
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
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00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
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00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // G4ForwardXrayTR class -- implementation file
00030 //
00031 // History:
00032 // 1st version 11.09.97 V. Grichine (Vladimir.Grichine@cern.ch )
00033 // 2nd version 17.12.97 V. Grichine
00034 // 17-09-01, migration of Materials to pure STL (mma)
00035 // 10-03-03, migration to "cut per region" (V.Ivanchenko)
00036 // 03.06.03, V.Ivanchenko fix compilation warnings
00038 #include "G4ForwardXrayTR.hh"
00040 #include "globals.hh"
00041 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00042 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00043 #include "G4Poisson.hh"
00044 #include "G4Material.hh"
00045 #include "G4PhysicsTable.hh"
00046 #include "G4PhysicsVector.hh"
00047 #include "G4PhysicsLinearVector.hh"
00048 #include "G4PhysicsLogVector.hh"
00049 #include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh"
00050 #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh"
00052 // Initialization of local constants
00054 G4int    G4ForwardXrayTR::fSympsonNumber =  100;
00056 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::fTheMinEnergyTR = 1.0*keV;
00057 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::fTheMaxEnergyTR = 100.0*keV;
00058 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::fTheMaxAngle    = 1.0e-3;
00059 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::fTheMinAngle    =  5.0e-6;
00060 G4int    G4ForwardXrayTR::fBinTR          =  50;
00062 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::fMinProtonTkin = 100.0*GeV;
00063 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::fMaxProtonTkin = 100.0*TeV;
00064 G4int    G4ForwardXrayTR::fTotBin        =  50;
00066 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::fPlasmaCof = 4.0*pi*fine_structure_const*
00067                                        hbarc*hbarc*hbarc/electron_mass_c2;
00069 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::fCofTR     = fine_structure_const/pi;
00073 //
00074 // Constructor for creation of physics tables (angle and energy TR
00075 // distributions) for a couple of selected materials.
00076 //
00077 // Recommended for use in applications with many materials involved,
00078 // when only few (usually couple) materials are interested for generation
00079 // of TR on the interface between them
00082 G4ForwardXrayTR::
00083 G4ForwardXrayTR( const G4String& matName1,   //  G4Material* pMat1,
00084                  const G4String& matName2,    //  G4Material* pMat2,
00085                  const G4String& processName                          )
00086   :        G4TransitionRadiation(processName)
00087 {
00088   fPtrGamma = 0;
00089   fGammaCutInKineticEnergy = 0;
00090   fGammaTkinCut = fMinEnergyTR = fMaxEnergyTR =  fMaxThetaTR = fGamma = 
00091     fSigma1 = fSigma2 = 0.0; 
00092   fAngleDistrTable = 0;
00093   fEnergyDistrTable = 0;
00094   fMatIndex1 = fMatIndex2 = 0;
00096   // Proton energy vector initialization
00097   //
00098   fProtonEnergyVector = new G4PhysicsLogVector(fMinProtonTkin,
00099                                                fMaxProtonTkin, fTotBin  );
00100   G4int iMat;
00101   const G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable=
00102         G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable();
00103   G4int numOfCouples = theCoupleTable->GetTableSize();
00105   G4bool build = true;
00107   for(iMat=0;iMat<numOfCouples;iMat++)    // check first material name
00108   {
00109     const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple = theCoupleTable->GetMaterialCutsCouple(iMat);
00110     if( matName1 == couple->GetMaterial()->GetName() )
00111     {
00112       fMatIndex1 = couple->GetIndex();
