About Me
Director of Research at CNRS
Deputy Director of Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie.
Research interests: Solar and Supernova Neutrinos; Neutrino Oscillations; Reactor Neutrinos; Dark Matter; Low-Background and Rare Event Search Experiments; R&D's in Particle Detection.
Experiments: DarkSide, Borexino, Double Chooz
Principarl Investigator of X-ArT, an R&D aimed at exploring thermodynamics and particle detection properties of Xenon-Argon mixtures.
Principal Investigator of ARIS, a small scale liquid argon double-phase TPC, designed to characterize the scintillation and ionization responses to low energy nuclear and electronic recoils.
Principal Investigator of NuToPs, an R&D for improving the anti-neutrino signature in scintillators exploiting the ortho-positronium formation.
Member of MVM a novel mechanical ventilator designed for mass scale production in response to the COVID-19 pandemics
email: davide.franco@apc.in2p3.fr
tel: +33 (0) 1 57 27 69 62
fax: +33 (0) 1 57 27 60 71
Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC)
10 rue Alice Domon et Leonie Duquet
75013 Paris - Room: 569A