
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00030 // GEANT 4 class source file
00031 //
00032 // G4GeomTestVolume
00033 //
00034 // Author: D.C.Williams, UCSC (davidw@scipp.ucsc.edu)
00035 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00037 #include <vector>
00038 #include <set>
00039 #include <algorithm>
00040 #include <iomanip>
00042 #include "G4GeomTestVolume.hh"
00044 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00045 #include "G4GeomTestLogger.hh"
00046 #include "G4GeomTestVolPoint.hh"
00047 #include "G4GeomTestSegment.hh"
00049 #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
00050 #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
00051 #include "G4VSolid.hh"
00053 //
00054 // Constructor
00055 //
00056 G4GeomTestVolume::G4GeomTestVolume( const G4VPhysicalVolume *theTarget,
00057                                           G4GeomTestLogger *theLogger,
00058                                           G4double theTolerance )
00059   : target(theTarget),
00060     logger(theLogger),
00061     tolerance(theTolerance),
00062     extent(theTarget->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid()->GetExtent())
00063 {;}
00065 //
00066 // Destructor
00067 //
00068 G4GeomTestVolume::~G4GeomTestVolume() {;}
00070 //
00071 // Get error tolerance
00072 //
00073 G4double G4GeomTestVolume::GetTolerance() const
00074 {
00075   return tolerance;
00076 }
00078 //
00079 // Set error tolerance
00080 //
00081 void G4GeomTestVolume::SetTolerance(G4double val)
00082 {
00083   tolerance = val;
00084 }
00086 //
00087 // TestCartGridXYZ
00088 //
00089 void G4GeomTestVolume::TestCartGridXYZ( G4int nx, G4int ny, G4int nz )
00090 {
00091   TestCartGridX( ny, nz );
00092   TestCartGridY( nz, nx );
00093   TestCartGridZ( nx, ny );
00094 }
00096 //
00097 // TestCartGridX
00098 //
00099 void G4GeomTestVolume::TestCartGridX( G4int ny, G4int nz )
00100 {
00101   TestCartGrid( G4ThreeVector(0,1,0), G4ThreeVector(0,0,1),
00102                 G4ThreeVector(1,0,0), ny, nz );
00103 }
00105 //
00106 // TestCartGridY
00107 //
00108 void G4GeomTestVolume::TestCartGridY( G4int nz, G4int nx )
00109 {
00110   TestCartGrid( G4ThreeVector(0,0,1), G4ThreeVector(1,0,0),
00111                 G4ThreeVector(0,1,0), nz, nx );
00112 }
00114 //
00115 // TestCartGridZ
00116 //
00117 void G4GeomTestVolume::TestCartGridZ( G4int nx, G4int ny )
00118 {
00119   TestCartGrid( G4ThreeVector(1,0,0), G4ThreeVector(0,1,0),
00120                 G4ThreeVector(0,0,1), nx, ny );
00121 }
00123 //
00124 // TestRecursiveCartGrid
00125 //
00126 void G4GeomTestVolume::TestRecursiveCartGrid( G4int nx, G4int ny, G4int nz,
00127                                               G4int slevel, G4int depth )
00128 {
00129   // If reached requested level of depth (i.e. set to 0), exit.
00130   // If not depth specified (i.e. set to -1), visit the whole tree.
00131   // If requested initial level of depth is not zero, visit from beginning
00132   //
00133   if (depth == 0) return;
00134   if (depth != -1) depth--;
00135   if (slevel != 0) slevel--;
00137   //
00138   // As long as we aren't a replica and we reached the requested
00139   // initial level of depth, test ourselves
00140   //
00141   if ( (!target->IsReplicated()) && (slevel==0) )
00142   {
00143     TestCartGridXYZ( nx, ny, nz );
00144     ReportErrors();
00145   }
00147   //
00148   // Loop over unique daughters
00149   //
00150   std::set<const G4LogicalVolume *> tested;
00152   const G4LogicalVolume *logical = target->GetLogicalVolume();
00153   G4int nDaughter = logical->GetNoDaughters();
00154   G4int iDaughter;
00155   for( iDaughter=0; iDaughter<nDaughter; ++iDaughter )
00156   {
00157     const G4VPhysicalVolume *daughter =
00158           logical->GetDaughter(iDaughter);
00159     const G4LogicalVolume *daughterLogical =
00160           daughter->GetLogicalVolume();
00162     //
00163     // Skip empty daughters
00164     //
00165     if (daughterLogical->GetNoDaughters() == 0) continue;
00167     //
00168     // Tested already?