00113       break;
00114     }
00115   }
00116   if(iMat == numOfCouples)
00117   {
00118     G4Exception("G4ForwardXrayTR::G4ForwardXrayTR", "ForwardXrayTR01", JustWarning, "Invalid first material name in G4ForwardXrayTR constructor!");
00119     build = false;
00120   }
00122   if(build) {
00123     for(iMat=0;iMat<numOfCouples;iMat++)    // check second material name
00124       {
00125         const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple = theCoupleTable->GetMaterialCutsCouple(iMat);
00126         if( matName2 == couple->GetMaterial()->GetName() )
00127           {
00128             fMatIndex2 = couple->GetIndex();
00129             break;
00130           }
00131       }
00132     if(iMat == numOfCouples)
00133       {
00134         G4Exception("G4ForwardXrayTR::G4ForwardXrayTR", "ForwardXrayTR02", JustWarning, "Invalid second material name in G4ForwardXrayTR constructor!");
00135         build = false;
00136       }
00137   }
00138   //  G4cout<<"G4ForwardXray constructor is called"<<G4endl;
00139   if(build) { BuildXrayTRtables(); }
00140 }
00143 //
00144 // Constructor used by X-ray transition radiation parametrisation models
00146 G4ForwardXrayTR::
00147 G4ForwardXrayTR( const G4String& processName  )
00148    :        G4TransitionRadiation(processName)
00149 {
00150   fPtrGamma = 0;
00151   fGammaCutInKineticEnergy = 0;
00152   fGammaTkinCut = fMinEnergyTR = fMaxEnergyTR =  fMaxThetaTR = fGamma = 
00153     fSigma1 = fSigma2 = 0.0; 
00154   fAngleDistrTable = 0;
00155   fEnergyDistrTable = 0;
00156   fMatIndex1 = fMatIndex2 = 0;
00158   // Proton energy vector initialization
00159   //
00160   fProtonEnergyVector = new G4PhysicsLogVector(fMinProtonTkin,
00161                                                fMaxProtonTkin, fTotBin  );
00162 }
00166 //
00167 // Destructor
00168 //
00170 G4ForwardXrayTR::~G4ForwardXrayTR()
00171 {
00172   delete fAngleDistrTable;
00173   delete fEnergyDistrTable;
00174   delete fProtonEnergyVector;
00175 }
00177 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track&,
00178                                           G4double,
00179                                           G4ForceCondition* condition)
00180 {
00181   *condition = Forced;
00182   return DBL_MAX;      // so TR doesn't limit mean free path
00183 }
00186 //
00187 // Build physics tables for energy and angular distributions of X-ray TR photon
00189 void G4ForwardXrayTR::BuildXrayTRtables()
00190 {
00191   G4int iMat, jMat, iTkin, iTR, iPlace;
00192   const G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable=
00193         G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable();
00194   G4int numOfCouples = theCoupleTable->GetTableSize();
00196   fGammaCutInKineticEnergy = theCoupleTable->GetEnergyCutsVector(idxG4GammaCut);
00198   fAngleDistrTable  = new G4PhysicsTable(2*fTotBin);
00199   fEnergyDistrTable = new G4PhysicsTable(2*fTotBin);
00202   for(iMat=0;iMat<numOfCouples;iMat++)     // loop over pairs of different materials
00203   {
00204     if( iMat != fMatIndex1 && iMat != fMatIndex2 ) continue;
00206     for(jMat=0;jMat<numOfCouples;jMat++)  // transition iMat -> jMat !!!
00207     {
00208       if( iMat == jMat || ( jMat != fMatIndex1 && jMat != fMatIndex2 ) )
00209       {
00210         continue;
00211       }
00212       else
00213       {
00214         const G4MaterialCutsCouple* iCouple = theCoupleTable->GetMaterialCutsCouple(iMat);
00215         const G4MaterialCutsCouple* jCouple = theCoupleTable->GetMaterialCutsCouple(jMat);
00216         const G4Material* mat1 = iCouple->GetMaterial();
00217         const G4Material* mat2 = jCouple->GetMaterial();
00219         fSigma1 = fPlasmaCof*(mat1->GetElectronDensity());
00220         fSigma2 = fPlasmaCof*(mat2->GetElectronDensity());
00222         // fGammaTkinCut = fGammaCutInKineticEnergy[jMat]; // TR photon in jMat !
