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00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
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00004 // *                                                                  *
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00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // 
00030 // Scene  John Allison  19th July 1996.
00031 //
00032 // Class Description:
00033 //
00034 // Defines the viewable scene.
00036 #ifndef G4SCENE_HH
00037 #define G4SCENE_HH
00039 #include "globals.hh"
00040 #include "G4ios.hh"
00042 class G4VPhysicalVolume;
00044 #include "G4VisExtent.hh"
00045 #include "G4Point3D.hh"
00046 #include "G4VModel.hh"
00047 #include <vector>
00049 class G4Scene {
00051 public: // With description
00053   friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const G4Scene& d);
00055   enum {UNLIMITED = -1};
00057   G4Scene (const G4String& name = "scene-with-unspecified-name");
00058   ~G4Scene ();
00060   // Makes use of default (compiler generated) copy constructor and
00061   // assignment operator.
00063   G4bool operator == (const G4Scene&) const;
00064   G4bool operator != (const G4Scene&) const;
00067   // Get functions...
00069   const G4String& GetName () const;
00071   G4bool IsEmpty () const;
00073   struct Model {
00074     Model(G4VModel* pModel): fActive(true), fpModel(pModel) {}
00075     G4bool fActive;
00076     G4VModel* fpModel;
00077   };
00079   const std::vector<Model>& GetRunDurationModelList () const;
00080   // Contains models which are expected to last for the duration of
00081   // the run, for example geometry volumes.
00083   const std::vector<Model>& GetEndOfEventModelList () const;
00084   // Contains models which are described at the end of event when the
00085   // scene is current.
00087   const std::vector<Model>& GetEndOfRunModelList () const;
00088   // Contains models which are described at the end of event when the
00089   // scene is current.
00091   const G4VisExtent& GetExtent () const;
00092   // Overall extent of all objects in the scene.
00094   const G4Point3D& GetStandardTargetPoint () const;
00095   // Usually centre of extent.  See G4ViewParameters for definition.
00097   G4bool GetRefreshAtEndOfEvent () const;
00098   // If true, the visualization manager will request viewer to refresh
00099   // "transient" objects, such as hits, at end of event.  Otherwise
00100   // they will be accumulated.
00102   G4int GetMaxNumberOfKeptEvents() const;
00103   // If RefreshAtEndOfEvent is false, events of the current run are
00104   // kept up to this maximum number.  A negative value means all
00105   // events of current run are kept.  The events are available for
00106   // viewing at the end of run, but are deleted just before the start
00107   // of the next run.
00109   G4bool GetRefreshAtEndOfRun () const;
00110   // If true, the visualization manager will request viewer to refresh
00111   // "transient" objects, such as hits, at end of run.  Otherwise
00112   // they will be accumulated.
00115   // Add and Set functions...
00117   G4bool AddRunDurationModel (G4VModel*, G4bool warn = false);
00118   // Adds models of type which are expected to last for the duration
00119   // of the run, for example geometry volumes.
00120   // Returns false if model is already in the list.
00121   // Prints warnings if warn is true.
00123   G4bool AddWorldIfEmpty (G4bool warn = false);
00124   // In some situations, if the user asks for a drawing and has not
00125   // yet set any run duration models it makes sense to put the "world"
00126   // in there by default.
00127   // Returns false if model is already in the list.
00128   // Prints warnings if warn is true.
00130   G4bool AddEndOfEventModel (G4VModel*, G4bool warn = false);
00131   // Adds models of type which are described at the end of event when
00132   // the scene is current.
00133   // Returns false if model is already in the list.
00134   // Prints warnings if warn is true.
00136   G4bool AddEndOfRunModel (G4VModel*, G4bool warn = false);
00137   // Adds models of type which are described at the end of run when
00138   // the scene is current.
00139   // Returns false if model is already in the list.
00140   // Prints warnings if warn is true.
00142   void SetName (const G4String&);
00143   // Use with care.  User normally sets scene name by vis commands.
00145   std::vector<Model>& SetRunDurationModelList ();
00146   // Allows you to change the model list - do with care!
00148   std::vector<Model>& SetEndOfEventModelList ();
00149   // Allows you to change the model list - do with care!
00151   std::vector<Model>& SetEndOfRunModelList ();
00152   // Allows you to change the model list - do with care!
00154   void SetRefreshAtEndOfEvent(G4bool);
00155   // If set true, the visualization manager will request viewer to
00156   // refresh "transient" objects, such as hits, at end of event.
00157   // Otherwise they will be accumulated.
00159   void SetMaxNumberOfKeptEvents(G4int);
00160   // If RefreshAtEndOfEvent is false, events of the current run are
00161   // kept up to this maximum number.  A negative value means all
00162   // events of current run are kept.  The events are available for
00163   // viewing at the end of run, but are deleted just before the start
00164   // of the next run.
00166   void SetRefreshAtEndOfRun(G4bool);
00167   // If set true, the visualization manager will request viewer to
00168   // refresh "transient" objects, such as hits, at end of run.
00169   // Otherwise they will be accumulated.
00172   // Other functions...
00174   void CalculateExtent();
00175   // (Re-)calculates the extent from the extents of its models.
00177 private:
00178   G4String fName;
00179   std::vector<Model> fRunDurationModelList;
00180   std::vector<Model> fEndOfEventModelList;
00181   std::vector<Model> fEndOfRunModelList;
00182   G4VisExtent fExtent;
00183   G4Point3D   fStandardTargetPoint;
00184   G4bool      fRefreshAtEndOfEvent;
00185   G4bool      fRefreshAtEndOfRun;
00186   G4int       fMaxNumberOfKeptEvents;
00187 };
00189 #include "G4Scene.icc"
00191 #endif

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