
Common tools used by the component sepration pipeline.

pipetools.compute_cov(lstalm, lmax, mask=None, ibl=None)[source]

Compute covariance from alm.

A correction for beam and mask effect is performed is options are given.

pipetools.compute_noise_from_jk(lsthr1, lsthr2, lmax, fsky=1, ibl=None, yr=False)[source]

Compute noise power spectra from alm.

A correction for beam and mask effect is performed is options are given.

pipetools.cross_beam_correction(lstats, ibl, names)[source]
pipetools.get_bins(lmin, lmax)[source]

Return Xpol TT bins between lmin and lmax.


Provide standard bins used for plots.

This is an arbitrary choice of bin size, only used for plots.

pipetools.get_empirical_cmb_powspec(name, cmb_unit='uK_CMB', ref_beam=5, year='2015')[source]

Return Planck 2015 empirical cmb power spectra.

pipetools.get_fg_filter(Rl, ics, irs, A, Pl)[source]

(A P A^T) R^-1

pipetools.get_ilc_filter(Rl, A)[source]

A^T R^-1 ( A^T R^-1 A )^-1

pipetools.get_reference_cmb_powspec(name, cmb_unit='uK_CMB', ref_beam=5, year='2015')[source]

Return Planck 2013 best fit cmb power spectra.

pipetools.load_ibl(lstibl, lmax)[source]

Read beam correction functions from files.

pipetools.make_psmask(preprocdir, nside, lstname='all')[source]

Make a common binary point source mask

pipetools.plot_cov(stats, N=None, filename=None, lmean=None)[source]

Make a plot of the auto spectra of the covariance matrice. Noise is superimposed if provided.

pipetools.plot_ev_decomp(stats, N, lmean=None, filename=None)[source]

Plot eigen value decomposition

pipetools.plot_filter(F, names, fields, filename=None)[source]

Make a plot of detector weight as a function of the multipole.

pipetools.plot_noise_decomp(F, N, names, fields, filename=None)[source]

Make a plot of the detector noise contribution as a function of the multipole.

pipetools.smooth_cl(cl, dloverl=0.1)[source]

Return smoothed power spectrum.

Power spectrum is averaged over window of size dloverl (in %)

pipetools.unbin_R(R, Rl_high, bins, lcst=None, lilc=None)[source]

Provide a set of covariance matrices which are smoothed over multipole range.

High ell regime is read from Rl_high starting from lilc multipole. Low ell regime can be forced to be constant from 0 to lcst. Matrices are supposed to be symmetric.

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