00224         fGammaTkinCut = 0.0;
00226         if(fGammaTkinCut > fTheMinEnergyTR)    // setting of min/max TR energies
00227         {
00228           fMinEnergyTR = fGammaTkinCut;
00229         }
00230         else
00231         {
00232           fMinEnergyTR = fTheMinEnergyTR;
00233         }
00234         if(fGammaTkinCut > fTheMaxEnergyTR)
00235         {
00236           fMaxEnergyTR = 2.0*fGammaTkinCut;    // usually very low TR rate
00237         }
00238         else
00239         {
00240           fMaxEnergyTR = fTheMaxEnergyTR;
00241         }
00242         for(iTkin=0;iTkin<fTotBin;iTkin++)      // Lorentz factor loop
00243         {
00244           G4PhysicsLogVector*
00245                     energyVector = new G4PhysicsLogVector( fMinEnergyTR,
00246                                                            fMaxEnergyTR,
00247                                                            fBinTR         );
00249           fGamma = 1.0 +   (fProtonEnergyVector->
00250                             GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTkin)/proton_mass_c2);
00252           fMaxThetaTR = 10000.0/(fGamma*fGamma);
00254           if(fMaxThetaTR > fTheMaxAngle)
00255           {
00256             fMaxThetaTR = fTheMaxAngle;
00257           }
00258           else
00259           {
00260             if(fMaxThetaTR < fTheMinAngle)
00261             {
00262               fMaxThetaTR = fTheMinAngle;
00263             }
00264           }
00265    // G4cout<<G4endl<<"fGamma = "<<fGamma<<"  fMaxThetaTR = "<<fMaxThetaTR<<G4endl;
00266           G4PhysicsLinearVector*
00267                      angleVector = new G4PhysicsLinearVector(        0.0,
00268                                                              fMaxThetaTR,
00269                                                                   fBinTR  );
00270           G4double energySum = 0.0;
00271           G4double angleSum  = 0.0;
00273           energyVector->PutValue(fBinTR-1,energySum);
00274           angleVector->PutValue(fBinTR-1,angleSum);
00276           for(iTR=fBinTR-2;iTR>=0;iTR--)
00277           {
00278             energySum += fCofTR*EnergySum(energyVector->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTR),
00279                                         energyVector->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTR+1));
00281             angleSum  += fCofTR*AngleSum(angleVector->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTR),
00282                                          angleVector->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTR+1));
00284             energyVector->PutValue(iTR,energySum);
00285             angleVector ->PutValue(iTR,angleSum);
00286           }
00287           // G4cout<<"sumE = "<<energySum<<"; sumA = "<<angleSum<<G4endl;
00289           if(jMat < iMat)
00290           {
00291             iPlace = fTotBin+iTkin;   // (iMat*(numOfMat-1)+jMat)*
00292           }
00293           else   // jMat > iMat right part of matrices (jMat-1) !
00294           {
00295             iPlace = iTkin;  // (iMat*(numOfMat-1)+jMat-1)*fTotBin+
00296           }
00297           fEnergyDistrTable->insertAt(iPlace,energyVector);
00298           fAngleDistrTable->insertAt(iPlace,angleVector);
00299         }    //                      iTkin
00300       }      //         jMat != iMat
00301     }        //     jMat
00302   }          // iMat
00303   //  G4cout<<"G4ForwardXrayTR::BuildXrayTRtables have been called"<<G4endl;
00304 }
00307 //
00308 // This function returns the spectral and angle density of TR quanta
00309 // in X-ray energy region generated forward when a relativistic
00310 // charged particle crosses interface between two materials.
00311 // The high energy small theta approximation is applied.
