work to be done 01130 } 01131 01132 01133 if (VERBOSE==1) { //print on screen news parameters definition if VERBOSE 01134 fprintf(file, "news parameters definition:\n"); 01135 fprintf(file, "[%d] idp=%d ; idpnew=%d", idp, idpnew); 01136 fprintf(file, "[%d] local_V_size=%d ; local_V_size_new=%d\n", rank, local_V_size, local_V_size_new); 01137 for(i=0;i<nb_blocks_local;i++) 01138 fprintf(file, "[%d] n[%d]=%d ; nnew[%d]=%d\n", rank, i, n[i], i, nnew[i]); 01139 } 01140 01141 01142 int vShft=idpnew-idp; //new first element of relevance in V 01143 01144 //Define the column indices: 01145 //index of the first and the last column of V for the current process 01146 int idvm0 = idpnew/nrow; 01147 int idvmn = (idpnew+local_V_size_new-1)/nrow; 01148 //number of columns of V for the current process 01149 int ncol_rank = idvmn-idvm0+1; 01150 //number of blocks for the current process with possibly repetitions 01151 int nb_blocs_rank; 01152 01153 if(ncol_rank == 1) // Empty process not allowed 01154 nb_blocs_rank = idvn - idv0 + 1; 01155 else 01156 nb_blocs_rank = (ncol_rank-2)*nb_blocks_local + (nb_blocks_local-idv0) + (idvn+1); //in this case nb_blocks_local = nblocs_all 01157 01158 if (VERBOSE==1) { //print on screen 01159 fprintf(file, "[%d] nb_blocs_rank=%d, nb_blocks_local=%d\n", rank, nb_blocs_rank, nb_blocks_local); 01160 } 01161 01162 //Define the indices for the first and the last element in each blocks 01163 int idvp0 = idpnew%nrow-idv[idv0]; //index of the first element of the process in the first block 01164 int idvpn; //reverse index of the last element of the process in the last block 01165 //It's the number of remaining elements needed to fully complete the last block 01166 idvpn = idv[idvn]+nnew[idvn]-1 - (idpnew+local_V_size_new-1)%nrow ; 01167 01168 01169 //Define the offsets for the first and last blocks of the process for V1 01170 int v1_size = local_V_size_new; //length of the new vector V1 01171 int offset0=0; 01172 int offsetn=0; 01173 01174 if(idvp0 != 0) { 01175 offset0 = min( idvp0, lambda[idv0]); 01176 v1_size += offset0; } 01177 01178 if(idvpn != 0) { 01179 offsetn = min(idvpn, lambda[idvn]); 01180 v1_size += offsetn; } 01181 //ps: no need v1_size anymore, I keep it just for information. 01182 01183 01184 //initialization for send and receive data 01185 //vector which receives V datas 01186 double *LambdaOut=(double *) calloc(lambda[idv0]+lambda[idvn], sizeof(double)); 01187 // double *LambdaOut=(double *) calloc(toSendLeft+toSendRight, sizeof(double)); 01188 01189 if (LambdaOut==0) 01190 return print_error_message (2, __FILE__, __LINE__); 01191 01192 int toSendLeft = 0; 01193 01194 if( offset0 != 0) { 01195 toSendLeft = min( idv[idv0]+nnew[idv0]-idpnew%nrow, lambda[idv0]); 01196 for(i=0;i<toSendLeft;i++) 01197 LambdaOut[i]=(*V)[i]; 01198 } 01199 01200 int toSendRight = 0; 01201 01202 if( offsetn != 0) { 01203 toSendRight = min( (idpnew+local_V_size)%nrow-idv[idvn], lambda[idvn]); 01204 for(i=0;i<toSendRight;i++) 01205 LambdaOut[i+lambda[idv0]]=(*V)[i+local_V_size-toSendRight]; 01206 01207 } 01208 01209 if(rank==0 || offset0==0) 01210 left = MPI_PROC_NULL; 01211 if(rank==size-1 || offsetn==0) 01212 right = MPI_PROC_NULL; 01213 01214 double *LambdaIn=(double *) calloc(lambda[idv0]+lambda[idvn], sizeof(double)); 01215 // double *LambdaIn=(double *) calloc(offset0+offsetn, sizeof(double)); 01216 if (LambdaIn==0) 01217 return print_error_message (2, __FILE__, __LINE__); 01218 01219 //send and receive data 01220 MPI_Sendrecv( LambdaOut, toSendLeft, MPI_DOUBLE, left, MPI_USER_TAG, (LambdaIn+lambda[idv0]), offsetn, MPI_DOUBLE, right, MPI_USER_TAG, comm, &status); 01221 MPI_Sendrecv( (LambdaOut+lambda[idv0]), toSendRight, MPI_DOUBLE, right, MPI_USER_TAG, LambdaIn, offset0, MPI_DOUBLE, left, MPI_USER_TAG, comm, &status); 01222 01223 free(LambdaOut); 01224 01225 01226 //size of the first and the last bloc for the current process 01227 int v0rank_size, vnrank_size; 01228 if (nb_blocs_rank == 1) { //only one block 01229 v0rank_size = ((idpnew+local_V_size_new-1)%nrow +1) - idpnew%nrow + offset0 + offsetn; 01230 vnrank_size = 0; //just for convenience - no really need it 01231 } 01232 else { //more than one block 01233 v0rank_size = idv[idv0] + nnew[idv0] - idpnew%nrow + offset0; 01234 vnrank_size = ((idpnew+local_V_size_new-1)%nrow +1) - idv[idvn] + offsetn; 01235 } 01236 01237 01238 //--------------------------------------- 01239 //initialization for the blocks loop 01240 01241 int idv1=0; //index of *V1 01242 01243 int mid; //local number of column for the current block 01244 //index of the first element of the process inside the first block 01245 int offset_id0; 01246 offset_id0 = idvp0; 01247 01248 //fftw variables 01249 fftw_complex *V_fft, *T_fft; 01250 double *V_rfft; 01251 fftw_plan plan_f, plan_b; 01252 //init local block vector 01253 double *V1block; 01254 int lambdaShft; 01255 01256 //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 01257 //loop on the blocks inside the process 01258 int nfft, blocksize; 01259 int iblock; //index for the loop on the blocks 01260 // int loopindex; 01261 int id; //indice of the current block 01262 01263 int vblock_size; 01264 int id0block; 01265 01266 for(iblock=idv0;iblock<idv0+nb_blocs_rank;iblock++) { 01267 id = iblock%nb_blocks_local; //index of current block 01268 01269 01270 if(nnew[id]>0) { //the block is ok 01271 01272 mid=1; //always one! 01273 01274 for( lambdaShft=k=0; k<id; k++) 01275 lambdaShft += lambda[k]; 01276 01277 01278 //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 01279 //first case : First block of the process 01280 if(iblock==idv0) { 01281 if(VERBOSE) 01282 fprintf(file, "[%d] First block...\n", rank); 01283 01284 vblock_size=v0rank_size; 01285 id0block=(offset_id0-offset0); 01286 01287 V1block = (double *) calloc(vblock_size, sizeof(double)); 01288 01289 01290 #pragma omp parallel for 01291 for (j=0;j<offset0;j++) 01292 V1block[j] = LambdaIn[j]; 01293 01294 //if (nb_blocs_rank == 1) currentsize_middlepart=vblock_size-offset0-offsetn = local_V_size_new 01295 //else currentsize_middlepart=vblock_size-offset0 01296 int currentsize_middlepart=min(vblock_size-offset0, local_V_size_new); 01297 #pragma omp parallel for 01298 for (j=0;j<currentsize_middlepart;j++) 01299 V1block[offset0+j] = (*V)[j+vShft]; 01300 01301 if (nb_blocs_rank == 1) { 01302 #pragma omp parallel for 01303 for (j=0;j<offsetn;j++) 01304 V1block[vblock_size-offsetn+j] = LambdaIn[j+lambda[idv0]]; 01305 } 01306 01307 //init Toeplitz arrays 01308 tpltz_init(vblock_size, lambda[id], &nfft, &blocksize, &T_fft, (T+lambdaShft), &V_fft, &V_rfft, &plan_f, &plan_b); 