Bug Reports and Known Bugs
as of 1999 September 7

Please send me a mail with any bugs you find, especially fatal ones, when the routine crashes. I'd also like to know where improvements should be made. There are a number of known bugs, see below. I'm working on them!

mail me at sat@iras.ucalgary.ca

known bugs in order of priority:

  1. AOS spectra are only read if the AOS was in mode "32-bit over all channels", or "16-bit over all channels". The other modes, such as "high resolution in the centre" etc, are not yet supported.

  2. Noise routine processes backends sequentially. Therefore, if there is no AOS data, it will not continue to look for Correlator data. The order is AOS, AC2, AC1 (historical reasons).

  3. When reading AOS data from file using ReadAOSfile the filename and date is not properly displayed.