00312 // (matter1 -> matter2)
00313 // varAngle =2* (1 - std::cos(Theta)) or approximately = Theta*Theta
00314 //
00316 G4double
00317 G4ForwardXrayTR::SpectralAngleTRdensity( G4double energy,
00318                                          G4double varAngle ) const
00319 {
00320   G4double  formationLength1, formationLength2;
00321   formationLength1 = 1.0/
00322   (1.0/(fGamma*fGamma)
00323   + fSigma1/(energy*energy)
00324   + varAngle);
00325   formationLength2 = 1.0/
00326   (1.0/(fGamma*fGamma)
00327   + fSigma2/(energy*energy)
00328   + varAngle);
00329   return (varAngle/energy)*(formationLength1 - formationLength2)
00330               *(formationLength1 - formationLength2);
00332 }
00336 //
00337 // Analytical formula for angular density of X-ray TR photons
00338 //
00340 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::AngleDensity( G4double energy,
00341                                         G4double varAngle ) const
00342 {
00343   G4double x, x2, /*a, b,*/ c, d, f, a2, b2, a4, b4;
00344   G4double cof1, cof2, cof3;
00345   x = 1.0/energy;
00346   x2 = x*x;
00347   c = 1.0/fSigma1;
00348   d = 1.0/fSigma2;
00349   f = (varAngle + 1.0/(fGamma*fGamma));
00350   a2 = c*f;
00351   b2 = d*f;
00352   a4 = a2*a2;
00353   b4 = b2*b2;
00354   //a = std::sqrt(a2);
00355   // b = std::sqrt(b2);
00356   cof1 = c*c*(0.5/(a2*(x2 +a2)) +0.5*std::log(x2/(x2 +a2))/a4);
00357   cof3 = d*d*(0.5/(b2*(x2 +b2)) +0.5*std::log(x2/(x2 +b2))/b4);
00358   cof2 = -c*d*(std::log(x2/(x2 +b2))/b2 - std::log(x2/(x2 +a2))/a2)/(a2 - b2)  ;
00359   return -varAngle*(cof1 + cof2 + cof3);
00360 }
00363 //
00364 // Definite integral of X-ray TR spectral-angle density from energy1
00365 // to energy2
00366 //
00368 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::EnergyInterval( G4double energy1,
00369                                           G4double energy2,
00370                                           G4double varAngle ) const
00371 {
00372   return     AngleDensity(energy2,varAngle)
00373            - AngleDensity(energy1,varAngle);
00374 }
00377 //
00378 // Integral angle distribution of X-ray TR photons based on analytical
00379 // formula for angle density
00380 //
00382 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::AngleSum( G4double varAngle1,
00383                                     G4double varAngle2     )   const
00384 {
00385   G4int i;
00386   G4double h , sumEven = 0.0 , sumOdd = 0.0;
00387   h = 0.5*(varAngle2 - varAngle1)/fSympsonNumber;
00388   for(i=1;i<fSympsonNumber;i++)
00389   {
00390    sumEven += EnergyInterval(fMinEnergyTR,fMaxEnergyTR,varAngle1 + 2*i*h   );
00391    sumOdd  += EnergyInterval(fMinEnergyTR,fMaxEnergyTR,
00392                                                    varAngle1 + (2*i - 1)*h );
00393   }
00394   sumOdd += EnergyInterval(fMinEnergyTR,fMaxEnergyTR,
00395                         varAngle1 + (2*fSympsonNumber - 1)*h    );
00397   return h*(EnergyInterval(fMinEnergyTR,fMaxEnergyTR,varAngle1)
00398           + EnergyInterval(fMinEnergyTR,fMaxEnergyTR,varAngle2)
00399           + 4.0*sumOdd + 2.0*sumEven                          )/3.0;
00400 }
00403 //
00404 // Analytical Expression for   spectral density of Xray TR photons
00405 // x = 2*(1 - std::cos(Theta)) ~ Theta^2
00406 //
00408 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::SpectralDensity( G4double energy,
00409                                            G4double      x  ) const
00410 {
00411   G4double a, b;
