
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 // $Id: G4Orb.cc 69788 2013-05-15 12:06:57Z gcosmo $
00027 //
00028 // class G4Orb
00029 //
00030 // Implementation for G4Orb class
00031 //
00032 // History:
00033 //
00034 // 05.04.12 M.Kelsey   - GetPointOnSurface() throw flat in cos(theta)
00035 // 30.06.04 V.Grichine - bug fixed in DistanceToIn(p,v) on Rmax surface
00036 // 20.08.03 V.Grichine - created
00037 //
00040 #include <assert.h>
00042 #include "G4Orb.hh"
00044 #include "G4VoxelLimits.hh"
00045 #include "G4AffineTransform.hh"
00046 #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh"
00048 #include "G4VPVParameterisation.hh"
00050 #include "Randomize.hh"
00052 #include "meshdefs.hh"
00054 #include "G4VGraphicsScene.hh"
00055 #include "G4Polyhedron.hh"
00056 #include "G4NURBS.hh"
00057 #include "G4NURBSbox.hh"
00059 using namespace CLHEP;
00061 // Private enum: Not for external use - used by distanceToOut
00063 enum ESide {kNull,kRMax};
00065 // used by normal
00067 enum ENorm {kNRMax};
00071 //
00072 // constructor - check positive radius
00073 //             
00075 G4Orb::G4Orb( const G4String& pName, G4double pRmax )
00076 : G4CSGSolid(pName), fRmax(pRmax)
00077 {
00079   const G4double fEpsilon = 2.e-11;  // relative tolerance of fRmax
00081   G4double kRadTolerance
00082     = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetRadialTolerance();
00084   // Check radius
00085   //
00086   if ( pRmax < 10*kCarTolerance )
00087   {
00088     G4Exception("G4Orb::G4Orb()", "GeomSolids0002", FatalException,
00089                 "Invalid radius > 10*kCarTolerance.");
00090   }
00091   fRmaxTolerance =  std::max( kRadTolerance, fEpsilon*fRmax);
00093 }
00096 //
00097 // Fake default constructor - sets only member data and allocates memory
00098 //                            for usage restricted to object persistency.
00099 //
00100 G4Orb::G4Orb( __void__& a )
00101   : G4CSGSolid(a), fRmax(0.), fRmaxTolerance(0.)
00102 {
00103 }
00106 //
00107 // Destructor
00109 G4Orb::~G4Orb()
00110 {
00111 }
00114 //
00115 // Copy constructor
00117 G4Orb::G4Orb(const G4Orb& rhs)
00118   : G4CSGSolid(rhs), fRmax(rhs.fRmax), fRmaxTolerance(rhs.fRmaxTolerance)
00119 {
00120 }
00123 //
00124 // Assignment operator
00126 G4Orb& G4Orb::operator = (const G4Orb& rhs) 
00127 {
00128    // Check assignment to self
00129    //
00130    if (this == &rhs)  { return *this; }
00132    // Copy base class data
00133    //
00134    G4CSGSolid::operator=(rhs);
00136    // Copy data
00137    //
00138    fRmax = rhs.fRmax;
00139    fRmaxTolerance = rhs.fRmaxTolerance;
00141    return *this;
00142 }
00145 //
00146 // Dispatch to parameterisation for replication mechanism dimension
00147 // computation & modification.
