Estimating the galactic background noise [1.0 yr]


Science investigation and Observational requirement: SI1.1 OR1.1c from Science requirement document.

Estimating the galactic background noise

- OK 8468 [5000 7000 10000] : Galaxy reduction

Galaxy reduction is OK if number of sources with SNR above 7.0710678118654755 (subtracted sources) is bigger than 7000


Add the galactic backround for 1.0 yr to the instrumental noise.

8468 sources over 30000016 have been subtracted (above SNR threshold 7.1)

Noise + background

Detailed results

Galaxy reduction

Input parameters

- log : log/background_1_yr.log
- config : config.yml
- subconfig : /work/SC/lisa/lejeune/fom/background/config.yml
- duration : 1.0 yr
- duty_cycle : 0.89
- armlength : 2500000000.0 m
- noise : SciRDv1_redbook/instrumental_noise.npy
- show : False
- fast : 0
- tdi2 : 1
- freqs : [2e-05, 1]
- force_duration : 1_yr
- hdf5 : background/SciRDv1_redbook/dset_full_1_yr.h5
- report : SciRDv1_redbook/
- outdir : SciRDv1_redbook
- outnoise : SciRDv1_redbook/noise_background_1_yr.npy
- output : SciRDv1_redbook/reduced_1_yr.h5
- deltaf : 1000
- method : median
- snr2_threshold : 50
- tol : -1
- extrasmthmthd : None
- order : 300
- df_factor : 10
- fom_range : [5000, 7000, 10000]
- fom_config : background/background_reduction.1_yr.yml
- fom_title : Estimating the galactic background noise
- fom_objective : Estimating the galactic background noise
- nproc : 10
- fom_obj : Estimate the number of resolvable WD binaries after 1 year of observation


Noise data