01309 //Toeplitz computation 01310 01311 01312 if(VERBOSE) 01313 fprintf(file, "[%d] Before middle-level call : nfft = %d, blocksize = %d\n", rank, nfft, blocksize); 01314 stmm(&V1block, nnew[id], mid, id0block, vblock_size, T_fft, lambda[id], V_fft, V_rfft, plan_f, plan_b, blocksize, nfft); 01315 tpltz_cleanup(&T_fft, &V_fft, &V_rfft, &plan_f, &plan_b); 01316 01317 01318 int currentsize=min(vblock_size-offset0, local_V_size_new); 01319 #pragma omp parallel for 01320 for (j=0;j<currentsize;j++) 01321 (*V)[vShft+j] = V1block[offset0+j]; 01322 01323 01324 free(V1block); 01325 01326 }//end (First case) 01327 01328 01329 //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 01330 //Generic case : Generic block of the process 01331 else if(iblock!=idv0 && iblock!=idv0+nb_blocs_rank-1) { 01332 if(VERBOSE) 01333 fprintf(file, "[%d] generic block...\n"); 01334 01335 vblock_size=nnew[id]; 01336 id0block=0; 01337 01338 V1block = (double *) calloc(vblock_size, sizeof(double)); 01339 01340 idv1 = idv[id]-idp%nrow - vShft + offset0 +nrow*( (iblock/nb_blocks_local) ); 01341 01342 #pragma omp parallel for 01343 for (j=0;j<vblock_size;j++) 01344 V1block[j] = (*V)[j+idv1-offset0+vShft]; 01345 01346 //init Toeplitz arrays 01347 tpltz_init(nnew[id], lambda[id], &nfft, &blocksize, &T_fft, (T+lambdaShft), &V_fft, &V_rfft, &plan_f, &plan_b); 01348 //Toeplitz computation 01349 if(VERBOSE) 01350 fprintf(file, "[%d] Before middle-level call : nfft = %d, blocksize = %d\n", rank, nfft, blocksize); 01351 stmm(&V1block, nnew[id], mid, id0block, vblock_size, T_fft, lambda[id], V_fft, V_rfft, plan_f, plan_b, blocksize, nfft); 01352 tpltz_cleanup(&T_fft, &V_fft, &V_rfft, &plan_f, &plan_b); 01353 01354 #pragma omp parallel for 01355 for (j=0;j<vblock_size;j++) 01356 (*V)[j+idv[id] - idp%nrow + nrow*( (iblock/nb_blocks_local) )] = V1block[j]; 01357 01358 01359 free(V1block); 01360 01361 } //end (Generic case) 01362 01363 //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 01364 // Last case : Last block of the process 01365 else if(iblock==idv0+nb_blocs_rank-1 && iblock!= idv0) { 01366 if(VERBOSE) 01367 fprintf(file, "[%d] last block...\n"); 01368 01369 vblock_size=vnrank_size; 01370 id0block=0; 01371 01372 V1block = (double *) calloc(vblock_size, sizeof(double)); 01373 01374 idv1 = idv[id] - idp%nrow - vShft + offset0 + nrow*( (iblock/nb_blocks_local) ); 01375 01376 #pragma omp parallel for 01377 for (j=0;j<vblock_size-offsetn;j++) 01378 V1block[j] = (*V)[j+idv1-offset0+vShft]; 01379 #pragma omp parallel for 01380 for (j=0;j<offsetn;j++) 01381 V1block[vblock_size-offsetn+j] = LambdaIn[j+lambda[idv0]]; 01382 01383 01384 //init Toeplitz arrays 01385 tpltz_init(vblock_size, lambda[id], &nfft, &blocksize, &T_fft, (T+lambdaShft), &V_fft, &V_rfft, &plan_f, &plan_b); 01386 //Toeplitz computation 01387 if(VERBOSE) 01388 printf("[%d] Before middle-level call : nfft = %d, blocksize = %d\n", rank, nfft, blocksize); 01389 stmm(&V1block, nnew[id], mid, id0block, vblock_size, T_fft, lambda[id], V_fft, V_rfft, plan_f, plan_b, blocksize, nfft); 01390 tpltz_cleanup(&T_fft, &V_fft, &V_rfft, &plan_f, &plan_b); 01391 01392 01393 #pragma omp parallel for 01394 for (j=0;j<vnrank_size-offsetn;j++) 01395 (*V)[idv[id]-idp%nrow+j+nrow*( (iblock/nb_blocks_local) )] = V1block[j]; 01396 01397 01398 