00169     //
00170     std::pair<std::set<const G4LogicalVolume *>::iterator,G4bool>
00171            there = tested.insert(daughterLogical);
00172     if (!there.second) continue;
00174     //
00175     // Recurse
00176     //
00177     G4GeomTestVolume vTest( daughter, logger, tolerance );
00178     vTest.TestRecursiveCartGrid( nx,ny,nz,slevel,depth );
00179   }
00180 }
00182 //
00183 // TestRecursiveCylinder
00184 //
00185 void
00186 G4GeomTestVolume::TestRecursiveCylinder( G4int nPhi, G4int nZ, G4int nRho,
00187                                          G4double fracZ, G4double fracRho,
00188                                          G4bool usePhi,
00189                                          G4int slevel, G4int depth )
00190 {
00191   // If reached requested level of depth (i.e. set to 0), exit.
00192   // If not depth specified (i.e. set to -1), visit the whole tree.
00193   // If requested initial level of depth is not zero, visit from beginning
00194   //
00195   if (depth == 0) return;
00196   if (depth != -1) depth--;
00197   if (slevel != 0) slevel--;
00199   //
00200   // As long as we aren't a replica and we reached the requested
00201   // initial level of depth, test ourselves
00202   //
00203   if ( (!target->IsReplicated()) && (slevel==0) )
00204   {
00205     TestCylinder( nPhi, nZ, nRho, fracZ, fracRho, usePhi );
00206     ReportErrors();
00207   }
00209   //
00210   // Loop over unique daughters
00211   //
00212   std::set<const G4LogicalVolume *> tested;
00214   const G4LogicalVolume *logical = target->GetLogicalVolume();
00215   G4int nDaughter = logical->GetNoDaughters();
00216   G4int iDaughter;
00217   for( iDaughter=0; iDaughter<nDaughter; ++iDaughter )
00218   {
00219     const G4VPhysicalVolume *daughter =
00220           logical->GetDaughter(iDaughter);
00221     const G4LogicalVolume *daughterLogical =
00222           daughter->GetLogicalVolume();
00224     //
00225     // Skip empty daughters
00226     //
00227     if (daughterLogical->GetNoDaughters() == 0) continue;
00229     //
00230     // Tested already?
00231     //
00232     std::pair<std::set<const G4LogicalVolume *>::iterator,G4bool>
00233            there = tested.insert(daughterLogical);
00234     if (!there.second) continue;
00236     //
00237     // Recurse
00238     //
00239     G4GeomTestVolume vTest( daughter, logger, tolerance );
00240     vTest.TestRecursiveCylinder( nPhi, nZ, nRho,
00241                                  fracZ, fracRho, usePhi,
00242                                  slevel, depth );
00243   }
00244 }
00246 //
00247 // TestCylinder
00248 //
00249 void G4GeomTestVolume::TestCylinder( G4int nPhi, G4int nZ, G4int nRho,
00250                                      G4double fracZ, G4double fracRho,
00251                                      G4bool usePhi    )
00252 {
00253   //
00254   // Get size of our volume
00255   //
00256   G4double xMax = std::max(extent.GetXmax(),-extent.GetXmin());
00257   G4double yMax = std::max(extent.GetYmax(),-extent.GetYmin());
00258   G4double rhoMax = std::sqrt(xMax*xMax + yMax*yMax);
00260   G4double zMax = extent.GetZmax();
00261   G4double zMin = extent.GetZmin();
00262   G4double zHalfLength = 0.5*(zMax-zMin);
00263   G4double z0 = 0.5*(zMax+zMin);
00265   //
00266   // Loop over phi
00267   //
00268   G4double deltaPhi = 2*pi/G4double(nPhi);
00270   G4double phi = 0;
00271   G4int iPhi = nPhi;
00272   if ((iPhi&1) == 0) iPhi++;  // Also use odd number phi slices
00273   do
00274   {
00275     G4double cosPhi = std::cos(phi);
00276     G4double sinPhi = std::sin(phi);
00277     G4ThreeVector vPhi1(sinPhi,-cosPhi,0);
00279     //
00280     // Loop over rho
00281     //
00282     G4double rho = rhoMax;
00283     G4int iRho = nRho;
00284     do
00285     {
00286       G4ThreeVector p(rho*cosPhi,rho*sinPhi,0);
00287       static G4ThreeVector v(0,0,1);
00289       TestOneLine( p, v );
00291       if (usePhi)