00149 void G4Orb::ComputeDimensions(       G4VPVParameterisation* p,
00150                                const G4int n,
00151                                const G4VPhysicalVolume* pRep )
00152 {
00153   p->ComputeDimensions(*this,n,pRep);
00154 }
00157 //
00158 // Calculate extent under transform and specified limit
00160 G4bool G4Orb::CalculateExtent( const EAxis pAxis,
00161                                const G4VoxelLimits& pVoxelLimit,
00162                                const G4AffineTransform& pTransform,
00163                                         G4double& pMin, G4double& pMax ) const
00164 {
00165     // Compute x/y/z mins and maxs for bounding box respecting limits,
00166     // with early returns if outside limits. Then switch() on pAxis,
00167     // and compute exact x and y limit for x/y case
00169     G4double xoffset,xMin,xMax;
00170     G4double yoffset,yMin,yMax;
00171     G4double zoffset,zMin,zMax;
00173     G4double diff1,diff2,delta,maxDiff,newMin,newMax;
00174     G4double xoff1,xoff2,yoff1,yoff2;
00176     xoffset=pTransform.NetTranslation().x();
00177     xMin=xoffset-fRmax;
00178     xMax=xoffset+fRmax;
00180     if (pVoxelLimit.IsXLimited())
00181     {
00182       if ( (xMin>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent()+kCarTolerance)
00183         || (xMax<pVoxelLimit.GetMinXExtent()-kCarTolerance) )
00184       {
00185         return false;
00186       }
00187       else
00188       {
00189         if (xMin<pVoxelLimit.GetMinXExtent())
00190         {
00191           xMin=pVoxelLimit.GetMinXExtent();
00192         }
00193         if (xMax>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent())
00194         {
00195           xMax=pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent();
00196         }
00197       }
00198     }
00199     yoffset=pTransform.NetTranslation().y();
00200     yMin=yoffset-fRmax;
00201     yMax=yoffset+fRmax;
00203     if (pVoxelLimit.IsYLimited())
00204     {
00205       if ( (yMin>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent()+kCarTolerance)
00206         || (yMax<pVoxelLimit.GetMinYExtent()-kCarTolerance) )
00207       {
00208         return false;
00209       }
00210       else
00211       {
00212         if (yMin<pVoxelLimit.GetMinYExtent())
00213         {
00214           yMin=pVoxelLimit.GetMinYExtent();
00215         }
00216         if (yMax>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent())
00217         {
00218           yMax=pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent();
00219         }
00220       }
00221     }
00222     zoffset=pTransform.NetTranslation().z();
00223     zMin=zoffset-fRmax;
00224     zMax=zoffset+fRmax;
00226     if (pVoxelLimit.IsZLimited())
00227     {
00228       if ( (zMin>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent()+kCarTolerance)
00229         || (zMax<pVoxelLimit.GetMinZExtent()-kCarTolerance) )
00230       {
00231         return false;
00232       }
00233       else
00234       {
00235         if (zMin<pVoxelLimit.GetMinZExtent())
00236         {
00237           zMin=pVoxelLimit.GetMinZExtent();
00238         }
00239         if (zMax>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent())
00240         {
00241           zMax=pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent();
00242         }
00243       }
00244     }
00246     // Known to cut sphere
00248     switch (pAxis)
00249     {
00250       case kXAxis:
00251         yoff1=yoffset-yMin;
00252         yoff2=yMax-yoffset;
00254         if ( yoff1 >= 0 && yoff2 >= 0 )
00255         {
00256           // Y limits cross max/min x => no change
00257           //
00258           pMin=xMin;
00259           pMax=xMax;
00260         }
00261         else
00262         {
00263           // Y limits don't cross max/min x => compute max delta x,