free(V1block); 01399 01400 }//end of last block 01401 else { break; }//error //we can put the generic case here instead of between first and last cases 01402 //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 01403 }//end of if(nnew[id]>0) 01404 }//end of loop over the blocks 01405 01406 01407 return 0; 01408 } 01409 01410 01411 //==================================================================== 01412 01414 01422 // loop over the blocks to find which are useful for the local data 01423 01424 int get_overlapping_blocks_params(int nbloc, int *idv, int *n, int local_V_size, int nrow, int idp, int *idpnew, int *local_V_size_new, int *nnew, int *ifirstBlock, int *ilastBlock) 01425 { 01426 01427 int ib, nblockOK=0, firstrow, lastrow, nfullcol_data; 01428 int idptmp; 01429 01430 nfullcol_data = (local_V_size-(nrow-idp%nrow)-(idp+local_V_size)%nrow)/nrow; //check how many full columns input data have 01431 01432 // int rank = PRINT_RANK; 01433 // FILE *file; 01434 // file = stdout; 01435 01436 01437 01438 if( nfullcol_data > 0) { 01439 01440 for( ib=0; ib<nbloc; ib++) { 01441 if( idv[ib] < nrow) { 01442 nnew[ib] = min( n[ib], nrow-idv[ib]); //block used for the product 01443 nblockOK++; 01444 } 01445 } 01446 01447 } 01448 else { //no full column observed 01449 01450 firstrow = idp%nrow; 01451 lastrow = (idp+local_V_size-1)%nrow; 01452 01453 if( firstrow < lastrow) { //just one column partially observed 01454 01455 for( ib=0; ib<nbloc; ib++) { 01456 if( (idv[ib]+n[ib] > firstrow) && (idv[ib] < lastrow+1)) { 01457 nnew[ib] = min( n[ib], nrow-idv[ib]); //block used for the product 01458 nblockOK++; 01459 } 01460 } 01461 01462 } 01463 else { //two columns partially observed 01464 01465 for( ib=0; ib<nbloc; ib++) { 01466 if( (idv[ib]+n[ib] > firstrow) && (idv[ib] < nrow)) { //intersects first partial column 01467 nnew[ib] = min( n[ib], nrow-idv[ib]); //block used for the product 01468 nblockOK++; 01469 } 01470 01471 if( (idv[ib] < lastrow+1) && (idv[ib]+n[ib] > 0)) { //intersects second partial column 01472 nnew[ib] = min( n[ib], nrow-idv[ib]); //block used for the product 01473 nblockOK++; //may overcount but we do not care 01474 } //could use else insteed! 01475 } 01476 } 01477 } 01478 01479 if (VERBOSE) 01480 printf("nblockOK=%d\n", nblockOK); 01481 01482 01483 if( nblockOK == 0) return(0); //no blocks overlapping with the data 01484 01485 //find the first and last relevant blocks for the begining and end of the local data V 01486 01487 //first block 01488 idptmp = idp; 01489 01490 for( *ifirstBlock = -1; *ifirstBlock == -1; ) { 01491 for(ib=0;ib<nbloc;ib++) { 01492 if(nnew[ib] != 0 && idptmp%nrow < idv[ib]+nnew[ib]) break; 01493 } 01494 01495 if (ib<nbloc && idv[ib] <= idptmp%nrow) { 01496 *ifirstBlock = ib; 01497 *idpnew = idptmp; 01498 } 01499 else if (ib<nbloc && idv[ib] > idptmp%nrow) { 01500 *ifirstBlock = ib; 01501 int extrabegining = idv[ib]-idp%nrow; 01502 // *idpnew = idp+extrabegining;//idv[ib]; 01503 int idvfirstcolumn = idptmp/nrow; 01504 *idpnew = idv[ib]+idvfirstcolumn*nrow; 01505 } 01506 else { //ib=nb_blocs 01507 idptmp += (int) (nrow-idptmp%nrow); 01508 // idtmp = (int) ceil((1.0*idpnew)/(1.0*nrow))*nrow; // go to the first element of the next column 01509 }} 01510 01511 01512 //last block 01513 idptmp = idp+local_V_size-1; 01514 