BBH simulation movie

the e-NOVAs collaborations:

extended-Numerical Observatory of Violently Accreting systems
from simulations to observations



Inner zone of the circumbinary disk for an equal mass/null spin binary seen at inclination 70.

Our collaboration aims to bridge the gap between numerical simulations and observation through the creation of synthetic observations.
Fabien Casse Fabrice Dodu Raphael Mignon-Risse Peggy Varniere Frederic Vincent

Funding that allowed this project

On top of several time allocations at national computing centers (CINES, IDRIS through A0100412463, A0130412463, A0150412463) we also received funding through:

  • 2021-2023 (24 months) postdoc for Raphael Mignon-Risse from CNES to explore the possibility to have ATHENA (X-ray) and LISA (GW) co-detection of binary black-hole systems.
  • 2020-2021 ATER Universite Paris Cite of Raphael Mignon-Risse which allowed us to implement the binary metrics in both the fluid and ray-tracing code.
  • Funding since 2020 from the LabeX UnivEarthS for the project MIMOSA (MultI-Messenger ObservatIons of Supermassive blAck holes) which aims, among other thing to extend NOVAs to binary black-hole metrics.

  • DIM-ACAV "petit equipement" funded local computer nodes on which NOVAs (Numerical Observatory of Violent Accretion systems) was developed and tested before going to national computing centers
  • NOVAs (Numerical Observatory of Violent Accretion systems) original funding by the Labex UnivEarth as an exploratory project for 2 years in 2014 and then renewed until the of the Labex in 2019

  • 2011-2012 ATER Paris 7 of Frederic Vincent which allowed us to couple GR ray-tracing, through gyoto, with our MHD code (Pseudo-Newtonian at the time).