00264           // hence new mins/maxs
00265           //
00266           delta=fRmax*fRmax-yoff1*yoff1;
00267           diff1=(delta>0.) ? std::sqrt(delta) : 0.;
00268           delta=fRmax*fRmax-yoff2*yoff2;
00269           diff2=(delta>0.) ? std::sqrt(delta) : 0.;
00270           maxDiff=(diff1>diff2) ? diff1:diff2;
00271           newMin=xoffset-maxDiff;
00272           newMax=xoffset+maxDiff;
00273           pMin=(newMin<xMin) ? xMin : newMin;
00274           pMax=(newMax>xMax) ? xMax : newMax;
00275         }
00276         break;
00277       case kYAxis:
00278         xoff1=xoffset-xMin;
00279         xoff2=xMax-xoffset;
00280         if (xoff1>=0&&xoff2>=0)
00281         {
00282           // X limits cross max/min y => no change
00283           //
00284           pMin=yMin;
00285           pMax=yMax;
00286         }
00287         else
00288         {
00289           // X limits don't cross max/min y => compute max delta y,
00290           // hence new mins/maxs
00291           //
00292           delta=fRmax*fRmax-xoff1*xoff1;
00293           diff1=(delta>0.) ? std::sqrt(delta) : 0.;
00294           delta=fRmax*fRmax-xoff2*xoff2;
00295           diff2=(delta>0.) ? std::sqrt(delta) : 0.;
00296           maxDiff=(diff1>diff2) ? diff1:diff2;
00297           newMin=yoffset-maxDiff;
00298           newMax=yoffset+maxDiff;
00299           pMin=(newMin<yMin) ? yMin : newMin;
00300           pMax=(newMax>yMax) ? yMax : newMax;
00301         }
00302         break;
00303       case kZAxis:
00304         pMin=zMin;
00305         pMax=zMax;
00306         break;
00307       default:
00308         break;
00309     }
00310     pMin -= fRmaxTolerance;
00311     pMax += fRmaxTolerance;
00313     return true;  
00315 }
00318 //
00319 // Return whether point inside/outside/on surface
00320 // Split into radius checks
00321 // 
00323 EInside G4Orb::Inside( const G4ThreeVector& p ) const
00324 {
00325   G4double rad2,tolRMax;
00326   EInside in;
00329   rad2 = p.x()*p.x()+p.y()*p.y()+p.z()*p.z();
00331   G4double radius = std::sqrt(rad2);
00333   // G4double radius = std::sqrt(rad2);
00334   // Check radial surface
00335   // sets `in'
00337   tolRMax = fRmax - fRmaxTolerance*0.5;
00339   if ( radius <= tolRMax )  { in = kInside; }
00340   else
00341   {
00342     tolRMax = fRmax + fRmaxTolerance*0.5;       
00343     if ( radius <= tolRMax )  { in = kSurface; }
00344     else                   { in = kOutside; }
00345   }
00346   return in;
00347 }
00350 //
00351 // Return unit normal of surface closest to p
00352 // - note if point on z axis, ignore phi divided sides
00353 // - unsafe if point close to z axis a rmin=0 - no explicit checks
00355 G4ThreeVector G4Orb::SurfaceNormal( const G4ThreeVector& p ) const
00356 {
00357   ENorm side = kNRMax;
00358   G4ThreeVector norm;
00359   G4double radius = std::sqrt(p.x()*p.x()+p.y()*p.y()+p.z()*p.z());
00361   switch (side)
00362   {
00363     case kNRMax: 
00364       norm = G4ThreeVector(p.x()/radius,p.y()/radius,p.z()/radius);
00365       break;
00366    default:        // Should never reach this case ...
00367       DumpInfo();
00368       G4Exception("G4Orb::SurfaceNormal()", "GeomSolids1002", JustWarning,
00369                   "Undefined side for valid surface normal to solid.");
00370       break;    
00371   } 
00373   return norm;
00374 }
00377 //
00378 // Calculate distance to shape from outside, along normalised vector
00379 // - return kInfinity if no intersection, or intersection distance <= tolerance
00380 //
00381 // -> If point is outside outer radius, compute intersection with rmax
00382 //        - if no intersection return
00383 //        - if  valid phi,theta return intersection Dist
00385 G4double G4Orb::DistanceToIn( const G4ThreeVector& p,
00386                               const G4ThreeVector& v  ) const
00387 {
00388   G4double snxt = kInfinity;      // snxt = default return value