00412   a =  1.0/(fGamma*fGamma)
00413      + fSigma1/(energy*energy) ;
00414   b =  1.0/(fGamma*fGamma)
00415      + fSigma2/(energy*energy) ;
00416   return ( (a + b)*std::log((x + b)/(x + a))/(a - b)
00417           + a/(x + a) + b/(x + b) )/energy;
00419 }
00422 //
00423 //  The spectral density in some angle interval from varAngle1 to
00424 //  varAngle2
00425 //
00427 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::AngleInterval( G4double    energy,
00428                                          G4double varAngle1,
00429                                          G4double varAngle2   ) const
00430 {
00431   return     SpectralDensity(energy,varAngle2)
00432            - SpectralDensity(energy,varAngle1);
00433 }
00436 //
00437 // Integral spectral distribution of X-ray TR photons based on
00438 // analytical formula for spectral density
00439 //
00441 G4double G4ForwardXrayTR::EnergySum( G4double energy1,
00442                                      G4double energy2     )   const
00443 {
00444   G4int i;
00445   G4double h , sumEven = 0.0 , sumOdd = 0.0;
00446   h = 0.5*(energy2 - energy1)/fSympsonNumber;
00447   for(i=1;i<fSympsonNumber;i++)
00448   {
00449    sumEven += AngleInterval(energy1 + 2*i*h,0.0,fMaxThetaTR);
00450    sumOdd  += AngleInterval(energy1 + (2*i - 1)*h,0.0,fMaxThetaTR);
00451   }
00452   sumOdd += AngleInterval(energy1 + (2*fSympsonNumber - 1)*h,
00453                           0.0,fMaxThetaTR);
00455   return h*(  AngleInterval(energy1,0.0,fMaxThetaTR)
00456             + AngleInterval(energy2,0.0,fMaxThetaTR)
00457             + 4.0*sumOdd + 2.0*sumEven                          )/3.0;
00458 }
00461 //
00462 // PostStepDoIt function for creation of forward X-ray photons in TR process
00463 // on boubndary between two materials with really different plasma energies
00464 //
00466 G4VParticleChange* G4ForwardXrayTR::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& aTrack,
00467                                                 const G4Step&  aStep)
00468 {
00469   aParticleChange.Initialize(aTrack);
00470   //  G4cout<<"call G4ForwardXrayTR::PostStepDoIt"<<G4endl;
00471   G4int iMat, jMat, iTkin, iPlace, numOfTR, iTR, iTransfer;
00473   G4double energyPos, anglePos, energyTR, theta, phi, dirX, dirY, dirZ;
00474   G4double W, W1, W2, E1, E2;
00476   G4StepPoint* pPreStepPoint  = aStep.GetPreStepPoint();
00477   G4StepPoint* pPostStepPoint = aStep.GetPostStepPoint();
00478   G4double tol=0.5*G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetSurfaceTolerance();
00480   if (pPostStepPoint->GetStepStatus() != fGeomBoundary)
00481   {
00482     return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep);
00483   }
00484   if (aTrack.GetStepLength() <= tol)
00485   {
00486     return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep);
00487   }
00488   // Come on boundary, so begin to try TR
00490   const G4MaterialCutsCouple* iCouple = pPreStepPoint ->GetPhysicalVolume()->
00491                          GetLogicalVolume()->GetMaterialCutsCouple();
00492   const G4MaterialCutsCouple* jCouple = pPostStepPoint ->GetPhysicalVolume()->
00493                          GetLogicalVolume()->GetMaterialCutsCouple();
00494   const G4Material* iMaterial = iCouple->GetMaterial();
00495   const G4Material* jMaterial = jCouple->GetMaterial();
00496   iMat = iCouple->GetIndex();
00497   jMat = jCouple->GetIndex();
00499   // The case of equal or approximate (in terms of plasma energy) materials
00500   // No TR photons ?!