01515 for( *ilastBlock = -1; *ilastBlock == -1; ) { 01516 for(ib=nbloc-1;ib>=0;ib--) { 01517 if(nnew[ib] != 0 && idv[ib] <= idptmp%nrow) break; 01518 } 01519 01520 01521 if (ib>=0 && idptmp%nrow < idv[ib]+nnew[ib]) { 01522 *ilastBlock = ib; 01523 *local_V_size_new = local_V_size-(*idpnew)+idp; 01524 } 01525 else if (ib>=0 && idv[ib]+nnew[ib] <= idptmp%nrow) { 01526 *ilastBlock = ib; 01527 int extraend = (local_V_size-1+idp)%nrow+1-(idv[ib]+nnew[ib]); 01528 //*local_V_size_new = (local_V_size+idp)%nrow-(idv[*ilastBlock]+nnew[*ilastBlock]); 01529 //idv[*ilastBlock]+nnew[*ilastBlock]-(*idpnew); 01530 *local_V_size_new = local_V_size-(*idpnew)+idp-extraend; 01531 01532 int idvlastcolumn = idptmp/nrow; 01533 *local_V_size_new = idv[ib]+nnew[ib]+idvlastcolumn*nrow - (*idpnew); 01534 01535 } 01536 else { 01537 idptmp = (int) idptmp - (idptmp%nrow)-1; 01538 // idtmp = (int) floor( (1.0*idpnew)/(1.0*nrow))*nrow-1; // go to the last element of the previous column 01539 }} 01540 01541 01542 return(1); 01543 } 01544 01545 01546 //==================================================================== 01547 01549 01576 int mpi_gstbmm(double **V, int *n, int m, int nrow, double *T, int nb_blocks_local, int nb_blocks_all, int *lambda, int *idv, int id0p, int local_V_size, int *id0gap, int *lgap, int ngap, MPI_Comm comm) 01577 { 01578 01579 //MPI parameters 01580 int rank; //process rank 01581 int size; //process number 01582 01583 MPI_Status status; 01584 MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank); 01585 MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size); 01586 01587 int i,j,k; //some indexes 01588 01589 int flag_skip_build_gappy_blocks=0; 01590 01591 FILE *file; 01592 file = stdout; 01593 01594 //put zeros at the gaps location 01595 reset_gaps( V, id0p, local_V_size, m, nrow, id0gap, lgap, ngap); 01596 01597 //allocation for the gappy structure of the diagonal block Toeplitz matrix 01598 int nb_blocks_gappy; 01599 double *Tgappy; 01600 int *idvgappy; 01601 int *ngappy; 01602 int *lambdagappy; 01603 01604 int nb_blockgappy_max; 01605 int Tgappysize_max; 01606 01607 //some computation usefull to determine the max size possible for the gappy variables 01608 int Tsize=0; 01609 int lambdamax=0; 01610 01611 if (VERBOSE) 01612 fprintf(file, "[%d] flag_skip_build_gappy_blocks=%d\n", rank, flag_skip_build_gappy_blocks); 01613 01614 if (flag_skip_build_gappy_blocks==1) { //no build gappy blocks strategy, just put zeros at gaps location 01615 01616 //compute the product using only the input Toeplitz blocks structure with zeros at the gaps location 01617 mpi_stbmm(V, n, m, nrow, T, nb_blocks_local, nb_blocks_all, lambda, idv, id0p, local_V_size, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 01618 01619 } 01620 else { //build gappy blocks strategy 01621 01622 for(Tsize=i=0;i<nb_blocks_local;i++) 01623 Tsize += lambda[i]; 01624 01625 for(i=0;i<nb_blocks_local;i++) { 01626 if (lambda[i]>lambdamax) 01627 lambdamax = lambda[i]; 01628 } 01629 01630 //compute max size possible for the gappy variables 01631 nb_blockgappy_max = nb_blocks_local+ngap; 01632 Tgappysize_max = Tsize + lambdamax*ngap; 01633 01634 //allocation of the gappy variables with max size possible 01635 Tgappy = (double *) calloc(Tgappysize_max,sizeof(double)); 01636 ngappy = (int *) calloc(nb_blockgappy_max, sizeof(int)); 01637 lambdagappy = (int *) calloc(nb_blockgappy_max, sizeof(int)); 01638 idvgappy = (int *) calloc(nb_blockgappy_max, sizeof(int)); 01639 01640 01641 //build gappy Toeplitz block structure considering significant gaps locations, meaning we skip 01642 //the gaps lower than the minimum correlation distance. You can also use the flag_param_distmin_fixed 01643 //parameter which allows you to skip the gap lower than these value. Indeed, sometimes it's 01644 //better to just put somes zeros than to consider two separates blocks. 01645 //ps: This criteria could be dependant of the local lambda in futur impovements. 01646 int flag_param_distmin_fixed=0; 01647 build_gappy_blocks(n, m, nrow, T, nb_blocks_local, nb_blocks_all, lambda, idv, id0gap, lgap, ngap, &nb_blocks_gappy, Tgappy, idvgappy, ngappy, lambdagappy, flag_param_distmin_fixed); 01648 01649 if (VERBOSE) { 01650 fprintf(file, "[%d] nb_blocks_gappy=%d\n", rank, nb_blocks_gappy); 01651 fprintf(file, "[%d] idvgappy[%d]=%d \n", rank, i, idvgappy[i]); 01652 for(i=0;i<nb_blocks_gappy;i++) 01653 fprintf(file, "[%d] ngappy[%d]=%d \n", rank, i, ngappy[i]); 01654 } 01655 //ps: we could reallocate the gappy variables to their real size. Not sure it's worth it. 01656 01657 //compute the product using the freshly created gappy Toeplitz blocks structure 01658 mpi_stbmm(V, ngappy, m, nrow, Tgappy, nb_blocks_gappy, nb_blocks_gappy, lambdagappy, idvgappy, id0p, local_V_size, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 01659 01660 } //end flag_skip_build_gappy_blocks==1 01661 01662 01663 //put zeros on V for the gaps location again. Indeed, some gaps are just replaced by zeros 01664 //in input, it's created some fakes results we need to clear after the computation. 01665 reset_gaps( V, id0p, local_V_size, m, nrow, id0gap, lgap, ngap); 01666 01667 01668 return 0; 01669 } 01670 01671 01672 //==================================================================== 01674 01679 //put zeros on V for the gaps location 01680 int reset_gaps(double **V, int id0,int local_V_size, int m, int nrow, int *id0gap, int *lgap, int ngap) 01681 { 01682 int i,j,k; 01683 01684 for (j=0 ; j<m; j++) { 01685 for (k=0 ; k<ngap; k++) 01686 for (i=0 ; i<lgap[k]; i++) 01687 01688 if (id0gap[k]+i+j*nrow>=id0 && id0gap[k]+i+j*nrow-id0 <id0+local_V_size) 01689 (*V)[id0gap[k]+i+j*nrow-id0] = 0.; 01690 01691 } 01692 01693 01694 return 0; 01695 } 01696 01697 //==================================================================== 01699 01707 int build_gappy_blocks(int *n, int m, int nrow, double *T, int nb_blocks_local, int nb_blocks_all, int *lambda, int *idv, int *id0gap, int *lgap, int ngap, int *nb_blocks_gappy_final, double *Tgappy, int *idvgappy, int *ngappy, int *lambdagappy, int flag_param_distmin_fixed) 01708 { 01709 01710 int i,j,k; 01711 int id,ib; 01712 int idtmp; 01713 int igapfirstblock, igaplastblock; 01714 01715 int param_distmin=0; 01716 if (flag_param_distmin_fixed!