00390   G4double radius, pDotV3d; // , tolORMax2, tolIRMax2;
00391   G4double c, d2, sd = kInfinity;
00393   const G4double dRmax = 100.*fRmax;
00395   // General Precalcs
00397   radius  = std::sqrt(p.x()*p.x() + p.y()*p.y() + p.z()*p.z());
00398   pDotV3d = p.x()*v.x() + p.y()*v.y() + p.z()*v.z();
00400   // Radial Precalcs
00402   // tolORMax2 = (fRmax+fRmaxTolerance*0.5)*(fRmax+fRmaxTolerance*0.5);
00403   // tolIRMax2 = (fRmax-fRmaxTolerance*0.5)*(fRmax-fRmaxTolerance*0.5);
00405   // Outer spherical shell intersection
00406   // - Only if outside tolerant fRmax
00407   // - Check for if inside and outer G4Orb heading through solid (-> 0)
00408   // - No intersect -> no intersection with G4Orb
00409   //
00410   // Shell eqn: x^2+y^2+z^2 = RSPH^2
00411   //
00412   // => (px+svx)^2+(py+svy)^2+(pz+svz)^2=R^2
00413   //
00414   // => (px^2+py^2+pz^2) +2sd(pxvx+pyvy+pzvz)+sd^2(vx^2+vy^2+vz^2)=R^2
00415   // =>      rad2        +2sd(pDotV3d)      +sd^2                =R^2
00416   //
00417   // => sd=-pDotV3d+-std::sqrt(pDotV3d^2-(rad2-R^2))
00419   c = (radius - fRmax)*(radius + fRmax);
00421   if( radius > fRmax-fRmaxTolerance*0.5 ) // not inside in terms of Inside(p)
00422   {
00423     if ( c > fRmaxTolerance*fRmax )
00424     {
00425       // If outside tolerant boundary of outer G4Orb in terms of c
00426       // [ should be std::sqrt(rad2) - fRmax > fRmaxTolerance*0.5 ]
00428       d2 = pDotV3d*pDotV3d - c;
00430       if ( d2 >= 0 )
00431       {
00432         sd = -pDotV3d - std::sqrt(d2);
00433         if ( sd >= 0 )
00434         {
00435           if ( sd > dRmax ) // Avoid rounding errors due to precision issues seen on
00436           {                 // 64 bits systems. Split long distances and recompute
00437             G4double fTerm = sd - std::fmod(sd,dRmax);
00438             sd = fTerm + DistanceToIn(p+fTerm*v,v);
00439           } 
00440           return snxt = sd;
00441         }
00442       }
00443       else    // No intersection with G4Orb
00444       {
00445         return snxt = kInfinity;
00446       }
00447     }
00448     else // not outside in terms of c
00449     {
00450       if ( c > -fRmaxTolerance*fRmax )  // on surface  
00451       {
00452         d2 = pDotV3d*pDotV3d - c;             
00453         if ( (d2 < fRmaxTolerance*fRmax) || (pDotV3d >= 0) )
00454         {
00455           return snxt = kInfinity;
00456         }
00457         else
00458         {
00459           return snxt = 0.;
00460         }
00461       }
00462     }
00463   }
00464 #ifdef G4CSGDEBUG
00465   else // inside ???
00466   {
00467       G4Exception("G4Orb::DistanceToIn(p,v)", "GeomSolids1002",
00468                   JustWarning, "Point p is inside !?");
00469   }
00470 #endif
00472   return snxt;
00473 }
00476 //
00477 // Calculate distance (<= actual) to closest surface of shape from outside
00478 // - Calculate distance to radial plane
00479 // - Return 0 if point inside
00481 G4double G4Orb::DistanceToIn( const G4ThreeVector& p ) const
00482 {
00483   G4double safe = 0.0,
00484            radius  = std::sqrt(p.x()*p.x()+p.y()*p.y()+p.z()*p.z());
00485   safe = radius - fRmax;
00486   if( safe < 0 ) { safe = 0.; }
00487   return safe;
00488 }
00491 //
00492 // Calculate distance to surface of shape from `inside', allowing for tolerance
00493 // 
00495 G4double G4Orb::DistanceToOut( const G4ThreeVector& p,
00496                                const G4ThreeVector& v,
00497                                const G4bool calcNorm,
00498                                      G4bool *validNorm,
00499                                      G4ThreeVector *n   ) const
00500 {
00501   G4double snxt = kInfinity;     // ??? snxt is default return value
00502   ESide    side = kNull;
00504   G4double rad2,pDotV3d; 
00505   G4double xi,yi,zi;      // Intersection point