00502   if (     iMat == jMat
00503       || (    (fMatIndex1 >= 0 && fMatIndex1 >= 0)
00504            && ( iMat != fMatIndex1 && iMat != fMatIndex2 )
00505            && ( jMat != fMatIndex1 && jMat != fMatIndex2 )  )
00507       || iMaterial->GetState() == jMaterial->GetState()
00509       ||(iMaterial->GetState() == kStateSolid && jMaterial->GetState() == kStateLiquid )
00511       ||(iMaterial->GetState() == kStateLiquid && jMaterial->GetState() == kStateSolid  )   )
00512   {
00513     return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep);
00514   }
00516   const G4DynamicParticle* aParticle = aTrack.GetDynamicParticle();
00517   G4double charge = aParticle->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge();
00519   if(charge == 0.0) // Uncharged particle doesn't Generate TR photons
00520   {
00521     return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep);
00522   }
00523   // Now we are ready to Generate TR photons
00525   G4double chargeSq = charge*charge;
00526   G4double kinEnergy     = aParticle->GetKineticEnergy();
00527   G4double massRatio = proton_mass_c2/aParticle->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass();
00528   G4double TkinScaled = kinEnergy*massRatio;
00529   for(iTkin=0;iTkin<fTotBin;iTkin++)
00530   {
00531     if(TkinScaled < fProtonEnergyVector->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTkin)) // <= ?
00532     {
00533       break;
00534     }
00535   }
00536   if(jMat < iMat)
00537   {
00538     iPlace = fTotBin + iTkin - 1; // (iMat*(numOfMat - 1) + jMat)*
00539   }
00540   else
00541   {
00542     iPlace = iTkin - 1;  // (iMat*(numOfMat - 1) + jMat - 1)*fTotBin +
00543   }
00544   //  G4PhysicsVector*  energyVector1 = (*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace)    ;
00545   //  G4PhysicsVector*  energyVector2 = (*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace + 1);
00547   //  G4PhysicsVector*   angleVector1 = (*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace)     ;
00548   //  G4PhysicsVector*   angleVector2 = (*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace + 1) ;
00550   G4ParticleMomentum particleDir = aParticle->GetMomentumDirection();
00552   if(iTkin == fTotBin)                 // TR plato, try from left
00553   {
00554  // G4cout<<iTkin<<" mean TR number = "<<( (*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace))(0) +
00555  //                                   (*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace))(0) )
00556  //      *chargeSq*0.5<<G4endl;
00558     numOfTR = G4Poisson( ( (*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace))(0) +
00559                            (*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace))(0) )
00560                          *chargeSq*0.5 );
00561     if(numOfTR == 0)
00562     {
00563       return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep);
00564     }
00565     else
00566     {
00567       // G4cout<<"Number of X-ray TR photons = "<<numOfTR<<G4endl;
00569       aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(numOfTR);
00571       for(iTR=0;iTR<numOfTR;iTR++)
00572       {
00573         energyPos = (*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace))(0)*G4UniformRand();
00574         for(iTransfer=0;iTransfer<fBinTR-1;iTransfer++)
00575         {
00576           if(energyPos >= (*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace))(iTransfer)) break;
00577         }
00578         energyTR = (*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace)->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTransfer);
00580         // G4cout<<"energyTR = "<<energyTR/keV<<"keV"<<G4endl;
00582         kinEnergy -= energyTR;
00583         aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(kinEnergy);
00585         anglePos = (*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace))(0)*G4UniformRand();
00586         for(iTransfer=0;iTransfer<fBinTR-1;iTransfer++)
00587         {
00588           if(anglePos > (*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace))(iTransfer)) break;
00589         }
00590         theta = std::sqrt((*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace)->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTransfer-1));
00592         // G4cout<<iTransfer<<" :  theta = "<<theta<<G4endl;
00594         phi = twopi*G4UniformRand();
00595         dirX = std::sin(theta)*std::cos(phi) ;
00596         dirY = std::sin(theta)*std::sin(phi) ;
00597         dirZ = std::cos(theta)          ;
00598         G4ThreeVector directionTR(dirX,dirY,dirZ);
00599         directionTR.rotateUz(particleDir);
00600         G4DynamicParticle* aPhotonTR = new G4DynamicParticle(G4Gamma::Gamma(),
00601                                                              directionTR,
00602                                                              energyTR     );
00603         aParticleChange.AddSecondary(aPhotonTR);
00604       }
00605     }
00606   }
00607   else
00608   {
00609     if(iTkin == 0) // Tkin is too small, neglect of TR photon generation
00610     {
00611       return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep);