00292       {
00293         //
00294         // Loop over z
00295         //
00296         G4double zScale = 1.0;
00297         G4int iZ=nZ;
00298         do
00299         {
00300           p.setZ( z0 + zScale*zHalfLength );
00301           TestOneLine(p,vPhi1);
00302           p.setZ( z0 - zScale*zHalfLength );
00303           TestOneLine(p,vPhi1);
00304         } while( zScale *= fracZ, --iZ );
00305       }
00306     } while( rho *= fracRho, --iRho );
00308     //
00309     // Loop over z
00310     //
00311     G4ThreeVector p(0,0,0);
00312     G4ThreeVector vPhi2(cosPhi,sinPhi,0);
00314     G4double zScale = 1.0;
00315     G4int iZ=nZ;
00316     do
00317     {
00318       p.setZ( z0 + zScale*zHalfLength );
00320       TestOneLine(p,vPhi2);
00322       p.setZ( z0 - zScale*zHalfLength );
00324       TestOneLine(p,vPhi2);
00325     } while( zScale *= fracZ, --iZ );
00327   } while( phi += deltaPhi, --iPhi );
00328 }
00330 //
00331 // TestCartGrid
00332 //
00333 void G4GeomTestVolume::TestCartGrid( const G4ThreeVector &theG1,
00334                                      const G4ThreeVector &theG2,
00335                                      const G4ThreeVector &theV,
00336                                      G4int n1, G4int n2 )
00337 {
00338   if (n1 <= 0 || n2 <= 0) 
00339     G4Exception( "G4GeomTestVolume::TestCartGrid()", "GeomNav0002",
00340                  FatalException, "Arguments n1 and n2 must be >= 1" );
00342   G4ThreeVector xMin( extent.GetXmin(), extent.GetYmin(),
00343                       extent.GetZmin() );
00344   G4ThreeVector xMax( extent.GetXmax(), extent.GetYmax(),
00345                       extent.GetZmax() );
00347   G4ThreeVector g1(theG1.unit());
00348   G4ThreeVector g2(theG2.unit());
00349   G4ThreeVector v(theV.unit());
00351   G4double gMin1 = g1.dot(xMin);
00352   G4double gMax1 = g1.dot(xMax);
00354   G4double gMin2 = g2.dot(xMin);
00355   G4double gMax2 = g2.dot(xMax);
00357   G4double delta1 = (gMax1-gMin1)/G4double(n1);
00358   G4double delta2 = (gMax2-gMin2)/G4double(n2);
00360   G4int i1, i2;
00362   for(i1=0;i1<=n1;++i1)
00363   {
00364     G4ThreeVector p1 = (gMin1 + G4double(i1)*delta1)*g1;
00366     for(i2=0;i2<=n2;++i2)
00367     {
00368       G4ThreeVector p2 = (gMin2 + G4double(i2)*delta2)*g2;
00370       TestOneLine( p1+p2, v );
00371     }
00372   }
00373 }  
00375 //
00376 // TestRecursiveLine
00377 //
00378 void
00379 G4GeomTestVolume::TestRecursiveLine( const G4ThreeVector& p,
00380                                      const G4ThreeVector& v,
00381                                      G4int slevel, G4int depth )
00382 {
00383   // If reached requested level of depth (i.e. set to 0), exit.
00384   // If not depth specified (i.e. set to -1), visit the whole tree.
00385   // If requested initial level of depth is not zero, visit from beginning
00386   //
00387   if (depth == 0) return;
00388   if (depth != -1) depth--;
00389   if (slevel != 0) slevel--;
00391   //
00392   // As long as we aren't a replica and we reached the requested
00393   // initial level of depth, test ourselves
00394   //
00395   if ( (!target->IsReplicated()) && (slevel==0) )
00396   {
00397     TestOneLine( p, v );
00398     ReportErrors();
00399   }
00401   //
00402   // Loop over unique daughters
00403   //
00404   std::set<const G4LogicalVolume *> tested;
00406   const G4LogicalVolume *logical = target->GetLogicalVolume();
00407   G4int nDaughter = logical->GetNoDaughters();
00408   G4int iDaughter;
00409   for( iDaughter=0; iDaughter<nDaughter; ++iDaughter )
00410   {
00411     const G4VPhysicalVolume *daughter =
00412           logical->GetDaughter(iDaughter);
00413     const G4LogicalVolume *daughterLogical =
00414           daughter->GetLogicalVolume();
00416     //
00417     // Skip empty daughters
00418     //
00419     if (daughterLogical->GetNoDaughters() == 0) continue;
00421     //
00422     // Tested already?