00506   G4double c,d2;
00508   rad2    = p.x()*p.x() + p.y()*p.y() + p.z()*p.z();
00509   pDotV3d = p.x()*v.x() + p.y()*v.y() + p.z()*v.z();
00511   // Radial Intersection from G4Orb::DistanceToIn
00512   //
00513   // Outer spherical shell intersection
00514   // - Only if outside tolerant fRmax
00515   // - Check for if inside and outer G4Orb heading through solid (-> 0)
00516   // - No intersect -> no intersection with G4Orb
00517   //
00518   // Shell eqn: x^2+y^2+z^2=RSPH^2
00519   //
00520   // => (px+svx)^2+(py+svy)^2+(pz+svz)^2=R^2
00521   //
00522   // => (px^2+py^2+pz^2) +2s(pxvx+pyvy+pzvz)+s^2(vx^2+vy^2+vz^2)=R^2
00523   // =>      rad2        +2s(pDotV3d)       +s^2                =R^2
00524   //
00525   // => s=-pDotV3d+-std::sqrt(pDotV3d^2-(rad2-R^2))
00527   const G4double  Rmax_plus = fRmax + fRmaxTolerance*0.5;
00528   G4double radius = std::sqrt(rad2);
00530   if ( radius <= Rmax_plus )
00531   {
00532     c = (radius - fRmax)*(radius + fRmax);
00534     if ( c < fRmaxTolerance*fRmax ) 
00535     {
00536       // Within tolerant Outer radius 
00537       // 
00538       // The test is
00539       //     radius  - fRmax < 0.5*fRmaxTolerance
00540       // =>  radius  < fRmax + 0.5*kRadTol
00541       // =>  rad2 < (fRmax + 0.5*kRadTol)^2
00542       // =>  rad2 < fRmax^2 + 2.*0.5*fRmax*kRadTol + 0.25*kRadTol*kRadTol
00543       // =>  rad2 - fRmax^2    <~    fRmax*kRadTol 
00545       d2 = pDotV3d*pDotV3d - c;
00547       if( ( c > -fRmaxTolerance*fRmax) &&         // on tolerant surface
00548           ( ( pDotV3d >= 0 )   || ( d2 < 0 )) )   // leaving outside from Rmax 
00549                                                   // not re-entering
00550       {
00551         if(calcNorm)
00552         {
00553           *validNorm = true;
00554           *n         = G4ThreeVector(p.x()/fRmax,p.y()/fRmax,p.z()/fRmax);
00555         }
00556         return snxt = 0;
00557       }
00558       else 
00559       {
00560         snxt = -pDotV3d + std::sqrt(d2);    // second root since inside Rmax
00561         side = kRMax; 
00562       }
00563     }
00564   }
00565   else // p is outside ???
00566   {
00567     G4cout << G4endl;
00568     DumpInfo();
00569     std::ostringstream message;
00570     G4int oldprc = message.precision(16);
00571     message << "Logic error: snxt = kInfinity ???" << G4endl
00572             << "Position:"  << G4endl << G4endl
00573             << "p.x() = "   << p.x()/mm << " mm" << G4endl
00574             << "p.y() = "   << p.y()/mm << " mm" << G4endl
00575             << "p.z() = "   << p.z()/mm << " mm" << G4endl << G4endl
00576             << "Rp = "<< std::sqrt( p.x()*p.x()+p.y()*p.y()+p.z()*p.z() )/mm
00577             << " mm" << G4endl << G4endl
00578             << "Direction:" << G4endl << G4endl
00579             << "v.x() = "   << v.x() << G4endl
00580             << "v.y() = "   << v.y() << G4endl
00581             << "v.z() = "   << v.z() << G4endl << G4endl
00582             << "Proposed distance :" << G4endl << G4endl
00583             << "snxt = "    << snxt/mm << " mm" << G4endl;
00584     message.precision(oldprc);
00585     G4Exception("G4Orb::DistanceToOut(p,v,..)", "GeomSolids1002",
00586                 JustWarning, message);
00587   }
00588   if (calcNorm)    // Output switch operator
00589   {
00590     switch( side )
00591     {
00592       case kRMax:
00593         xi=p.x()+snxt*v.x();
00594         yi=p.y()+snxt*v.y();
00595         zi=p.z()+snxt*v.z();
00596         *n=G4ThreeVector(xi/fRmax,yi/fRmax,zi/fRmax);
00597         *validNorm=true;
00598         break;
00599       default:
00600         G4cout << G4endl;
00601         DumpInfo();
00602         std::ostringstream message;
00603         G4int oldprc = message.precision(16);
00604         message << "Undefined side for valid surface normal to solid."