=0) 01717 param_distmin = flag_param_distmin_fixed; 01718 01719 int lambdaShft; 01720 01721 int igaplastblock_prev=-1; 01722 int lambdaShftgappy=0; 01723 int offset_id = 0; 01724 01725 int flag_igapfirstinside, flag_igaplastinside; 01726 int nbloc = nb_blocks_local; 01727 int nblocks_gappy=0; 01728 01729 int idvtmp_firstblock; 01730 01731 01732 int nb_blockgappy_max = nb_blocks_local+ngap; 01733 int Tgappysize_max; 01734 01735 int ngappy_tmp; 01736 int lgap_tmp; 01737 01738 int flag_gapok=0; 01739 01740 int distcorr_min; 01741 01742 int Tsize=0; 01743 int lambdamax=0; 01744 for(i=0;i<nb_blocks_local;i++) { 01745 Tsize += lambda[i]; 01746 01747 if (lambda[i]>lambdamax) 01748 lambdamax = lambda[i]; 01749 } 01750 01751 Tgappysize_max = Tsize + lambdamax*ngap; 01752 01753 int Tgappysize=0; 01754 int k_prev=-1; 01755 01756 for (k=0;k<ngap;k++) { 01757 01758 //find block for the gap begining 01759 for( igapfirstblock = -1; igapfirstblock == -1; ) { 01760 idtmp = id0gap[k]; 01761 01762 for(ib=0;ib<nbloc;ib++) { 01763 if(n[ib] != 0 && idtmp%nrow < idv[ib]+n[ib]) break; } 01764 01765 if (ib<nbloc && idv[ib] <= idtmp) { 01766 igapfirstblock = ib; //the block contained the id0gap 01767 flag_igapfirstinside = 1; 01768 } 01769 else if (ib<nbloc && idv[ib] > idtmp) { 01770 igapfirstblock = ib; //first block after the id0gap 01771 flag_igapfirstinside = 0; 01772 } 01773 else { //ib=nbloc 01774 igapfirstblock = -2; //no block defined 01775 flag_igapfirstinside = 0; 01776 }} 01777 01778 //find block for the end of the gap - reverse way 01779 for( igaplastblock = -1; igaplastblock == -1; ) { 01780 idtmp = id0gap[k]+lgap[k]-1; 01781 01782 for(ib=nbloc-1;ib>=0;ib--) { 01783 if(n[ib] != 0 && idv[ib] <= idtmp) break; } 01784 01785 if (ib>=0 && idtmp < idv[ib]+n[ib]) { 01786 igaplastblock = ib; 01787 flag_igaplastinside = 1; 01788 } 01789 else if (ib>=0 && idv[ib]+n[ib] <= idtmp) { 01790 igaplastblock = ib; 01791 flag_igaplastinside = 0; 01792 } 01793 else { //ib=-1 01794 igaplastblock = -2; //no block defined. 01795 flag_igaplastinside = 0; 01796 }} 01797 01798 01799 if (igapfirstblock==igaplastblock) 01800 distcorr_min = lambda[igapfirstblock]; 01801 else 01802 distcorr_min = 0; 01803 01804 01805 //igapfirstblock != -2 && igaplastblock != -2 not really need but it's a shortcut 01806 if (lgap[k]> max(distcorr_min, param_distmin) && igapfirstblock != -2 && igaplastblock != -2) { 01807 01808 idvtmp_firstblock = max( idv[igapfirstblock] , id0gap[k_prev]+lgap[k_prev]); 01809 01810 //test if the gap is ok for block reduce/split 01811 if (igapfirstblock!=igaplastblock) { 01812 01813 flag_gapok = 1; //reduce the gap in each block. no pb if we add max() inside the ifs. 01814 } 01815 else if (id0gap[k]-idvtmp_firstblock>=lambda[igapfirstblock] && idv[igaplastblock]+n[igaplastblock]-(id0gap[k]+lgap[k])>=lambda[igaplastblock]) { 01816 01817 flag_gapok = 1; 01818 } 01819 else if (igapfirstblock==igaplastblock){ 01820 01821 int ngappyleft_tmp = id0gap[k]-idvtmp_firstblock; 01822 int leftadd = max(0,lambda[igapfirstblock] - ngappyleft_tmp); 01823 int ngappyright_tmp = idv[igaplastblock]+n[igaplastblock]-(id0gap[k]+lgap[k]); 01824 int rightadd = max(0,lambda[igapfirstblock] - ngappyright_tmp); 01825 int restgap = lgap[k] - (leftadd+rightadd); 01826 01827 // flag_gapok = (restgap>=0); 01828 flag_gapok = (restgap >= max(0, param_distmin)); 01829 01830 } 01831 else { 01832 flag_gapok = 0; 01833 } 01834 01835 01836 //create gappy blocks if criteria is fullfill 01837 if (flag_gapok==1) { 01838 01839 //copy the begining blocks 01840 for (id=igaplastblock_prev+1;id<igapfirstblock;id++) { 01841 01842 for(lambdaShft=j=0; j<id; j++) lambdaShft += lambda[j]; 01843 01844 for (i=0;i<lambda[id];i++) 01845 Tgappy[i+lambdaShftgappy] = T[i+lambdaShft]; 01846 01847 lambdagappy[nblocks_gappy] = lambda[id]; 01848 ngappy[nblocks_gappy] = n[id]; 01849 idvgappy[nblocks_gappy] = idv[id]; 01850 nblocks_gappy = nblocks_gappy + 1; 01851 lambdaShftgappy = lambdaShftgappy + lambda[id]; 01852 01853 } 01854 01855 //clear last blockgappy if same block again - outside the "if" for border cases with n[]==0 01856 if (igaplastblock_prev==igapfirstblock && k!= 0) { 01857 lambdaShftgappy=lambdaShftgappy-lambda[igapfirstblock]; 01858 nblocks_gappy = nblocks_gappy - 1; 01859 // idvtmp_firstblock = id0gap[k-1]+lgap[k-1]; //always exist because igaplastblock_prev!=-1 01860 //so not first turn - it's replace "idv[igapfirstblock]" 01861 } 01862 01863 //reduce first block if defined 01864 if (flag_igapfirstinside==1 && (id0gap[k]-idvtmp_firstblock)>0) { //check if inside and not on the border - meaning n[] not zero 01865 01866 for(lambdaShft=j=0; j<igapfirstblock; j++) lambdaShft += lambda[j]; 01867 01868 for (i=0;i<lambda[id];i++) //copy the lambda's block 01869 Tgappy[i+lambdaShftgappy] = T[i+lambdaShft]; 01870 01871 lambdagappy[nblocks_gappy] = lambda[id]; 01872 ngappy[nblocks_gappy] = id0gap[k]-idvtmp_firstblock; 01873 ngappy[nblocks_gappy] = max( ngappy[nblocks_gappy], lambda[igapfirstblock]); 01874 01875 idvgappy[nblocks_gappy] = idvtmp_firstblock; 01876 nblocks_gappy = nblocks_gappy + 1; 01877 lambdaShftgappy = lambdaShftgappy + lambda[igapfirstblock]; 01878 01879 } 01880 01881 //reduce last block if defined 01882 if (flag_igaplastinside==1 && (idv[igaplastblock]+n[igaplastblock]-(id0gap[k]+lgap[k]))>0 ) { //check if inside and not on the border - meaning n[] not zero 01883 01884 for(lambdaShft=j=0; j<igaplastblock; j++) lambdaShft += lambda[j]; 01885 01886 for (i=0;i<lambda[id];i++) //duplicate the lambda's block 01887 Tgappy[i+lambdaShftgappy] = T[i+lambdaShft]; 01888 01889 lambdagappy[nblocks_gappy] = lambda[id]; 01890 ngappy[nblocks_gappy] = idv[igaplastblock]+n[igaplastblock]-(id0gap[k]+lgap[k]); 01891 int rightadd0 = max(0,lambda[igapfirstblock] - ngappy[nblocks_gappy]); 01892 01893 ngappy[nblocks_gappy] = max( ngappy[nblocks_gappy] , lambda[igaplastblock]); 01894 01895 // idvgappy[nblocks_gappy] = id0gap[k]+lgap[k]; 01896 idvgappy[nblocks_gappy] = id0gap[k]+lgap[k]-rightadd0; 01897 01898 nblocks_gappy = nblocks_gappy + 1; 01899 lambdaShftgappy = lambdaShftgappy + lambda[igaplastblock]; 01900 01901 } 01902 01903 igaplastblock_prev = igaplastblock; 01904 k_prev = k; 01905 01906 }//end if (flag_gapok) 01907 }//end if (lgap[k]>param_distmin) 01908 }//end gap loop 01909 01910 01911 //now continu to copy the rest of the block left 01912 for (id=igaplastblock_prev+1;id<nb_blocks_local;id++) { 01913 01914 for(lambdaShft=j=0; j<id; j++) lambdaShft += lambda[j]; 01915 01916 for (i=0;i<lambda[id];i++) 01917 Tgappy[i+lambdaShftgappy] = T[i+lambdaShft]; 01918 01919 lambdagappy[nblocks_gappy] = lambda[id]; 01920 ngappy[nblocks_gappy] = n[id]; 01921 idvgappy[nblocks_gappy] = idv[id]; 01922 nblocks_gappy = nblocks_gappy + 1; 01923 lambdaShftgappy = lambdaShftgappy + lambda[id]; 01924 01925 } 01926 01927 *nb_blocks_gappy_final = nblocks_gappy; //just for output 01928 01929 01930 return 0; 01931 } 01932 01933