Thursday, September 20, 2012 (Amphitheater Pierre Gilles de Gennes)

Time Speaker          Title
Chair: Andrew Jaffe
  9:15AM - 10:10AM David Hand Opportunities and Challenges in Modelling and Anomaly Detection
10:10AM - 10:35AM Michael Hobson Nets and nests: accelerated Bayesian inference in astrophysics
10:35AM - 11:05AM Coffee break
Chair: Paniez Paykari
11:05AM - 11:45AM George Bosilca Performance vs. Productivity a never-ending story
11:45AM - 12:05PM Jaiseung Kim Restoration of a whole-sky CMB map
12:05PM - 12:45PM Jerome Bobin Compressed sensing in astrophysics and beyond
12:45PM - 2:15PM Lunch break
Chair: Jason McEwen
  2:15PM - 2:55PM Laura Grigori Recent advances in numerical linear algebra
  2:55PM - 3:15PM Paul Sutter Accelerating convolutions on the sphere with hybid GPU/CPU kernel splitting
  3:15PM - 3:55PM Reijo Keskitalo Making maps for CMB experiments
  3:55PM - 4:25PM Coffee break
Chair: Anais Rassat
  4:25PM - 5:05PM Jean-Francois Cardoso Component separation for the Planck mission
  5:05PM - 5:25PM Eiichiro Komatsu Simple foreground cleaning algorithm for detecting primordial B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background
  5:25PM - 5:45PM Soumen Basak Sparse component separation for accurate CMB map estimation
  5:45PM - 6:05PM Florent Sureau Component Separation for Full-Sky Cosmic Microwave Background Recovery using Sparsity