Plot all Correlator spectra sequentially on the screen in linear power scale. This makes an animation or "flic-o-gram". This routine does not create a PostScript file. See also PlotAOSall.

the AC argument is required, and should be a variable of structure type {Correlator}. Normally, you will use one of the two global variables AC1 or AC2, and all spectra will be stepped through.

The n argument is an integer giving the step size. This argument is optional. If left out, PlotACall will step through each spectum in AC. Otherwise, it will step through each nth spectrum.


don't apply quantization correction

frequency scale. default is maximum range. lower and upper are integer or float values. The square brackets are necessary. This will maintain a constant frequency scale in the flic-o-gram.

Power scale. default is maximum range. lower and upper are integer or float values. The square brackets are necessary. This will maintain a constant Power scale in the flic-o-gram.