00605                 << G4endl
00606                 << "Position:"  << G4endl << G4endl
00607                 << "p.x() = "   << p.x()/mm << " mm" << G4endl
00608                 << "p.y() = "   << p.y()/mm << " mm" << G4endl
00609                 << "p.z() = "   << p.z()/mm << " mm" << G4endl << G4endl
00610                 << "Direction:" << G4endl << G4endl
00611                 << "v.x() = "   << v.x() << G4endl
00612                 << "v.y() = "   << v.y() << G4endl
00613                 << "v.z() = "   << v.z() << G4endl << G4endl
00614                 << "Proposed distance :" << G4endl << G4endl
00615                 << "snxt = "    << snxt/mm << " mm" << G4endl;
00616         message.precision(oldprc);
00617         G4Exception("G4Orb::DistanceToOut(p,v,..)","GeomSolids1002",
00618                     JustWarning, message);
00619         break;
00620     }
00621   }
00622   return snxt;
00623 }
00626 //
00627 // Calculate distance (<=actual) to closest surface of shape from inside
00629 G4double G4Orb::DistanceToOut( const G4ThreeVector& p ) const
00630 {
00631   G4double safe=0.0,radius = std::sqrt(p.x()*p.x()+p.y()*p.y()+p.z()*p.z());
00633 #ifdef G4CSGDEBUG
00634   if( Inside(p) == kOutside )
00635   {
00636      G4int oldprc = G4cout.precision(16);
00637      G4cout << G4endl;
00638      DumpInfo();
00639      G4cout << "Position:"  << G4endl << G4endl;
00640      G4cout << "p.x() = "   << p.x()/mm << " mm" << G4endl;
00641      G4cout << "p.y() = "   << p.y()/mm << " mm" << G4endl;
00642      G4cout << "p.z() = "   << p.z()/mm << " mm" << G4endl << G4endl;
00643      G4cout.precision(oldprc);
00644      G4Exception("G4Orb::DistanceToOut(p)", "GeomSolids1002",
00645                  JustWarning, "Point p is outside !?" );
00646   }
00647 #endif
00649   safe = fRmax - radius;
00650   if ( safe < 0. ) safe = 0.;
00651   return safe;
00652 }
00655 //
00656 // G4EntityType
00658 G4GeometryType G4Orb::GetEntityType() const
00659 {
00660   return G4String("G4Orb");
00661 }
00664 //
00665 // Make a clone of the object
00666 //
00667 G4VSolid* G4Orb::Clone() const
00668 {
00669   return new G4Orb(*this);
00670 }
00673 //
00674 // Stream object contents to an output stream
00676 std::ostream& G4Orb::StreamInfo( std::ostream& os ) const
00677 {
00678   G4int oldprc = os.precision(16);
00679   os << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
00680      << "    *** Dump for solid - " << GetName() << " ***\n"
00681      << "    ===================================================\n"
00682      << " Solid type: G4Orb\n"
00683      << " Parameters: \n"
00685      << "    outer radius: " << fRmax/mm << " mm \n"
00686      << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
00687   os.precision(oldprc);
00689   return os;
00690 }
00693 //
00694 // GetPointOnSurface
00696 G4ThreeVector G4Orb::GetPointOnSurface() const
00697 {
00698   //  generate a random number from zero to 2pi...
00699   //
00700   G4double phi      = RandFlat::shoot(0.,2.*pi);
00701   G4double cosphi   = std::cos(phi);
00702   G4double sinphi   = std::sin(phi);
00704   // generate a random point uniform in area
00705   G4double costheta = RandFlat::shoot(-1.,1.);
00706   G4double sintheta = std::sqrt(1.-sqr(costheta));
00708   return G4ThreeVector (fRmax*sintheta*cosphi,
00709                         fRmax*sintheta*sinphi, fRmax*costheta); 
00710 }
00713 //
00714 // Methods for visualisation
00716 void G4Orb::DescribeYourselfTo ( G4VGraphicsScene& scene ) const
00717 {
00718   scene.AddSolid (*this);
00719 }
00721 G4Polyhedron* G4Orb::CreatePolyhedron () const
00722 {
00723   return new G4PolyhedronSphere (0., fRmax, 0., 2*pi, 0., pi);
00724 }
00726 G4NURBS* G4Orb::CreateNURBS () const
00727 {
00728   return new G4NURBSbox (fRmax, fRmax, fRmax);       // Box for now!!!
00729 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:49:13 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7