00423     //
00424     std::pair<std::set<const G4LogicalVolume *>::iterator,G4bool>
00425            there = tested.insert(daughterLogical);
00426     if (!there.second) continue;
00428     //
00429     // Recurse
00430     //
00431     G4GeomTestVolume vTest( daughter, logger, tolerance );
00432     vTest.TestRecursiveLine( p, v, slevel, depth );
00433   }
00434 }
00436 //
00437 // TestOneLine
00438 //
00439 // Test geometry consistency along a single line
00440 //
00441 void G4GeomTestVolume::TestOneLine( const G4ThreeVector &p,
00442                                     const G4ThreeVector &v )
00443 {
00444   //
00445   // Keep track of intersection points
00446   //
00447   std::vector<G4GeomTestVolPoint> points;
00449   //
00450   // Calculate intersections with the mother volume
00451   //
00452   G4GeomTestSegment targetSegment( target->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid(),
00453                                    p, v, logger );
00455   //
00456   // Add them to our list
00457   // 
00458   G4int n = targetSegment.GetNumberPoints();
00459   G4int i;
00460   for(i=0;i<n;++i)
00461   {
00462     points.push_back( G4GeomTestVolPoint( targetSegment.GetPoint(i), -1 ) );
00463   } 
00465   //
00466   // Loop over daughter volumes
00467   //
00468   const G4LogicalVolume *logical = target->GetLogicalVolume();
00469   G4int nDaughter = logical->GetNoDaughters();
00470   G4int iDaughter;
00471   for( iDaughter=0; iDaughter<nDaughter; ++iDaughter)
00472   {
00473     const G4VPhysicalVolume *daughter = 
00474           logical->GetDaughter(iDaughter);
00476     //
00477     // Convert coordinates to daughter local coordinates
00478     //
00479     const G4RotationMatrix *rotation = daughter->GetFrameRotation();
00480     const G4ThreeVector &translation = daughter->GetFrameTranslation();
00482     G4ThreeVector pLocal = translation + p;
00483     G4ThreeVector vLocal = v;
00485     if (rotation)
00486     {
00487       pLocal = (*rotation)*pLocal;
00488       vLocal = (*rotation)*vLocal;
00489     }
00491     //
00492     // Find intersections
00493     //
00494     G4GeomTestSegment
00495        daughterSegment( daughter->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid(), 
00496                         pLocal, vLocal, logger );
00498     //
00499     // Add them to the list
00500     //
00501     n = daughterSegment.GetNumberPoints();
00502     for(i=0;i<n;++i)
00503     {
00504       points.push_back( G4GeomTestVolPoint( daughterSegment.GetPoint(i),
00505             iDaughter, translation, rotation ) );
00506     } 
00507   }
00509   //
00510   // Now sort the list of intersection points
00511   //
00512   std::sort( points.begin(), points.end() );
00514   //
00515   // Search for problems:
00516   //    1. Overlap daughters will be indicated by intersecting
00517   //       points that lie within another daughter
00518   //    2. Daughter extending outside the mother will be
00519   //       indicated by intersecting points outside the mother
00520   //
00521   // The search method is always looking forward when
00522   // resolving discrepencies due to roundoff error. Once
00523   // one instance of a daughter intersection is analyzed,
00524   // it is removed from further consideration
00525   //
00526   n = points.size();
00528   //
00529   // Set true if this point has been analyzed
00530   //
00531   std::vector<G4bool> checked( n, false );
00533   for(i=0;i<n;++i)
00534   {
00535     if (checked[i]) continue;
00537     G4int iDaug = points[i].GetDaughterIndex();
00538     if (iDaug < 0) continue;
00540     //
00541     // Intersection found. Find matching pair.