00612     }
00613     else          // general case: Tkin between two vectors of the material
00614     {
00615       E1 = fProtonEnergyVector->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTkin - 1);
00616       E2 = fProtonEnergyVector->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTkin)    ;
00617        W = 1.0/(E2 - E1);
00618       W1 = (E2 - TkinScaled)*W;
00619       W2 = (TkinScaled - E1)*W;
00621   // G4cout<<iTkin<<" mean TR number = "<<(((*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace))(0)+
00622   // (*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace))(0))*W1 +
00623   //                                ((*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace + 1))(0)+
00624   // (*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace + 1))(0))*W2)
00625   //                                    *chargeSq*0.5<<G4endl;
00627       numOfTR = G4Poisson((((*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace))(0)+
00628                             (*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace))(0))*W1 +
00629                            ((*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace + 1))(0)+
00630                             (*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace + 1))(0))*W2)
00631                           *chargeSq*0.5 );
00632       if(numOfTR == 0)
00633       {
00634         return G4VDiscreteProcess::PostStepDoIt(aTrack, aStep);
00635       }
00636       else
00637       {
00638         // G4cout<<"Number of X-ray TR photons = "<<numOfTR<<G4endl;
00640         aParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(numOfTR);
00641         for(iTR=0;iTR<numOfTR;iTR++)
00642         {
00643           energyPos = ((*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace))(0)*W1+
00644                        (*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace + 1))(0)*W2)*G4UniformRand();
00645           for(iTransfer=0;iTransfer<fBinTR-1;iTransfer++)
00646           {
00647             if(energyPos >= ((*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace))(iTransfer)*W1+
00648                        (*(*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace + 1))(iTransfer)*W2)) break;
00649           }
00650           energyTR = ((*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace)->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTransfer))*W1+
00651                ((*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace + 1)->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTransfer))*W2;
00653           // G4cout<<"energyTR = "<<energyTR/keV<<"keV"<<G4endl;
00655           kinEnergy -= energyTR;
00656           aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(kinEnergy);
00658           anglePos = ((*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace))(0)*W1+
00659                        (*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace + 1))(0)*W2)*G4UniformRand();
00660           for(iTransfer=0;iTransfer<fBinTR-1;iTransfer++)
00661           {
00662             if(anglePos > ((*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace))(iTransfer)*W1+
00663                       (*(*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace + 1))(iTransfer)*W2)) break;
00664           }
00665           theta = std::sqrt(((*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace)->
00666                         GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTransfer-1))*W1+
00667                   ((*fAngleDistrTable)(iPlace + 1)->
00668                         GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTransfer-1))*W2);
00670           // G4cout<<iTransfer<<" : theta = "<<theta<<G4endl;
00672           phi = twopi*G4UniformRand();
00673           dirX = std::sin(theta)*std::cos(phi) ;
00674           dirY = std::sin(theta)*std::sin(phi) ;
00675           dirZ = std::cos(theta)          ;
00676           G4ThreeVector directionTR(dirX,dirY,dirZ);
00677           directionTR.rotateUz(particleDir);
00678           G4DynamicParticle* aPhotonTR = new G4DynamicParticle(G4Gamma::Gamma(),
00679                                                                directionTR,
00680                                                                energyTR     );
00681           aParticleChange.AddSecondary(aPhotonTR);
00682         }
00683       }
00684     }
00685   }
00686   return &aParticleChange;
00687 }
00690 //
00691 // Test function for checking of PostStepDoIt random preparation of TR photon
00692 // energy
00693 //
00695 G4double
00696 G4ForwardXrayTR::GetEnergyTR(G4int iMat, G4int jMat, G4int iTkin) const
00697 {
00698   G4int  iPlace, numOfTR, iTR, iTransfer;
00699   G4double energyTR = 0.0; // return this value for no TR photons
00700   G4double energyPos ;
00701   G4double  W1, W2;
00703   const G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable=
00704         G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable();
00705   G4int numOfCouples = theCoupleTable->GetTableSize();
00707   // The case of equal or approximate (in terms of plasma energy) materials
00708   // No TR photons ?!
00710   const G4MaterialCutsCouple* iCouple = theCoupleTable->GetMaterialCutsCouple(iMat);
00711   const G4MaterialCutsCouple* jCouple = theCoupleTable->GetMaterialCutsCouple(jMat);
00712   const G4Material* iMaterial = iCouple->GetMaterial();
00713   const G4Material* jMaterial = jCouple->GetMaterial();
00715   if (     iMat == jMat
00717       || iMaterial->GetState() == jMaterial->GetState()
00719       ||(iMaterial->GetState() == kStateSolid && jMaterial->GetState() == kStateLiquid )
00721       ||(iMaterial->GetState() == kStateLiquid && jMaterial->GetState() == kStateSolid  )   )
00723   {
00724     return energyTR;
00725   }
00727   if(jMat < iMat)
00728   {
00729     iPlace = (iMat*(numOfCouples - 1) + jMat)*fTotBin + iTkin - 1;
00730   }
00731   else
00732   {
00733     iPlace = (iMat*(numOfCouples - 1) + jMat - 1)*fTotBin + iTkin - 1;
00734   }
00735   G4PhysicsVector*  energyVector1 = (*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace)    ;
00736   G4PhysicsVector*  energyVector2 = (*fEnergyDistrTable)(iPlace + 1);
00738   if(iTkin == fTotBin)                 // TR plato, try from left
00739   {
00740     numOfTR = G4Poisson( (*energyVector1)(0)  );
00741     if(numOfTR == 0)
00742     {
00743       return energyTR;
00744     }
00745     else
00746     {
00747       for(iTR=0;iTR<numOfTR;iTR++)
00748       {
00749         energyPos = (*energyVector1)(0)*G4UniformRand();
00750         for(iTransfer=0;iTransfer<fBinTR-1;iTransfer++)
00751         {
00752           if(energyPos >= (*energyVector1)(iTransfer)) break;
00753         }
00754         energyTR += energyVector1->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTransfer);
00755       }
00756     }
00757   }
00758   else
00759   {
00760     if(iTkin == 0) // Tkin is too small, neglect of TR photon generation
00761     {
00762       return energyTR;
00763     }
00764     else          // general case: Tkin between two vectors of the material
00765     {             // use trivial mean half/half
00766       W1 = 0.5;
00767       W2 = 0.5;
00768      numOfTR = G4Poisson( (*energyVector1)(0)*W1 +
00769                           (*energyVector2)(0)*W2  );
00770       if(numOfTR == 0)
00771       {
00772         return energyTR;
00773       }
00774       else
00775       {
00776   G4cout<<"It is still OK in GetEnergyTR(int,int,int)"<<G4endl;
00777         for(iTR=0;iTR<numOfTR;iTR++)
00778         {
00779           energyPos = ((*energyVector1)(0)*W1+
00780                        (*energyVector2)(0)*W2)*G4UniformRand();
00781           for(iTransfer=0;iTransfer<fBinTR-1;iTransfer++)
00782           {
00783             if(energyPos >= ((*energyVector1)(iTransfer)*W1+
00784                              (*energyVector2)(iTransfer)*W2)) break;
00785           }
00786           energyTR += (energyVector1->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTransfer))*W1+
00787                       (energyVector2->GetLowEdgeEnergy(iTransfer))*W2;
00789         }
00790       }
00791     }
00792   }
00794   return energyTR;
00795 }
00798 //
00799 // Test function for checking of PostStepDoIt random preparation of TR photon
00800 // theta angle relative to particle direction
00801 //
00804 G4double
00805 G4ForwardXrayTR::GetThetaTR(G4int, G4int, G4int) const
00806 {
00807   G4double theta = 0.0;
00809   return theta;
00810 }
00814 // end of G4ForwardXrayTR implementation file
00815 //

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