00542     //
00543     G4double iS = points[i].GetDistance();
00544     G4int j = i;
00545     while(++j<n)
00546     {
00547       if (iDaug == points[j].GetDaughterIndex()) break;
00548     }
00549     if (j>=n)
00550     {
00551       //
00552       // Unmatched? This shouldn't happen
00553       //
00554       logger->SolidProblem( logical->GetDaughter(iDaug)->
00555                             GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid(),
00556                             "Unmatched intersection point",
00557           points[i].GetPosition() );
00558       continue;
00559     }
00561     checked[j] = true;
00563     G4double jS = points[j].GetDistance();
00565     //
00566     // Otherwise, we could have a problem
00567     //
00568     G4int k = i;
00569     while(++k<j)
00570     {
00571       if (checked[k]) continue;
00573       G4bool kEntering = points[k].Entering();
00574       G4double kS = points[k].GetDistance();
00577       //
00578       // Problem found: catagorize
00579       //
00580       G4int kDaug = points[k].GetDaughterIndex();
00581       if (kDaug < 0)
00582       {
00583         //
00584         // Ignore small overshoots if they are within tolerance
00585         //
00586         if (kS-iS < tolerance &&   kEntering ) continue;
00587         if (jS-kS < tolerance && (!kEntering)) continue;
00589         //
00590         // We appear to extend outside the mother volume
00591         //
00592         std::map<G4long,G4GeomTestOvershootList>::iterator overshoot =
00593           overshoots.find(iDaug);
00594         if (overshoot == overshoots.end())
00595         {
00596           std::pair<std::map<G4long,G4GeomTestOvershootList>::iterator,G4bool>
00597             result =
00598               overshoots.insert( std::pair<const G4long,G4GeomTestOvershootList>
00599                                (iDaug,G4GeomTestOvershootList(target,iDaug)) );
00600           overshoot = result.first;
00601         }
00603         if (kEntering)
00604           (*overshoot).second.AddError( points[i].GetPosition(),
00605                                         points[k].GetPosition() );
00606         else
00607           (*overshoot).second.AddError( points[k].GetPosition(),
00608                                         points[j].GetPosition() );
00609       }
00610       else
00611       {
00612         //
00613         // Ignore small overlaps if they are within tolerance
00614         //
00615         if (kS-iS < tolerance && (!kEntering)) continue;
00616         if (jS-kS < tolerance &&   kEntering ) continue;
00618         //
00619         // We appear to overlap with another daughter
00620         //
00621         G4long key = iDaug < kDaug ?
00622                (iDaug*nDaughter + kDaug) : (kDaug*nDaughter + iDaug);
00624         std::map<G4long,G4GeomTestOverlapList>::iterator overlap =
00625           overlaps.find(key);
00626         if (overlap == overlaps.end())
00627         {
00628           std::pair<std::map<G4long,G4GeomTestOverlapList>::iterator,G4bool>
00629             result =
00630             overlaps.insert( std::pair<const G4long,G4GeomTestOverlapList>
00631                            (key,G4GeomTestOverlapList(target,iDaug,kDaug)) );
00632           overlap = result.first;
00633         }
00635         if (points[k].Entering())
00636           (*overlap).second.AddError( points[k].GetPosition(),
00637                                       points[j].GetPosition() );
00638         else
00639           (*overlap).second.AddError( points[i].GetPosition(),
00640                                       points[k].GetPosition() );
00641       }
00642     }
00643   }
00644 }
00646 //
00647 // ReportErrors
00648 //
00649 void G4GeomTestVolume::ReportErrors()
00650 {
00651   //
00652   // Report overshoots
00653   //
00654   if (overshoots.empty())
00655     logger->NoProblem("GeomTest: no daughter volume extending outside mother detected.");
00656   else
00657   {
00658     std::map<G4long,G4GeomTestOvershootList>::iterator overshoot =
00659       overshoots.begin();
00660     while( overshoot != overshoots.end() )
00661     {
00662       logger->OvershootingDaughter( &(*overshoot).second );
00663       ++overshoot;
00664     }
00665   }
00667   //
00668   // Report overlaps
00669   //
00670   if (overlaps.empty())
00671     logger->NoProblem("GeomTest: no overlapping daughters detected.");
00672   else
00673   {
00674     std::map<G4long,G4GeomTestOverlapList>::iterator overlap =
00675       overlaps.begin();
00676     while( overlap != overlaps.end() )
00677     {
00678       logger->OverlappingDaughters( &(*overlap).second );
00679       ++overlap;
00680     }
00681   }
00682 }
00684 //
00685 // ClearErrors
00686 //
00687 void G4GeomTestVolume::ClearErrors()
00688 {
00689   overshoots.clear();
00690   overlaps.clear();
00691 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:48:22 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7